Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 180 Second Uncle Liu Xiaofei

In the morning, Luo Cheng finished his work at the shopping mall and went on to deliver goods. The orders from some restaurants are now large. Except for delivering goods on the street where I first ran, although I didn’t actively look for restaurants to discuss selling eels and loaches later on, there were a few shops there, and I could also meet some restaurants who came to purchase eels on their own initiative.

Luo Cheng also launched a delivery service for the hotel's purchases. In fact, Luo Cheng also did this kind of delivery service on his own on the last day. Of course, that didn't mean he wouldn't deliver anymore, but there were many people working as food delivery boys in the community where he rented. Luo Cheng has done a lot of business and has developed a habit of chatting with everyone.

There is a delivery boy who wants to make more money. They also deliver food during peak periods. There are several periods of rest. Luo Cheng's current business volume is not large. Except for some restaurants he contacted later, the restaurants Luo Cheng contacted at the beginning were all on the same street, so it was easy to deliver them.

The delivery business is not calculated according to the order quantity. It is a package of 2,000 yuan for the delivery boy to deliver. In the future, if more restaurants want to deliver goods, this is the insured price. If the actual delivery volume requires one person to travel for most of the day, Luo Cheng will not need the help of the delivery boy and directly hire a person to deliver the goods.

Luo Cheng told Liu Xiaofei about this a few days ago. If Liu Xiaofei sends errands, she also has a cousin, and the salary is not high. But Luo Cheng didn't want it. It would be difficult to arrange accommodation. Although people can live in private houses and newly rented warehouses, the privacy of Luo Cheng's "carrying goods" will be troublesome.

The house that Luo Cheng and Liu Xiaofei now live in has the same structure as before, but the decoration is different and more refined. There is an empty room next door, but no one else will be allowed to stay this time. It is not convenient for Liu Xiaofei's sister, let alone her cousin.

Just because of the housing problem, Luo Cheng felt a little worried. When Liu Xiaofei lived with her cousin, Liu Xiaofei had some problems. At first, she was worried that her sisters would hear her if she spoke out. Later, she felt more excited when others heard her.

Luo Cheng felt that this was not possible. You, an eighteen-year-old girl, cannot develop in a different way. Then Luo Chengcheng stopped her from doing this and started to cover her mouth. After that~~ Both of them were so excited that now that they have moved to a new place, Luo Chengdu always wants to cover her mouth. Liu Xiaofei will struggle when she covers her mouth. When Luo Chengdu struggles, she will feel the excitement of bullying. As soon as the excitement comes, he will Fierce. Then Liu Xiaofei felt that Luo Cheng was fierce, so she became more 'cooperative'.

Luo Cheng knew that he could not continue like this because he was afraid that he would become addicted and cover Zhao Qian's mouth in his own time.

After delivering the goods to the hotel, it was already past eleven o'clock. There is not much passion in this kind of life, but it is quite fulfilling. There are guests coming today. Although Liu Xiaofei and Luo Cheng no longer live in the previous house, they still cook there. Because it's on the first floor, it's convenient to prepare meals. When guests come, it’s just as convenient to entertain them there.

Liu Xiaofei's uncle and his family are here today. They want to come here to see the situation. He heard the news that Liu Xiaofei is doing well here. This person selling eels, loaches, etc. sounds similar to a vegetable seller, as if he is inconspicuous and has no future. But if such a business can earn more than 20,000 yuan a month, then who will look down on it. What's more, the news they got was not about Erwan at all.

The people Liu Xiaofei hires here only need to be paid thirty to forty thousand a month. Why would he hire so many people to help him if he doesn't make money? And if he really only earns a little bit, Liu Xiaofei’s uncle won’t come here with his entire family.

Luo Cheng will be alone in the future era, but Liu Xiaofei actually has many relatives. On his father's side alone, there are only two uncles and one aunt. There are also two uncles on my mother's side. In addition to some other miscellaneous relatives, according to Liu Xiaofei, she was going to marry Luo Cheng, and there would be many tables for the relatives to eat.

Liu Xiaofei's uncle is half a parent to Luo Cheng. Luo Chengde needs to treat him well, and the purpose of coming here was actually explained before he came. If Liu Xiaofei really does well here, he hopes to bring him along.

However, Liu Xiaofei didn't have a good impression of her second uncle's family who was coming, and even her uncle's side didn't have a good impression either. The uncle likes to play cards and gamble, and does business outside, in the decoration industry. Business used to be okay, but I spent the money I made lavishly. Since the past few years, due to various reasons and the influence of the general environment, the business has plummeted. As a result, she still owes money to Zhao Qian's parents. Zhao Qian had a good impression of her uncle in the past because he used to spend money lavishly and gave her plenty of pocket money when he won money during the Chinese New Year.

