Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 220 Luo Yan wants to work

"Chief Luo, these eggs are all from our factory. They are really big."

"How is that possible, Master Zhu? There are some things I can't tell you, so don't ask too much. Load these vegetables into the car. I'll take your car back this morning. After arriving in the city, please go to the station first. Some goods are It’s for the station.”

"Chief Luo, you are still helping the station collect goods."

"I am only responsible for taking the lead, not only at the station, but also at the textile factory. If I don't take the lead, how can the factory provide so many benefits to everyone? The defective cloth is not only in our machine factory, but also in the meat factory. You can’t get anything.”

"That's true, so Chief Luo is really capable."

Early in the morning, Master Zhu from the machinery factory drove over again. It was still what Luo Cheng asked the shuttle driver to take yesterday, and then told Zhang Hongxiu, who then went to the machinery factory where he was notified.

As for the eggs this time, no matter how large the quantity is, the eggs that can be given to the machinery factory are only 300 kilograms. It's not that he didn't want to give more, but Luo Chengde pretended to be poor, so the factory gave him 300 yuan in working capital. Just counting the tomatoes and eggplants that were taken away before, these are vegetables that are in short supply.

Carrots and potatoes may only cost a penny a pound, but they cost at least two cents. Not only are they expensive, but you can’t buy more if you want. Just like buying Chinese cabbage in the past, vegetables are also divided into grades. First-class vegetables must be purchased according to the limit of the non-staple food book. It doesn’t mean you can buy as much as you want.

Potatoes are a magical thing. They used to be available at farmers’ markets, but not anymore. They are considered miscellaneous grains. Just like sweet potatoes, you have to buy them at a grain store. For one kilogram of coarse grains, you can buy five kilograms of miscellaneous grains. Of course, there are still restrictions on buying miscellaneous grains. According to the number of people in a household, one person can only buy how many kilograms.

If there were no restrictions, everyone would buy cereals. Although things like sweet potatoes have a lot of water, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

The tomatoes and eggplants Luo Cheng got were really beautiful, not to mention their size. Unlike the tomatoes and eggplants of his day, tomatoes were bumpy, at least most of them were. Not to mention eggplant, according to later generations, it looks very casual and not big.

Therefore, the vegetables brought by Luo Cheng and put in the market must be first-class vegetables from the appearance. In addition, there is a shortage of vegetable varieties in the market, so even the dozens of tons brought by Luo Cheng may not flow into the market.

Luo Cheng, the driver and the driver's apprentice quickly loaded the vegetables into the truck. This time, the loading was not at the intersection, but in front of Luo Cheng's house. The roads in the town are small, but fortunately Luo Cheng lives at the far end of the west side, so there happens to be a place where he can turn around. Otherwise, it would be difficult for Jiefang trucks to turn around on the roads in the town.

Eggs are packed in baskets, tomatoes are also packed in baskets, and eggplants are packed in sacks. The tomatoes and eggplants were all delivered yesterday by Luo Cheng and asked someone to prepare them. Eggs were also given, but they were free-range eggs and had been replaced by Luo Cheng in the future era.

Everything was already installed, and the three of them carried it to the car very quickly. After loading the car, Luo Cheng got into the passenger seat, which was originally the seat of driver apprentice Xiao Xiao. Xiao Xiao was driven to the back of the car by Master Zhu.

Luo Cheng sat in the passenger seat and looked at the structure of the car cab of his era. The steering wheel of this car is really big, and Master Zhu seems to have to use a lot of force to turn the steering wheel. Looking at the accelerator and brake, Luo Cheng was a little confused. There seemed to be more than three pedals.

When he learns to drive in the future, he only has to press three pedals: one for the clutch, one for the brake, and one for the accelerator. The car Liu Xiaofei bought was an automatic transmission, with only two pedals.

The car doesn't have a radio or air conditioner. Because it was loaded with eggs, Master Zhu didn't dare to drive fast. He had to watch the road. The shock absorption effect of this car was very poor. Any uneven place could cause the car to shake.

As for the driving skills Luo Cheng learned in the future era, in his opinion, he thought he was pretty good and would not have much trouble getting on the road. But looking at such a car, he felt that if he drove it, something would definitely go wrong.

These days, it usually takes five years for a driver master to go from apprentice to master. Not only do you need to be able to drive it, you also need to be familiar with various components and be able to repair some minor problems. Many times when a car breaks down on the road, the driver fixes it himself. Even a good driver can listen and identify the problem. When he hears the wrong sound coming from the car, he can directly determine where the problem is.

Following Luo Cheng's arrangement, the car drove to the station in the city first. Luo Cheng found the webmaster here and gave him a basket of eggs and some vegetables, fulfilling his original promise. After all, he would have to trouble people here frequently in the future. Luo Cheng was in town and had to deliver goods, so he relied on the station to deliver news.

