Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 250 It’s time to hold a banquet

Luo Cheng rode his bicycle to the factory gate, grabbed a handful of peanuts from the bag at the guard's desk and placed them on the table in the guard's room.

"Peanut, Chief Luo, what are you doing, being so polite?"

"I am a father. I am very happy for everyone. Don't be too little."

"It's such a great joy to be a father, congratulations."

"You're welcome, you're busy, I have to give them peanuts."

There are a lot of peanuts, and the guard on duty only has about ten per person, but these mediocre peanuts are enough for them to be happy.

Entering the office building, Luo Cheng went around all the departments. The departments with fewer people only had a handful of peanuts, and the departments with more people only had two or three. Each person would be satisfied if they tasted just a little. When they arrived in his department, Luo Cheng gave each of them a small handful of peanuts. The members of his own department are Luo Cheng's subordinates, so they naturally have to take extra care of them.

At this time, Luo Yan was sitting in her place in the Purchasing Department and resting. Her work had been completed, and she had filled the boiling water for each department in the office building. Just run out and replenish it at ten o'clock.

Luo Cheng called Luo Yan out of the office and told her about his plans to adopt the baby girl. Ask her not to talk nonsense when she goes back, and just say that her sister-in-law gave birth to two twins at once, a boy and a girl. Then Luo Yan often went to the kitchen to open the water, so Luo Cheng asked her to bring some peanuts to the kitchen and give some to the kitchen staff to taste. In the future, when Luo Yan opened the water, people would be more polite.

Of course, Luo Cheng is the chief of the purchasing department. Under normal circumstances, Luo Yan will be taken care of appropriately. Another point is to ask Luo Yan to ask Master He in the kitchen if he can help him set up a few tables the day after tomorrow. The wages are easy to say, these days cooks all take on private jobs, but in the past year everyone has been short of food, and weddings, births, etc. have not been held.

If Master He is not available, Luo Cheng plans to borrow a good one from another factory. When Luo Yan went to the kitchen to give peanuts to others, Luo Cheng also invited Section Chief Li, Director Sun, and Director Zhou. Chief Qian of the Finance Department and a director of the Organization Department were also invited, although they did not have a close relationship with each other.

After notifying the invitees, Luo Cheng arranged something for Zhou Lin and asked him to go to the lumber factory to help him get some large wooden piers. A distance of 80 centimeters is required, and the width cannot be less than 80 centimeters.

As long as such a large wooden pier has such a diameter, the tree must be at least several decades old, so what type of tree does it count? In the future, wooden piers with such a diameter will not exist, but most of them will have to be imported. Even if tariffs are added to the import of large trees from Africa, there is still a lot of profit domestically.

Let's put it this way, the kind of wooden piers Luo Cheng wants can be used to make carved coffee tables or the like. Any piece of wood can cost hundreds or even thousands. Just this original wooden pier is actually not cheaper than some ordinary tables. But in Luo Cheng's era, it was basically the price of cabbage.

In addition to matters at the lumber factory, Luo Cheng also asked Zhou Lin to find time to go to the grain station to find Liu Yong. Ask him to come to the banquet where Luo Cheng becomes a father. Of course, Zhou Lin will be invited. In addition to Zhou Lin, Team Leader Shen from Corey was also invited.

As for the other members of the department, I really can't invite them all. There are too many banquets, and it will take a long time to pretend to be poor. You have to tell the outside world that you owe money. At the factory, Luo Cheng said he borrowed the food stamps from outside connections. People outside, such as Luo Cheng's relatives and neighbors, said he borrowed the food stamps from his colleagues in the factory.

After things were arranged, Luo Cheng said hello and got off work early and took two days off. If Master He in the kitchen canteen is not available, Luo Cheng might as well find someone else to help him tomorrow. But unless Master He has other things to do, Luo Cheng always comes back from outside to get food, and he often interacts with the kitchen staff. The people in the kitchen also look forward to Luo Cheng coming back with good things every time he goes out. They can always mix up some leftovers in the kitchen.

When he arrived at the hospital, Luo Cheng first went to the ward to check on Zhao Qian and the others, and then went through the discharge procedures. There are no high-tech testing instruments in this era. When you are discharged from the hospital, the doctor will come over to briefly inquire about your condition and then leave.

When they got home, Luo Cheng's parents, brothers and sisters were here, as was Zhao Qian's father, all waiting for Luo Cheng and the others at the door. I didn’t bring anything with me, mainly because it was hard to buy food even if I had money. So everyone who comes here is willing to pay some money.

When I got home, Zhao Qian was holding a baby in her arms, and Zhang Hongxiu was holding a baby in her arms. It is rare to have two twins at once, a boy and a girl. When Luo Cheng's wife came back from the hospital after giving birth, her neighbors came to watch the fun. They didn't expect that Zhao Qian would give birth to twins. This was such a blessing.

Originally, everyone came here to give a gift, and planned to go back in the afternoon. Luo Cheng didn't have a place to live here. They didn't go to the brigade to get a certificate when they went out, and they couldn't even stay in a guest house.

But Luo Cheng said he would hold a banquet the day after tomorrow and invite neighbors in the yard and colleagues and leaders from the factory to have a banquet. When hosting a banquet, hiring a cook is one thing, but hiring a cook also requires help. Hire people for everything without spending a lot of money.

So after the discussion, Luo Cheng's sister Luo Lan and his mother stayed, and the others went back this afternoon. Luo Cheng is the second son in the family. Speaking of grandchildren, his brother Luo Qiang already has sons and daughters. So it's normal that he doesn't pay much attention to it. If Luo Cheng hadn't become prosperous now, and if he was still asking for work in the town, he would be struggling to make ends meet.

Even if there is a future, they, as grandparents, can only come and see for a while and then leave. It is rare for a son in a separated family to have his second daughter-in-law ask her mother-in-law to take care of her during the confinement period.

Zhao Qian is a married daughter and has a child with a different surname. Accountant Zhao came to the city to take a look and it was considered appropriate. This is still very different from the future era. If you give birth to a child in the future era, basically all the relatives on both sides will come. But now it's Zhao Qian's family, so her father can only come to visit as a representative. The round-trip shuttle bus costs 40 cents. If there are a few more people coming, it will cost one or two yuan. This amount of money is enough to give gifts.

Just like that, I made another meal of noodles at noon, and the flour Luo Cheng brought from the future era was much less. In the afternoon, Luo Cheng spent the whole afternoon at home with Zhao Qian and her children.

At night, the eldest sister Luo Lan followed Luo Yan and Zhang Hongxiu to squeeze in the kitchen. Luo Cheng's mother is helping to take care of the two children in Luo Cheng's room. Although Luo Cheng's mother has no intention of coming to help Zhao Qian during confinement, she will do her best to help take care of them during the two days she is here.

At night, Zhao Qian and Luo Cheng's mother slept on the same bed, and Luo Cheng set up a few stools in the living room to make ends meet. Although this newborn child is said to either sleep or eat, it is really tiring and needs to be fed every few hours. She also poops and urinates. Fortunately, she has milk to feed her. Without milk, making milk powder would be more tiring than in the future.

Of course, in the future, women will find it very tiring to have children. But in Luo Cheng's era, everyone's life itself was difficult. People like Zhao Qian could only take care of their children at home and do housework. They only got up at night to feed milk, so they didn't feel lucky.

It's about to go too fast. In this era, just going back and forth to the commune is too restrictive. This chapter is too much.

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