Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 189 Identity becomes a worry again

Chapter 189 The logic discovered

"Li Shizhen" is a very interesting movie, or in other words, movies of this era are very story-telling.

The content has nothing to do with Cao Cao at all. It mainly talks about some of Li Shizhen's hardships and experiences before compiling "Compendium of Materia Medica".

Not many people watch movies. They are still young people like Luo Cheng, but there are more people who are dating, and there are fewer people who are married like Luo Cheng. One is that although the movie ticket only costs 20 cents, it is usually for two people. Now that you are married, you should think about living a good life. I can't bear to part with it. The second thing is that now that I have my wife, I can't watch any movies.

However, if conditions permit, it is also good for married people to go watch a movie together. No matter what the subject of the movie is, at least there will be one more topic for communication.

At night, Luo Cheng and Zhao Qian fell asleep naturally, but before Luo Cheng fell asleep, he held the gold ring in his hand. When he woke up in the future, Luo Cheng found that the golden ring was not brought over.

This made Luo Cheng feel a little strange. For better verification, Luo Cheng also bought a gold ring in the future era. It only weighed a few grams, but it was very beautiful. The result is that the gold ring in the future era cannot be brought to our own era.

But even so, Luo Cheng always felt that it had nothing to do with value. There must be some logic in it that he had not explored.

This gold cannot be brought back and forth between the two eras, but Qian Luocheng from the future era has brought it back, but why can't the money from his own era bring him back to the future era, or maybe there is something he has not thought of.

After trying to get gold to travel, Luo Cheng gave the ring he bought to two of his women in two eras. When Zhao Qian got the ring, she felt indescribably good. She will remember Luo Cheng's kindness to her forever.

Liu Xiaofei was also very surprised. She didn't care about the value of the ring, but she felt that Luo Cheng was not so straight. He actually took the initiative to give him a gift and rewarded him well on the same day.

From then on, Luo Cheng's life began to be dull, and occasionally a little romantic.

At least in the yard, he was nice to Zhao Qian, and many people said behind his back that he was a romantic man. Of course, these words are said by some young wives. For older people or men, they just don’t know how to live with too much money.

Two days later, Luo Cheng made a new discovery about time and space delivery. It's not that money from his own time cannot be brought to the future time, because he tried again holding a few dollars in his hand while sleeping two days later, and this time he successfully brought it to the future time.

So what is the reason why Luo Cheng's box of money in the town cannot be brought to the future era, and even gold cannot be brought with him. Luo Cheng feels that this is also related.

On the fourth day, Luo Cheng returned to the town and found that he still couldn't take away a box of money.

In the future, Liu Xiaofei's second uncle found a shop. In order to save money, they rented a stall instead of a shop. It only costs more than a thousand yuan a month. If you close the stall, you can just pull up the curtain. You can start selling by purchasing some simple equipment.

Luo Cheng also collected a batch of old cotton wool in the future era and asked a rag collector to help collect it. It didn't cost much according to the weight, but many of the cotton batting were quite old. I don't know why, but many of the cotton batting had a foul smell, and there were also marks like urine on the bed.

Bring the cotton wool to the town, and Luo Cheng directly asks the shuttle bus to take it back to the city. A few eggs can be used by the driver to help. Not only did they take it back to the city, they also sent people to the machinery factory to notify the people in the purchasing department to pick up the goods.

On the fifth day, Luo Cheng finally discovered the problem. It was not that the box of money could not be taken away, but that there was some money in it that could not be taken to the future era.

Like Big Black Ten, which cost ten yuan a piece, Luo Cheng found that most of them couldn't be brought over. But there are a few I can bring over. The same goes for other types of currencies. A whole box of money, three thousand or several hundred yuan, brought back a few hundred yuan in total.

I took Luo Cheng to investigate. Even if I brought back a few hundred, the collection value would be countless times greater than buying gold and bringing it back. For ten yuan, the official would only buy about five grams of gold in my own era. It only costs more than 2,000 in the future, but a big black ten can easily sell for tens of thousands. And if the edition is good, such as the one printed by the Soviet Union in 1953, one copy can sell for more than 100,000 yuan.

It was hard for Luo Cheng to imagine that a piece of ten yuan worth of money would not be able to eat or drink in the future, and it would actually be unusable. It can be exchanged for tens of thousands, or even one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand. If we had known this earlier, Luo Cheng would have been working hard for so long at the construction site. He had to work at the construction site for a year to get a big black ten to sell. Even if the version was almost in poor condition, it could still sell for tens of thousands.

While checking the price online, Luo Cheng discovered a key factor that seemed to explain many of the reasons why many coins in his era could not be brought over.

The same currency has a huge price difference not only due to the year of printing, but also a different serial number. And Luo Cheng took the serial number of the coin he brought to look for it. There was no currency with a corresponding number found at all. This made him think for a long time before he realized that he could not bring over the things that already existed in this future era, but it seemed that he could bring over the things that did not exist.

