Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 252 The cafeteria was occupied

The machinery factory canteen is scheduled to open on May 1st. The local chicken restaurant is also scheduled at the same time. The main reason is to find a good stove. There are many people going out to play during the May Day holiday, and the business of any hotel and gourmet restaurant will be much better. Opening on May Day, it’s a good start.

However, although the canteen of the machinery factory has not officially opened, it has already begun internal operations.

The cook aunt Luo Cheng had hired before was fired. In fact, the cook aunt was reluctant to do so. More and more people were eating. If the employees from several nearby stores hadn't come to help appropriately, she would have lost her job. They are too busy.

Now the large cafeteria has taken over the work meals of nearby employees under Luo Cheng's banner, and the staff who are preparing for it in the cafeteria themselves also need to eat.

It is also very simple for employees to come here to eat, and no proof is required. I also use various receipts to eat, including meal tickets, vegetarian food tickets, half-vegetarian food tickets, and meat and vegetable food tickets. There are also breakfast tickets, but the breakfast can only be used after the official opening, and the cafeteria does not have breakfast yet.

Another point is that it has not officially opened, and the variety of dishes is relatively small. Because there are few vegetables purchased, the cost of the vegetables is not low.

But one thing is that there is income even before the canteen opens. The starting location of this canteen actually has enough traffic nearby. If it were not on the second floor, but on the first floor, many people would notice it without advertising.

Several promotional posters are posted downstairs. In fact, the business methods and prices can easily attract attention. Although it is not a membership, it is somewhat similar, because the minimum purchase cost is more than 100 yuan, but some restaurants provide consumer membership cards that can be swiped. This canteen has paper receipts.

Some older people, especially those over sixty years old, feel it deeply. Especially those who used to be workers. When they walked into the canteen, they found many newspapers from before the 1960s on the wall, as well as large-character slogans and decorative styles in the canteen.

Even the window for serving food is in the style of that era. For some old people, this is their past memory. Even the style of the meal stamps are imitated from the styles of various receipts from that era. At most, the content is different.

It's only a hundred yuan, which is nothing to many old people. And even if it hasn't officially started operations now, as the 'canteen director' Zhu Li said, in such a big venue, the elderly can come here to play chess, cards and so on.

Even when you have nothing to do, it’s good to bring your own tea, drink tea and read a book, and there are a lot of newspapers from that era collected here. Looking at the newspapers of their own era, I feel nostalgic.

Just like that, the canteen of this machinery factory has not yet opened, but many people nearby have already bought tickets. Even like other employees, even if there are few dishes at present, they will not go back at noon and will take their meal tickets to eat here. And many elderly people obviously have a lot of decent tableware and lunch boxes at home, stainless steel ones, with several layers, and they can keep things warm.

But they just want to buy the aluminum lunch boxes and spoons provided by the canteen here, and wash their own tableware after each meal. I usually come here for a walk in the morning and read some newspapers from that era.

As of now, just because of the short time, the old man has more than 20 regular visitors. There are people who play chess and people who come here to practice calligraphy. I don’t even know who took the lead. They brought a stereo and played songs from their era.

If this pattern continues, Julie feels that most of these uncles are mainly men, just like those square dancing ladies who find a venue and take the initiative to occupy the free time space in the cafeteria.

Even if it opens on May 1st, these old people still plan to organize programs. The cafeteria manager Zhu Li was also helpless and had no choice but to report to Luo Cheng.

You must know that these days, the law will teach you how to behave against a woman's will. But old man, haha~~, many things are beyond the law. Let me ask you something, are you afraid of violating a woman's will, or are you afraid of the old man falling in front of you?

The cafeteria is very big, after all, it is hundreds of square meters, but a single spark can start a prairie fire. Julie can feel it. There are more elderly people coming to the cafeteria every other day during their leisure time. The aunt is here too, just like a few uncles are always mixed into the square dance crowd. There are only a few aunts here, but they are talented.

People say that a performance is required when opening a business, and that’s what performances are for. Singing and reciting are so emotional.

Anyway, it hasn't opened yet. Under Zhu Li's organization, the cafeteria hall has been lost. She can only obey. It seems that she can only give instructions to the kitchen staff, because she no longer needs to take care of the hall, really. The uncle and aunt took the initiative to solve the hygiene problem in the hall.

