Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 258 No company account

Enjoying the life of being cared for as a patient for a day in the future era can be regarded as a full day in the room.

When Luo Cheng woke up again, he probably woke up at just six o'clock in the morning because he went to bed early yesterday. After waking up, I happened to check the cameras on the Internet.

Luo Cheng didn't know anything about cameras, but it would be nice to be able to use the camera function of his mobile phone very well now. After checking the information on the Internet, I found that this camera was really something only wealthy people could afford in his day.

First of all, the price. The domestic ones are pretty good. A Shanghai brand camera costs 80 yuan. For some people who have a job and like to play this, they can still afford it if they save a few months of money.

But the cost of a camera is just one of them. The film you shoot is also expensive. Put it this way, if you take a photo in a photo studio, it costs 60 to 70 cents for a black and white photo, several times more expensive for a color photo, and it is still small in size.

In Luo Cheng's time, this camera was easy to show off when you took it out, especially when chasing your girlfriend. It can be said to be an assist weapon. But when you take the girl you like out to take pictures, you should take a few pictures. If you click a few times, the low-paid person will be able to take pictures of you dripping with blood. Because a roll of black and white film costs more than ten yuan, and many films in this era were imported.

Another point is, if your technique is not good, the lighting and angles etc. will not be good and you will waste a little more. Ordinary family conditions simply cannot afford it.

On the Internet, Luo Cheng actually saw that someone actually saved cameras from his era, but these were considered collectibles. People who spend tens of thousands of dollars and have poor skills can't play that thing at all.

As for the simulated ones, the style is almost the same, but the interior has been modified, mainly because it can use many styles of film, and the resolution and clarity have also been enhanced. They range from a few hundred to a few thousand. The other kind is just a retro-looking one with just a memory card inside. You can buy it for dozens of dollars, and you can also take photos.

Logically speaking, Luo Cheng can just buy one that looks like it and take it to his own time. The operation is simple, just like the camera function of a mobile phone. His main purpose is to record the appearance of various places in his own era, and then bring it to the future era to create a sense of nostalgia.

But Luo Cheng thought for a long time and finally bought a simulation camera worth more than 4,000 yuan. The kind that comes with a box of film, and can also be equipped with various types of film.

Place an order, and then add a delivery time insurance function, that is, by spending a few dollars more, you can guarantee that it will be delivered before a certain time the next day. Similar to a function provided by a certain express delivery.

Luo Cheng decided to buy a simulation camera worth more than 4,000 yuan, mainly because the camera has powerful functions and is suitable for novices to operate. Another point is that Luo Cheng is also a young man and a mortal. He also wants to install the 13. Many parts of this camera can be disassembled and adjusted by himself. If Luo Cheng buys this camera, others can also use it.

If he didn't want to show off, Luo Cheng could just buy a camera with a similar appearance. The better quality ones only cost a few hundred yuan, and the cheaper ones cost dozens of yuan.

"Luo Cheng, what are you doing? I seem to have been infected by you. I'm also sick. Am I feeling unwell?"

"Sick? Xiaofei, do you have a fever too?"

Maybe because he was playing with his cell phone, Luo Cheng's arm would move from time to time, waking Liu Xiaofei up. When Liu Xiaofei said that she was also sick, Luo Cheng nervously touched her forehead to see if there was any fever.

"Well, I'm getting angry. It's so hot. I need an injection."

"Don't make trouble. I have a lot of things to do today. I plan to go to the seafood wholesale market in the afternoon. Do you want to go with me?"

"Afternoon, let me think about it~~."

Luo Cheng ignored her. She had nothing else to do in the afternoon except playing mahjong. He kindly asked her to go with him, even though he had originally planned to go there to check out the seafood products, as he was just going there to do some work. But if I could go for a walk with her, she would be too addicted to playing mahjong.

"It just so happens that Ruoxue will come to stay today. She has a day off and I just happened to buy some seafood. Let's have a seafood dinner and drink beer to have fun."

"Okay, it's been a long time since I've eaten the food from Tiao Nong."

Luo Cheng chatted with Liu Xiaofei for a few more words. He felt that Liu Xiaofei could not continue playing mahjong like this, but he also understood that she was bored. Luo Cheng remembered that she used to want to be an Internet celebrity, but selling clothes online was too serious and she failed.

She did a live broadcast to sell clothes, but she didn’t sell many clothes, most of them were for her beauty. Then I ask for second-hand clothes more than I buy new clothes. Second-hand clothes are meant to be worn by Liu Xiaofei. They are not serious purchases of clothes at all.

Luo Cheng didn't expect Liu Xiaofei to make any money, but he often stayed in the mahjong parlor. The environment there was not good, so it was okay to play occasionally. If you go there every day and smoke secondhand smoke, the most obvious thing is that Luo Chengdu feels that she is not as supple as before.

Luo Cheng planned to talk to her about this matter in the afternoon, and now he was already dressed. I have to go to the office in the morning to explain the canning factory. Luo Cheng is a person who does it as soon as he thinks of it. In fact, he can also find a canning factory to cooperate, which would be more convenient. But I wanted it for a long time, the demand was not small, and the packaging needed to be in the style of that era.

Luo Cheng is not willing to engage in external sales in this era. The main reason is that the market for the canned industry is really not big, but there is a market for export. If it is exported, it can actually be done. But Luo Chengde would think about it later because he saw a lot of videos about starting a business in Africa on the Internet.

There are many backward industries in China. If you go to Africa to start a business, you can make a lot of money. Even instant noodles sell very well in Africa. Anyone who can eat instant noodles in Africa is very rich. In fact, this can also has a large market in Africa.

And Luo Cheng is a fool. Even if he doesn't deal with things in his own time, he can only transfer things. If a person goes abroad, the goods will also go abroad. It's really not easy to make money. Even if you buy some second-hand tires in China and sell them to Africa, you can make a fortune.

Moreover, trees in Africa are now very cheap. If Luo Cheng wants to open a lumber factory, he can get a large number of trees without transporting or paying taxes. It's just that Luo Cheng currently has many things or ways to make money at home. He really doesn't want to go abroad to make money unless necessary.

Old street, housing office.

"Wang Fang, wages will be paid in a few days. How much money does our company have in our account?"

"Company account? We have a company account. All the money is transferred to me by BOSS."

"Then how do you usually reconcile your finances?"

"It seems that apart from daily expenses, our headquarters has no expenses or income."

Luo Cheng's salary payment is scheduled for May 10th, but it has not been a month since the office was established. Now it was time to pay wages. When Wang Shanshan asked, Wang Fang panicked. It seemed that all the income and expenses under Luo Cheng were paid by him personally. If this was investigated by the tax, as a financial person, he might be the first to get an iron rice bowl. .

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