Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 191 A Female Beggar

Chapter 191 Many new business opportunities

The autumn harvest in the north is around October. It's later in the south, around November.

But whether the harvest will be good or bad is a foregone conclusion in October in the north, and the approximate yield can be estimated in the south based on growth conditions.

In 1958, the 27th day of the Gregorian calendar was the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the day after the Mid-Autumn Festival was the National Day. This Mid-Autumn Festival symbolizes reunion. The whole family has a reunion dinner together, but because of the big cafeteria. There is excitement, but there is no atmosphere of a small family.

Luo Cheng took Zhao Qian back to the town, but they could only eat in the canteen together during the festival. Two days before the Mid-Autumn Festival, the town organized people to go hunting in the mountains. This can be regarded as living off the mountain, and the Mid-Autumn Festival food is not bad. But some towns and villages don’t have mountains, so it’s difficult to eat meat during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the morning and evening temperatures in the south are also very cool. It can feel a bit cold even if you go out wearing just one piece of clothing. Each commune has also canceled the teams that fish for eels and loaches. After the rice is almost grown, there is actually no need for irrigation water later. In this way, eels will not come out if there is no water, and the weather is cool, so when there is water, there will be fewer eels coming out at night.

Even if the autumn harvest is completed, there will be no more plowing. If the land is turned over, some eels will come out. However, turning over the land will have to wait until next spring.

The longer Luo Cheng lives in the future, the more business opportunities he will see. In the future era, some people say that everything will rise. Wages and prices have increased hundreds of times compared to the 1950s and 1960s, but food will not rise. In the 1950s and 1960s, rice cost only 156 cents. In the future, the purchase price of grain will be ten times the price, because the price of cheap rice in retail is only more than 2 yuan.

But in fact, the price of food has only increased by about ten times, at least that's not what Luo Cheng saw. Now Luo Cheng is no longer simply comparing prices between the two eras, because many things are divided into wild and farmed.

Luo Cheng initially thought that animals and aquatic products could be divided into wild and farmed ones, and there was a big gap in price due to many reasons. He thought that there was no difference between cultivated things and wild ones, but Luo Cheng found that he was too naive. In fact, the price of rice had also increased hundreds of times.

In the future, when planting rice and wheat, pesticides and insecticides will be sprayed, and chemical fertilizers will be added. But there is also a kind of rice called AA grade ecological rice, which is normal for more than ten yuan per pound. There is even some special rice that can sell for more than 8,000 yuan per pound. It is said that it is irrigated by mountain spring water and is rich in minerals.

But Luo Cheng didn't care about that. At least in his time, there was little environmental pollution, and the rice fields in many places were not irrigated by spring water. But when there is a lot of rain in spring, there are many streams near the mountain. Moreover, the AA-level assessment standard means that no chemical ingredients or chemical fertilizers are used during the growth process.

In Luo Cheng's era, not to mention chemical fertilizers, even manure was not enough. Perhaps except for the fact that the seeds are not improved and the yield is not high, so-called AA grade, it can be said that the entire domestic grain is considered AA grade.

If Luo Cheng had known that there would be such a price difference for just rice, he would have been so embarrassed. Rice is easy to store. I don’t want to feed the eels and kill them for customers before selling them.

In Luo Cheng's time, the food harvest was about to be abundant. Whether the harvest in the north is good or not has nothing to do with him. Rice is not grown in the north, but wheat is grown. The future era will focus on AA-grade rice, but there will be no AA-grade wheat or flour.

However, there are channels for selling eel. If Luo Cheng really wants to sell pollution-free rice, he can actually gain the trust of many people. The former Liu Yong is now doing statistical work at the urban grain station. When the time comes, Luo Cheng plans to harvest a new batch of rice, and Luo Cheng will go and make a change. We must know that the grains of rice in the future era will actually be fuller. The same rice will produce more grain after hulling than that of his era.

"Luo Cheng, you have brought all the supporting documents."

"It's all together, it's all together. This is my birth certificate and the certificate issued by the village. This is supplementary information."

"You are only over eighteen years old, and you have experienced a lot."

"I don't want to go through so much, there's nothing I can do about it."

Luo Cheng told the person who registered the household registration that in the future era, he has now left Jiangcheng and came to a very remote place.

Although Luo Cheng's accent was from Jiangcheng, it didn't mean anything. At that time, many migrant workers left their hometowns to work in other places. Their children were born and lived in other places. Many of them did not speak dialects. Some even spoke more foreign dialects than the local dialects, but most of them were in Mandarin.