Those who can come to the cafeteria for a sense of nostalgia, among them, either themselves worked in the workplace when they were young, or their parents worked in the workplace. The workers of that era were very conscious and had to have correct and positive thoughts. So although there are currently only twenty or thirty old people occupying the free time in the canteen, everything in the canteen is cherished.

Regarding the fact that the cafeteria hall was occupied by some elderly people, Luo Cheng let them go, because almost everyone who came bought meal tickets worth hundreds of dollars. They just treat it as paying the event venue fee. Anyway, when a newcomer comes, they will take the initiative to find Julie to buy a meal ticket worth more than 100 yuan. It seems that if you don’t buy or register your information, you won’t have a sense of belonging.

Luo Cheng's current headache is the local chicken restaurant. If it opens there, the local chickens used will definitely be raised by himself. But other dishes have to be purchased separately. This was nothing at first, but Liu Xiaofei's cousin had confirmed that the person hired there to be responsible for purchasing was Zhou Meng's younger brother Zhou Chen.

That Zhou Chen was also an idiot. He just joined a work group. He saw a girl with a good-looking profile picture in the group and joined her. Zhou Ruoyu immediately figured out what he said, that he was Zhou Meng's biological brother.

This store hasn't opened yet, so let's do it like this. But it is a more realistic thing. On the other hand, if Luo Cheng does not have any property and has the opportunity to partner with others, and the business is mainly managed by himself, if he can take care of his relatives, he may also take care of him.

And this purchase is not easy. If it is just a store and the side dishes are delivered to your door, the price and quality will definitely not be good. If you go to the market to buy food every day, you have to get up very early, but you can call for delivery of condiments. But for vegetables and meat, the meat is not frozen. There is actually a big difference between picking it yourself and having it delivered.

Fortunately, Luo Cheng now has experience in restaurant management, and Zhu Li has been a store manager in a chain of fast food restaurants for many years. Chain store operators must have experience in handling procurement.

"Luo Cheng, it's true that you can seduce a woman even if you practice driving. Why didn't I see that you were so carefree? I'm going to go to the chicken restaurant today to see what that woman looks like."

"You guys, didn't I make it clear to you last night? You are the same group of students who practice driving. As for the college students, I have a cooperative relationship with them, but I am not hooking up with them."

"Then that woman is seducing you. That's great. Why do you open a store in partnership with a woman? We don't lack her 30% share money."

"The idea of ​​opening a local chicken restaurant came from someone else. We have so many shops now. I can't manage it by myself. So I agreed to their idea of ​​a partnership and try to open a local chicken restaurant together."

"Huh, if you have any problems, I'll let Ruo Yu keep an eye on it. If you really find a problem, you see, I won't lead anyone to kill the mistress."

"It's really not true. I don't even go to the store over there. I let people from our office look at the decoration."

Luo Cheng responded speechlessly. There were some things he really couldn't say. He had to doubt Zhou Meng, and Liu Xiaofei had better doubt her cousin.

Because I agreed to let Zhou Ruoyu come and stay for a few days until the local chicken restaurant opened, I rented an old house there that was similar to a village in the city. I could arrange to live there then.

But now it's a little annoying. Zhou Ruoyu always comes to chat with Liu Xiaofei before going to bed, wearing slippers and pajamas. And they always lie on the bed and get under the quilt to chat with Liu Xiaofei, which results in three people lying on the same bed, although Liu Xiaofei is lying in the middle. But this felt like Luo Cheng was not treated as an outsider. The most important thing was that the pajamas she wore were a bit loose and easy to expose. Luo Chengdu accidentally saw looming things several times.

Luo Cheng felt that maybe he was overthinking it. At least Zhou Ruoyu lived here and nothing like before happened. For example, talk to him alone about some sensitive topics.

"Luo Cheng, go to my parents' place today. The matter with my second uncle is finally settled. It's really annoying. I don't know when he can get his debt back."

"Okay, your cousin and cousin have reconciled."

"I think it's crazy what happened. Why are you getting dressed? Lie down for a while. We'll set off at ten o'clock."

"I'm afraid your cousin will come to visit me again."

"Haha, what's wrong with your chest and abdominal muscles? It was normal to have so many muscles when working on a construction site. We have been together for a long time, and you don't do heavy work anymore. Why do you still have so many muscles?"