To be more realistic, although the town commune has a telephone, in this era they are all wired telephones. The telephone in the commune is basically just a decoration. It can only reach the county seat. If you want to reach the urban area, it must be transferred. This is mainly related to the switch.

Normally, communication within villages and towns still relies on cable broadcasting. Stations, machinery factories, and even many large factories have telephones, but Luo Cheng can't make calls at all in villages and towns, and even communes won't let him call them casually.

After finishing the work at the station, Luo Cheng's bicycle parked here was also moved into the car. This time, Master Zhu was still not asked to go back to the factory directly. Instead, he went to his home first. Many things needed to be left at home. If this is brought to the factory, even if it is not brought to the factory, problems may occur.

The supplies were so tight that when the goods were brought back to the factory, the factory director and Director Sun were too stubborn to explain clearly to whom these things were given.

As for Luo Cheng, he said that he would bring it to textile factories and some other factories, so I am afraid he would have to withhold a lot of it. The car soon arrived at the intersection of West Alley. Big cars couldn't get in, but it was only the length of an alley, so it wouldn't take long to move there. As the first basket of eggs was moved into the yard, many neighbors who were not at work were very enthusiastic and took the initiative to help move things. Although most of the people who help are women, after all, most men have jobs. Although women are shouting the slogan of holding up half the sky, men still dominate society.

Luo Yan and Zhang Hongxiu were also helping. Despite Zhang Hongxiu's delicate appearance, Luo Yan and Luo Yan could carry two baskets of eggs back to the yard at once.

Unload a batch of things at the station and then unload them at the courtyard. There were not many things in the car. Here, Luo Cheng sold some eggs to Master Zhu and the others. One person sold two kilograms. The supplies were tight, so two kilograms of eggs was a big deal. Even if you charge money to sell them, instead of just giving them some vegetables like last time.

Luo Cheng came back today. Originally, there was no need for Zhang Hongxiu to go to the station to wait for news. But in order to train her, Luo Cheng gave her the receipt for today's delivery to the station and asked her to go there to ask for the account.

Accounts in this era are very easy to obtain, and the process is simple. As long as a person in charge signs and seals, you can get the money directly from the finance department. There is no money required, and it takes ten days and a half to go through the normal process. Moreover, Luo Cheng's order had already been stamped by someone at the station, so he just went to ask for the money and calculated the amount on it.

"Luo Cheng's family has so many eggs, and they are delivered by car. It would be great if you could give me some. The supply and marketing cooperative can't even buy eggs."

"I'm the head of the purchasing department, so maybe my employer put them here temporarily. Don't even think about eggs. No matter how capable I am, I can at best make a few of them myself. Such a basket of eggs would cost at least a few hundred kilograms. There are still so many There’s no way it’s possible that all the dishes are from Luo Cheng’s family.”

It was Luo Cheng's first time to put so many things at home at once. It was normal for the people in the yard to comment after seeing it, and there were quite a few people helping to carry things just now. What surprised everyone was the popularity of the Luo Cheng family in the yard. When did everyone become friends with the Luo family?

When the Luo family first came to live in this yard, they seemed to have installed separate water pipes because of the house issues, as if they had set a clear boundary with everyone in the yard. At least the attitude of the Luo Cheng family at that time was that it didn't matter whether you were neighbors or not, and it didn't matter if you didn't interact with each other. At most, they didn't ask for help.

But it's only been a year, and the Luo Cheng family has never taken the initiative to make friends with anyone. It's a bit trivial now, but everyone is so enthusiastic.

"Yanzi, the Feng family at the entrance of the courtyard, the Chen family next door, the Zhu family across the street, and the two families who just helped in the backyard. Your brother just said that each family will send an egg there, and don't let others help in vain."

"Sister-in-law, just lift something right now. We didn't ask you to shout. Just give me an egg in this short time."

"They're all in the same courtyard. Brother You must have been reasonable when he said it."

"Sister-in-law, when I come back for lunch today, why don't you tell me about this matter?"

"Okay, but your brother probably has to tell his family about this."

Luo Yan nodded. Although she was reluctant to send eggs, it was arranged by her brother and she had to follow it if she had any opinions. What she was more concerned about was what Hong Xiu had brought to her at the station a few days ago. She was asked if she wanted to go to work at the station. But they are just casual workers, not even as good as apprentices.

The salary is twelve yuan a month, which is two yuan more than some street sweepers. But everyone understands why they are given such a job. Even though this is a job that may never become a regular job, it is what many people want. In this era where jobs can only be assigned, many young people in their twenties stay at home.

Just like where Luo Cheng lives, those who can live in the Xikou Hutong courtyard are basically those who have jobs. The housing distribution for those who are unemployed is even worse. In Luochengyuan, there are not many people who have dual incomes. Many women stay at home with their children and take care of the housework.