But in the past few years, it has been just borrowing without repaying. Zhao Qian won't be given any red envelopes during the New Year. When her parents nag her, Zhao Qian will naturally follow her parents and have a bad impression of her uncle.

As for the second uncle who came today, my bad impression is that he is picky. The most obvious point is that when I went to his house for dinner during the Chinese New Year, the portions of the dishes were very small. This led to the fact that when his family held a New Year's dinner, the dishes were basically cleared. Without realizing it, he boasted that the food was well prepared and there was nothing left.

As for the New Year's money, if everyone gives two hundred, he will give one hundred, and older children will not give it. Things have gotten better in recent years, and two hundred yuan has been given, but it is only given to the grandchildren. Liu Xiaofei's generation is older and cannot receive it.

But apart from being stingy, I'm pretty good in other aspects. The uncle is not stingy, but he spends money lavishly. When he can make money, it's okay. But this time he can't make money, so he has to borrow money to support himself and gamble. Now Zhao Qian's impression of her uncle's family is not as good as that of her second uncle's family. At least the second uncle didn't seem to have much to say other than deducting points.

This time when the second uncle's house came, Liu Xiaofei prepared a lot of hard dishes. But it didn’t cost much. Stir-fried eel, stewed loach with tofu, braised soft-shell turtle mixed with some quail eggs, and a large pot of snails were all ready-made ingredients. Luo Cheng and Liu Xiaofei no longer eat these eels and loaches every day because there are late-night snack stalls that collect them from the eels that have just died or are about to die. I made these four dishes today and no one said they were tired of them.

Moreover, the second uncle's visit was not just to visit them. If they wanted to do business with them, these four dishes would be the most appropriate meal to entertain them. While chatting about food, the project was introduced.

Of course, in addition to these four dishes, there are other dishes, such as soy sauce beef, short ribs, and refreshing seasonal vegetables. It was said that they were entertaining the second uncle's family, but that was not all. The second uncle had a son and a daughter, but the daughter was not here. The son was older than Liu Xiaofei and was his cousin.

If the second uncle's family wants to follow this business, Liu Xiaofei will not waste his money. At least the source of the goods will not give him a 'purchasing' price. Now Liu Xiaofei is no longer a novice at the beginning, and also understands the market wholesale price of eels and loaches. According to the supply provided to him by coworker Luo Cheng, it should be a first-hand supply, which is lower than the wholesale market.

Therefore, the supply Luo Cheng received should be the same as the lowest purchase price obtained from similar breeding factories, or even lower. Second Uncle and the others really plan to sell this, but Zhao Qian won't give him the purchase price. If they really want to give him this price, they might as well go to the wholesale market to sell it.

Now Liu Xiaofei and Luo Cheng both understand that their source of goods lies in the wild, and as long as they operate seriously, they can build a good reputation. The business will not be bad, and the price can be exactly the same as other people selling breeding products, not lower than other people's prices.

Now that we have entered autumn, it stands to reason that the temperature in the south will not change much. It should not affect the prices of eels and loaches, but the problem cannot be viewed in one place. Many breeding factories supply goods all over the country. In some places, the weather is very cool in September. There are fewer wild eels in those places, and the demand for breeding is great. This demand is huge, and the price of breeding has increased by one dollar, and second-hand dealers have I can give you an increase of two or three yuan.

Now Luo Cheng and the others are selling eels, even the not-so-big ones, from 20 yuan to 22 yuan. It will still rise by the end of the month. Liu Xiaofei didn't mean to make any money from her second uncle, but she thought the wholesale price for them was reasonable.

Uncle Er and the others didn't see how Liu Xiaofei was selling in his shop, but they told them at the dinner table that they were a little reluctant when they heard that eels and loaches were sold to them at wholesale prices. Since it's a wholesale price, why are they coming to you? They won't go to the market to wholesale.

If it were Liu Xiaofei in the past, she might have had this concept, but she has been selling this for two months. At the same price, wild ones are definitely better to sell than farmed ones, provided that customers recognize your products.

Liu Xiaofei found out about this matter when she asked her second uncle to investigate in her store. This is why her second uncle came to her. In fact, if she was willing to sell it at the wholesale price, her colleagues would have already come to inquire. It's just that my peers don't know where they get their wild supplies, so selling to my peers can make a lot of sales directly and quickly.

