Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 108 Chapter 108 I almost forgot about Section Chief Li

The firewood bought at the lumber factory only belongs to two people in Luo Cheng's family. A truckload of firewood may not be enough to burn for several months, let alone a month.

And giving Zhao Qian five yuan to store it for safekeeping was a small gesture, even though it was just for her to store it, it made her happy. But after dinner, I saw Luo Cheng slaughtering a rabbit. I thought Luo Cheng was going to eat meat again, so I couldn't help but want to persuade him. He has been eating very well recently. If he wants to eat, he should save it and eat it slowly. At most, she can go find it. Go mow wherever there is grass.

"One was sold to the team leader of our department, and the other was given directly to others. But we slaughtered it ourselves. The rabbit fur can be preserved and used as a sheath or mat when the weather is cold. It is very comfortable."

Luo Cheng explained that in fact, if he didn't sell it or give it away, he would actually kill it and eat it. It is too easy to catch rabbits by using smoked rabbit nests with Mosquito Killer. There are many rabbits in this season, which is the period of growth and reproduction, so there is no need to save.

When Zhao Qian heard that she was selling people and doing favors, she didn't say much. This was a man taking care of business and doing business.

After handling the rabbit, ask Zhao Qian to help clean the skin. Then find a place, straighten and fix the fur as much as possible, and then dry it in the sun. In other words, big rabbits have a lot of fur and can get a big piece out of it, but small rabbits can't do it and they don't want to bother at all.

After the rabbit was taken care of, Luo Cheng asked Zhao Qian to get some flour in a cloth bag. He told her that the head of the Human Resources Department of his factory had greeted her at the sub-district office for this house, and they had chosen good houses there. Send some flour to thank them, since there is plenty of flour at home anyway.

There is no scale, but you can get a rough estimate of how much it is by scooping out a bowl. I didn't pack too much. These days, one person's ration of fine grains doesn't even amount to ten kilograms of rice for a month. Flour is a fine grain that is more refined and expensive than rice. If a family can make two kilograms of flour and make dumplings, even if they make some dumplings stuffed with cabbage, the whole family will be very happy to eat them.

So just get a five-pound, small cloth bag. Although Li An is a section chief, his salary may be quite high, but like everyone else, it is impossible to eat fine grains every day. It is also rare to get some flour to make dumplings and noodles at home.

"Someone will bring firewood in the afternoon. You should pay attention at home. When it is delivered, let them move it to the kitchen. Don't bother with it."

"Well, I'm not going anywhere in the afternoon, just in the yard."

"Also, I'm going back to town tomorrow. After I finish my work for a while, I'll take some time off to go shopping with you in the city."

Zhao Qian nodded. She was more or less aware of Luo Cheng's cooperation with the town's commune. She knew that it was a form of exchange, so when the things obtained from the town were brought here, the transaction was not over.

If Zhao Qian stays alone in a house in the city, she will be lonely. Actually no, many people these days will envy her. She doesn't have to do anything at home, she can just tidy up and go out for a walk if she has nothing to do. What's more, there are many young women in the yard, and you can chat with them if you see them.

As a woman, after meeting a few friends, they sit together and gossip about various things, and the day passes. If it's really boring, you can still make friends with young women. Don't be shy if you are both women. It's normal to chat with men in private.

Luo Cheng packed two skinned rabbits and a small bag of flour in a sack. There was only a cloth bag at home, which contained the flour for Section Chief Li. He was still expected to return the bag. When rabbits are packed in sacks, the surface of the rabbit meat will definitely be a little dirty, but when you get it to eat, just clean it. There is no such thing as being so particular these days.

When we arrived at the factory gate, Wang De had already returned to work, and he must have brought the rabbit home. After greeting each other warmly, Luo Cheng went in.

The Human Resources Department is near the entrance of the office building, so Luo Cheng went first to the Human Resources Department. Luo Cheng was from the Purchasing Department, and several people in the Human Resources Department knew him. Especially the person who helped him register his attendance form last time knew that his place of attendance was in the township below, so he remembered his appearance.

But remembering Luo Cheng doesn't mean you know him, at least you have to have the opportunity to communicate.

