Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 271 Go buy peaches

What is it like to have a clingy partner, and literary youth-style love brains are basically very clingy. Men who are lovey-dovey must not touch this type, otherwise they will not be able to get rid of them.

In the future era, there is no room for the type of clingy love brain to survive. Because in this era of advanced information, the other party will want to get your information all the time and send you text messages from time to time. You have to reply in time. You have to answer the video given to you. If coupled with the idea of ​​female 'power' in the future era, no matter how beautiful the other person is, it will make you breathless.

If you want to break up, the other person will definitely try their best to keep you from leaving. There are similar character settings in many TV plots. If you encounter this kind of situation, if you want to escape, you can only move, change jobs, or even stay away from the city.

But even so, at least the other party may have mental problems, but at worst, he must write a last word to his parents to say he is sorry to them, and then send his black hair away in vain.

In Luo Cheng's era, there is still room for this type of woman to survive. At least transportation and information are not developed. When I want to be alone, I can only think about you and can't do anything. Coupled with the preference for boys over girls in this era, environmental factors will also make such people a little more restrained.

Luo Cheng didn't understand what kind of existence he had provoked, but fortunately he did it in his own time.

After Luo Cheng and Zheng Ke finished watching the movie in the evening, he originally wanted to go back to the guest house directly. But they were all invited by Zheng Ke to sit in the dormitory for a while. Luo Cheng would naturally not refuse such an invitation.

The two of them were just chatting in the dormitory, talking about life, work, and the future. But Luo Cheng himself didn't notice anything. When he was sitting, Zheng Ke took the initiative to hug him from behind his shoulders and talk to him face to face. Luo Cheng naturally enjoyed such intimate actions.

If it hadn't been for the guest house to be closed, Zheng Ke might have asked Luo Cheng to stay in the dormitory for a while. As for staying overnight, that's not a big deal, after all, the two of them haven't broken through the final layer of their relationship yet.

It wasn't until nine o'clock at night that Luo Cheng left the dormitory and returned to the guest house.

Then Luo Cheng simply washed up and went to sleep, while Zheng Ke lay on the bed, planning the future with Luo Cheng for a long time before going to bed.


"\u0026 @T^^$(*\u0026^)"

What sound? In the future era, Luo Chengdu wakes up relatively late these days. Because he had to bring food to his own time, he didn't go to bed until after twelve o'clock these days.

This time Luo Cheng woke up and was woken up by some strange noises, but they were not loud.

Luo Cheng turned his head to look at Liu Xiaofei beside him and found that her head was buried in the quilt. The sound came from inside the quilt. After waking up, Luo Cheng heard the sound more clearly.

"Liu Xiaofei, what are you doing? What are you looking at under the quilt so early in the morning?"

"No, it's nothing. I was watching a TV series. I was afraid of disturbing you so I watched it under the quilt."

"Then bring your phone over and let me take a look."

"I really didn't lie to you, I just showed it to you."

Luo Cheng took Liu Xiaofei's phone, looked at the interface of her phone, and briefly flipped through the pages. Indeed, he found no problems.

Forget it, maybe he was overly worried, Luo Cheng returned the phone to Liu Xiaofei doubtfully. I'm still a little sleepy. I planned to go to Chongcheng next door today, but the distance is close. It only takes more than two hours to drive there, so I plan to sleep for a while.

After a while, Luo Cheng heard another voice in his ear. He reluctantly opened his eyes and took a look. Liu Xiaofei was indeed watching a variety show or something, and then he continued to sleep.

It wasn't until almost nine o'clock in the morning that Luo Cheng finally felt comfortable sleeping. Liu Xiaofei, who was lying on the bed and still playing with her mobile phone, also called out. After washing up, she was about to set off to collect peaches. Liu Xiaofei was asked to drive today. It's time to let her drive when you go, and Luo Cheng will drive it yourself when you come back.

But before Luo Cheng planned to get on the highway, he had to drive, because Luo Cheng had already explored the distance before going to the highway, and there was no fog to stop him.

After washing up, the two bought some breakfast at the gate of the community and set off. Luo Cheng felt that Liu Xiaofei was in a good mood today and was happy all the way.

"Luo Cheng~ Luo Cheng, let's play role-playing. You are the driver and I am the customer."

"What's the point of pretending? If you want to be bored, just play on your phone first."

"No, let's play for a while. You are the driver and you want me to ask for fare. Hurry up."

"Like a child, okay, Liu Xiaofei, give me the fare."

"Be serious. We act like we don't know each other. If you don't know my name, you have to call me Miss or Beauty."

"Okay, you are really boring, little sister, the highway intersection is coming, the fare is 100, please pay."

"Oh, brother driver, I forgot to bring my bag and I don't have any money on my phone. Brother, look there's no one over there. Why don't you stop over there and I'll change the payment method."

"Liu Xiaofei, how many crooked things do you still have in your mind? I'm so fucking impressed with you. You can drive at any time, so you don't have any real driving skills."

"Luo Cheng, the car is shaking. Don't you want to give it a try?"

Some people say that lustful men are full of sperm. Luo Cheng didn't know how to describe Liu Xiaofei. It seemed that she had to give her something to do early, otherwise she would spend her whole day playing mahjong or enjoying herself.

But he finally understood what the car vibrating meant. Liu Xiaofei had said it before, but he didn't think about it. It seems that what Liu Xiaofei said last time about outdoor was not a good word either.

Rather than agree to Liu Xiaofei's unseemly request, Luo Cheng drove to a nearby street close to the highway and asked Liu Xiaofei to drive. Driving on the highway is actually much easier than driving in the city as long as you don't feel afraid. Luo Cheng paid attention to the navigation prompts in the car and didn't drive at the wrong intersection. Liu Xiaofei just kept driving forward.

It wasn't until nearly noon that the two arrived at the location. It's already a rural town, but this book has some local farm dishes. Liu Xiaofei was very happy to have delicious food. She also gave up some of her inner thoughts and planned to have a good time for a day or two.

After dinner, Luo Cheng and Liu Xiaofei drove to the location mentioned on the Internet. It was really a large peach forest. But it’s not just the variety mentioned on the Internet, there are actually other varieties.

There is also a strawberry shed nearby. If you want to eat strawberries, you can pick them fresh, but in this month, strawberries are more expensive. They don't do wholesale or anything, they just set up a table on the side of the road and start retail sales. To wholesale strawberries, you have to go to a strawberry planting base or something. These scattered growers all grow and sell their own strawberries, and the prices are not much cheaper than the market.

Liu Xiaofei asked if she wanted to provide benefits to employees and buy dozens of kilograms of strawberries. She went to negotiate the price with the strawberry growers.

Luo Cheng also likes to eat strawberries, but because it is difficult to bring them to his own time, he is not very interested. It's not that there were no strawberries in Luo Cheng's time. He had eaten the wild ones, which were very small. But in this future era, he has never seen such a big strawberry.

He also looked up strawberries on the Internet. If you want to get this kind of thing in the future, it is best not to touch it now. Because according to online records, the introduction of strawberry varieties into the country was in 1959, which was exactly the year of Luo Cheng's era, and it was only studied and cultivated in agricultural colleges. Only a few places where some internal personnel could eat it. arrive.

It was actually after the 1980s when strawberries were really promoted. Luo Cheng had to be cautious about bringing many things to his own time. Although these strawberries were delicious and easy to eat, Luo Cheng didn't want to get rid of them.

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