Luo Cheng's current information is that his family was poor since he was a child, and his parents took him to other places to work, and then they disappeared. In order to apply for the certificate, I now have several fake relatives in my hometown. There are only a few dozen households in the village, which is very small.

Luo Cheng was a little nervous, but when he entered his fingerprints or something, he was even more surprised. In the past, black accounts may have blank information due to underdeveloped information. Now, in fact, many black accounts just do not have proof, but in fact, the backup database may record some information.

Anyway, Luo Cheng's current overall information is considered complete, but the details cannot be scrutinized. Because the parents in his information have no children at all. But if there is a formal birth certificate to prove that Luo Cheng is someone else's child, then the question is, do you choose to believe the certificate or someone else's verbal doubts.

After registering the information, they had no intention of investigating anything, because at least the information provided by Luo Cheng was obtained from a regular place. Moreover, there is no crime or any messy information such as fingerprint verification. I sent someone to check after I was full and had nothing to do.

But the information has been handed in, and he still has to wait to get the household registration certificate, but Luo Cheng doesn't have to wait here and can go back to Jiangcheng first. When the certificate comes out, you can mail it, as long as you leave an address to which it can be sent. But Luo Cheng didn't have an ID card, so he still had to come over when the time came.

The main reason is that the exact time for obtaining the household registration book was not given here, and Luo Cheng came by chartered car. The round trip cost 5,000 yuan, and all the food and drinks were his. So Luo Cheng still planned to go back, but Luo Cheng planned to delay his return for another day. He saw some 'business opportunities' again. The area here is too remote, but it is remote, and the transportation here is not easy.

Luo Cheng discovered that there are many vegetable growers here because there are too many varieties of a single variety and transportation is inconvenient. Many vegetables cannot be sold and have to rot in the ground. Some green onions are retailed in towns near here for only one yuan, and the vegetable vendors buy them for only 50 cents per catty. At this price, they don't even charge much, so you have to pick them and pull them. They only collect it when they go to town. In the past, when prices were good, people would send trucks directly to the fields to pull the goods.

1.1 cents per pound of celery. You must know that this is the future era. Most people will not pick up a cent when they see it. Here, because the price of celery was not bad last year, many households followed the trend and planted celery. In addition, the rain this year was good, so it grew well. But it doesn’t work if it looks too good, because the market is saturated.

Some older people pack a small tricycle and sell it in the town. Selling a vehicle only costs more than ten yuan. It is better to do anything casually.

In the future, one hundred yuan can buy nearly one thousand kilograms of celery. Luo Cheng remembered that celery cost two or three yuan a pound in Jiangcheng. Liu Xiaofei bought it in the supermarket and used it to stir-fry beef. It tasted quite good.

Moreover, celery can also be used to stir-fry eels, loaches, etc. Luo Cheng felt that he would earn money if he bought it. It may be very costly for others to transport it, and it may not be easy to sell locally. But Luo Cheng's "shipping" out, as long as the operation is good, the cost is almost zero.

Maybe if you come here, you can not only earn back the charter fare, but also make a small fortune. Of course, Luo Cheng's small income is based on his current income. For some ordinary people, it can also be said to be a big income.

Luo Cheng directly harvested tens of thousands of catties of celery and more than ten acres of celery. If he collected more, Luo Cheng felt that the price would be increased, so he let people put the collected celery directly on the roadside. The roadside there was a dirt road, so big cars couldn't get in, and small cars couldn't pull many.

Tens of thousands of kilograms sounds like a lot, but it’s more than ten cents per kilogram, which doesn’t add up to ten thousand yuan. It was so much when stacked together that Luo Cheng wanted to borrow a granary in the town. Now in his time, the rice hadn't been harvested yet, so the town's granary was only full twice a year. After it was dried, a lot of grain was sent to the county.

Usually the granary in the town is empty, but even if it is only used for a day or two, it is still not good if it is discovered. Luo Cheng planned to go directly to the mountains and get a rain cloth to cover him. The rain cloth was not to prevent rain, but to prevent wind. It will take a day or two for Luo Cheng to go back. This dish is actually fine if it gets wet in the rain, but after picking, it will easily wilt if the wind blows.

Because of the celery thing, Luo Cheng found a new way to make money or buy goods. After checking on the Internet, in fact, let alone the food here, the food in the Northeast is very cheap, but there is no such thing as bad. The ground is unsalable. The food over there is inherently cheap. But through vegetable vendors and transportation costs, there are no cheap vegetables when they are brought to the south.

However, pulling Chinese cabbage to sell was not very exciting for Luo Cheng. It was tiring him to death. To make so little money, he might as well have been selling eels for a day. But if this dish is not used to make money, it can actually help many people in his era.