Anyway, Liu Xiaofei told them the truth. She would sell her current supply of goods wholesale to her second uncle and the others, earning five or six yuan per catty. If the location was good, she could earn thousands by selling two to three hundred catties a day. If the wild word-of-mouth is created again, it will definitely get more. If you don't believe it, you can go and see her shop by yourself. She didn't ask her second uncle and the others to do this. You came on your own initiative.

Moreover, Liu Xiaofei not only has the advantage of wild eels, but also has the unique advantages of large eels. This is not a question of whether anyone will buy it, but Luo Cheng is controlling the shipment volume. Of course, Liu Xiaofei only knew that there were a lot of big eels in the warehouse, but she didn't know that Luo Cheng actually had a lot of big eels in his own time.

The cooperation matter discussed with the second uncle did not go well, but they were guests and elders from afar. After lunch, Liu Xiaofei took them to the hotel to rest first. There were no arrangements for hotels or brand hotels, so a fairly good hotel nearby had two rooms, one for my uncle and aunt, and one for Liu Xiaofei's cousin.

"Why don't you give the boss a call? This girl Xiaofei gave us such a price. She doesn't treat you as a second uncle at all."

"Dad, Xiaofei's purchase price is very low. My second uncle, Sixin, has told the family. She is like this, doesn't she even want to earn our money?"

"Don't worry, didn't you go to the store where Sixin works this morning? We'll go there later to ask about the specific business situation."

In the hotel, Liu Xiaofei's second uncle and his family were eating fruits given to them by Liu Xiaofei, drinking drinks and blowing on the air conditioner while complaining about Liu Xiaofei. But her second uncle also listened to what Liu Xiaofei said. If Xiaofei's products can be sold at the same price, it will indeed be successful.

And just like Xiaofei said, even if the wholesale price is 200 kilograms, even some larger eels are more profitable. You can earn a thousand a day for less than 200 kilograms, after deducting rent, water, electricity and so on. A profit of 20,000 yuan a month is a casual calculation. Sixin said that her shop can sell about 400 kilograms a day, and the cost is low. She can earn about half a kilogram a day.

Xiaofei's second uncle didn't want to get into trouble with Liu Xiaofei because of the price issue at the beginning. Anyway, coming here, staying in a hotel, eating and drinking, etc., Xiaofei, what's the point of being in a hurry. The second uncle planned to check out Xiaofei's three stores first. Regardless of the price, he decided to see how many kilograms they could sell in a day.

Luo Cheng and Liu Xiaofei didn't know what Uncle Xiaofei and the others were planning. In fact, Luo Cheng was not unwilling to do the wholesale route, but he wanted to do it when the weather was cold. At that time, there was a shortage of eels and the retail prices were about the same. If doubled, even if the wholesale price is higher than the current retail price, then all the small eels will be cleared out, and the large eels will be raised and sold at the same time.

After the small and medium-sized eels disappeared, they began to resell native chickens and eggs. A free-range old hen can be sold for one or two hundred, but there is a difficulty in selling native chickens. You have to make others believe that your chickens are native chickens.

For this local chicken, others may have to slowly accumulate trusting customers, but Luo Cheng has an advantage. Selling eels has already accumulated a lot of customers who trust Luo Cheng, knowing that the eels he sells are authentic wild eels. This is selling local chicken, and with his reputation for selling eels, many people will buy it directly.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, Luo Cheng was about to go out because some venues were closed at night. The farmers' markets and shopping malls were all internal stores, so they couldn't enter at night. You can enter the shops on the old street at any time. Now we simply restock the three stores in the afternoon.

Moreover, during the two or three o'clock period, there are few cars and pedestrians on the road, and the traffic police are usually not around. Luo Cheng rides an electric tricycle, which is extremely fast. At intersections with few people, where there are no cars or pedestrians, he occasionally runs a red light. Young and energetic, with no education, he just likes to run through red lights and feels a sense of accomplishment.

But now he basically stopped being aggressive. After Zhao Qian became pregnant, Luo Cheng felt that his mentality had become much calmer, both in his own era and in this future era. Since the traffic rules in this future era are like this, there is no need to disobey them just for less than a minute.

Several stores had finished replenishing their supplies, and it was already three o'clock. Luo Cheng was waiting at the warehouse. The new warehouse is not a simple warehouse. It was actually a waste recycling station before. However, the surrounding areas were not empty. They were all residential areas. The impact on environmental sanitation was too great, so they moved out.

This is an old house with a yard, and there is a large rain shelter outside the yard. The house has high ceilings and is very spacious. A lot of things can be placed. The yard is walled and there is an iron gate when entering. The feed for chickens and ducks can be piled directly in the yard, and the eggs can be placed in the shelter without fear of being stolen. In the room, Luo Cheng uses many water tanks to raise eels and loaches. He raises them in the room because eels actually like to be in shady places.

