Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 123 Chapter 123 Who asked you to sell it here?

A pot of eel, including the wooden basin, only weighs more than a hundred pounds. Luo Cheng easily carried it onto the tricycle by himself. Put the two pots on top of each other in the tricycle, then take two buckets of loach, an electronic scale, and a plastic bag and set off.

This time Luo Cheng was driving, Liu Xiaofei sat tightly against him, and then thought of something. I took out my phone and took a selfie and posted it on Moments.

"It's pitiful. I used to be indifferent to the rich and handsome, but now I have found a man who sells eels and loaches as my boyfriend. It's so miserable."

Liu Xiaofei sent two pictures, one of herself riding a tricycle, and one of the things she wanted to sell.

If it were in the past, if she heard that he was selling fish and loaches, Liu Xiaofei would definitely not want such a boyfriend. It sounds shameless and classless. But the problem is to make money by selling loaches and eels. Luo Cheng delivered the goods yesterday at a price of twenty to twenty-five yuan, and he could get half of it.

This morning it was a retail sale, even if it cost five yuan more per catty, and the loach plus eel weighed more than two hundred catties, it would still earn an extra thousand yuan. What's more, according to Luo Cheng's wishes, Luo Cheng could get these eels and loaches to sell for only a dozen yuan. This means that even if they are sold at a low price, if they are all sold, they will still earn more than 3,000 yuan in one morning.

Moreover, Luo Cheng also has soft-shell turtles here, which are wild and can be sold for another sum of money.

If she could earn three or four thousand in a morning, Liu Xiaofei would like someone to take pity on her in her circle of friends, and then she would slap them in the face by showing off her income. I look down on us selling loaches and eels, but what I earn in one day is as much as a month’s salary from working in a small factory.

It was still early, so when I came to the old street this time, I found that there was actually a man driving a van and selling fish on the roadside. They don't weigh it either. Three small ones cost ten yuan, and two large ones cost ten yuan.

There were many people watching and buying. Luo Cheng thought for a moment, and then he simply went next to him to sell some. He was a fish seller, and he sold loaches and eels. The varieties were different, so he didn't interfere.

And many people like to ask people on the roadside, knowing that the mobile sellers will sell things cheaper than those in stores.

Small eels sell for 20 cents, slightly larger eels for 25 cents, and one piece weighing more than half a catty for 31 catties. Those that weigh more than one kilogram sell for 40, and those that are particularly large. Liu Xiaofei checked on her mobile phone and found that eels weighing more than two kilograms sell for sixty-seven or seventy-one kilograms.

So Liu Xiaofei asked Luo Cheng to sell fifty-one pounds and try selling it first. If he couldn't sell it, he would lower the price.

But these days, eels weighing several kilograms are really rare to see. Even if no one buys, there are still many people watching.

But now a problem arises. Those who buy loaches are fine, but those who buy eels basically ask for help in killing them. Most of the people buying food are women, and they don't dare to arrest them alive, let alone kill them. Fortunately, there is a supermarket nearby that sells scissors and kitchen knives.

In fact, Liu Xiaofei didn't dare to catch or kill him. With Luo Cheng, she could only weigh the weight and count the money.

The price Luo Cheng sells is almost five yuan cheaper than the same size ones sold in the old street. And some people with discerning eyes can see that the ones from Luo Cheng are not only cheaper, but also better. Luo Cheng said they were wild, which is really believable. Moreover, the eels in his basin come in different sizes, especially a few thick ones. It's over one meter long. Who would raise it for a few years before selling it?

Luo Cheng became proficient at killing eels in a while, but he never thought that the eels sold here would need help to kill them. The fish seller next to me also helped with the killing, but he was prepared and brought a pair of rubber gloves, and there was special flushing water in the car. After killing, always help to clean it up.

Liu Xiaofei had borrowed water from the bathroom of other small supermarkets several times. Because she was good-looking, the boss took the trouble to let her borrow it. Moreover, Liu Xiaofei also exchanged a lot of change in the supermarket. Many grandparents and the like know how to pay with their mobile phones, but they are still used to buying things in cash. Need to prepare cash change.

