Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 218 The concept of rescue

In poverty eras, there are actually many children who grow up drinking other people's milk, but the situation is different in poverty eras. In Luo Cheng's era, no one had anything to eat. Even for women with breast milk, it was only nutrients for the body. It's not a special situation. I would rather stop breastfeeding than give it to other children.

Luo Cheng didn't know what was going on in the city. He caught up on some sleep in the town and didn't go to the mountain to check on the situation until the afternoon. Three large cellars can be dug in one day, but this also takes advantage of the slope of the mountain to prevent them from collapsing at will. But even so, everyone feels that it is still a bit big. Usually, we just put some sweet potatoes in the cellar so that people can go in.

Based on everyone's suggestions, this cellar is going to be used. Tomorrow we will use local materials and cut down some trees to reinforce the interior.

Luo Cheng estimated that the six cellars would not be enough to store all the tomatoes and eggplants. But you don’t need to put them all in. If you can’t fit them all, you can actually arrange to deal with them immediately. Transport it to the city and ask the black bulls and others involved in the black market to bring some for disposal.

It can be dealt with in any way, but it cannot be given to those who are fleeing for nothing. In fact, Luo Cheng also thought about being a knight and secretly distributing food to those fleeing from the famine. But this is actually the last resort to save everyone.

It's not that Luo Cheng is smart, but that Luo Cheng has a plug-in that allows him to watch various types of TV series in the future. Forget about those mindless TV series, many TV series are actually quite intelligent.

Let's just say that Luo Cheng secretly gave food to those fleeing from the famine. Not to mention the cost to himself, even if his wealth in the future era could support it. But if this was really done, it would be a thankless task.

Such a situation occurs inexplicably, and it is impossible to hide the matter. You are doing good deeds, but who has the personal ability to get a lot of food these days and give it to others for free? Don't say it was given by God, now we are fighting against superstitious ideas. So even if you want to save people secretly, the risk of exposure is high.

And Luo Cheng saw a theory in the future era called "Measurement". The general meaning is that no matter what Luo Cheng does, as long as he brings the things to his own time and everyone eats them, the refugees will be saved.

For example, Luo Cheng brings food to the factory, and the factory employees eat it in the canteen instead of going to the market or even the black market to buy it. Then there will be more vegetables in the market and some vegetables in the black market, and they will be bought by people who need them more. When the market eases, more food can actually be collected locally to help other people.

Luo Cheng may earn a lot of money, even disaster money is not an exaggeration. But one thing we must understand is that what local governments and many units are lacking now is not money, but what they cannot buy if they have money. To put it bluntly, for the country, money is just paper. If there is not enough money, it will be printed.

Luo Cheng was not educated enough and didn't know if the theory he saw was correct. According to the theory, as long as he kept bringing a large amount of food here from the future era, he could invisibly relieve the food pressure in his own era.

But it is like a pyramid, starting from the highest point and slowly benefiting downwards. Taking care of those at the bottom, those who are fleeing from famine, requires a lot. Although this is not as good as secretly giving food to the refugees, it is better than hiding it. And it depends on how much you give, and you give it slowly. At the beginning of this year, we were the first batch of people fleeing the wilderness, and it was just the beginning. Those who escaped later were counted in the millions, and each person was given a pound of food, which cost five hundred tons. It can't be saved.

What Luo Cheng didn't expect was that he asked Master Zhu to go to the logistics department in the morning and ask for some egg baskets. They immediately arranged for someone to go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy them, and then asked the shuttle bus to deliver them here.

When Luo Cheng came back from the evening, someone came over to tell him specifically. The shuttle bus driver stayed here for a while, notified the people in the commune, and the baskets were placed over there.

Seeing the basket, Luo Cheng suddenly had an idea. Even though it was getting dark, he called someone to inform everyone. Tomorrow morning before dawn, we will gather at the wooden house on the side of the road, because we used to cooperate with Hei Niu and others to get eels and other things, and Ergouzi was arranged to handle the connection. So Er Gouzi also knew where Hei Niu's family lived, so even if Er Gouzi was asked to walk at night, he would inform Hei Niu and the others to get a cart to load the food early tomorrow morning.

After arranging everything, Luo Cheng had to stay up late again tonight, but with his mobile phone around, staying up late at night was not tiring. Unless the game feels boring, Luo Cheng will only find it difficult to play the fun game, so how can it be boring? If it weren't for the fact that there was no Internet that restricted the ability to play many games, he felt that he could play games at home without going out for several days.

In the future era, it has been four days since Luo Cheng left Jiangcheng, but he still cannot go back. Even if Liu Xiaofei gave Luo Cheng a video to seduce him at night, one thing is that not all the dishes can be brought to the future era. There are too many, and they will be scored at least twice. The other thing is that he is still looking at the wild boars raised by others today.

