Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 23 Harvest

The first bowl of lard residue was cooked quickly, and the lard residue was relatively dry. I plan to use this today. It depends on the situation later. If I can really catch a turtle, I will dry it out a little. If there is no harvest, don't cook the oil residue too dry, because the oil residue will taste crispy at first. But if it is not sealed, it will basically become soft the next day and lose its taste. As long as you don't cook it too dry, you can add some oil and cook it again the next day, and it will be crispy again.

Although the drier oil residue can be re-oiled and become crispy, the taste is definitely not as good as the first method.

One pound of fat meat can yield six or seven taels of lard, but the one Luo Cheng bought produced less oil, but it was only one tael less. Anyway, one pound is a little more than half a pound, but according to the price, at the same price, this suet pork is more cost-effective, at least one or two ounces more oil will be produced.

The team that went out for the expedition did not keep Luo Cheng waiting, and soon some of them came back early. There must be something rewarding if they can come back early. But the first one came back crying. Luo Cheng heard the crying in the room, and was shocked when he went out.

A child was half-covered in mud, not very wet, because the fields were about to be harvested and had long since stopped storing water. But he was holding a large turtle in his hand, and the turtle stretched out its long head and bit the child's hand.

"You're stupid, put it on the ground and let it loosen its mouth first, and then find a way to catch it once it's loosened."

"Uncle Domineering, it won't let go even if I put it on the ground. It hurts so much."

Damn it, can it not hurt? Luo Cheng felt pain just looking at it, and his hands were bleeding all the time.

But it’s true, even if you let go of this turtle, this guy won’t let go even if you put him on the ground. How about just chopping off the turtle head, but will it be worth anything if it dies and is taken to the future space?

I heard that if you are bitten by this thing, if you put it near the water, it will loosen easily if you don't move it. Give it a try and if it doesn't work, chop off the turtle's head.

"Don't be afraid, I'll get a basin of water, put it in the water and have a look. If it doesn't let go, I'll chop off its head."

Luo Cheng comforted the child and immediately went back to the house to get the iron washbasin he had given as a reward and poured a basin of water directly into the water tank. The less sharp kitchen knife was also brought out.

When the water basin was brought out of the house, I quickly asked the child to put the soft-shell turtle into the water. The child immediately followed suit and still bit on it at first. Luo Chengdu planned to use the knife directly, but the turtle suddenly let go of its mouth and swam backwards. Unfortunately, it was in a basin and could not escape except for splashing water.

The turtle loosened its mouth, but there was a lot of blood on the child's hand, and he would not recover for several days.

"Brother Domineering, I've got this turtle. I'll give you the oil residue you promised."

Among this group of children, some are called Uncle Luo Cheng and some are called Brother, depending on the seniority in the family. But no matter what the name is, it should be answered, and Luo Cheng can't tell the difference.

My hands were bitten like this, and I was still thinking about the grease residue. The weather is hot today, and wounds are prone to inflammation. Luo Cheng has local medicine to stop bleeding. Hunters will prepare some medicine to stop bleeding, but the medicine for inflammation should be obtained from the health center in town.

But if you go to the health center if you are really inflamed, it will take a long time for a small wound to heal.

Luo Cheng asked the child who was bitten by the turtle to bring a bowl from home and poured a lot of lard residue into the bowl. The turtle caught was not that big in this era, but it was not too small either. No matter how small it was, even if it was caught while harvesting the fields, it might not be wanted.

It seems to be more than two kilograms, but at this size, even if it is calculated based on future time and space breeding, forty-one kilograms can be sold for more than one hundred. I gave an extra two cents and asked the bitten child to go to the health center for treatment. Now that I have just bitten it, I need to clean the wound and go to the health center. They may apply some red lotion to prevent inflammation, but they may not charge me.

The two cents given can be regarded as additional compensation for being bitten. Fortunately, the bite site was on the arm next to the palm of the hand. The bite was very forceful. If he bit on the finger, I don’t know what would happen.

Not long after, another one came back, and he also had a harvest, but it was not half as big as before. In this day and age, it was considered a small turtle, weighing just over a pound, and there were no accidents.

Until it was almost lunch time, Luo Cheng originally thought that there was no chance, but it would be good to have two, one big and one small. Another child got a not too small one and tied it with a longer straw and brought it back.

Afterwards, no one really got it. The two girls also came back. Their pants and tops were all stained with mud. However, these two girls gave Luo Cheng a surprise. Although they didn't catch it, they actually knew the habits of turtles. They did not search in the middle of the rice fields, but along the ditches around the rice fields, because turtles also burrowed on the edges of the rice fields close to the ditches.

They actually found it, but they didn't catch it and got into a hole.

Luo Cheng asked them how big they were, but they couldn't describe it well and said they were as big as a pile of cow dung. I haven’t seen exactly how big it is, but it’s definitely not small.

Originally, Luo Cheng wanted to go up the mountain to see the traps in the afternoon, but when he heard that there were turtles as big as cow dung, he thought he'd go for it. Naturally, he wanted to find a hoe or something to dig up turtles, but his family didn't have a hoe, and it wasn't just him who came from a separate family in the mountains who didn't have a hoe. Some other farmers don't have hoes, so they have to borrow one to use.

This is also the reason why mutual-aid production was implemented in the 1950s. Many farmers did not have all the farm tools. Let alone clearing up wasteland, it was considered good if their own land could guarantee a certain output.

Now after mutual aid, there is not much difference in the already very collective form. Those who have farm tools work together to plow the soil, and those who do not have farm tools do the work without farm tools. The distribution is reasonable, and indeed everyone's output has increased.

Luo Cheng's family didn't have any farm tools. Not to mention him, even his father's family didn't have any. Whatever farm tools the Orions wanted, if the land hadn't been divided after liberation, it might not have mattered to his father whether it was given to him or not.

Just like Luo Cheng's family, his father gave him the land, but it has long been no different from wasteland. However, Luo Cheng took advantage of mutual aid. The principle of mutual aid is not to give up one household.

Luo Chengna's wasteland was given mutual aid, but he did not follow the work himself, so if there was any output, not all of it would be given to him. It would be regarded as a rent, and less than half of the output would be given to him. It was originally said that he would give half of it, but Luo Cheng didn't even grow food.

As for the future, I went to the accountant and said that we will have a formal collective meeting soon. It doesn’t matter who belongs to whom, and each brigade is a unit. How much food is distributed is calculated based on the amount of work done.

If someone like Luo Cheng doesn't become a ranger or something like that, and doesn't farm or work, he won't get any food at all. But there is an advantage. He is a member of the collective and can eat in the collective cafeteria.

"Da Mao, follow them to see the place and give you some oil residue when you come back."

"Well, I'll go right away."

Da Mao's body was covered in mud, and he couldn't find any turtles. Naturally, I am happy to hear that I can get points by just memorizing the position. Luo Cheng also promised the two girls that after Damao remembered the location, he would go home and get a bowl to hold the oil residue.

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