Era: Retired from the army at the beginning and returned home

Chapter 277 Staff Building Allocation and Canteen Issues

Once the staff building is built, it will naturally be divided into buildings. When it is ready to be built, there will not be many houses for the regular workers. The plan has not kept up with the changes, and now there are simply not enough houses for hundreds of houses.

Because the land is not valuable, it is given away for free. In order to speed up construction, Luo Cheng also built three-story employee buildings. The top surface is flat, and there is a staircase in the middle of the third floor to reach the top floor. Counting on the public areas, when the weather is hot, you can move a bamboo bed and bring a few fans to the flat roof to sleep in to enjoy the coolness, or to dry some things in the sun at night.

But one floor can accommodate twenty households, and one building has sixty households. There is also a large-sized employee building. It is said to be a large-sized apartment, which means it has one more room. Married workers can apply only if they meet the requirements for housing allocation in the factory.

There is also the cadre building, which has an extra living room than the large apartment. There are only forty-five households in one building. As for the courtyard houses, a total of ten units have been built. It is difficult to say how qualified this house is to be allocated. Even the current level of deputy factory director is not qualified. If Director Zhao is the director of the military factory, he can barely get a set. For others, unless the factory scales up and becomes a large factory with 10,000 employees, then a department head may be able to have a senior rank. A two-story building with a yard is nothing. But at that time, Luo Cheng might be eligible to live in a three-story independent building.

Luo Cheng left Director Zhang of the Logistics Department behind to discuss the allocation of the staff building. First of all, we must take care of technical workers from other places, including those from military factories and dozens of people from forklift factories. In addition, ten or twenty sets should be reserved for the technical engineers who are coming soon. They are from the 617 factory and will come with the gear production equipment.

As a result, more than 200 houses will be lost. If they are divided only according to workers' standards, most of them will be houses for couples. Those who can come from other places are basically workers with good technical skills. But for good skills, even if they are talented people who slowly go through the process and get to level five or above as skilled workers, they are basically not too young.

Therefore, the result of Luo Cheng's discussion with Director Zhang was that workers above level five should be allocated housing according to the standards for cadres. Those below Grade 4 include Grade 4. According to the grade, priority will be given to large-sized employee housing. If there are not enough points, consider the detailed classification method, such as length of service. The length of service working in other factories can also be calculated in this. Records are easily accessible.

The other is the single-person staff housing. There is not much construction, so I just want to keep it. It is almost March now. In two months, although it will not be the month of school graduation, if you are a technical secondary school, the school will contact the student's workplace in advance. These days, technical secondary school students are guaranteed distribution, but high school students are not. However, if high school students are not picky, they can basically find a job.

As for college students, they are reserve cadres from the beginning. When they first start working, their salary is higher than that of ordinary regular workers, with thirty-four to five yuan. Once you become a full-time employee, the minimum salary is more than fifty yuan. It is more difficult to recruit college students. There are few college students these days who are nerds. They can be regarded as truly talented people.

Luo Cheng plans to leave this single staff room to some students who will be assigned there in two months. Before becoming a full-time student, college students lived in single rooms. After becoming full-time students, they were directly transferred to cadre rooms.

Considering that March will be here in a few days, many factories will hold skills assessments in March. Some apprentices and temporary workers can apply for skills assessment if they meet the requirements. In other words, many people will become regular employees at the end of the month. Even if there are many people who have only been in the factory for a few months, there are some people who are talented and learn quickly. If the assessment content is not too difficult, there is still a chance of becoming a regular worker.

Of course, like Luo Cheng's younger sister and younger brother, who have rural household registration, even if they go to study technology, they will not have the opportunity to participate in the assessment.

Let's continue to build a large number of employee buildings, starting with building three-story buildings. It is considered an emergency, and after a while, construction of the five-story building will begin. At that time, the house type will also be changed. The current house type is a traditional employee-style building. The kitchen is separated from the living area, and there is an aisle in the middle. In the cadre building without a living room, you may have to eat in the corridor, which is a waste of space.

Although it is said that land granting is easy and free of charge, people are still grateful that you have promoted urban construction. Otherwise, they all rely on the subdistrict office to arrange accommodation. In places like Ngee Ann, many workers cannot even find accommodation in a residential building. Like the courtyard where Luo Cheng lives, if it really needs to be allocated to other workers, it will need at least three households.

