Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 137 Thank you

Chapter 137 Thank you~~

Team leader Liu came in the morning, but left after ten o'clock. Luo Chengcheng applied for a day of rest while he was there.

Now, whether in local units or factories, workers have two days off every month. But you have to apply for a day off, which is okay for office buyers like Luo Cheng, but front-line employees have to tell them in advance if they want to take a day off. Unless something urgent happens, someone will be temporarily arranged to take over the job.

After agreeing to bring Zhao Qian to the city and accompany her for a day of shopping, Luo Cheng planned to accompany her around tomorrow. In fact, Luo Cheng himself hasn't been to anywhere, and he also has to go to the grain store to take out his ration for this month and exchange it for food stamps to save.

In the future, Luo Cheng and Liu Xiaofei are still in the entrepreneurial stage and want to buy a car and a house. In fact, Luo Chengzhen is not interested in houses that cost hundreds of thousands or even millions. But he was a little interested in cars. He didn't need to buy a good one. A second-hand car worth several thousand dollars would be enough. But even if he gets a car, he can't drive it on the road. Without a driver's license, he can't get a driver's license without an ID card.

After spending a day with Zhao Qian tomorrow, Luo Cheng plans to come to work the day after tomorrow and then apply to go to the township. But this time when I go to the countryside, I need to get some things for the factory. Don't go for big products, just organize some people to get some pheasants and the like. For large quantities, just do it once a month. Moreover, the wild boar was lucky last time and did not set a trap. It was a complete blind encounter that day.

Luo Cheng went home for lunch at noon, but he came back not long after he went to the factory in the afternoon. Zhang Le took him directly to the Water Conservancy Bureau in the afternoon to find someone to show Luo Cheng's family how to fix the water pipes. Getting water pipes for Luo Cheng is a private matter for Luo Cheng and Zhang Le, but as long as Luo Cheng pays the money to the unit over there, it is also a business matter for them.

It's just that usually for such modifications, the street office comes out to find the place to make modifications. Individuals who come to the door usually ignore it.

In the afternoon, Zhang Le and Luo Cheng took people to the yard at the west entrance alley and discovered a problem. There is only one main water meter here, and there is no sub-meter. This means that the water fee in this yard is shared equally by the entire yard.

It is easy to connect the water pipe, but in general, in this case, it is best to tell everyone in the yard. Otherwise, you have to go to the main water meter to install a water meter separately. Installing an additional water meter is equivalent to opening a special water meter account. The registration person who reads the water meter will have to read it for Luo Chengjia alone every month.

The person who followed Luo Cheng and the others to see the water pipes was just a clerk. If he wanted to connect the water meter, Zhang Le might have to go to the Water Conservancy Bureau again to find someone above the section chief level to sign. As for installing a separate water meter, Zhang Le was concerned about this, but Zhang Le still told Luo Cheng. He has seen this kind of situation in the yard many times. Although it is okay to install a water meter by himself, since the yard has always used water like this, it is better for him to tell the people in the yard if he wants to pretend, so as not to say that he is more independent.

Luo Cheng asked Zhao Qian to get two eggs each for the water pipe clerk and the clerk. He couldn't let them go in vain for their own affairs. Luo Cheng had to go and say hello to Uncle Wu, that is, Wu Kaishan, thinking that he would spend money to install a separate water meter and then connect a pipe to his own home, which would not be a problem for everyone. It’s just more convenient to use water in the kitchen.

But Uncle Wu is not at home now. He is also at work and usually comes back after five o'clock.

These people have all returned home. Even if it is not time to get off work, Luo Cheng will not go to the factory. Seeing that it was still early, Luo Cheng took his wife out to go shopping.

I originally planned to buy the rations in the grain book tomorrow. If I had time this afternoon, Luo Cheng asked Zhao Qian to take the grain book and the non-staple food book to the grain store to take a look.

The rations in the food book are exchanged for food stamps. In the non-staple food book, you can buy seasonings and non-staple foods, such as sesame paste, hairtail, sesame oil, etc., all of which need to be purchased according to the ration in the non-staple food book. Hairtails are not always there, so you have to keep an eye out for them.

Zhao Qian happily followed Luo Cheng out with a small jar and cloth bag, but Luo Cheng felt that the jar he bought was a bit big. In fact, the supply and marketing cooperative also has smaller jars, which cost a dime each, and are good for holding seasonings. You can also bring a small jar with you and we'll see when the time comes.

It is easier to exchange for food stamps when you come to a grain store, one designated by the grain book. I saw soybeans and sweet potatoes for sale, so I bought a few kilograms of soybeans, which are considered whole grains. Generally few people buy this, as it is sometimes used to feed large livestock. But ordinary people fry it occasionally, dry fry it, and chew it as a snack if they have nothing to do. If their teeth are good, it is still quite delicious.

