Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 100 It’s all small tickets

The total payment was only one hundred and sixty-two yuan, the fish and pheasants totaled more than thirty, the deer was sold for more than fifty, and the wild boar was sold for more than seventy. The price of chicken and fish can be as much as one pound, but wild boar and mountain deer are different. Where there are many bones, it is impossible to calculate according to the highest price. Even pork sellers in the market are divided into parts. The bones are cheap, and some are even more expensive. No votes required.

However, not everyone can buy the bones and meat without tickets. The bones are divided into parts, and priority is given to those with fractures or trauma. With a certificate from the hospital, you can buy bones with meat first at meat shops.

So if you go to the market in the morning, they won’t sell bones even if you don’t need a ticket. You have to go to the market in the afternoon to find them.

One hundred and sixty-two yuan, which is a lot of money for an individual, almost as much as a bicycle. But it is nothing to the machinery factory. Meat is what the machinery factory values.

After receiving the money, Luo Cheng and Accountant Zhao rushed to the canteen kitchen, borrowed a cart used by the canteen, and pulled everything they wanted to take back onto the cart.

When leaving the factory gate, Luo Cheng threw a cantaloupe each to Wang De and another security guard on duty. He also signaled Wang De with his eyes to reassure him, and there was no need to say what he was reassured about.

Pushing the trolley, it didn't take long to arrive at the Xikou Hutong courtyard where Luo Cheng lived. These days, everything can be viewed as a spectacle. If you push a cart and pull something back, people will come to watch the excitement. Luo Cheng's wife is also the target of being watched.

Everyone in the courtyard basically knows that the newly moved Luo Cheng is from the town below. He has a wife and is also from the township. When Zhao Qian didn't come, everyone was guessing about what his wife would look like. Anyway, she was thin, short, yellow, black, whether she would be a good childbearer, everything was thought of, but not many of them had the best idea.

Luo Cheng has a house and a job, and he still works as a buyer. If he is too good, he will make people jealous, and some people will think that he is bad in some aspects. If his wife is ugly, everyone will have something to say. He would say that living well and having a good job is of no use, but the wife he married has a rural household registration and is ugly.

Nowadays~~, the pretty young woman from the countryside is dressed a bit too old-fashioned, she looks like a country girl, but she is tall and graceful. The only bad thing may be that Luo Cheng and his wife have a rural household registration.

Others were talking about others, but Zhao Qian looked at Luo Chengcheng's two houses, which were brick houses at most, and the smile on her face never disappeared.

There was tap water in the yard, so when she got here, she started cleaning. Wiping every place on the table and stools, I was so happy that I almost started running.

Luo Cheng and Accountant Zhao unloaded things into the room. Accountant Zhao then looked at the two houses and thought they were very good. These houses are amazing in the town, let alone such a good house in the city. Luo Cheng.

But Accountant Zhao can't stay here too long. Luo Cheng only has a bed here, so it's not easy for him to stay overnight. He and Luo Cheng still had something to talk about. Although the relationship was between father-in-law and son-in-law, some things were still the same.

One hundred and sixty-two yuan, this price is based on the price charged at the machine factory without tickets. You can't buy pork at the market price of 65 cents per pound. The wild boar meat must be sold more expensive than domesticated meat, so the price here must be raised according to a proportion. The best fat and lean meat costs one yuan per catty, which is cheaper than the black market and more expensive than the market.

One yuan a pound is almost the best fat meat, and it has to be boiled and fried with lard residue.

This means that Luo Cheng has to give the commune more than 160 kilograms of fat meat, which will cost more than 1,000 yuan based on the price in future time and space. Things that cost more than a thousand yuan can be obtained for more than 160 yuan in my own time. In the future era, he would be able to earn more than 1,000 yuan by working at the construction site for more than three days, but to earn more than 160 yuan in his own era, Luo Cheng's current salary would take him nearly half a year without food or water.

After negotiating the 'repurchase' price, Accountant Zhao left with the money and receipts. The money would be placed in the commune's finance room, but would not be recorded in the accounts. After Luo Cheng brought the meat, Luo Cheng took the money away, and the last step of the exchange was completed. From now on, this road will be smooth.

After Accountant Zhao left, Luo Cheng moved a stool and sat at the door eating cantaloupe. Zhao Qian was still busy, even cleaning the windows.

"It's all small tickets. It would be nice if I gave myself a big ticket."

Luo Cheng, who was sitting at the door, took out the tickets Director Sun had given him today from his pocket. They seemed to be many, but they were all small things. There are also food stamps, but not much. The face stamps cost about ten kilograms. But taking it all together, at least one person has enough food for more than half a month.

There were several match tickets, two soap tickets, and a thermos ticket. Luo Cheng felt that Director Sun might have grabbed a small handful at random when he gave him the tickets. They were all a mess. There was one relatively good ticket, which was a towel ticket, which could buy a towel.

In fact, the thermos bottle ticket is also quite good, but Luo Cheng bought two bamboo thermos bottles, and the bonus included three thermos bottles. This thermos ticket, if anyone gets married, it would be nice to buy a thermos as a gift.

"Luo Cheng, Luo Cheng, come inside."


Not knowing what Zhao Qian was calling her for, Luo Cheng saw several notebooks in her hand after entering the room. Knowing that she was doing hygiene, she turned over the food and non-staple food books on the bed and the purchase receipt for briquettes. Of course, there is also Luo Cheng’s household registration certificate in the city, which is a symbol of rural people becoming urbanites.

Zhao Qian was naturally a little excited when she saw it. Although it didn't belong to her, in her opinion, it was her man's as much as it was hers. It is almost difficult for people to get divorced when they get married these days, and under normal living conditions, let alone divorce, even if they are subjected to domestic violence, they may not even think about divorce.

So Zhao Qian's thoughts are very simple. This book belongs to her family, so she is naturally excited.

But what is more realistic is that she and Luo Cheng do not have a marriage certificate, and their household registrations are not together. Everything that can be bought in this book has to be bought by herself. She can't buy food or other things with the book.

If just anyone can use a food book to buy food and exchange for food stamps, then if the book is lost or stolen, it will not be easily taken away.

There is no such restriction on non-staple food, but I only need to buy some limited-purchase first- and second-level dishes that can be used, condiments and the like. You can also buy eggs in non-staple food stores, but eggs are out of stock and difficult to buy.

Seeing that Zhao Qian was so excited and happy about several notebooks, Luo Cheng gave them to her for safekeeping. At the same time, he gave her all the tickets that Director Sun gave him. Finally, he gave her ten yuan and some loose money to Dahei. Ten she might not be willing to take it apart and use it.

For someone like her, she might not even dare to take a dollar with her when she goes out. Unless she has something she clearly wants to buy, she will bring about the same amount of money.

After giving the money and tickets to Zhao Qian, Luo Cheng poured the grain and noodles he brought from the town into the rice vat and noodle vat in the kitchen. Today, the sacks filled with meat and fish were brought in by Luo Cheng. Seeing that it was still early, he greeted Zhao Qian. He went out for a while, put a big rabbit and two half-sized rabbits in the sacks, and also brought Got some grass.

This rabbit eats grass too fast. On the day I caught the rabbit, I even got a lot of grass. These ten rabbits would have to eat a lot in one day. It's a bit troublesome to grow grass in this urban area.

In this urban area, the only one worthy of Luo Cheng's free gift is his uncle Dai Tiande. Let Zhao Qian roll noodles to eat at night. At present, the family only has rice and no vegetables. Luo Cheng will take her to the nearby farmer's market tomorrow morning.

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