After just selling it for a while, Luo Cheng couldn't stop killing the eels, and there were so many people buying them. And Liu Xiaofei has money to earn, so she can't care less about being embarrassed or speaking out. The fish sellers are shouting while selling, "Crucian carp, three for ten yuan." What Liu Xiaofei calls is wild eel, weighing 21 pounds.

Soon two pots of eel were being picked back and forth, and almost as many as one pot were sold. Loach is also easy to sell, the big market sells it for forty, Luo Cheng sells it for thirty, and the small one sells for twenty.

However, none of the soft-shell turtles were sold. The purchase price from Boss Zhou, a private kitchen owner, was 260 per catty for more than 2 catties, and 300 for three catties. Luo Cheng directly sells items under three catties at three hundred and one catties, and those above three catties at three hundred and fifty one catties.

A random one of these costs six to seven hundred, and the larger ones cost thousands. It’s hard to tell whether they are wild or not, and no one will buy them. Even those who know the difference may not be willing to spend the money to buy this.

"You little girl, who asked you to sell eels here?"

"What are you doing? This is your place."

Just when Liu Xiaofei helped someone weigh more than a kilogram of loach, the customer paid and got the loach. Suddenly a man who looked to be in his forties appeared and immediately knocked the electronic scale he bought yesterday to the ground. Liu Xiaofei was so frightened that she stepped back and asked.

But Luo Cheng didn't say anything. He didn't have an ID card and really didn't want to cause trouble. And he still doesn’t know the reason for the sudden appearance of the money, but one thing is that his bottom line is not to bully his woman.

So Luo Cheng didn't say a word, but walked up to Liu Xiaofei with great momentum, asked her to stand behind him, and then stared at the man who was always looking for trouble. It makes sense. He really broke some rules unintentionally. It doesn't matter if the stall is not set up. There were cheap loaches and eels, so Liu Xiaofei could at most take him to more restaurants.

This thing is not the kind of product that is seasoned and processed. It does not need a brand, and there is no fake. What he sells is cheaper than the cultivated ones, so it is easy to sell. This is also why when I went to Renmin Middle Road for door-to-door inquiries for the first time, I was able to achieve so many purchase intentions from the bosses.

"You two young men came here deliberately to mess up the market. I sell eels in the old street. You don't have to pay stall fees here. Who sells eels so cheaply? Get out of here quickly, otherwise I will Call the street management staff here."

When the middle-aged man said this, Luo Cheng realized that there was a conflict of interest. And Luo Cheng also remembered that this was the person he saw selling eels in the old street last time. But if you sell it inside and sell it outside, it doesn’t matter what you do.

Luo Cheng turned around and asked Liu Xiaofei, "Will anyone care if we sell it on the roadside like this? If we can sell it, if this guy dares to bother himself to make money again, I will definitely fight with him."

Regarding this, Liu Xiaofei also understands that even if the stall managers in the old street cannot control this place, if the urban management is called, it will definitely be managed by the urban management.

If the city management came here, they might be short of eels and loaches to make up for it. They'll fine you for anything worthless, and confiscate whatever they want. If you want to sell watermelons, the urban management will definitely move them out immediately.

"Xiao Fei, just see if the scale is broken. Just don't let me sell it. Just take a photo of my scale. If it's broken, I'll go inside and smash your stall right away."

"You little brat, what if it's broken? Think I'm scared. You even smashed my stall. Try moving it. I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of this street."

"Luo Cheng, why don't you forget it."

Hearing the middle-aged man's threats again, Liu Xiaofei didn't want Luo Cheng to cause trouble. A digital scale was just dropped, so it might not be broken. If it was broken, it cost only three hundred yuan and could be repaired.

But how could Luo Cheng give it up at this time? First he knocked over his things and then attacked his woman. If in our own time, men were timid, how many people would look down on them.

Luo Cheng took off his shirt and threw it to Liu Xiaofei, revealing his strong upper body muscles, and provocatively stepped forward to approach the middle-aged man. Ask Liu Xiaofei to check the electronic scale. If the electronic scale is broken and this person doesn't give an explanation, then he will definitely go in and smash his stall, even if there are his accomplices in the street.

(Stop waiting in the early hours of the morning, as you are afraid of waiting for nothing. Thanks to the man who only grew up in his thirties and tipped 100.)

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