For example, if there is a currency with the same number in the future, it will have been preserved through the long history. What would happen if Luo Cheng took out the same one again. If this is really the case, if he goes into the antiques industry, he can double the terracotta warriors and horses, and he can also give you double copies of the burial objects of each emperor. Even the remains and bones can give you two Qin Shihuangs.

Something that cannot be recorded by history or still exist in future times. Luo Cheng felt that he had touched the logic of time and space travel, and if this logic was true, then it would also be true that people could not be transported to another time and space. For example, taking people of Luo Cheng's generation into the future, especially children, who were born in the 1950s, there are still many people alive in the future era. This cannot make two "the same" people.

Even if you bring a person who has passed away in the future era, you will stage a drama of the resurrection of your ancestors.

Luo Cheng's ability to travel through time and space is already amazing. If he could bring someone with him to travel through time and space, it would be a miracle to just bring someone there. If Liu Xiaofei's second uncle is brought to Luo Cheng's era, he might become a big shot. It's like a time-travel drama.

In mid-September, in the future era, the lease contract for the frog shed was signed. Moreover, the boss who breeds bullfrogs introduced two workers who lived there to Luo Cheng. The salary was really cheap, only 2,600 yuan a month. It seems that the wages of the older people there are not high, after all, the work content is simple.

In the future era, Luo Cheng felt a little restrained, and Liu Xiaofei's mother actually came here. Seeing that there was an empty second bedroom where Luo Cheng and Xiao Fei lived, they moved in directly.

Liu Xiaofei's mother is quite beautiful, and many of Liu Xiaofei's contours are the same as her mother's. The reason why Luo Cheng felt restrained in front of Liu Xiaofei's mother was simple. The main reason was that his identity was somewhat unclear and he would be particular about getting married in the coming years. Luo Cheng slept with someone else's daughter, but he couldn't give him any commitment in marriage at the moment.

Such a situation, if it were in Luo Cheng's own era, would be a bit pure hooliganism.

However, Liu Xiaofei's mother had a good impression of Luo Cheng. Apart from the dark spots on his skin, he looked quite energetic and strong. The main reason is that Luo Cheng is good to Xiao Fei. It can be seen from one point. He and Xiao Fei are working hard together. The money they earn is not divided between you and me. We make money together and spend it together. Just spend the small money directly, and the big money can be negotiated.

In the opinion of Xiaofei's mother, this is much better than Xiaofei's father. After working together for so many years, although we spent a lot of money, we obviously earned it by living together and working hard together. It's like we always have to report the money.

"Mom, aren't you and Dad having a good time in Shencheng? It's okay for you to come to my place. What will happen to Dad and Xiao Le?"

"Why do I care so much about him? Your dad just despises women. I just want to see if he can survive without a woman."

Liu Xiaofei wanted to retaliate, saying that men cannot live without women, but this woman is not just her mother. Over there in Shenzhen, if you have money, you are afraid of not having women. But considering that my father actually cares a lot about something, he probably wouldn't be willing to spend that money.

"That's not right. You and Dad have been arguing for so many days before you came to my place. Where have you been these past few days?"

"Hey, I played cards at the mahjong parlor for two days. I originally wanted to win some money to relieve my anger. If your dad calls and convinces me, I will go back. After all, Xiaole has just entered elementary school this year, and I am worried when I come here. But if you don’t tell me you’re lucky, and your dad doesn’t even call you, it’s a waste of time for me to go back.”

"Mom, it's just the right time for you to come. When you come, you can treat my second uncle. He spent a lot of money on me when he came here. Now he has opened a shop and took away more than 10,000 yuan. There are not many goods, so I’m worried that if he sells the goods and gets the money in his pocket, he will still not pay me when he comes to pick up the goods.”

"Don't worry, it will definitely happen. Even if your second uncle earns money, he will still owe you. Your father asked him to owe you deliberately, and then planned to give the money owed to your father directly, saying that he would keep some money for you."

"How could dad do this? Why?"

"Why? Because you are his daughter, and because he has raised you for so many years, you are slept with by Ronaldinho. He doesn't know the situation between you and Ronaldinho, and he doesn't want his daughter to be slept with for nothing. At least he can make some money. I have the money in my hand."

"What does it mean to sleep in vain? I am a commodity. Luo Cheng and I are in a free relationship."

Liu Xiaofei said angrily, what age is it now? I have been exposed to messy information since I was a child. How many girls can be reserved when they have feelings for the opposite sex. When you are rebellious, you don't understand what love is at all. You may simply see a good-looking boy and be attracted to each other by his looks, and think it is love.

Some good schools in big cities are okay, but in small counties, many junior high school students have secretly disappeared. You really have to listen to your parents. It’s a bride price and a RV. If you have such conditions, some men in their thirties are in hot demand.

Nowadays, many men are lying down. There are many single men and women are easy to get married. But excellent men are still in demand, and there are not many men who can make money and endure hardships in a down-to-earth manner.

Of course, Liu Xiaofei still has a bit of shame that she doesn't want to reveal, and she is actually a bit astringent. If she takes one million and chooses not to touch a man, then she will definitely not be able to not touch a man.

