Many tickets these days have geographical restrictions, including provincial tickets, city tickets, and even tickets for a certain area. National food stamps are the best food stamps and can be used anywhere. Many people who go to other places are even willing to exchange for such tickets at a high price.

Even if you go to buy food, national food stamps can buy even more food than in previous years. But now that there is a shortage of food across the country, using national food stamps to buy food will at most allow you to choose some food with better quality, but it is impossible to think about the weight.

After hearing Luo Cheng's words, my mother's eyes brightened significantly. In rural areas, when the harvest is good, you can't save much money throughout the year. And if you have money, you can't buy anything in the supply and marketing cooperatives. In fact, everything is in short supply in the country now. Food is in short supply due to the drought, and it has only become more scarce in the past two years.

In this era, in order to suppress prices, you can’t just buy things if you have money. Basically, everything requires receipts. Therefore, rural people basically rely on the land for food all year round. Even if they earn some cents, they can buy some daily necessities during the New Year.

Luo Cheng has food stamps, which means he can buy food. There may be no need to worry about spending the winter this year, but my mother then thought about it, her son couldn't possibly have a few hundred kilograms of food stamps, and since he had food at home, wouldn't he care about his relatives?

My mother, Wang Ling, also has a natal family. It is impossible for her family to have enough food. She can just watch her relatives starve to death. These days are hard~~.

"Nariko, how many food stamps do you have?"

Fifty-six and a half kilograms, which is calculated based on two months of rations, and the amounts distributed in different places are different. The amount distributed has also decreased in the past two years. In the past, veterans could receive more than 60 kilograms of food stamps. Not to mention veterans, even some leaders, their rations are also decreasing. Many leaders have money but no food, so they still send people to the pigeon market secretly to get some food.

Not only are there food stamps, but there are also a pound of gas stamps, and there are also cloth stamps, which are not much, and are enough to make a full set of clothes. There are no others, but there are letters of introduction from the army, so you can go to local streets to report, and generally you can arrange work. At least it can be prioritized, and it is also the responsibility of the sub-district office to prioritize work for veterans.

Luo Cheng told his mother and grandma all the things he got from the army. They were both overjoyed at first, but people these days are simple. When they have food, they will think of other people. So his face was full of sorrow.

It's November now, and the team will be allocated some grain next month, but everyone knows that this autumn's harvest won't be much. With Luo Cheng's fifty-six and a half kilograms of food, if he doesn't give it to others and drinks it diluted every day, he will definitely be able to survive this year. But people can't be so selfish. No matter who has a problem, they all come here to help each other.

My mother suggested taking care of her relatives, and as a grandmother, she loves her grandson very much. But Luo Cheng's uncle and aunt were also her biological sons and daughters, and they all cheered from time to time, making Luo Cheng understand some principles of life.

"Milk, look what you said, it's just a few dozen kilograms of grain, you make the decision."

Before Luo Cheng said anything, his mother and grandmother were afraid that he wouldn't want to, and they kept talking about how he hadn't come back from the army in the past few years, and how good his uncle and aunt were to the family. Their mother even mentioned them casually. Aunt and the like.

When talking about her uncle and aunt, grandma's expression changed obviously, but she didn't say anything in the end. The uncle and aunt are both named Luo and belong to the same family. After all, the uncle and aunt are outsiders to the Luo family. It belongs to my mother Wang Ling's natal family. If this were the case in the past, if the family conditions were good, my mother's natal family would be really in trouble, so I would just help.

But what time is it now? One bite is really life. Luo Cheng has about fifty kilograms of grain. You know what that means in this day and age. Many families with girls and babies who can no longer survive will ask someone to marry someone in the city. The betrothal gift may only be eight kilograms. Ten kilograms of grain, and it’s not fine grain.

And to say that you are getting married is no different from selling your daughter. Because people in rural areas are too poor to get married now, there are a few who still have enough food at home to marry a wife. It’s just as difficult in the city, but it’s somewhat better than in the countryside. But it is easy for young people in the city to get married and there is no need to marry someone from the countryside.