Even though it looks like a wild boar, it is no longer wild. Of course, compared with domestic pigs, it is still somewhat wild. For example, wild boars that are raised also like to fight and are relatively active. There is no other difference.

After asking about the price, I found that this was considered a specialty pig. People who raise pigs sell it online. A pound of meat can usually be sold for 20 to 30 yuan. But this is retail, just like ordinary pork. Pork with moderate fatness and leanness on the market costs more than ten yuan per pound. But if you buy a whole pig, including everything, it actually costs about six yuan a pound.

It would be cheap to buy the whole thing, but many people just eat the wild boar they raise. Except for those that I have for sale, I rarely buy them whole. And one thing is that a lot of food is actually IQ tax, and the quality of wild boar raised is actually similar to that of domestic pigs.

The meat with really good quality is actually some black pigs raised in the mountains, not wild boars.

It's twice as expensive as ordinary pork, but it looks like a wild boar. If it weren't for Luo Cheng's era, it was really difficult to raise large amounts of pork, it was too conspicuous, Luo Cheng would definitely not have raised this wild boar.

Twenty wild boars were ordered on the spot, with an average price of about 3,000 yuan per head. Luo Cheng asked the other party to help send them to Jiangcheng. The freight is naturally paid, and transporting live pigs is not something you can just transport if you want. You need to issue an inspection certificate, and because it looks like a wild boar, you also need to issue a breeding certificate.

Even if it's shipped to Jiangcheng, if you want to sell the pork, you can't butcher it yourself. You have to go to the slaughterhouse, and you can't just do whatever you want with it. It's very simple. You slaughter and sell the pigs yourself, but how do you ensure that the pigs you sell are safe? A quarantine certificate must be obtained before slaughtering. If there is no problem with the pig, a stamp will be stamped on it.

The quarantine facility and the slaughterhouse are actually the same. In fact, you can actually slaughter it yourself. After paying the money and stamping it, you can slaughter it yourself. But in fact it’s only a few dozen yuan cheaper, and you still have to pay a few hundred more. The money must be given privately, otherwise the certificate and seal will not be issued. Seriously speaking, if private individuals kill people to eat and sell without quarantine, it is really a safety hazard.

But this kind of thing cannot be prevented because the quarantine or slaughter fees are too expensive. Luo Cheng doesn't have this trouble. He doesn't sell the pork, at least not at this time. When wild boars are needed in your own time, just get one or two and kill them and bring them with you. If you get through it alive, it's too tame, and it will become a strange thing again.

"Hey, Boss Wang, I really can't get my car tomorrow morning. These tomatoes are already very ripe. I have to take them back and deal with them quickly. I really can't waste a day. Well, it's really not a matter of money. I'm not a professional collector. The vegetables are also processed slowly. I took the ones I bought now to Jiangcheng and have to find a way to deal with them immediately. Yes, yes~~, please tell the others, I’m really sorry, my car is now Everything has been arranged and we will leave tomorrow.”

Luo Cheng had just ordered 20 pigs at a place where wild boars were raised, when the vegetable farmer Lao Wang called. There were several households growing tomatoes there who wanted to raise the price, but the tomatoes were not sold. Boss Chen was still anxiously begging them to sell to him the day before yesterday, saying that it would be too late and if he didn't give it to him, there wouldn't be much reserved sales time. The time was too tight and if the tomatoes started to rot, they would suffer big losses. .

But in the eyes of those vegetable farmers, it's their fault too. You're so anxious, and you obviously want to take advantage. Now Luo Cheng has already finished collecting, and everything collected by Boss Chen has been transported to the warehouse of his logistics center and put together. Boss Chen didn't show up there again yesterday, and after just one day of absence, the vegetable farmers over there were really anxious.

One acre of tomatoes can cost several thousand kilograms. At 50 cents per kilogram, one acre can be sold for one to two thousand yuan. Every vegetable farmer has several acres of land. After all, it’s still a few thousand yuan in income. If no one collects it, then not a penny will really go to waste.

One household can have several thousand yuan, or even tens of thousands of yuan, so why don't you worry about it?

It doesn't matter whether Luo Cheng wants it or not, but he has agreed with Boss Chen to teach those people a lesson. This vegetable field is not farming, and farming in the south only lasts about two seasons a year. It is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and growing vegetables and tomatoes usually only takes three months. Even if you lose money, it does not mean that you will lose it in a year.

It’s not even May yet. If we plan well, we can still grow other products for two seasons. This kind of dish is also a business, and there is no guarantee of profit in doing business. But growing vegetables and grain is indeed hard work. Without such a group of people, everyone would not be able to eat cheap vegetables and grain.

I told Lao Wang that I would leave tomorrow, but in fact I had to wait another day. There were too many tomatoes and eggplants, so Luo Cheng planned to divide them into two. Tomorrow he will go and see the goat farmers here. There are goat farmers here to see if they can get some lambs to raise. In fact, goats are not as easy to raise as sheep. Sheep can be grazed, but goats have to be led.

