Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 172 To Call or Not to Call

Killed fish and rabbits for Director Sun, and left the rabbit skins. Zhao Qian hurriedly cleaned it and then found something to hold it open and straight. This thing would be of great use when the weather got cold.

Luo Cheng went to deliver something, carrying a sack, inconspicuously. The tea comes in a box given by Director Sun, and the tea is Biluochun. In the future, this tea will not be expensive. This is a good drink in summer.

When Luo Cheng came back, there was another stench in the yard because everyone had already got off work. Wu Kaishan was at the factory at noon. No one organized the cleaning of the excrement on the roof. It was just the excrement in the yard. Therefore, many people come back from get off work at night, and the smell is still obvious to the residents living in Wu Kaishan's row.

Nowadays, some people climb ladders and wash water on the roof. Will the water not stink when it reaches the ground? Many people in the yard were discussing who had done this, and it was obvious that they had offended someone. If it was really targeted, it would be Wu Kaishan's family and Madam Liu's family who offended others together.

Some people really speculated whether it was Luo Cheng's family, but someone saw Luo Cheng in the yard at noon. At least it won't be Luo Cheng who throws shit, he can't just call someone to do it.

But Luo Cheng's house was not changed from Mrs. Liu's house, and he separated from the collective and installed water pipes separately. He really didn't touch the pool in the middle of the yard. Wu Kaishan hasn't gone crazy because of this matter yet, so Luo Cheng has to take revenge first.

People in this yard will all be like Luo Cheng from now on, each living his or her own life, so why do they need neighbors?

It's just that Luo Cheng was just suspicious of the shit-throwing thing. People in the yard actually had a pretty good impression of Luo Cheng and Zhao Qian. If it wasn't about the house, at least the couple used to be very kind to the children in the yard. I feel that this shit-throwing incident was not caused by the Luo Cheng family.

But the people of Wu Kaishan and Mrs. Liu’s family reflected on themselves and felt that they had not offended anyone else. Could it be that the throwing of feces was a coincidence, that someone else in the yard had offended someone, and they just poured the feces into the yard from their side of the wall, and their houses just happened to be in the same direction.

But no matter what, I can only guess and have no clue. Some people suggested that it would be better to report this matter to the police and let them find out who did it. However, suggestions are suggestions, and everyone's mentality is that it is better to do less than to do more. This has been cleared up. I feel like forget it, no one is willing to do this.

The people in Luo Cheng's family didn't care what they were talking about outside. The three of them all applied some toilet water on their noses, and the smell in the yard was not that bad.

"It's boring that you don't doubt yourself. It seems that I will have to call Er Gouzi and Chen Leizi next time."

Luo Cheng watched everyone talking at the door, but in the end it was nothing, which means he failed to achieve his goal. What he wanted was for everyone to have a high chance of suspecting him, but since there was no evidence, there was nothing he could do about his feelings.

I have to do it again, but if it doesn't work, I'll find someone to reveal some information to myself. At that time, I just didn't admit it. It was a pity that Wang De was useless, otherwise he could have had more fun. But if there is really going to be a big fuss, Wang De really needs to take the lead in finding his uncle.

Er Gouzi and Chen Leizi were not afraid of being caught. Even if they were caught, they wouldn't give a reason or just make up one. It's really hard to judge for throwing feces on other people's houses. At most, it needs moral education. But if someone really needs to report this matter to the police, they will definitely continue to take revenge. It depends on who can afford it.

After dinner at night, Luo Yan and Zhao Qian killed all the remaining fish and marinated them. If the hot fish is not processed immediately after death, it will become fishy and smelly after more than a day.

After everything was done, Luo Cheng took a bath by the outer wall of the house because his sister Luo Yan was there. There is a faucet in the kitchen for bathing. Luo Yan used the faucet to fill the water for the first time. It felt so convenient and magical. There is no running water in the town, and even the commune offices use well water.

Luo Yan naturally slept in the kitchen at night. There was no bed in the kitchen. Last time Zhou Lin arranged for wooden boards to be sent from the lumber factory, and Luo Cheng simply made a bed board. The extra wood has not yet been used to build the bed frame. But a bed board is enough. Get two stools, one in front and one behind, for support. When sleeping at night, the bed board can be erected during the day without taking up any space.

At night, Luo Cheng and Zhao Qian had not slept together for several days, so naturally they had to do something shameful. A basin of water was prepared on the table in the room. In the past, the two of them would go directly to the kitchen to do a simple scrubbing after work. Now that Luo Yan was sleeping in the kitchen, they could only bring the water and use it in their own room.

At about half past nine, Luo Cheng lay on the bed without wanting to move, his legs shaking slightly from time to time. Zhao Qian was wiping the sweat from his body with a towel.

In the past, when Zhao Qian was defeated, she would say no. But tonight, even though we were all defeated, I actually said "I'm okay." It's okay, after Luo Cheng forced Zhao Qian to completely lose her fighting ability. Luo Cheng found that he seemed to be in trouble this time, and his thighs were shaking involuntarily.

Thinking that next time Zhao Qian surrenders, she will stop showing off. After all, men and women are different.

"Luo Cheng, my legs are a little weak and I can't get up. Please help me."

After Zhao Qian wiped Luo Cheng and herself, she wanted to go to bed and sleep inside, but she might have gone too far today and ran out of energy.

After Luo Cheng heard this, he showed an arrogant smile, woman, haha.

After giving Zhao Qian a hand to help her get into bed, Luo Cheng hugged her and quickly fell asleep.



The alarm clock on her mobile phone woke Luo Cheng up. The alarm had no effect on Liu Xiaofei because she didn't take the alarm clock seriously. When her boyfriend wakes her up, she doesn't take the alarm clock seriously. Naturally, the alarm clock on her cell phone won't wake her up.

"Xiao Fei, let's go to the store today."

"Can you let me sleep a little longer? My sisters are coming today, so you can relax in the future."

Liu Xiaofei responded lazily, because the store hired an extra employee, and Luo Cheng also helped with the cashier when he was free. Once he started the mountain, he was slow to close it down, mainly because there were few places where he could count until he used it, but he became proficient in it in two days. Liu Xiaofei started to be lazy and told Luo Cheng that her aunt was not normal this time. She had a weak flow and couldn't get up.

Then Luo Cheng went to the store first, and Liu Xiaofei went there about an hour later. And a cousin she had tricked into coming here got on the bus last night and should be arriving this morning.

Liu Xiaofei talked to her two sisters very late last night. Luo Cheng thought about it and let her sleep a little longer. In fact, her sister's shuttle bus would arrive at the station at around seven in the morning, so even if it was delayed, it wouldn't be much different. Ask Liu Xiaofei to go to the store with her to collect money. She will still have to pick up people later.

Luo Cheng simply washed up and then rode off alone on a battery car. And Liu Xiaofei did wake up not long after sleeping. She was thinking about picking up her sister. Even if she was still dozing, she couldn't fall asleep at the same time. Some people are just like this, lazy. If they don't think about remembering things, they can sleep until about ten o'clock, but if they think about remembering things, they can't fall asleep.

Liu Xiaofei looked at the time and called her cousin to ask where she was. I heard that I had already entered the territory, and it would take about half an hour at most to reach the station. Liu Xiaofei was about to get up, but before getting up, she took off her pants to see that they were very clean. It seemed a little inconvenient that her aunt was gone and her sister was here.

The door of the room was not soundproof. Liu Xiaofei had lived with Luo Cheng for so many days and already knew some of Luo Cheng's habits. This Luo Cheng has a strong desire to win. As long as he screams miserably, he will work hard. But if my sister lives next door, should I call her or not?

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