Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 21 Selling fat meat on the black market

"Damn it, why do I start missing Qian as soon as I return to my own time? Why do I miss her? Hehe, I want to touch Nako."

A new day has arrived, and Luo Cheng's thoughts were a little abnormal early in the morning.

But this time there was no ink on the bed. It was still early, but in fact people going to the black market would leave earlier. The black market usually closes after nine o'clock. Even if there are still people there if you go late, there won't be many buyers or sellers.

The black market is outside the town, one of several towns is considered the central location. The place is a ravine and relatively simple. There is also a black market in the county seat, but there is no good stuff. Most people are still willing to trade in the black market in the valley here.

If you want to sell chicken cakes, go to county towns or even urban areas to sell them, that will be easier to sell. If it were sold on the black market here, there would be so many people looking at it, and there might not be many people willing to buy it or even exchange it.

But fat meat is different. It can be sold anywhere. There are scales on the black market. Bring a knife and cut it into pieces in advance, weigh it, and sell it directly according to the pieces.

After throwing the meat into the hemp rope bag, Luo Cheng set off immediately under the bright sky.

The custom in one place is to collect dew during the Dragon Boat Festival, but don’t collect it on the road in the mountains. The dew in the mountains is called mountain dew for short. Why not collect mountain dew, because the "eighteen bends of the mountain road" here are too difficult.

The roads in rural towns these days are really winding and left-hand, and the black market is in a ravine. Luo Cheng had to go through at least eighteen turns before arriving.

People who sell things on the black market have to charge a fee, otherwise they have to maintain their livelihood. However, if it is not sold, no money will be charged. Because some people will sell a jar of pickles for only a few cents in total, so you can't pay for it even if it's not sold. If you sell it, you'll get two or three cents.

The fee depends on the item. If you have good stuff, although the fee will be higher, you will be placed in a better location.

Luo Cheng is an acquaintance of the black market. Orions are very popular in the black market, because the hunters often bring meat. No matter what animal they are, they are all meat.

"Luo Laosan, I haven't seen you for a long time. You look like you've been doing well recently."

"Don't talk nonsense. Do you have a good seat? Do you see the sack? There are good things in it."

"Young boy, you're more aggressive than your father. You caught something on the mountain. Let me open my eyes."

"It's OK to open your eyes. Can I give you a dime for the stall fee today?"

"Hey, you're not too arrogant. There are really good things. I, Hei Niu, have made the decision and I'll charge you 10 cents for the stall fee."

The stall fee of 10 cents is very high. You must know that once the market opens, there are many people selling things for exchange. If everyone who sells things really wants to charge ten cents, that's fine. He can't charge more than a few dollars a day.

But sometimes people who sell good stuff can actually charge a cent or two. Luo Cheng said he would give him 10 cents, which meant clearly that if he really wanted to charge for his things, it would probably be more than 10 cents. This is more than a dime, so there is definitely something good.

Luo Cheng's sack didn't look like there was much in it, just ten or twenty kilograms. Even if it was some kind of prey, it would only cost about ten cents.

As for why the manager of this book called Luo Chengjia Luo Laosan, it was because he was the third eldest child and had followed his father here before they separated.

"Okay, you can see for yourself, go get a scale, I can use it."

"Hey, you are so evil today. You gave me orders. Let me see~~look~, Luo Laosan, where did this~~ come from?"

The bag was opened by one of the managers who called himself Black Cow. The white fat meat made him swallow several times. You can tell at a glance that the meat is from raised pigs. The color of wild boar is not like this, and there is no such fat wild boar. Moreover, wild boar is actually very woody and does not taste good. People who don’t know how to cook it still cook it. Not tasty.

This fat meat is stronger than the meat of any prey, and Hei Niu couldn't help but ask how Luo Cheng got it.

"Hei Niu, you broke the rules. If you do this, I won't come to your place next time something happens."

It is not allowed for black market managers to ask people where their goods come from. Even if Luo Cheng sells a gun here, he should not ask as long as he abides by the rules.

Luo Cheng brought things here to deal with them. Not only would the book's market earn stall fees, but there would also be good stuff, which would also bring the book's popularity. If people who come here to buy things often don't get anything good, they may not come here in the future. As soon as there is a damn good thing, you ask people where it came from. From now on, if the sellers don’t come, who will suffer the loss?

"Come on, you are the master today. I said something wrong. I won't charge your booth fee today. I'll go find you a scale right now."

Luo Cheng didn't really think about what to do. If he couldn't go through all the trouble, he really wouldn't sell it. It was good to be exempted from the stall fee. After the black cattle were weighed, Luo Cheng began to cut the fat meat into pieces, one pound, and half a pound. I won't sell anything that is one or two or two taels in bulk. I am not a meat stall, so who will sell it in one or two taels.

"Luo Laosan, how much does your meat cost per kilogram? Let me share some of it."

"Good fat meat, one piece and five pounds."

"One dollar and a half? It's a bit expensive."

Regular places charge 65 cents per pound of meat, but you need a ticket. If you don’t want a ticket, it’s normal to double the price on the black market, around one dollar to two to three dollars. But it’s hard to buy pork on the black market, but there are chickens, ducks, rabbits and so on. This price of 23 cents is a little priceless, not to mention that if you buy meat for 65 cents, even if you have a good relationship with the meat seller, I will give you some fat meat at most, pure fat meat, don't even think about it.

So Luo Cheng sells a pound of fat meat for one dollar and a half, and the price is not high. That is to say, in the black market here, if it were in the county town, he would dare to ask for one dollar, sixty-seven dollars.

Seeing that Heiniu was too expensive, Luo Cheng didn't want to talk about it. Here, even the management didn't dare to buy or sell by force. Continue to cut and weigh the meat. It's a pity that I don't have the level of serious meat sellers. There are skilled meat sellers. With the meat in their hands, they can cut it as much as they want. Even ordinary meat sellers can still make a difference. At most, they can make up for it. One knife.

Luo Cheng either cut too much or cut too little. Fortunately, fat meat is a scarce thing and the cuts don't look good. Sometimes he adds a few small pieces to make it whole, but he is not afraid of being disliked.

While Luo Cheng was cutting the meat, he attracted a lot of people. However, many people came to the black market to exchange things. There were many people watching, but few people were willing to buy. In particular, Luo Cheng would sell it at least half a catty, but just because people are poor doesn't mean they have no brains. Soon some people were really greedy for meat, and they didn't expect to see such good fat meat on the black market.

There were two or three people working together to buy half a catty, and many wanted to bargain, but Luo Cheng didn't even want to say a word. I told the counter-offer that it felt like a waste of words, and it’s not like I couldn’t sell it. If I hesitated a little longer, I’d be gone.

In the end, Hei Niu got a pound of fat meat at the price of one dollar and a half. Don't think that those who engage in the black market are very profitable. Most of the people who come to trade here are poor people. Let's put it this way, if Hei Niu is given a job, he promises to quit immediately.

In fact, Hei Niu is not the person in charge here, he just followed a few people to do it. It takes several people to run a black market, and the total charge is a few dollars a day, even if the weather is bad. The black market in urban areas has higher incomes, but also higher risks.

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