Luo Cheng was waiting here. When it was almost 3:30, a small truck drove here. The iron door was big enough for the car to get in and out easily. The car was loaded with chicken and duck eggs, fifty baskets at a time.

"Mr. Luo, I thought you would have to wait another two days for the goods."

"Hurry up and unload the goods. I'm going to the store soon. By the way, the price of eggs has been reduced recently. It's 1, 2, 5."

"Mr. Luo just likes to joke. The price is a little lower. One, two, seven. At this price, I won't cheat you."

"I also help other people's canteens purchase. Anyway, if you are short of money and the price is too high, I will find someone else to deliver it. With such a large purchase volume these days, not many people pay cash on delivery."

"Mr. Luo, what you said is true. You can settle the bill happily here. If you want it elsewhere, let alone 1, 2, 7, I won't sell 1,30."

Luo Cheng was called Mr. Luo, because the boss selling eggs could talk. It's all about this and that. A small restaurant owner or an egg seller can be called a boss. But there is one thing to say, the eggs sold by this boss are really cheap, at least 2 to 3 yuan per basket cheaper than those in the wholesale market.

This basket is twenty or three yuan cheaper, and if you pay for fifty baskets at a time, you can save enough to have a good meal. It's not easy to do any business these days, whether it's an organization or an individual, Luo Cheng doesn't understand why people like to be in debt when doing business.

Luo Cheng doesn't like to owe anything. He doesn't owe others anything, and he doesn't let others owe him anything. If Luo Cheng is willing to let people pay debts, he can actually take on a lot of hotel supply business.

And if there are fifty baskets of eggs at a time, it is actually very easy to be short of a pound or a pound, but occasionally there will be a difference of half a pound or a pound in one basket. The egg seller didn't do this on purpose. He didn't check carefully himself. Once, Luo Cheng brought eggs back to his own time. In the end, he felt that many baskets together were three to five kilograms less. After all, after each commune is divided, the remainder is easy to calculate.

But it is also possible that the scale of the eggs given to the communes is slightly high every time. It is probably caused by each commune giving a few taels more. Every time there were always a few eggs left, Luo Cheng tried to tell the egg seller, but he didn't care whether it was really or fake, he just apologized sincerely and said he would make up for it next time. .

Luo Cheng even once deliberately tested it and said in an angry tone that a certain batch of goods was less than ten kilograms. They didn't waste any time and sent someone to deliver twenty kilograms directly.

Now that Luo Cheng is cooperating with the other party, he also knows that the other party is actually a happy person. Because he wants a lot, Luo Cheng can't weigh him. In the future, someone will weigh the scales. If dozens of baskets add up to a few kilograms less, Luo Cheng will basically not be able to say anything.

In the future, people will actually have electronic scales, but Luo Cheng is not willing to count the baskets. The real situation is that a big customer like Luo Cheng might not give him anything. In Luo Cheng's own time, it was really normal for those who used floor scales to look at the scale, but it would be a little warped every time, and in the end they wouldn't be able to count correctly.

One hundred and twenty-seven means one hundred and twenty-seven baskets of eggs. During the peak heat period, the price of eggs rises to more than one hundred and forty per basket. Recently, the weather has been a little cooler, and the egg production of chickens has also increased, and the price has also come down. It might have lost several yuan in the previous week, but after it fell below 130, it couldn't fall any further.

Luo Cheng had never seen this thing rise and fall so fast in his own time. The price of many things is stable for many years. There are only shortages and no surplus. As for vegetables, prices may increase by a few cents as winter approaches, and then nothing happens. There are no vegetables sold in winter.

After paying for the eggs, the egg seller quickly said "Thank you, Mr. Luo" before leaving. It was obviously a normal transaction, but because Luo Cheng paid quickly, the amount of each transaction was only six to seven thousand. But I am really grateful to a boss like Luo Cheng. Six to seven thousand yuan is not much for the egg boss, but he is really afraid of running a business with outstanding debts. There are a lot of outstanding accounts out there. If you want to make more money, you can't do it without credit. Many of them say monthly settlements. It may go well at first, but it is normal for them to suddenly start to default.

Luo Cheng locked the iron gate and went to the shopping mall. The shops in the mall have just been open for a few days, and the business is relatively average, but it is gradually improving. Liu Xiaofei is also looking for someone to work as a cashier. Now that her income is so high, she really doesn’t need to do many things personally.

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