"You play mahjong every day and you are not with me. I often move things and exercise, okay?"

Luo Cheng explained that it was just some muscles. In his time, there were many people with muscles. It’s just that I didn’t eat well and my body shape was out of shape. Er Gouzi has been taking care of Luo Cheng for more than half a year. Although the food he eats is not very nutritious, at least he is not hungry and has become a lot stronger.

The matter with Liu Xiaofei's second uncle has been settled, and he can't escape without paying the fine. If they did, their store would be investigated and punished for being short of jinshaoliang, which would have a great impact on their business. In addition, the scale cannot be faked, and the main reason is that they don't dare to fake it, so they feel that it would be boring to continue operating.

However, the two stores have invested a lot of equipment, and the rent was paid not long ago this year. After all, Liu Xiaofei's second uncle is a biological brother to his father. When faced with a situation where he would be detained if he did not pay the fine, Liu Xiaofei's father had no choice but to step in and help deal with it.

Liu Xiaofei's father took over the two shops, plus the rent and the goods they purchased. If you plan to change the brand name and continue the business, don't think about cheating on the scale in the short term. Liu Xiaofei's father also cheated, but the most he did was a ninety-two scale, or even a ninety-five scale.

This sells aquatic products. Just put a thick plastic bag in it and put a little water in it when weighing it. That's it. Liu Xiaofei's father felt that his brother had gone too far this time and set up a seven-liang scale. Apart from the plastic bag and a little bit of water, one kilogram might actually be more than half a kilogram.

Although it's not like you get 7 taels for everything, and those that don't need to be killed are not so ruthless, but when it comes to selling shrimps, you can get 8 taels for every one.

Liu Xiaofei was going to go with Luo Cheng today, but it was still an issue with the car. One was the car that was mortgaged with them. In addition, Uncle Liu Xiaofei and the others bought one or two second-hand seven-seater vans for the convenience of purchasing. This can only be handled by Liu Xiaofei and Luo Cheng.

The mortgaged car was transferred directly. Last time Liu Xiaofei gave them 50,000 yuan. If the ownership is transferred, Luo Cheng and the others can also apply for a loan, or they can directly repay Liu Qing's car loan and transfer the ownership directly.

This time I went to Liu Xiaofei's parents' house, mainly to give Luo Cheng the betrothal gift for marrying Liu Xiaofei in advance. The amount of the betrothal gift must have a sense of ceremony. How can a daughter directly give the betrothal gift money to her parents? Luo Cheng must give the betrothal gift money to her father-in-law and mother-in-law. Moreover, it would not be easy to issue a receipt if Liu Xiaofei gave her parents the gift money.

It's different when Luo goes out. It's normal for him to give a bride price and ask for a receipt. In the past few years, many wedding gifts were given in cash, and cash seemed a bit shocking. But just because of this, cheating often happens. In addition, the divorce rate is too high now, so many places require a receipt for betrothal gifts.

Once the bride price is given, Liu Xiaofei's parents will lend part of the money to her second uncle. As for the tens of thousands of yuan that Uncle Liu Xiaofei owes them, I am afraid that they will not be able to count on them in a short time.

If Liu Xiaofei's second uncle and his cousin's cars were collected, Luo Cheng would have a lot of cars belonging to him. He also plans to buy two more minivans in the next two days, one with a compartment in the back and one without. Now it seems I can only choose one of the two. There are too many cars and there is no need for so many.

Liu Xiaofei's cousin's car can be used as a business car for the office. In the future, if the finance department wants to pay cash wages to those people at the breeding base in the suburbs, just let them drive there by themselves.

Luo Cheng put on his shirt before lying down again, playing with his phone and checking information. In his own time, he planned to stay with Zhao Qian and the child for a while before going to another place. Before going there, Luo Chenghao tried his best to understand some of the situation in this city in the late 1950s in the future.

In addition, it is time to start building bicycles. Get the bicycles out, and then everyone in the family will have one. Luo Cheng thought that he would just buy some ready-made round pipes from the steel market in the future. It was just a few iron round pipes, and it was not something strictly regulated. If the quantity was not large, he could ask Director Sun to come forward and issue an invoice from the factory. The material is no problem at all.

When the car is built, it can also be stamped with the material certificate.

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