Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 12 Comparison of Times

I wanted to save trouble by taking a wooden bucket and filling a water tank with water to take a bath. After all, I was sweating from going up the mountain and the weather was hot in late June. You don't need to boil the water and just wash it with cold water, but after thinking about it, I might as well forget it. There is a small river not far away. Just put on some trousers and take a dip there.

On the way back from taking a shower, I got some lettuce leaves from someone else's field to feed the wild birds. The two rabbits were also cleaned by the river. They just roasted them and didn't bother to fry or stew them.

Luo Cheng smelled the sweaty clothes. There was a slight smell, but it was not serious. There was no need to wash it. He let it dry overnight to dry the sweat and wear it the next day. At most, it's a bit 'manly'. Men, it's okay to have a bit of a bad smell.

After eating and drinking, and taking a shower, there was no place to wander around in the town at night, so I just lay on the bed and thought wildly.

In a few days, he would have a mother-in-law, and she would be that pretty girl like Zhao Qian. That day I only saw a pair of white legs and a little bit of butt. Although people in rural areas have seen the structure of little girls wearing crotchless pants, they cannot see the older ones. What does it look like with your white legs spread apart, hehe~~.

Lying in bed, Luo Cheng felt that he didn't perform well on the day he beat the criminal to death. He shouldn't be nervous because of killing the criminal. I should help Zhao Qian put on her pants, maybe I can touch and see them.

Of course, Luo Cheng's thinking was just an afterthought, a fantasy, and he didn't dare to think boldly, so what's the point? After thinking about it, I gradually fell asleep.

"Bai, really white, my head is about to pop out of my head. She's so damn pretty."

The videos on his phone were very vague, and Luo Cheng came to the future time and space again. Maybe he thought too much about Zhao Qian's legs before going to bed, so when he woke up, he scrolled through the videos for a while. Then I used my mobile phone to learn Chinese characters and pinyin in my own way. It doesn’t matter if you don’t learn Pinyin. Luo Cheng actually speaks with an accent, like toad, which is called ‘Hanmao’ in his town. If you use the accent of your hometown to search for the word "toad", you won't be able to find it at all.

Although he is slow in learning culture, he is much more serious now than when he studied for those two years, and he is also interested in learning. The progress is slow, but once you learn the basics, you will master it and you will not forget it. Especially the more you learn, the faster you will learn than at the beginning.

After studying for about half an hour, it was almost time to start work. Usually there is no notice, or you don't want to do it anymore, and you basically still do the same job the next day.

Before starting work, Luo Cheng ran to find Master Wang and asked about the charging problem of the mobile phone. My co-worker’s phone can be played for a long time, and he can keep up with charging and watching videos, but his phone can’t.

It’s no wonder that people from impoverished mountainous areas can endure the hardships of construction sites at such a young age. Master Wang really felt sorry for Luo Cheng when he had just come into contact with mobile phones at such an old age. I won’t laugh at his questions, but tell him directly that the battery on this phone is not working. If you need to replace it, it will be the same as other people’s phones. In fact, the battery you just replaced will consume more power than other people’s phones. .

"Master Wang, you are not young at this age. How long do you plan to work?"

"You can work until you can't do anything anymore. My two sons are not married yet."

"What does it have to do with your work that they are not married?"

"Nowadays, when you get married, you always need a car, a house, and betrothal gifts. As a father, I can't help you. Besides, I'm used to working on a construction site, so I can't rest even if I'm asked to do so."

Hearing what was said later, Luo Cheng understood that the rural people of his time were the same. The older ones could only be strong. Even if they didn't farm, they would go to the fields to grow vegetables or something. They couldn't stay idle. But I heard that in this era, getting married requires a car, a house, and a bride price.

As for the betrothal gift, it's understandable that he would also want it. If you live in rural areas, you can use grain and meat as the betrothal gift. In terms of money, it's between one to three yuan. For someone like Zhao Qian, her father is an accountant in the town. Three yuan may be the basic amount, but it also depends on your family's conditions. For someone like Luo Cheng, who has a poor family, there is no way he can even think about it. But that's not what happened. It can only be said that her fate was bad. He had no choice but to take off her pants, but there was still a living Luo Cheng, who knew how much he had looked at.

The betrothal gifts in the city are higher, usually five to eight yuan. The specifics still depend on the situation, but no matter how much it is, it is not difficult to give a betrothal gift.

In the case of a house, it would be difficult. It is normal for many people to squeeze into one room. Luo Cheng was able to get a house because the Luo family didn't compete with anyone for the land they were assigned back then. It was normal for Orions not to compete for land. Moreover, the house I was assigned to was also on the far west side of the town. If I were to say something unlucky, if I went a little further, there would be a cemetery over there.

In Luo Chengcheng's past, the roof of the house was basically undergoing major renovations. If it were other farmers, it would be very difficult to separate the family. Most people who separate their families cut down trees themselves, turn them into planks, and build a plank house.

As for cars, let alone bicycles, what this time and space wanted was cars. There is not a single car in the whole town, so having a bicycle is quite remarkable.

On the way to start work, Luo Cheng chatted with Master Wang, mainly because he was about to get a wife. When they talked about Master Wang's son not having a wife, wasn't this a conflict of interest. Comparing the gap between marrying a wife and marrying a wife in his own era, Luo Cheng found it quite interesting.

After asking Master Wang how much it would cost to marry a son, Luo Cheng was shocked. He didn't care much about the quality of the house or the car. If he added a betrothal gift, Master Wang said that his betrothal gift was not too exaggerated, but it still cost 80,000 yuan. Eight. There are also smaller ones, sixty-eight thousand. But even so, if you get married with a minimum of one or two hundred thousand, you may only be able to find an average girl.

And if you can find a wife for one or two hundred thousand, you are considered lucky, but it is usually very difficult. It is even more difficult for Master Wang’s two sons.

Luo Cheng was stunned after hearing this. This woman was made of gold. He knew that prices in this era were high and money was 'easy to earn'. But rice is only two yuan more than a catty. If a woman pays two hundred thousand yuan, she will get one hundred thousand catties of rice. It depends on luck to see what Master Wang wants.

This is a bit exaggerated. In the countryside of his own era, as long as the negotiation was okay, a bag of rice as a betrothal gift was definitely enough.

But when I think about the videos on my phone, it’s wrong. Women in this era can’t all be as beautiful as they look in the videos. It's not like he hasn't seen Xiao Nizi outside the construction site, many of them are ordinary. Even for the fair and tender little girl in the video, two hundred thousand is an exaggeration. If we buy food to eat, two people will not be able to finish it in a lifetime.

Soon it was time to start work, and the two of them stopped chatting. Luo Cheng planned to go to the place where he bought a second-hand mobile phone last time to replace the electrical board after lunch.

Reinforcement workers are laborious, but even this little effort is considered hard work? On his side, basically any man can do it.

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