In the future, Luo Cheng plans to build a community house like that of later generations, with four units on one floor, two small units in the middle, and large units on both sides. But a building has several stairwells side by side, all of which are built into five floors. In this way, even though there are two more floors in height, it seems that each floor is the same as a traditional employee building, and there are still ten or twenty households on the first floor.

However, each household actually reduces the corridor space, and four households share a small corridor. The kitchen is no longer separated. In this way, the usable area of ​​​​the house is larger. At least one toilet can be installed in each household. There is no need to go to the public toilet built downstairs to use the toilet like in traditional staff buildings. It's okay for those who are used to living there, but when guests come and use the restroom, they still have to be taken there by someone who doesn't know where they are.

The current classification of houses can only be done in this way. In fact, let alone taking care of foreign workers, it is really based on technical level. It is also the level of the people in the military factory. The other is Team Leader Jiang and his group, and during the Chinese New Year, they went back to Tianhu to celebrate the New Year. Some colleagues heard about the situation here and said that the project could not be completed at all and the treatment was good. This time a few more followed. Teacher Hu Ping also brought a few students he liked over here. For people like Hu Ping who have identity issues, there are still students who are willing to follow. They are basically people who have a dedicated research spirit and are dedicated to academics and are not afraid of being involved.

They are college students, and in a big city like Tiando, they can become cadres. To be honest, it was a risk for Hu Ping's students to follow them this time.

As it happens, future upgrades and improvements in refrigerator production and air-conditioning production can rely on this group of people. Luo Cheng had admitted what happened to Teacher Hu Ping, so he would certainly do it, and his family members would arrange to enter the factory. The students he brought were given free rein to do whatever projects they wanted, and it was all about money.

Wait for another month and the self-produced diesel engines will be released, which is when other vehicles will increase production and upgrade. Of course, new factories must be built quickly. Some projects can be separated as soon as they are separated. For example, forklifts, rear shock absorbers and transmissions can all be separated into branch factories.

Separation is a matter of time. Even if the optical engine project becomes bigger and exports in large quantities, it can be built into the first engine factory and the second factory. Not to mention that now there are so many projects concentrated in one place.

After talking about the construction and housing allocation, the work matters with Director Zhang were almost finished. As for the personal matters, he had to attend the day when Luo Cheng held the banquet. In the automobile factory, regardless of position, Luo Cheng and Director Zhang had always had a good relationship. When they were still in the repair shop, Director Zhang always looked after Luo Cheng.

Upon hearing Luo Cheng's invitation, Director Zhang smiled and said that he had to bring his family to attend, otherwise he would not be able to get back the gift money he gave. Asked where Luo Cheng planned to hold the banquet, Luo Cheng told him that the policy these days is to reduce waste and extravagance. In the past two years, even the local leaders' reception standards have been very strict, and they will definitely not go to the hotel. Just go to the factory canteen private room to apply.

Although Director Zhang is much older than Luo Cheng, the two do not know each other based on age, so Luo Cheng also explained his own affairs to Director Zhang. In SH City, there had actually been a banquet. This time on the wife’s side, her mother was the representative to attend the banquet. So the only people who really came to have a feast were Luo Cheng's relatives. Luo Cheng felt that it was enough for relatives and family members to have two tables. We can gather a table together inside the factory, and externally, people from the steel rolling mill, the meat processing plant, the grain station, and the poultry factory can also be connected, and there are also people from the pastry factory. Even though the factory is small, Luo Cheng has always been involved with others. Although the cakes were exchanged for food, it doesn't matter who will exchange them with you.

The other thing is the local relationship. To be honest, Luo Cheng has nothing to do with some local leaders. But the car factory has attracted too much attention in Ngee Ann. With Luo Cheng's current status in Ngee Ann, it is really impossible not to invite him.

Therefore, Luo Cheng planned to hold five tables in total, which was considered to be as controlled as possible. If in later generations, ordinary people would hold wedding banquets, dozens of tables would be normal. And for someone like Luo Cheng, a well-established state-owned enterprise boss in later generations, it would not be too much to occupy one or two floors of a five-star hotel.

There are only three boxes in the canteen, and there is a single box for the local unit. For those of Luo Cheng's relatives, two large tables were placed in a private room. Colleagues from the car factory and some acquaintances from the company can also be in the same box, and that's fine.