That is, some people in the city who are older, have health problems, or are really ugly. Only such people can easily marry a wife in this era by saving a mouthful of food.

After deciding to follow his father and take his younger brother Luo Bing to the town's grain station to buy grain tomorrow, Luo Cheng really wanted to go to bed. I don't know how my body can adapt to this suddenly changed era. My legs feel weak after walking a few miles and carrying only a few things.

Going back to the room, it was the same as the room where my parents and grandma lived. There were two beds separated by a wooden board. From now on, the two younger sisters will sleep on the bed between the partitions inside, and Luo Cheng will sleep on the bed outside. As for asking how Luo Bing, his younger brother, lived there, there was a woodshed opposite the door. Luo Cheng didn't notice it at first. It was also his family's house.

Luo Bing lived in the woodshed. If you ask why he didn't sleep in this room. That is, even if they are brothers and sisters, they still have some regard for the differences between men and women. Then ask why Luo Cheng can sleep in the room again. There is no difference between men and women. Haha~~, Luo Cheng is the eldest son, and he will be the head of the family in the future. If he really wants to sleep in the woodshed, he will have to send the two little girls to sleep in the woodshed.

When Luo Bing was first asked to live in a woodshed, his parents argued that they should let two younger sisters live in a house like that. Luo Bing is a big boy, rough-skinned and thick-skinned. Why does he sleep in a woodshed? Moreover, there are two younger sisters living in the same room. In terms of the ratio of the number of people, they also have to take care of their own daughter.

Now Luo Cheng is here. In this era, he is like an elder brother like a father, so there is nothing to worry about. Some families live in more difficult situations, but the Luo Cheng family's conditions are pretty good.

Upon entering the house, although the house is dilapidated, it is still neat inside. Of course, it can be regarded as the feeling of having only four walls. There is nothing, and if you do a little bit of hygiene, it will feel very neat.

Two younger sisters, Luo Xiaoyu is a little over fifteen years old and Luo Shishi is fourteen years old. It can be seen from the age that Shishi was conceived by her mother more than half a year after Luo Xiaoyu was born.

His sister was very enthusiastic, but Luo Cheng was embarrassed. Before the world changed, he was an only child. Although I once thought about what it would be like if I had brothers and sisters, my parents once said that he was enough to worry about, and they couldn't even think about the others. But now, not only do I have two sisters, but I don't know where the other one is. The crazy brother.

Nowadays, many people basically stay at home and don’t go anywhere, just to save energy. As for studying, except for schools in the city, they are still going on as usual. Basically everything in villages and towns has stopped, and schools will not reopen until this stage is passed.

It's embarrassing. It's embarrassing. Luo Cheng lay on the bed. The two younger sisters were very energetic and asked about things in the army. Luo Cheng had never really joined the army, so he made up some nonsense about what he had seen in TV dramas and told them.

Most of them were asking, and Luo Cheng was making up answers, and then he lay down with his eyelids almost unable to open. He reluctantly pulled himself together and took out a bag of peanuts from his backpack, weighing half a catty. He handed it over to Luo Xiaoyu. He couldn't resist it anymore and went to sleep first. There was no greeting gift, I could only give them snacks and peanuts to eat.

"Sister, are these peanuts edible? I~I want to try one."

"This is what my brother gave us. It should be edible, but my parents will definitely not let us eat it like this. I haven't eaten peanuts for a long time. I used to eat some during the Chinese New Year when I was a kid, but I haven't even thought about it in the past two years. think."

Luo Shishi looked longingly at the peanuts in her sister Luo Xiaoyu's hand. With her longing eyes, it goes without saying that she knew what she was thinking. Luo Xiaoyu also wanted to eat it, but how could he eat such a precious thing for no reason.

The eldest brother Luo Cheng next to him had already fallen asleep, and the two little girls were talking in low voices for fear of waking him up.

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