This stew is also delicious, but you must have meat. If you have meat, it will be delicious if you stew cabbage or potatoes.

Sweet potatoes are not even considered whole grains. They have a lot of water and are considered miscellaneous grains. The ration of one kilogram of whole grains can buy five kilograms of miscellaneous grains. I bought a small bag of sweet potatoes. They are heavy. A small bag weighs more than 20 kilograms. You can cut one into the porridge in the morning. It is sweet and delicious.

After leaving the grain store, the two went to the supply and marketing cooperative, where they bought sesame paste and sesame oil. You can buy one tael of sesame paste and half a tael of sesame oil. Only half a liang of sesame oil was sold, and half a liang was only a tiny bit. I bought a small jar to hold the sesame oil.

Sesame paste is quite expensive. Even though there is only one or two, it is not available every month. Luo Cheng has a new household registration and only has one tael. Otherwise, he can only buy one tael during the Spring Festival, National Day and May Day. This is more difficult to make than meat, and sesame seeds will be very easy to buy in the future. Even if you eat sesame paste, it will still taste delicious.

Luo Cheng planned to bring back sesame seeds and some tea when he went to the town and came back. Then he would ask Section Chief Li to help introduce the director and get him a bicycle.

Seeing that it was almost time, Luo Chengcheng took Zhao Qian back and went home to talk to Uncle Wu about fixing the water pipes. As soon as he returned to the yard, he happened to see Uncle Wu at the door of his room, about to enter the house.

"Uncle Wu, wait a minute, Uncle Wu~~."

"Hey, Xiao Luo, what's the matter?"

"There's something, please come here and I'll tell you."

Luo Cheng stopped Wu Kaishan who was about to enter the house, called him to the kitchen, and told him about connecting a water pipe to his kitchen.

When this was mentioned, Wu Kaishan felt a knot in his heart. Luo Cheng's kitchen had to be equipped with separate water pipes and faucets for convenience. How can this be done? Sister-in-law Liu in this yard is still thinking about his kitchen. It would be even more difficult for Luo Cheng to spend money to get water pipes.

"Xiao Luo, you put the water pipe in the kitchen. How much water is used? People usually can't see it. You and your wife, I can see it. There are only two people in the house, so they don't use much water. But just I’m afraid some people are overly concerned, but what do you think, the pool is not far from everyone, so I don’t think it’s necessary.”

"Uncle Wu, I can find someone to install a separate water meter. In this way, no matter how much I waste, I won't let anyone pay an extra penny for my family. What do you think?"

Hearing what Luo Cheng said, Uncle Wu thought that this would be even worse. Even though Luo Cheng's little wife is very diligent and wipes the tables and stools every day, there are only two people in his family and they only have a few clothes. With the two of them, the monthly water bill shared by everyone may be a few cents less. .

What's more, it's not about water bills and installing water meters at all. If Luo Cheng spends five or eight yuan in the kitchen, if Sister Liu can get Luo Cheng's house by then, won't she have to give this money to others? Come on.

"Ronald, you are still young. You may be doing this for convenience, but when people think about it, they will think that you think everyone uses more water and your family uses less. We are all in the same yard, so try not to cause any problems. It’s a contradiction, don’t you think?”

What Uncle Wu said makes sense. If you and your family install water pipes in the same yard, regardless of whether you are independent or not, you are somewhat unsociable.

But what Luo Cheng doesn't really care about is saving water bills. The water pipe goes to the kitchen, and he actually wants to install a sprinkler head. Since it's hot, the two of them can play while taking a bath without worrying about running out of water.

Although what you said makes sense, the most you can do is to pay extra for it. His family also uses the pool in the yard.

So when Luo Cheng said that he installed extra water meters and pipes, the water bill in the yard was also counted as part of his family's water bill. Uncle Wu, how should you respond~~~.

Finally, Uncle Wu told Luo Cheng not to worry. He would go and talk to his neighbors today about Luo Cheng's family's desire to install separate water meters and pipes, and see what they had to say.

After talking about the matter, Uncle Wu went to discuss it with other residents.

Luo Cheng felt that Mr. Wu was a very kind person. He was so concerned about his own affairs that he avoided conflicts between the new residents and their neighbors.

Uncle Wu~~Thank you~~.

At night, several families went to Wu Kaishan's house to discuss matters. Regarding matters concerning Sister-in-law Liu's house, I felt it would be better to cut the knot quickly and just talk to Luo Cheng directly. This house is rented, not given by the street office. Change it, or use the kitchen to show the friendship between neighbors.

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