Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 17 Not a Son of Man

The rice was cooked quickly, and the rice and vegetables in the lunch box that Future Spacetime brought were also heated up. It's very oily and watery, and a plate of peanuts is crispy and fragrant.

"Qian, eat more. When you get married, I'll make you fatter and give me more babies."

The food in the lunch box was very delicious to Zhao Qian, and she couldn't help but eat two bowls in a short time. But Luo Cheng immediately served her another bowl, but this time it was not full. He poured the remaining vegetables and soup on top of the rice.

People in this era can eat it, and so do women. No one is short of oil and water. Luo Cheng is slowly getting used to it now, and he is getting better at it. At first, he could easily finish ten bowls of rice.

In this first relationship, Luo Cheng talked about having children in the future, and made it difficult for Zhao Qian to answer the question, but he couldn't say that he couldn't have children. Speaking of being able to have a baby, it seems like she wants to have a baby with Luo Cheng too much. I could only continue cooking in front of Luo Cheng in embarrassment.

After the meal was finished, Zhao Qian took the initiative to wash the dishes, which Luo Cheng was not polite to her at all. There are no guests without guests. I will have my own wife in a few days. What’s wrong with starting to wash the dishes now? She will do all the housework from now on, this is common sense.

After washing the dishes, the two of them sat for a while. There was only a broken three-legged stool in the house, so naturally they sat on the bed. Luo Cheng couldn't help but hug him for a while. Zhao Qian was really shy and wanted to leave.

"Qian, why don't you sleep with me? We will sleep together in a few days anyway."

"That won't work. You come to welcome the bride in a few days, and I will sleep with you that day. Not now."

When Zhao Qian hugged her, she felt her heart beating very fast. She was so frightened that Luo Cheng thought about that and stood up immediately. There was no such urgency. It really scared her.

When Luo Cheng saw this, he seemed to feel a little impatient. He smiled twice to cover up his little embarrassment. It was exposed, so I couldn't blame him. He really missed her two white legs too much. After the marriage was decided, he not only thought about the two legs, but also thought about the scene of mixing the two legs.

She put away her lust and saw that Zhao Qian wanted to go home. She would have hugged her for a while longer, but she couldn't let her go home easily.

"Qian, if you don't sleep today, you won't sleep. You are going to be my woman in a few days anyway. Do you think this will work? I can't wash my clothes cleanly as a man. Why don't you help me wash my clothes before I go back?" See if it's okay. If you don't wash it, I'll save it for you to wash after you come over."

This matter~~, there is no problem. Zhao Qian nodded and agreed. Washing clothes is a trivial matter for her. At home, she also helped her family wash clothes, even washing clothes for Luo Cheng, which made her a little shy. But it's better than letting her stay and sleep with him.

However, Zhao Qian did not go to the river to wash Luo Cheng's clothes, but washed them in a wooden basin outside the house. There are many people by the river, so I feel embarrassed to go there. But even so, it happened to be seen by someone passing by who knew Zhao Qian as Accountant Zhao's daughter.

Luo Cheng was still lying on the bed at home, feeling that Zhao Qian was really good and virtuous. He never expected that the news would spread that he asked the girl to help with the laundry on the first day he asked her out.

According to the polite people, this guy is not a son of a man. How can a virgin ask him to help with the laundry on the first day?

After Zhao Qian finished washing her clothes, Luo Cheng let her go, mainly because she would never sit on the bed in the room again. Luo Cheng's tattered sheets were also washed by her, they were so filthy.

When Zhao Qian left, Luo Cheng wrapped some fried peanuts in lotus leaves and gave them to her so that she could eat them as snacks. In addition, the rabbit was still alive. I asked Zhao Qian if she wanted to beat it to death, so I didn’t have to hold it in my hand and kick it a few times on the way back.

As for sending Zhao Qian home, that's a joke. It's getting very early, so why send her home? He was browsing on his mobile phone in the future time and space, and already understood the word "dog licking", which does not mean being so kind to women. It’s no fun if you can’t hug or hold hands on the road.

Besides, Luo Cheng also had other things to do. He was going to the only supply and marketing cooperative in the town to buy some bowls and chopsticks. Then I went to the town to find an old carpenter named Li. He could borrow tables and stools from the elementary school for the banquet. But Zhao Qian was right. She would no longer be alone in the future. She didn’t even have a decent stool or table at home. Really. A bit shabby.

In this era, tickets were not required to purchase bowls and chopsticks. There were no small bowls for sale, only large bowls. At least there are no small bowls sold in the town. People in the town and rural areas eat in large bowls.

A bowl for eating costs 30 cents a piece, and a larger bowl for serving vegetables costs 45 cents a piece. There are small bowls made of wood, specially for children, in case the children drop the bowls. Wooden bowls are cheap, only a dime each. But it is also cheaper than porcelain bowls. One cent can buy two kilograms of stick noodles, while wooden bowls can be made by an apprentice who knows carpentry skills in a day.

When a family is separated, bowls and chopsticks must be divided. Not distinguishing bowls and chopsticks means eating in the same pot, so Luo Cheng's family has three rice bowls and two vegetable bowls. But the bowl that was relatively intact was just a vegetable bowl, and the others were all cracked. Regardless of whether it is broken or not, at least the bowls are divided. These days, even if you go out to beg for food, you have to take a bowl with you, right?

For a few cents a bowl, Luo Cheng actually thought of buying it in the future time and space. Supermarkets in the future time and space would sell bowls, but those bowls basically had patterns, unlike the bowls of his own era, which were bare and had nothing on them. If you buy a bowl from the future, the patterns on it will be annoying to explain, unless there are bowls without patterns.

But there's nothing to worry about, even though Luo Cheng couldn't make much money in his time. But there is no way out if you really need money. In the future time and space, you can buy rice, eggs and meat. As long as you go to the black market, these items are in short supply and you can basically sell them as soon as you go.

Luo Cheng also happened to need to pretend to go out in two days. The dishes for the banquet had to be prepared. It was hard to explain that a pig's head appeared out of thin air.

I bought ten vegetable bowls and thirty rice bowls, which cost more than ten yuan. But I was confident that the meat that wanted tickets was 65 cents per kilogram, and the meat that didn’t want tickets was sold on the black market for more than one yuan. Rice is only 16 cents, but on the black market it can be sold for 35 cents without a ticket. When Orion hunts down good things, he basically goes to the black market to exchange them for items, and only sells them if they don't find anything suitable.

I bought the bowl but not the chopsticks. Anyway, I had to go find Carpenter Li to make a table and four stools. Chopsticks asked him to make some for himself.

After going around for a while, I picked up some leafy vegetables on the vegetable plot. You can get lettuce leaves, radish leaves, sweet potato vines, etc. at will. However, Chinese cabbage and green vegetables, which are originally leaf vegetables, should be arranged in a measured manner and will not be handled casually. He made this to feed two wild birds. He would only take other people's cabbage if he wanted to eat it.

Luo Cheng also has a sense of proportion when taking other people's food for free and will not stare at a family.

Vegetables were fed into Zhao Qian's stomach at noon, and there was only white rice and peanuts for dinner. There were two eggs at home, so Luo Cheng just made fried rice with eggs.

This smell made the three children next door cry. The rice itself is very fragrant, but it is also fried with eggs. What kind of family is this? It’s hard to survive.

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