(The book is finished, yes, it’s unfinished.)

April spring, 1959. Changcheng, Xikou Hutong, West District, Zayuan.

"Beggar, carry a bucket of rice on your back. If you carry the sky on your back, thunder will strike you. Come downhill, you will be burned by fire. Birds will peck you in the bashu tree. If you dig holes, snakes will bite you. Go down to the mouth, and maggots will attack you. If you walk into the house, you will be bitten by dogs.伱.”

I don’t know which beggar came to this alley this year. As soon as they came in, the children started to play around. Some of the songs they sang were actually not very friendly, but they didn't make them friendly. Too many outsiders come here to beg for food, but the people in Changcheng are still kind. But there are too many people, and in the end, there is more than enough intention but not enough power.

Children now dare not take food in their hands when they go out on the street. Beggars are really good at grabbing food when they see it.

Not to mention beggars, among neighbors, if there is food now, it is done behind closed doors. If you eat well, you don’t want people to see you; if you eat poorly, you don’t want people to know. Now urban rations have been reduced. It is said that some cities in the north had already reduced their rations at the end of last year.

In the past, in many factories, meat was eaten in the cafeteria once every half month to only once a month, and the workers still complained. Nowadays, some factories that are not very profitable and produce products that are not very important have not eaten meat even once since the New Year.

The beggar’s hair and face were dirty, his clothes were shabby, and he was so thin that it was hard to tell his age. I came to the alley hoping to get some food, but there wasn't any, so it would be nice to just ask for a bowl of water.

When he reached the end of the alley and saw the entrance of the courtyard, the beggar's eyes lit up. There is a tap water pool in the courtyard, which seems to be shared by many households. Getting a bowl of water is usually very simple. What really stood out to the beggar was a house in the front yard. There was a monkey tied to the door.

These days, most people don't have enough to eat. Many families can't afford to feed their children, and many of them die young. There are actually people raising monkeys. Although I don’t know if this family is kind-hearted or not, at least they should be better off than most people in terms of food.

Just when the beggar wanted to go directly to that house to ask for charity, the door of a house next to him opened and a young pregnant woman with a big belly came out. Although her belly was quite big, she was still very agile when walking. She came out of the room and walked into the room where the monkey was tied. Not long after, another woman came out of the room where the monkey was tied and led the monkey inside.

"Second sister-in-law, you are about to give birth. This is the millet that my second brother got a few days ago, specially for making millet porridge for you. The chickens raised in the town have also laid eggs, and the eggs are so fragrant."

"Yanzi, you should eat more. Your brother is very capable, and he is just as good as you. Congcong is also well-behaved. Like other people, he knows how to look at his face."

"Yes, we don't give it food, and it doesn't fight or make trouble."

Congcong is a monkey. He was named because he felt he was quite smart.

The monkey was brought here by Luo Cheng last autumn. It was still a very small monkey at that time. In the blink of an eye, more than half a year has passed, and the monkey has grown a lot bigger. Luo Cheng would tease the monkey every day when he was at home and talk to it like a human being. I usually "point my fingers" in command, but I didn't expect that I can actually understand some simple commands now.

Luo Yan has followed her second brother Luo Cheng to live in the city since November last year, but she only took care of her pregnant second sister-in-law. It's not really that she will live with her after she is brought to the city. If the second sister-in-law gives birth, she will take care of her for a while, and then she may return to her hometown.

In the town commune, Luo Yan's parents, eldest brother and sister-in-law are not doing well now. What the second brother Luo Cheng expected happened happened. Luo Cheng bought eels and loaches on behalf of the poultry factory last year, but he stopped catching such things in October. It was almost the autumn harvest at that time. After the autumn harvest, the team arranged for everyone to plant some vegetables and then open up wasteland and so on.

There was not much in the team at first, but there were also many beggars in the town. Wild vegetables in spring, frogs in the fields, and voles. Small fish and shrimps in the ditch. Those beggars who escaped from famine really ate whatever they caught. Not to mention these things that are inherently edible, people are eating those grass roots and tree barks that seem inedible.

Luo Cheng wants to go back to the commune to organize the purchase of eels and loaches, but it seems impossible this year. As for the acquisition of prey from the mountains, Luo Cheng also confiscated it, because it could be said that the machinery factory wanted to eat some products from the mountains and exchanged them for pork. It would be unreasonable to operate like this now.

In factories in urban areas, many people cannot eat meat even once for several months, and the excess meat is exchanged for other flavored ingredients. That is really a joke.

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