Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 187 I didn’t bring any money from my own time

Antiques in prosperous times and gold in troubled times.

Luo Cheng has never paid attention to this aspect in the future era, because in his own era, he had no contact with knowledge such as antiques. He would never have thought of it, but this time at twelve o'clock in the morning, when Luo Cheng was bringing the goods prepared in his own era to the future time and space, he discovered another problem.

It can't bring people into other time and space eras, but it can bring other living creatures. Luo Cheng doesn't understand why. But this time Luo Cheng discovered a new phenomenon. In his own time, the Black Bull Gang had helped him deal with a lot of eggs, chickens and ducks in recent days. The money was packed in a box, and Luo Cheng wanted to take it to the future era and hide it.

But Luo Cheng discovered that when the goods were being transferred, the wooden box to be taken away could not be seen. This is the first time such a situation has occurred. Luo Cheng remembered that money from the future era could be brought to his own era, but how come money from his own era could not be brought to the future era.

Regarding traveling through time and space, many things can only be guessed at and slowly explored. The money from the future era was brought to Luo Cheng's era, and he would not even dare to take it out, let alone use it. But the converse is different. Even though the money he got at the end of that year cannot be circulated, it can be sold as collectibles.

"It can't be because the money of this era will be valuable in the future and cannot be carried over. That would be ridiculous. If this logic is followed, risk issues aside, you can directly get some high-tech products in the future. If you can Even in the era, they dared to sell tens of thousands."

Luo Cheng thought it wasn't the antiques or anything else, but his attention shifted to the antiques. I work so hard that I only earn a few hundred thousand. Even a few million a year is nothing to someone with money. But if the antiques are valuable, it seems that it is easier to just buy some antiques or gold and sell them back than to sell eels and loaches.

Even if it is difficult to sell antiques, if you buy gold back, the gold of Luo Cheng's time now costs one or two yuan per gram. But in the future, the recycling price of gold will be over four hundred. Moreover, we are talking about gold in troubled times, but in really troubled times, gold is valuable.

When Luo Cheng was searching for the situation in the next few years of his era, he accidentally saw some gossip reports. To be honest, it would be that time. It can only be said that gold is better than antiques, but antiques are worthless. As for gold, at least a gold ring or bracelet can be exchanged for a small bag of grain.

But it doesn’t seem cost-effective to sell gold now in the future era. According to the price, it would be more than 200 yuan for one dollar in the future era. In Luo Cheng’s era, workers’ wages were around 30 yuan. Converting the price, 30 yuan would be exchanged for 6 yuan. More than a thousand yuan. It doesn't seem like it's worth doing that.

Moreover, the money from the Luo Cheng era was not brought to the future era, and I don’t know if the gold can be brought there. If it works, in a year or two, food might be exchanged for a lot of gold.

Luo Cheng is now taking a car back to the city. The car is loaded with a lot of things, which are not brought from the future era. It was some wild animals that Hei Niu helped him keep an eye on in the black market. This commune had a collective canteen, and even though the pots were turned in, some hunters still couldn't help but secretly hunt them.

There is no one who blatantly takes a gun into the mountains, but there is no problem in setting up traps like Luo Cheng did before. And when I catch prey, I don’t dare to light a fire and cook it. Even if I don’t need a pot, I can just bring some salt and hide in a place to roast it and eat it. But I was afraid of being discovered if I smoked.

Therefore, many wild animals can be received in the black market, and if they are caught in a noose, they will still be alive.

In addition to what was in the bag, Luo Cheng was also holding an animal. A little monkey. There are many macaques in Jiang Province, but it seems that the county where Luo Cheng is located has not seen any monkeys. He only heard other people say that there are monkeys in certain places, and Luo Cheng has never been there.

This big monkey, if caught, is just a pile of meat, let alone a monkey. Tigers and leopards are also meat if they can be caught, but the fur of tigers and leopards is valuable. Bones and some parts are also soaked in wine.

Little monkeys don’t have much meat, and no one would raise them with food. Nowadays, many people don't have enough to eat, so Hei Niu saw that Luo Cheng liked all kinds of wild animals, so he traded a chicken for it. That's right, a chicken was exchanged for a monkey, and someone else took advantage of it.

In the past few years, all domestic dogs were disposed of to save food. The places where dogs can still be found are in mountainous areas in remote cities. Luo Cheng didn't dare to raise a hunting dog even if he wanted to. His time was gone, but he could buy one in the future with a little money. But you can buy it and bring it to your own time. If you don’t kill it and eat the meat, I guarantee that someone will report it.

Luo Cheng doesn't know how to raise monkeys, and he doesn't know whether to raise them or not. But at least it doesn’t say you can’t raise monkeys. There used to be acrobatic troupes that trained monkeys, but now we see less of them in the past few years.