Not to mention Luo Cheng can make money now, even if he can't, as long as he is willing to work hard. Liu Xiaofei will not leave casually. She is astringent, but she is not a scumbag. Now there is no such thing as sleeping in vain. In that regard, we just need each other.

But from a father's point of view, his daughter was taken over by a man, and he couldn't control her, and he didn't have the energy to do so. There is a feeling of raising a woman for free by other men. This is the difference between raising a daughter and raising a son. If he was raising a son and slept with another woman, the feeling of being a father would be different. But mothers can't stand it anymore. Mothers don't want to see their sons become scumbags and act irresponsibly with other girls.

Liu Xiaofei's mother didn't have the mentality of her daughter being taken advantage of. Instead, after talking about her second uncle, she asked Xiaofei to pay attention not to get pregnant if she didn't plan to get married. Liu Xiaofei was quite shy when talking about this, and it was as if she wouldn't pay attention to what she was talking about. You can't tell your mother how to pay attention.

Mother and daughter were chatting in a separate room, while Luo Cheng was busy outside.

Previously, Liu Xiaofei's mother was somewhat supportive of her father's views, and it was not about sleeping in vain or not. But since her daughter is following someone else, she can at least keep things in check here. If she feels that Luo Cheng is a bit unreliable, there is nothing wrong with helping her daughter get some money. But in the current situation, Luo Cheng and his daughter both earn and spend their money together, and it's because of Luo Cheng's resources that he earns a lot of money a month.

The money in Liu Xiaofei's mobile phone has eight figures. Of course, the money in Liu Xiaofei's mobile phone has two decimal places. But it’s hundreds of thousands, and Liu Xiaofei is still taking the driver’s license exam and preparing to buy a car. In such a situation, how can we guard against Luo Cheng? In addition to warning her daughter to live well together, Liu Xiaofei's mother should not break up if they encounter conflicts and quarrels.

Liu Xiaofei's mother came, and Luo Cheng was liberated in the store within two days. Liu Xiaofei's mother directly called Xiaofei's aunt and cousin, and together with her second uncle's daughter-in-law, who was Xiaofei's aunt, the mahjong table was full.

Liu Xiaofei's mother likes to play mahjong, mainly because she used to cook and look after shops in Shencheng, which was too boring. I gradually became obsessed with playing mahjong, and here comes my daughter. My daughter Liu Xiaofei and her boyfriend are making money like this, so I can enjoy some of the blessings of my daughter.

Having no worries about food and drink, he naturally wants to find someone to play with. You can play mahjong for a small amount of money, even if it's only five or ten yuan per game, it's mainly to pass the time.

Then the private house Luo Cheng rented at the beginning came into use, and a new breeding shed was built. Luo Cheng only needed to repair the pit in the shed, and the eels could be stored there in the future. And if you want to bring things back and forth between times, the warehouse is enough.

The private house is simply decorated, with air conditioning, beds, tables and chairs, etc. Liu Xiaofei's aunt and cousin can stay there, and there is also a mahjong table for playing mahjong.

When Liu Xiaofei's mother came, her second uncle's family really had a headache again.

The family really planned to owe not only the initial goods but also the replenishment. When the time comes, it will be settled monthly. As for when one month comes, just say that you need money for home decoration, and just continue to default. As for Liu Xiaofei's father, he promised to give him the money owed to his daughter in due course, but this money does not require interest, so he can delay it as long as possible. No matter who it is, I plan to drag it.

But Liu Xiaofei's mother also came over, her sister-in-law. Once she comes, it will be difficult to plot against niece Liu Xiaofei. The eldest sister-in-law looks young and looks pretty and quiet, but she is actually very aggressive. Moreover, those who curse people with dirty words will not offend this B or that B. But she usually doesn't get angry, but if she wants to get goods with the money she owes her daughter, there is a high chance that she will get angry.

A few days passed quickly, and the National Day will be in half a month. In the future era, the two days before the National Day will be the Mid-Autumn Festival. It's considered connected, so many people who plan to get married this year don't want to squeeze in the New Year and can't even book a hotel or restaurant. On the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, many people get married.

There are more weddings here, and more people book banquets in advance. Luo Cheng's eel and loach business has also increased a lot, and some people are ordering goods in advance. But at this time, the price of eels and loaches in the entire market began to rise. The prices of those raised had also risen, and it was impossible for Luo Cheng not to rise.

It was just in time for Liu Xiaofei's second uncle to open a store. Business was average in the first two days of opening the store, selling dozens of kilograms a day. But even so, because of the support of the big eel, I can make a profit of 100 yuan from selling one. Even if the profit is only a few hundred yuan in the first day, excluding expenses, it is not a loss. It is just a matter of making more or less.

But to catch up with the price increase crisis and the Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day, more people are buying food, and more people are buying good food. The business at Liu Xiaofei's second uncle's place is obviously getting better day by day. Because of the price increase, profits have also increased.

The second uncle and others may be stingy with their relatives, but they are still very smooth-talking when doing business, and they appear to be very generous to their customers, often giving away a dollar or two. But~~, they are not as honest as Luo Cheng and Xiaofei about some things.

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