When Director Zhang heard that Luo Cheng had arranged it like this, it was considered that all aspects were in place, so there was nothing to remind Luo Cheng. He doesn't want to stay in Luo Cheng's office anymore. It's not that he doesn't want to chat with Luo Cheng. It's because Luo Cheng has to go to his department to hold a department meeting when the meeting starts today, and the purchasing staff is busy taking off again. .

The production line has to send many people to purchase and process, and the warehouse is also responsible for logistics, waiting for the site to be sorted out. Even in terms of recruitment, there are logistical matters, work clothes, work badges, etc. There is no need for logistical arrangements. This is why, in many factories, the top logistics leader can actually be considered the third leader in the factory.

Of course, this is because the automobile factory does not yet have a factory secretary. If there is a factory secretary, the logistics director will have to stand in the back row. But the factory secretary and the factory director are actually the top leaders in the factory. If you calculate it this way, the logistics director is actually third.

Some people say that the factory secretary is older than the factory secretary, but it actually depends on the situation. Generally, the factory secretary is responsible for party affairs, appointment and dismissal of cadres, as well as trade unions and disciplinary inspections. Generally speaking, even in this era, when the factory is small, there is no factory secretary. Because the factory has few cadres, it needs a Secretary Mao.

What's more, the factory director responsibility system is now in place. If there is a problem in the factory, you, the factory director, will be held accountable, not the secretary. In the final analysis, in the factory, the director has the final say on many matters, and the secretary only assists. But why is the secretary also the leader? That's because the factory director will make a mistake, and the secretary's corresponding responsibilities can restrain the factory director.

Therefore, at the local level, secretaries control the power of appointing and removing cadres, and they will regard the secretary as the top leader. But in the enterprise, it is not true, but one thing is true. If there are many people making mistakes in the factory, they are really afraid of being investigated by the secretary. Then if the secretary uses this to set up a camp with the factory director. It is really possible to evade the factory director.

But if a capable factory director is too strong, the secretary will not be able to do anything to him.

The problem now is that the local government has long known that the automobile factory does not have a factory secretary, but if you arrange for a deputy factory director to go there, there is really no need to inform Luo Cheng specifically, and there will be no problem. This arranged for the secretary to go over. With the current situation of the automobile factory, the top leaders in Ngee Ann had to report the situation to the superior provinces and regions to report the problem.

It was really difficult. Luo Cheng had a military background and he started the car factory by himself. Once the arranged secretary gets into trouble with him, Luo Cheng will be forced to turn to military industry. Military industrial companies don't have secretaries. A political commissar will come and fight against your secretary. At that time, the industry and military will be transferred.

Jiefang trucks and jeeps are both produced by military industrial enterprises. If Luo Cheng runs a match factory or a purely people's livelihood enterprise like a textile factory, it would be nothing. But as for automobile factories, they belong to the industrial field. Given the current situation, it is possible for such a situation to occur.

Therefore, even if you arrange someone to serve as secretary, you can only exercise the right to assist, and don't bother to find fault with others. I didn't see Luo Cheng setting up a cooperative in his hometown. Now the whole town is cooperating with the development of the cooperative. It is a natural cooperation without any resistance. If you had one person and one factory to do it, even if the cooperative was good for the towns and villages, it would take a long time just to hold meetings and discuss it, even if the cooperative is good for the towns and villages. How can there be an automobile factory like this? Just say it, and then it will be set up and put into operation in a few days.

Anyway, the automobile factory needs a factory secretary, which cannot be arranged by the Ngee Ann local government. Even provinces and regions must consider it very seriously and observe carefully. The automobile factory is developing too fast. It was an urban enterprise at the beginning, but now it will soon reach the scale of a provincial enterprise. If it goes up further, the automobile factory will probably be like the No. 1 Automobile Factory, with a name beginning with the Chinese character "国", or even a central enterprise in the future.

In the morning, I just messed around and talked for more than two hours. But after the conversation was over, Luo Cheng didn't take any time off immediately. Instead, he went to the cafeteria to find Director He.

This was a matter of hosting a banquet. Although the date was uncertain, it gave them a sense of security. This is regarded as Luo Cheng's private banquet. At that time, the chef in the cafeteria will give some money as a reward even if he takes over the private work. As long as they serve snacks, it's up to them to prepare some ingredients and what seasonings they need.