But the towns suitable for Luo Cheng's era did not require hundreds or even thousands of animals, which required a large amount of grassland. In Luo Cheng's own time, Gancheng was very mountainous, and even around the town, there were mountains and hills.

Luo Cheng doesn't know how to raise sheep on a large scale. He plans to bring some over and raise them for people who live near the foot of the mountain. For example, Luo Cheng's parents raised a few at home, Chen Laizi raised two at home, and other former hunters actually lived at the foot of the mountain. You can ask them to help raise a few.

Luo Cheng will get some fodder when the time comes and recycle it when it grows up. Let them just expend effort, but do not need to feed them with food. When the time comes to raise it until the end of the year, Luo Cheng can exchange it for pork or buy it back with money.

In fact, chickens cannot be raised on a large scale anymore. Even eating feed is considered a luxury now. Because as long as people can eat, it is not the turn of animals to eat. As for chickens, you can’t even feed them chaff now because someone is stealing them. Chickens also eat grass, but there are different types of grass that chickens eat. Unlike cattle and sheep, rice straw can be fed to cattle.

After returning from the place where wild boars were raised, Luo Cheng returned to the hotel. He was playing with his mobile phone, but now before playing with his mobile phone, he would first look at the farmers.

There is a lot of price information on fruits and vegetables in various places in the group, all of which are first-hand prices. It’s cheaper than the wholesale market. When everyone wants to receive goods, they calculate the unit by car.

Luo Cheng felt that even if this was not a slow-selling product, the price would be very tempting to him. With his ability to juggle two eras, it is much easier for him to make money than others. And if it’s not easy to sell, you can just deal with it directly in your own time. As long as it was edible, there was no shortage of food in his time.

And he saw an interesting message in the group. There was a place where chili peppers were cheap, which could be considered as a need to help farmers. It's not easy to sell. If it's sold, it's considered a normal sale. If it can't be sold, it might be unsalable again.

It's a planting area, and there wasn't much sales there before. The pepper farmers there have been cooperating with many sauce factories, but suddenly for some unknown reason, they said the spiciness was not up to par. The factory won't accept it anymore.

According to the growers, it’s not the spiciness that’s the issue, it’s the change of leadership at the factory. The price is cheap but the quality is not important. They have always controlled the variety and quality of their chili peppers very well.

It is difficult for peppers to become slow-selling products, unless they are vegetable peppers, the non-spicy kind. If it is spicy, it can be used in some processed products, and the peppers that appeared in the group this time are spicy, and the price can only be regarded as a disguised treatment. The main reason is that the quantity is large, and people have to deal with it before continuing to plant a new batch.

In Luo Cheng's era, everyone in the Gan region was starving for chili peppers. In order to ensure the output of grain and some so-called miscellaneous grains, peppers are not allowed to be grown in many places.

In the town of Luocheng, farmers plant a small amount of pepper on a small piece of land in front of their house.

Luo Cheng is very excited about peppers, but he may not take action. This time when he goes back, he will take the driver's license test. I have a lot of things to deal with at my own store, so it’s difficult to go there in person, but if it can be shipped there, even if it’s more expensive, I can order a truck to come over.

After thinking about this, Luo Cheng planned to go to Boss Chen tomorrow to see if he could help. Just find someone who is relatively reliable there to help collect a car.

After reading the message, Luo Cheng lay down in the hotel until about six o'clock, went out for a meal and then went to the logistics center. I'm going to play until twelve o'clock again tonight, and it's time to prepare a batch of dishes for my own time.

The logistics center is not deserted even at night. Many truck drivers load goods at night, coming in and out. In the eyes of drivers like them, there is no day or night at all. Whenever you need something, you have it. As long as the money is in place, they will load the goods at the time you ask them to.

Luo Cheng got a chair here in the warehouse, and there is also a place for charging. Here, Luo Cheng is watching a TV series, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms TV series. Luo Cheng finds it interesting, mainly because it can be told to people of his time.

While he was watching the show, Liu Xiaofei's video came over. Luo Cheng answered the call quickly, but when he answered it, he felt a little conflicted in his heart. Maybe he was really a straight man. Liu Xiaofei would always ask if he missed me, or similar questions. You'll get bored if you answer too often.

"Hey, Luo Cheng, where are you?"

"I'll go back to the warehouse here the day after tomorrow. It's not going well here."

"Oh, the warehouse, Luo Cheng, do you want to play in an exciting venue~~"

"Go away, clean up and wait for me the day after tomorrow. Hang up."

Without even a few words of conversation, Luo Cheng died. He had no chance to talk. Damn it, because he was stimulated two days ago, he had a video entertainment with Liu Xiaofei. He is better now, but he feels that Liu Xiaofei is a little lethargic. This is how many inappropriate movies she has seen before, and she can always draw inferences about other cases when it comes to any aspect.

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