The monkey was very small and afraid of people, but Luo Cheng forced him to hold him and struggled for a while at first. Seeing that it had no effect, it settled down. The monkey was very thin, probably because it didn't have much to eat after being captured. The black cow was only delivered this morning, so Luo Cheng could only take it to his home in the city for feeding.

There were also pheasants, rabbits, some passable birds in the sack, and a jar of honey. As for birds, Luo Cheng didn't know many varieties. Anyway, in the future, anyone who eats the meat of this bird will feel guilty.

No matter how big or small this bird is, if it is caught, even if it is alive at the time, it will die within a few days. But this pheasant is different. Once you catch it, unless you catch it in your hand, you will put it in a cage and feed it to eat. Compared to other birds, it has no spine.

When we got off the bus at the station, it was past eleven o'clock. When we left, there was only a rattan box. I came back with two more bags and a monkey. The weight of this thing was nothing to Luo Cheng, but he actually took a break on the way home. My endurance is obviously not as good as before.

"Luo Cheng, you're back. Hey, why did you catch a monkey this time? I've seen monkeys in the county. There are monkeys in the mountains in our town."

"It shouldn't be from the mountains over our town. Someone else sent it. I don't know where it came from. Monkeys are so small and don't have much meat. How many people can afford to raise them these days. Let's make some porridge for lunch today. See if the monkey eats. If it doesn’t eat, I’ll find a place to throw it away.”

When she returned to the courtyard, Zhao Qian was sitting at the door drying things. When she saw Luo Cheng coming back, she immediately came forward to help him carry the box. As he got closer, he discovered that Luo Cheng was holding a little monkey in his hand.

But as Luo Cheng said, the monkey is too small and there is no meat at all after being skinned. It would be better to lose it than to waste it, and even if the monkey is small, it is more intelligent than some animals. At least when Zhao Qian got close, Monkey knew how to hold Luo Cheng's arm tightly with some strength. After all, after being held by Luo Cheng for several hours, the monkey would be more stable on his side.

Whether the little monkey can survive depends on its own life. If it is picky about food, Luo Cheng will really throw it away. Even though some meat would be wasted, there was too little meat and Luo Cheng was unwilling to kill the spiritual thing.

After putting the things away, Luo Cheng first got some water to feed the monkey. It was pretty good and he could drink the water. I feel like I will make some porridge for it to eat later. The monkey was tied with a thin hemp rope outside the kitchen and next to the rabbit's cage. Of course, now the pheasants are also closed.

Luo Cheng didn't rest when he came back. Several birds had to be dealt with. Some were already dead and some were about to die, so he dealt with them all directly. It’s no problem to stew one a day. But it still needs to be marinated. If the weather is cold, it can be kept for many days without marinating.

There were pheasants, rabbits and monkeys. At twelve o'clock, many children who went to school came back from school. These things are very attractive to children. In the past, many children were warned by their adults not to play in front of Luo Cheng's house. Mainly I'm embarrassed, but how can a child know anything, especially in front of a little monkey?

Although Luo Cheng's memory is not very good, he doesn't need to remember whose family the children in the yard belong to, as long as he doesn't let the grandchildren of Wu Kaishan and Mrs. Liu's family come to play with him. Maybe this behavior seems to be too much for children, and the children are still angry about adult matters. But it was quite interesting for a person like Luo Cheng to isolate the children of those two families and let them cry and make trouble.

The little monkey was tied by a rope to the side of the cage. He couldn't avoid the child even if he wanted to. After being noisy for a while, he was no longer afraid of the children. If the children wanted to touch him, he would touch it twice. The little monkey accepted his fate.

Sweet potato porridge was cooked for lunch. When Luo Cheng and Zhao Qian were eating, they also made a bowl for the little monkey and poured it into the only wooden bowl at home. When it cools down, I will give it to the monkey to try to eat. The result of feeding is that the monkey not only eats it, but also eats it very quickly. It seems that he is really hungry.

When the children in the yard saw the monkeys eating, they didn't care whether they were full or not. Even if they were eating batter, they would feed the monkey some. This little monkey was really not picky about eating, and would also eat the batter on the stick.

After the meal, Zhao Qian also teased the little monkey a few times. Maybe she was the one who brought the bowl of sweet potato porridge just now. This little monkey really knows how to recognize people and even hugs her calf.

Luo Cheng was very happy to see that Zhao Qian liked the little monkey. At least it would be nice to have a monkey to play with her when he went to town. Luo Cheng will not report to the factory this afternoon. It took five days to fill out the attendance application form, and today is only the fourth day.