Another thing is the old rule, chefs have their own circle of chefs. The row of facade houses on the bus station has been built and cannot remain empty. When it’s time to recruit people, we need to recruit capable people. Cooking restaurants, breakfast shops, snack bars, as long as they are good at making food. Even if you have a special pancake technique.

Anyone who knows me is introduced. As long as they are willing to come, they can hire helpers in the shop themselves, and the car factory will pay them. But there is one thing, the business hours must be at least 9pm before closing. Same as the ice rink. Even if you are watching a movie, it is actually not too late now.

Luo Cheng found Director He and talked about the matter. He thought for a while and concluded that there must be no problem in handling the meeting. If Luo Cheng hadn't been so polite, he couldn't shirk it, and he would definitely not have asked for the reward. Originally, the reception time was their working time, so it was okay to be busy by the way.

It's just that Luo Cheng needs to find new chefs, not just for cooking and cooking, but for many types of cooking. But Luo Cheng has indeed found the right person. Each industry has its own circle, so they know where there is someone, but it is hard to say whether they can recruit him or not. The conditions in the automobile factory here are definitely good, and the benefits are the same as those for factory workers.

But one disadvantage of the factory is that the level of chefs in the factory is limited, which means that if you are a chef, your salary is usually thirty-seven and a half yuan. If you are a high-level chef, the employment standards are not suitable. What does it mean to be unsuitable is that even if you are a first-level chef and can earn hundreds of dollars, if you work as a chef in a factory cafeteria, the factory can only pay you thirty-seven and a half yuan.

High-level chefs generally don't come to the factory to cook big pots of food. Instead, go to a hotel, or some leaders’ personal chefs (nutritionists), or chefs at the Great Hall of the People, who may prepare dishes.

In factories, if there are skilled chefs, if they want to retain them, they are usually promoted to director, deputy director or something like that, which increases their salary in disguise. But I have never heard of factory chefs being paid eighty or ninety yuan.

This is also what Director He is worried about. It is easy to find people, but it is difficult to find the right people. However, Luo Cheng said, not only are they hiring chefs, but they can also hire helpers themselves, as long as they are willing to come, and even main stoves and assistant stoves. As long as they use people rationally, it will be fine if they really need that many people. This can actually attract some chefs who have no job at home.

You can definitely reduce your salary to take care of your family. In fact, overall household income is still rising.

Director He also asked if he wanted to make braised vegetables and other things like twists and candied haws. If he wanted to, he actually knew someone who had this skill but didn't have a job. Now that personal trading is not allowed, the folk snack craftsmen who make twists and candied haws really can't make a living.

Luo Cheng nodded, of course I want it, as long as it's something to cook or eat. Even if the store is not enough, it can be built more. In addition to recruiting these people, Luo Cheng also asked Director He to pay attention to the problem of the new canteen, which is just a problem of the new canteen here. There is also the possibility that the forklift factory will be separated in the future and form a separate factory. We also need to arrange for a canteen team to go there.

Director He will have to worry about this, and if he has a suitable candidate, he can recommend one to become the deputy director to assist him. Because the catering in the front room at the shuttle bus station is still managed by the automobile factory, all operators are paid and are not bosses. No matter how much is sold and how much materials are needed, people actually have to be assigned to manage it. Without a deputy director, Director He would not be able to manage this by himself.

After hearing this, Director He had no other choice but to nod in agreement. Although Luo Cheng was handing over tasks, in fact, he had always delegated power to him in the canteen. Some things are difficult to handle, but if you really want to handle them properly, you have to think about how many kitchen positions he has the final say on. No one knows how important jobs are these days.

However, it seems that there are steel rolling mills and automobile factories in Ngee Ann, so it seems that it is not difficult to find a job. At least the job arrangement pressure for unemployed young people in the west and north areas of the city has been greatly alleviated. As long as married young people are given priority over unmarried people, they can basically enter the factory.

In addition to steel rolling mills and automobile factories, they are actually heavy industries, and young men are also given priority. As for women, the automobile factory and the steel rolling mill have really recruited a few people, so they won’t be able to move.

This led to people from the subdistrict office not thinking that there are many women from other urban areas. If a matchmaker introduces a partner, the west area of ​​the city will be given priority. Because I married to the west side of the city, according to the principle of priority arrangement by the street office, it would be easier to arrange to work in an automobile factory. The reason for this nearby arrangement is mainly to arrange for this area, and there is no need to arrange additional housing.

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