Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 241 Don’t take random names

The skin of a newborn baby is wrinkled, like that of a little old man.

The hospital helped clean and care for the son Zhao Qian gave birth to, weighed him, and brought him to the maternity ward. Six pounds and three ounces is a very standard weight in the future era, which means that she eats well during pregnancy. In Luo Cheng's age, he was considered a fat boy.

The nurse taught Zhao Qian some simple precautions in the ward before leaving. Luo Cheng looked at the wrapped baby. The little old man looks a bit ugly, but since he is his own son, he has no choice.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, Zhang Hongxiu and Luo Yan both came to the hospital, bringing towels, cloths for wrapping children, and enamel cups.

"Brother, have you picked your nephew's name yet? What is it called?"

"No, I need to think about this name carefully."

"Second brother, many children's names nowadays have to have symbolic meanings. You want your son to be named after what you want your son to do when he grows up. Second brother, you work in a factory, and your son will definitely be able to take over in the future. Why? Contribute to the construction of the motherland. It can be called the founding of the country."

"Hongxiu, you are more educated than us, but you are different. You really know how to choose names."

Luo Jianguo? Hearing this name, Luo Cheng's head felt a little big. If he had never been to the future era, he would definitely think it was good. It's tall and has a special meaning. But such a name, Luo Cheng knew in the future era, was a bad street.

Before Luo Cheng's son was born, he used his mobile phone to look up names in the future era. He also specifically looked up what a person's name would be if he was born in 1959.

In addition to checking out many names with good meanings, I also accidentally saw this name with special meanings. For example, with the word "Jianguo", there are nearly one million people with the same name in China. And most of them are people of Luo Cheng's era.

You may not feel anything about it now. After all, when we were first liberated, there was no talk of consciousness. But in the past few years of Luo Cheng's time, many children have begun to use this type of name. There are even some people who changed their names to this type of names during the population census.

This is if the parents are cadre leaders, no matter what unit they are. If you have children, you may be called serving the people. When you are an official, you have to consider the people. Luo Cheng is now a deputy section-level cadre, which can be regarded as separated from the working class level. Therefore, even if his son is named Luo Weimin, he cannot be named Luo Jianguo.

If you are in the army, or have military sentiments, then the child is mostly called Baoguo, defending the country. It's a pity that Luo Cheng's surname is not Ma. If his surname was Ma, and his son was born in 1959, when his son is in his sixties, his name might still gain some popularity. In other words, Luo Cheng handed his son a set of five lightning whips in advance.

He didn't agree to the suggestion of being called Jianguo, but he didn't completely oppose it either. Luo Cheng is no longer the kind of person who only looks at the superficial appearance of everything he does. Zhang Hongxiu suggested the name Jianguo. She was just thinking of the lower class, building the motherland.

But the reason why Luo Cheng didn't completely oppose it was also a symbol of his thoughts. Really name your son Jianguo, serve the people, protect the country and so on. In fact, in this era, it is a kind of ideological awareness and maturity. Whether Luo Cheng's son will really contribute as the name does in the future does not matter, but he gave his son such a name. In the future, if Luo Cheng wants to be promoted, etc., during the review by the Organization Department, just having his son's name like this will automatically add points. This is a sign of correct thinking.

So for Luo Cheng's son's name, he planned to ask the director or factory director, or even Dai Tiande or anyone else.

Luo Cheng asked them not to think about the big name first, and asked them to choose a nickname that was easy to call. It is better to have a commoner nickname and a meaner one. When I say mean here, I don’t mean a bitch. It means noble or low, Ergouzi, Gou Shengzi, Gouwa, Daniel, Da Mao Ermao, etc. There will even be a drama in the future where a child is called Bangge.

The name "lowly" has a meaning, that is, it is easy to make a living, and the name is low and life is valuable.

When it comes to choosing a nickname, Luo Yan can also add a few words. Without education, it is impossible to choose a meaningful name, so it is not easy to give a nickname. Who doesn't know how to bullshit? If not, you can just call him Goudanzi.