In the afternoon, Luo Cheng wanted to take Zhao Qian to watch a movie. He was influenced by the future era or was indoctrinated by Liu Xiaofei's thoughts. Luo Cheng may still be a straight man in the future era, but in his own era, taking his wife to watch a movie outside is enough for her daughter-in-law to talk about how good she is to her in front of outsiders for many days.

However, although Zhao Qian's belly is not obvious now, she already has some symptoms of pregnant women and is prone to drowsiness. After sitting for a while after eating, she wanted to squint for a while. Luo Cheng asked her to lie down first while he rode his bicycle to the cinema to see if there were any movies showing this afternoon. Anyway, it wouldn't take long to ride there, so he would pick her up if there were any. .

Cinemas show movies every afternoon, but now the main task of cinemas is publicity. It’s okay if school doesn’t start. After school starts, students are often organized to watch some movies, which are free and public welfare.

The fee is usually from around 7pm to 9pm, and there are no movies after 9pm. Unlike the future era, movie theaters still have midnight movies.

It was a coincidence that Luo Cheng went there today. There was no movie to watch in the afternoon, but there was a movie in the evening. The title of the film is "Li Shizhen". Luo Cheng thought about it, and it was evening. Anyway, he had a bicycle and a flashlight. Zhao Qian was also pregnant, so he couldn't do anything at night. It was not bad to watch a movie, so Luo Cheng rode his bicycle back again.

When she got home, Zhao Qian was still sleeping, and Luo Cheng didn't disturb her. Instead, he took the money to a gold store and bought a thinner gold ring. No ticket was required to buy a gold ring. There are not many styles of rings these days, they are all relatively thick and there are no very thin rings. Like in the future era, there are gold rings of about two grams. But in this day and age, any small one you pick around weighs six grams. It cost Luo Cheng almost half a month's salary.

Luo Cheng bought this to see if gold could be brought to the future. The money hidden in the town could not be brought to the future, which made him wonder where it was restricted. Logically speaking, there should be no restrictions on money, and money from the future era can be brought to one's own era.

Luo Cheng planned to try it tonight. If he couldn't carry it, he would treat it as a gift bought for Zhao Qian. Of course, if he could carry it, it would still be a gift for her, and then he would bring it back.

There is a gold ring, and when the cub grows up, it can be passed down to the family, or given to a future daughter-in-law. After returning from buying the gold ring, Zhao Qian woke up. She was looking forward to going to the movies with Luo Cheng. Movies were a luxury for many people. A movie for the two of them cost several cents. But she had saved hundreds of dollars, and Luo Cheng still made a lot of extra income every month, so he didn't feel bad about these few cents.

I heard it was a movie at seven o'clock, called "Li Shizhen", although neither of them knew what the movie with this name was about. But since it is a movie, it will naturally be good to watch. The name Li Shizhen would be unknown to people of Luo Cheng's generation and rural people who didn't study much.

For example, if someone asked Luo Cheng who burned the Old Summer Palace, he would definitely not admit that he burned it. Never been there, never heard of it.

Many children in the future will know things, but in this era, those who have not studied much and have not been exposed to people in the outside world really don’t know many things.

This woman just has more vanity than a man. Went to see a movie at 7pm, still a few hours left. Zhao Qian ran to Feng's house to chat with her neighbor Yang Hui. After a few words of chatting, she got involved with Luo Cheng, saying that her man had brought a lot of things from the town when he came back. Live pheasants and rabbits may be sold as favors. Moreover, it was originally collected by Luo Cheng with money, but the commune below does not allow individuals to hunt.

But being able to get things with money is also a skill. Because she was pregnant, I got some birds for her to eat this time. The most important thing is that at seven o'clock tonight, her man will take her to a movie. I watched a movie called "Li Shizhen" and I didn't know what it was about. Ask Yang Hui if she has seen it or if she knows what movie it is.

When Yang Hui heard this, she really envied Zhao Qian for having a capable man who was married and even took his wife to the movies. Tonight, when her own man comes back, she will have to nag her.

But when it comes to Li Shizhen, she has never seen the movie, but she knows it is the doctor's name.

Yang Hui told Zhao Qian that it seemed that Li Shizhen was a great figure in the history of the Three Kingdoms. He was beaten to death for treating Cao Cao.

~~What Yang Hui said seemed to be that she couldn't remember clearly. Anyway, Zhao Qian would know when she went to see it. After watching it, I'd like to come back and tell her what the show was about.

Zhao Qian felt that people in the city were knowledgeable. Even if they had not seen the movie, when they talked about Li Shizhen, at least they knew he was a doctor. She had heard of Cao Cao, but had Cao Cao ever killed someone like Li Shizhen? After dinner, go back and talk to Luo Cheng to see if this movie is about a doctor being beaten to death.

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