Section Chief Li also eats in the cafeteria at noon. Except for some important matters, he will go out in person to handle them. Small matters are left to the staff below to handle. Therefore, if you usually look for Section Chief Li, he can be easily found in the office.

The Human Resources Department is not like the Purchasing Department. It has not yet officially started work at noon, and some people are already processing some materials and the like.

"Chief Li, I'd like to give you something. Thank you for taking care of me before."

Li An didn't expect Luo Chengting to be on the road. He went back to the market yesterday and purchased a batch of meat and fish. He has known it for a long time. According to his analysis, there is no one who does purchasing who does not get something for himself in private.

In the machinery factory, he, Li An, was quite well informed. If Luo Cheng had a flexible mind and could take care of each other, then they could help each other when they needed help in the future. But if Li An was not expected to bring something to others, as a section chief, he would not be able to save the dignity of asking someone for this or that in private. From now on, if anything happens in the Human Resources Department, it doesn't matter whether you are a buyer or not, it will all be business-like.

But if you know how to be a good person and have people from the human resources department taking care of you, it can be said that you can live a good life in a machinery factory.

Li An opened the bag and took a look in front of Luo Cheng. This~~flour is so white. Maybe it is a new product that I have never seen before. It cannot be that it is not flour.

Weighing the bag a little, Li An can figure out the approximate weight. Flour is a good thing. Logically speaking, villages and towns are more in need of this, and even urban areas are in need of it. When Luo Cheng went to the countryside, he brought flour for himself, which must have been obtained by other means.

Rice is a little over 60 cents a pound, and flour is divided into different colors. The poorer flour is about the same price as rice, and the good ones cost about 20 cents.

Li An wanted to give Luo Cheng a dollar, but Luo Cheng refused. It was not sold to him, but to thank him for his help last time.

"Chief Li, I really can't accept this money. If you really want to give me money, don't give me one yuan, give me four yuan. I will bring you five kilograms of eggs in a few days. The eggs will be brought from the town for you." Came here."

Four yuan for five pounds of eggs? A pound is 80 cents. Eggs in the market are actually about the same price as meat, but eggs don’t require meat stamps. When you have a lot of money, you can occasionally buy a few by queuing up with your non-staple food book.

So in fact, the value of eggs is still lower than that of meat, but they are still a rare nutritional supplementary food. At 80 cents per pound, it is only 20 cents more expensive than in the market. He, Li An, was the section chief, so he could afford to eat several kilograms of eggs, but he just couldn't buy them.

Without hesitation at all, he took out another three dollars from his pocket and gave it to Luo Cheng.

"Xiao Luo, then I'll be waiting for your eggs."

The conversation was not loud. Although he was the head of the personnel department and the boss, the staff below knew that he had bought five kilograms of eggs, and there were also shameless subordinates who came to challenge him. There are so many people who know about it, but he still doesn’t know enough about it.

"Chief Li, I'm back to the Purchasing Department. You must remember to return this flour bag to me. This is the only one at home."

"Oh, I don't want to give you a dollar. I'm thinking about this bag of flour. Next time you come, I'll get some for you. What's in this sack of yours? Who did you agree to in private?"

"Two skinned rabbits, one is for colleagues to collect money from, and the other is for Director Sun."

"Rabbit, what a good thing. Why didn't you think of me?"

"It's not enough, but this thing is easy to catch this season. If you want it, Chief Li, I can give you one next time you come back."

"Come back next time? You are planning to go to the countryside again, that's right~~"

Suddenly it occurred to me that Luo Cheng said he wanted to get eggs for him. If he didn't go to work, where could he get them?

"I plan to leave tomorrow. I've written out my form in the morning. I'll bring it over and get it stamped by you after I get to work."

"Okay, come over and come to me directly. I can stamp it for you directly. It's convenient."

Luo Cheng nodded. If Zhou Lin hadn't mentioned that his house was well allocated today, he would have almost forgotten about Section Chief Li. Fortunately, we got here in time.

(The update time difference is confusing, so we need to adjust it appropriately starting tomorrow.)

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