And just when everyone was happily naming Luo Cheng's son, Er Gouzi also came to the hospital and found them.

Er Gouzi came to the city today, it can only be said to be a coincidence. Luo Cheng originally asked the shuttle bus driver to send a message to Ergouzi yesterday, asking him to come to the city today, but Luo Cheng didn't expect that his wife would just do it.

Ergouzi came here on the morning bus, and it was almost noon when we got here. After arriving at the station, he went to look for Luo Cheng where Luo Cheng lived. When he got to the yard, he heard people in the yard saying that Luo Cheng's wife was going to give birth in the morning and the whole family was now in the hospital.

So Er Gouzi asked how to get to the hospital here, and asked for directions alone.

"Yanzi, Hongxiu, you two take good care of your sister-in-law. Make eggs and steam a bowl of eggs at noon. In addition, don't you have some millet at home? Make some millet porridge. Ergouzi and I have something to do outside. In the afternoon I Come back again."

"Well, Luo Cheng, if you have something to do, just go and do it. I'm fine, it's fine."

Zhao Qian heard that Luo Cheng and Er Gouzi had something to do, and she really felt that there was no need for everyone to accompany her. In addition to feeling fine, if she were not worried about something happening suddenly, it would be better to stay in the hospital for one day. Otherwise, she wanted to go home and sleep tonight.

Luo Cheng nodded to Zhao Qian and took Er Gouzi out. He took Er Gouzi and ate two bowls of noodles outside. While eating noodles, Luo Cheng told him what he had come to do.

The last time Yu Qiang reported him, even though he was fine now. But again, if he is reported successfully, then his problem will be serious. The other party still goes directly to the police station to report. If the report is made to a factory or the street office, there is still some room for maneuver.

Luo Cheng told Er Gouzi so much to make him understand that Yu Qiang was a man who really wanted to punish people to death. Luo Cheng didn't believe that Yu Qiang didn't know how to go to the police station to report the person. If he succeeded, he didn't know how miserable Luo Cheng would be.

Therefore, we must destroy him all at once, make him have a problem with his style, and lose his job. In this era, he is basically useless.

After Ergouzi understood it, he didn't need to say more and said on the spot that he was going to destroy that thing. Damn it, since Luo Cheng married his wife, he has never put sacks on others. But this time he not only wanted to put a sack on him, but also planned to break Yu Qiang's legs directly.

"I didn't call you here to ask you to beat someone. And you also have a wife now. Beating someone in the city is not as good as in our town. If someone discovers it, it will be troublesome. I came to see you. Let you find a woman."

"Looking for a woman? What does this have to do with what you said you wanted to do?"

"You don't understand~~."

Luo Cheng took out a few pieces of paper from his pocket, which recorded information about several women. However, Ergouzi is not fully literate and may not be able to understand some simple words if he is asked to read the content directly.

If Luo Cheng gave the information on these pieces of paper to Zhou Lin, it would be a year ago. When Luo Cheng first joined the factory as a buyer, Zhou Lin was talking to him about the wonderful features of widows. Luo Cheng felt that he would find a way to experience it. one time.

Every piece of paper contains information about a woman, some of whom took the initiative to do the job, and some of whom were forced by life.

It would be easy for those money-grubbing women to cooperate with this. But once something goes wrong, you will be suspected and interrogated. It may also be easy to recruit bosses.

What Luo Cheng needs is someone who is tough-talking. If things come to pass, no matter who asks, he will be bullied to death. Even if someone from the police station comes to ask, he can't be swayed.

Therefore, some of the information Wang De asked someone to collect could not be used. But Luo Cheng also has to keep one or two in reserve, so that if the person he likes refuses to work, he can replace him with another one.

Moreover, Er Gouzi would not reveal his identity in the first place, and would return to town after the matter was settled. With the level of case handling in this era, it is not easy to investigate a person.

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