Era: Retired from the army at the beginning and returned home

Chapter 86 Fifty pounds of meat coupons (more updates)

As Director Zhang spoke, he asked Luo Cheng to show the certificates and documents to Director Sun. This scheduling file is not just for scheduling people, it can also be scheduled if some items are needed. But almost no one comes to the meat factory to dispatch meat for eating. At most, some machine shops use some experimental materials and borrow some tools.

When Director Sun heard Director Zhang's intention, he also looked at the documents carefully. There was indeed a transfer appointment letter, and there were really five engineers who came at once. In addition, Team Leader Luo was also a seventh-level engineer. In this Ngee Ann area, it is really rare to have so many engineers in one place.

But this requires meat, even if it is a quota, they will give money. It's not a trivial matter. There is no trivial matter when it comes to food these days, let alone meat.

"Team Leader Luo, Director Zhang, there are only six people in your study group."

"Director Sun, look what you said, these six people are just official team members. I'm sorry that I can't reveal the nature of their work, but since there are dispatch documents, the usual work requires the assistance of dispatchers. We do have food in the factory. Food, but if someone comes to help, you should always have some meat to entertain them."

Director Sun nodded, but in his mind he knew that there were only six team members on this document. So if we really need to get additional quotas, at least these six people are indispensable. However, what Director Zhang said does make sense. If you want to give it, you can only give it a little more.

"Okay, you two, wait a moment. I'll call the factory leader about this."

Hearing what Director Sun said, Director Zhang smiled and pulled Luo Cheng to nod. He could tell that there was something serious about this. And if this meat can be adjusted, can other things be adjusted in the same way? If this is the case, others dare not say that Luo Cheng will definitely have a good year this year.

Director Sun's call was made in front of them, and the other end of the phone seemed to be asking where and what factory sent them.

"Yes, yes, yes, it's from the No. 1 Automobile Factory in Amado. That's right. There is a seal on the document. Okay~ Okay, I understand."

I don't know what they were talking about, but Director Sun's expression suddenly became happy. Originally, he thought it was an annoying thing to come here to ask for meat, but he didn't expect that this time it was a noble person.

"Team leader Luo, it's settled. Our leader has agreed. In order to show support for your work, our meat factory will provide you with an additional quota of fifty kilograms per month. What do you think?"

The fifty-pound quota means that you still have to spend money to buy it, but you don’t need a ticket. Luo Cheng looked at Factory Director Zhang. Now he rations meat for only two taels a month per person. When he came, he said that since he asked for it in the name of the working group, when the time came, he would definitely give some to Team Leader Jiang and the others.

But there are only six people in the working group, even if some are set aside for backup or some meat is actually arranged for the dispatched personnel. Then they have to share a lot a month, so it would be no problem to give five or six pounds to any one person.

Director Zhang actually can't believe it now. The meat joint factory is indeed a big business, but it has been deducting a lot. It is impossible not to deduct. There are too many people staring at the meat joint factory. If one family wants more, it will be a huge number. . And their entire auto repair shop only has a quota of thirty kilograms a month. This is pretty good. You can fry meat at least once every half month.

But now, for a study group with only six people on the surface, the meat factory is actually willing to give an extra fifty kilograms of quota a month. There must be something fishy that he didn't expect.

Thinking about it carefully, I remembered the call Director Sun made just now, checking the dispatch location of the study group~~. Suddenly, Director Zhang also understood and had to admire the leader of the meat factory for his calculation.

There is indeed a shortage of meat these days, but capable factories can get some meat. And every city has a meat factory. However, there are not many automobile factories in China. When units and factories want to buy cars, there is no special approval slip or voucher, so there is no way to get in line.

How many factories and units want to do business with automobile manufacturers? In this way, when they ask for help, there is at least a level of cooperative relationship. If you want to buy a car in Ngee Ann, you have to send someone to the big city to find connections to get the car. Ngee Ann Meat Factory wants to add more vehicles every year, but the output of the automobile factory is low, so it is not easy to buy cars.

Luo Cheng's arrival is like a door-to-door delivery. Next time I go to the Amado Automobile Factory to buy a car, I can at least say how well they took care of the dispatched work team.

But since I came here to take the initiative to ask for meat, I agreed to give it to me, and I would be embarrassed if I didn’t want it. As the leader of the group, Luo Cheng signed a document at the meat joint factory and did not let the meat joint factory deliver meat according to the quota. Anyway, he had to pay for it, so he got 50 kilograms of meat stamps and left, all in small amounts. Yes, so easy to use.

Come happy, don't leave happy. At first, Director Zhang thought this method was very cool. The meat factory can ask for meat, the textile factory can ask for cloth, and the clothing factory can sponsor a few sets of work clothes. But if they all ask for material benefits like this, What should the automakers think if all these factories really go to automakers to buy cars?

Serious personnel work scheduling is for the needs of the career, but now that Luo Cheng is doing something shady, others will be shady too. The quota of fifty kilograms a month is only six hundred kilograms a year. If the meat factory can really get a car purchase quota because of a few hundred kilograms of pork. That would be a big loss for Dafa.

The two drove back to the factory to figure out how to distribute the fifty pounds of meat tickets. Director Zhang smoked a cigarette and said nothing. I used to think that I could make some money by following them, but thinking that their behavior might put the car factory in trouble, I didn't have that thought.

This meat ticket, just do what you said, really provide meat for the study group. So Director Zhang didn't ask for it, but Luo Cheng gave him two kilograms of meat coupons as repayment.

Since Factory Manager Zhang didn't dare to ask for the other meat tickets, he kept them all and put them in his pocket. It didn't feel bad for him. Luo Cheng really didn't have that many scruples. As a team leader, if he wanted to eat more meat, he would have to sell his car to a meat factory to get some meat.

But if I think so, this is the only way to deal with the meat, and I won’t ask for it from other places.

After going back and forth from the meat factory, it was time to get off work. Luo Cheng packed vegetables and rice and filled the kettle with hot water. I don’t plan to eat in the cafeteria, I just drive home to eat.

After returning home, Luo Cheng hid the meat tickets. With these meat tickets, even if they were given to most of Team Leader Jiang and others, the meat purchased would be enough for grandma to nurse herself back to health. The family will also eat some, and their health will also improve.

(If you have power, sometimes you are not afraid of using it, but you are afraid of not using it. It is not that power is used without paying for it.)

It seems that the new book list will be released tomorrow. The results have been good these past few days. Although I have not actively asked for votes in the past two days, the ranking has not dropped significantly.

The editor doesn't know whether he will come to work tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. He will make arrangements. If it is put on the shelves next week, the early morning updates will not be fixed in the future. Once it is put on the shelves, it will be published as soon as it is written. Then there was no time to play.

Still owe 37 chapters.

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