Older people go to the street office to ask for some work, which can be regarded as subsidizing the family income. Such as pasting matchboxes, sewing cloth shoes, sweeping the road, etc. As for these jobs, young people can’t do them even if they want to do them. This is to take care of the elderly who have family difficulties.

Luo Yan is from a rural area, her household registration follows her parents, and she will get married when she reaches her age. This is her destiny. But a casual job is enough to change the life of a rural girl. Even if she is married and has a casual job, she may be able to marry into the city. She does not have a ration, but having a job and making money is better than a woman who only has a ration and no income.

Now it's not a question of Luo Yan going to work or not, but a question of Luo Chengrang not letting her go. If she was allowed to go, she would have to take a favor from the station. As for people who needed Luo Cheng and owed favors, it was easy to figure out what Luo Cheng would do.

Luo Cheng took the factory's liberation truck and arrived at the factory soon. Wang De was still working the day shift. When he saw Luo Cheng coming back, he knew that some things had to be said in private, so he signaled to Luo Cheng and said: Nothing was said. Just wait until we get off work at noon and chat privately.

The car drove directly to the canteen and checked the scale. It was a little over three hundred pounds. After the people in the kitchen sign for it, Luo Cheng can go and pay the bill.

There is no need to go to finance to report accounts. At least Luo Cheng is not going to finance, but to report to Director Sun, or the factory director. Because there is no unit for what he bought, there is no record of its origin. It cannot be entered into the accounts formally. If you do not enter the accounts, you cannot go to the Finance Department.

Three hundred pounds of eggs, if you save a little, it's enough for the factory to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes three times. But tomatoes cannot be stored for a month. It would be too luxurious to use up the eggs several times in a row. There is no meat in the factory, so these eggs can be used as a meat dish.

Luo Cheng returned to his department first. As the section chief, he naturally had to take care of the members of his department.

"Colleagues, eggs cost one pound per pound, and each person can only buy one pound. If you want, you can go to my house to buy some at your own time. For colleagues who are not here, if you see this, please tell me that I am going to see Director Sun."

"Thank you, Chief Luo, Chief Luo is so powerful."

One pound of eggs per person is enough for the team members in the department to thank Luo Cheng. Even after shouting Wei Wu, Luo Cheng smiled, filled an enamel cup with a cup of boiling water, put some tea leaves, and was about to go to Director Sun.

But when I put the tea leaves, it felt like there were a little less tea leaves in the tea box. It doesn’t matter if you take it yourself~~, there should only be a few people in the factory.

"People from other cities came to visit the factory the day before yesterday. Director Sun sent someone to get some."

"What a bandit. The factory uses my personal things to receive people."

Although Luo Cheng didn't ask, Team Leader Shen could see Luo Cheng's suspicious look. He directly told him that there was indeed a shortage of tea leaves and why. Luo Cheng could only complain helplessly. From now on, the tea would have to be cut off from Director Sun, and he would not be so generous.

Taking the receipt, Luo Cheng left the department and went to find Director Sun.

Director Sun was shocked when he saw the receipt for the eggs, which weighed more than three hundred kilograms. In this day and age, getting three hundred pounds of eggs is no worse than getting a whole fat pig.

"Director, when I go out this time, my belongings are almost empty, and I still owe people a lot of money. They said they would let me do it, so they only gave me three hundred, which is not enough to buy eggs. I even collected some money a few days ago. There are a lot of dishes here, but it’s not because the brothers in the factory have been eating so poorly recently, I don’t even want to get these eggs.”

"Okay, you are a capable man, so stop complaining to me. What I gave you is three hundred, not thirty. Many people only earn this much a year. How much is a pound of eggs? I’ll get ten pounds.”

"What an egg, I can't understand you."

"Pretend it, but this is just an attempt to let you go and do it. The factory director and I didn't expect you to get so much back. I will go and talk to the factory director later and give you more purchase money. But it's not You may give too much. Next time something like this happens, since you can inform me to send a car to pick up the goods, why don't you ask me to arrange for someone to bring some money there."

"That's true, but we really can't give that many eggs. That is, the commune below cooperates with the poultry factory. I acted as a middleman to get a lot of eggs. Eggs are really in short supply now. I'll give them to you and the factory director. One person can get five kilograms, one pound for one pound. You may not be able to buy eggs on the black market for only one pound and eighty."

"Okay, you just wait here. I will ask the finance department to bring money to you first. I didn't expect you to bring so many vegetables and a batch of eggs this time. Otherwise, I will come. This time I asked someone to bring money. I also had to inform the announcer of the Publicity Department that today there will be tomatoes and scrambled eggs, so everyone can be happy."

Luo Cheng nodded. He had never thought about asking the factory to bring money before. Although I didn't spend a penny, to get so many things for only three hundred yuan, I have to have a reasonable persuasion. I can only say that I used my own money and still owe a lot.

Sometimes people don't think straight and think they are very smart, thinking of reasons to advance money or owe money.

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