Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 27 Planning to rent a house to live in

In fact, Luo Cheng didn't live alone in a room at first. The room didn't even have a bed. Luo Cheng's so-called bed now was made of a few boards at the construction site. There were people living here before, but the project was divided into many types of work. Some people were responsible for the early construction and then left after the work was completed.

The people who lived with Luo Cheng left after finishing their work. Later, Luo Cheng enjoyed the single room treatment for a while, and now another person has been arranged to come in. It was troublesome for Luo Cheng to take things away and bring things over. Before he lived with others, he would sneak back with small things.

If someone lives with me now, if I bring a big turtle over, I won't scare them to death. But I have no reason to stop others from moving in. Fortunately, I won't pick up the pig head I want until tomorrow.

Li Gong left as soon as someone brought it, and Luo Cheng didn't need to agree. The newcomers also know how to behave, taking the initiative to pass cigarettes to Luo Cheng and asking if the work here is good.

Don't reach out to hit the smiling person, not to mention that Luo Cheng and the newcomer have no issues. Luo Cheng could only chat politely with the other party. To be honest, if he didn't have his own secret, it would be really good to have someone living in the same room with him. At least he could chat.

But Luo Cheng even planned to hide his wife who was going to marry him in his own time. He would bring things here in the future, so he made up an excuse now. If you want to bring something here, go and stay in a wooden house on the mountain for a day. This kind of trouble is troublesome, but I can't let go of my wife.

"Come on, let's go look for a rental house outside tomorrow. If we can't find a suitable one, we can find a temporary single room tomorrow. We have to take the pig head back and rent a house of our own. It will be more convenient to bring things here and there in the future. "

Luo Cheng made up his mind to live out, and he was a little reluctant to do so. The houses on the construction site had free water and electricity, and Master Wang said that no matter how hot it was, air conditioning would be installed here. Luo Cheng also understands the air conditioner now, because the rooms where we work here already have air conditioners in use.

If you live outside, you have to pay for the rent, water and electricity. Even for a cheap room, the water and electricity will cost several hundred. In the past, Luo Cheng was always accustomed to converting money into food to calculate value. If it costs hundreds to live outside for a month, it is equivalent to hundreds of kilograms of rice.

Spending hundreds of kilograms of rice just to sleep is a complete joke. Giving a hundred kilograms of rice could make people of his time climb a tree and sleep.

But when the turtle was sold today, he felt that his concept was different. Not to mention that wild turtles are more expensive than farmed turtles. Even if the price is the same, Luo Chengdu can mobilize people to catch them. For him, those things can be exchanged for a little bit, just like having no capital.

It was a hot day, and the newcomer was simpler than him. He just made a cheap mat and spread it on the ground. The sleeping equipment is simple, but the power strips and mobile phone chargers are fully prepared.

Luo Cheng looked at the other party's age and appearance, and was thinking about whether to rent a house outside. After all, he has been at the construction site for a few months, so he knows how to keep an eye on people.

Not everyone can bear the hardships at the construction site. It is said that one can earn about 10,000 yuan a month. But that was when there was no rest and no work to do. After all, there are only a few people who can work for a full month without taking a day off. All in all, seven or eight thousand is not bad. It has been raining for several days like this, or this place has been completed and needs to be moved to another place. There are some who earn five to six thousand a month, and how many young people are willing to come and work in factories if they earn this much a month.

Luo Cheng felt that the new people were a bit like people who couldn't bear hardships. If they left after not working for a few days, he could live alone again. But thinking that even if this person left, someone new might move in later, I decided to forget it and look for a house to rent tomorrow.

After chatting with the newcomers for a while, Luo Cheng ate steamed buns and cold vegetables. The other party didn't go out to eat either, just bread and drinks. After eating, the two of them played with their mobile phones without disturbing each other.


Jiangzhou, Linjiang City, private cooking class.

"Lao Zhou, you really got a bargain. Master Wang said it was definitely a wild turtle. You just don't believe it. Now you've got one. I can taste it and it's not bad at all. In this way, no matter it's true, Wild or fake, give me one for 1,500 yuan so I can give it as a gift. I’m not taking advantage of you at this price.”

"Hey, originally I said I wanted this small one to be stewed for my old man to eat. Now that it's ready, I insist on killing it to taste it."

"The main reason is that that situation is so fake. Even if that guy doesn't say anything, I won't be so hesitant in the morning. If I buy the wrong thing, I will think that I don't have good eyesight. But I don't believe what he said. Well, in this way, I’ll give you a thousand turtles, and I’ll be able to pick one for free.”

This private restaurant is opened by Lao Zhou, but he mainly invests in it, and his younger brother is running it. To run a private kitchen well, you have to be special. If you don't cook the game that is not allowed, you can only have excellent skills in craftsmanship. But if you have some special ingredients, you can attract some unique customers.

Lao Zhou plans to keep the remaining one in the glass pool in the store, and won't sell it to ordinary customers even if they see it is wild. This thing not only sells for price, but also for favors.

The current price of a two-pound wild turtle is about 500 per pound, but you may not be able to buy it if you have money. The small one I ate weighed less than a pound and a half, and the market price could fetch four to five hundred. The largest one weighs two and a half kilograms, and the other is smaller at two kilograms and two liang. This little old Zhou planned to give one thousand to his friends, mainly to sell favors.

In fact, even if it's two pounds and two taels, some people really want it, and if it sells for one thousand and fifty, there will be people who want it. For the remaining one, even if it is requested by a special guest, it will cost at least 2,000 yuan to eat in his private kitchen. As long as the product is authentic, there is no need to worry about not having rich customers.

Now several people tasted the turtle and knew it was wild, but no one believed it was dug at the construction site not far away. The locals would not know where it was before, as there was no living conditions for wild turtles.

"Lao Zhou, do you think that guy has his own source of goods and is doing it cheaply on purpose? But he himself may not know the value of the turtles he sells."

"Hey, what you said is really possible."

Hearing his friend's words, Lao Zhou's eyes lit up. In fact, this place is close to the suburbs. If you go outside the suburbs, there are still villages in the form of places. Even those who specialize in selling wild mountain products have their own special supply sources, and because the supply is limited, the supply is limited.

No contact information was left, and even transactions were in cash. Although I have a guess, if I want to test it, I have to find someone else again. I don't know if that kid will show up on the old street again. It seems like I need to stay and watch. Especially if that kid comes up with turtles to sell again, it will be a real deal.


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