Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 276 Asking Zhang Yueyue for help

After eating roast duck, Zheng Ke also accidentally looked at the watch on his hand. Others didn't know if Zheng Ke had a watch before him, but Zhang Yueyue didn't know. It's just that Luo Cheng is also around now, so she can't ask in detail.

When the three of them came out of the roast duck restaurant, Luo Cheng separated from the two of them. He was going to the office to pick up cans. In the evening, Zheng Ke will be asked to persuade Zhang Yueyue to help and sell a batch of peaches first. Of course, it would take two days for the goods to be available, and Luo Cheng would have to leave Jiangcheng and return to Changcheng in two days.

"Zheng Ke, where did you get the watch on your hand?"

"It was given by Luo Cheng. It looks good."

"No, Zheng Ke, even if you are dating Luo Cheng, it has only been a few days, and you accept such a valuable thing from him. If you don't marry him from now on, you can't afford to pay."

"Virgins who don't have the intention of getting married are all just hooligans. When Luo and I became virgins, we just rushed to get married."

"That's not what I meant. I meant what if after you get along, you find that you can't get along. You used to have so many people at school trying to please you, but you didn't get anything."

"Luo Cheng is different~~."

When asked by Zhang Yueyue, Zheng Ke didn't know how to explain it. It couldn't be said that she had no way out. If Luo Cheng had sex with others normally and took his time, she would definitely not dare to accept this watch. But Luo Chengdu put his hand inside her clothes, and she had no choice.

But it was hard for her to tell Zhang Yueyue about this, it would be very embarrassing. After much talk along the way, Zhang Yueyue didn't say anything about the watch. The main reason was that she also felt that Luo Cheng didn't look like a person who always gave up. Although she couldn't read faces, Luo Cheng looked... honest. And Zheng Ke is not a messy person. Accepting the watch shows that he is really satisfied with Luo Cheng.

After not worrying about the watch, Zhang Yueyue was actually quite envious of Zheng Ke. This was a watch, and she gave it to him while they were still dating. This watch would make everyone envious if given as a wedding gift.

After the two arrived at the dormitory, Zhang Yueyue looked at Zheng Ke's dormitory. She was a little proud. Newspapers are the mainstream these days. In many places, due to mission requirements, some newspapers must be ordered. Zhang Yueyue may not have a lower position than Zheng Ke, but in the newspaper office, the benefits are no worse than Zheng Ke.

Even if it is a separate dormitory, maybe Zheng Ke's is called the dormitory, and hers should be called the staff building, which has a kitchen. But the staff building in her side only had a bed and nothing else. After all, Zheng Ke still has tables and stools here, so it doesn't look so empty.

The two chatted for a while, and then someone came, but it wasn't Luo Cheng, it was Li Chen. He had eaten at home today and packed up his things. He came here specifically to say hello to Zheng Ke at night. Fortunately, what he was worried about didn't appear. At least he didn't see Luo Cheng there at night.

Seeing that Zheng Ke had friends there, he briefly introduced himself and left.

"It's so annoying. I didn't expect him to move here tonight."

"Zheng Ke, what's going on?"

When asked by a good friend, Zheng Ke once again told Li Chen's interesting things about him. Mainly because he was older and his wife died, which Zhang Yueyue couldn't accept.

It doesn't matter that he's older. After all, he's in good condition, he's good-looking, he's polite, and he's the editor of a magazine. The main reason is that my wife died, which is a bit difficult for girls to accept.

For such people, maybe some who have been there, their parents won't think there's any big problem. Marrying Li Chen, life seems to be better than anything else. But they are college students, and their spirits are high now. They want to fight for the future, so their goals in their hearts are actually more focused on people who can fight together.

To put it more bluntly, men in this era have virginity plots, even many. The same goes for women, there are very few who mess around. If a woman loses her virginity, then for whatever reason they break up. Then next time she is looking for a partner, it is best to make it clear.

There was an obvious example in their hometown. A woman didn't have the first time, and she didn't dare to say it, and her family didn't know. Later, I found a partner and got married, which was miserable. When I was with a partner, I took all kinds of care. Just because I found out it wasn't the first time after getting married, I hit someone directly.

Although they are still living together now, they would beat her and call her a bitch when things didn't go her way. Because of this, none of the woman's family members helped. Who could blame her for being frugal?

In this day and age, men care about women's 'cleanness'. In fact, women are the same, but they are more likely to accept their fate. But for people who are resigned to their fate, if the man still does some shameful things after marriage, there are many women who will wipe their necks and break their necks. Women find it dirty, just like men find it dirty.

Therefore, it is easy for Li Chen to find ordinary women, but she is a college graduate and good-looking herself. Unless family members introduce it, and then there are all kinds of persuasion. Otherwise, knowing that his wife is dead, he would not be willing to find a partner.

Not long after Li Chen left, Luo Cheng came, bringing cans, which was a perfect miss with Li Chen. Canned meats are all canned meat, with thick pork flavor. In fact, canned meat has many flavors, but thick pork is currently more suitable for the needs of domestic people.

Canned braised pork was also produced in China before, but people in the Soviet Union were not used to the taste of braised pork. In addition to the Soviet Union, other countries also invited people to visit and trial production in order to export. Unexpectedly, the most popular thing turned out to be raw pork. Steamed beef and mutton, luncheon meat, etc. There are also a few places that like the thick sauce, but many places don't like the braised pork flavor.

This may have something to do with the living environment. In some places, there is no shortage of meat to eat, and there is oil and water in the stomach. It feels okay to eat braised pork occasionally. But if it is used for war rations or something like that, you will get tired of eating braised pork a few times.

When buying canned meat abroad, you don’t need to be fancy. What they need is the original flavor. If you want to eat other flavors, you can mix it with your own dipping sauces.

Precisely because there was no braised pork flavor, Zheng Ke asked Luo Chengdu to make pork with thick sauce. If the sauce is thick, a little canned rice with thick sauce will make it delicious. No one would eat a box of canned meat. A box of cans should be eaten for at least several days, or shared among several people.

Among the many varieties of canned food, anyone would choose pork with thick sauce, not beef or mutton, because there is no pork fat.

The cans were brought over, all in the same flavor, and Zhang Yueyue was asked to get some by herself. Zhang Yueyue said before that he wanted to give money, and Luo Cheng didn't refuse, so it didn't matter if he owed it. Zhang Yueyue was also struggling with how much she should take. She would not be willing to take less of such a good thing. It was not that she wanted to eat as much as she wanted to send it back to her hometown to her family, but she was embarrassed to take too much. In her own words, if she has a can to satisfy her cravings, she won’t want to eat meat for a month.

Luo Cheng also saw her entanglement and asked her to think about it for herself. Then he called Zheng Ke into the inner room to have something to say.

"Luo Cheng, what's the matter with you? You have to go inside and say it. You can't say it in front of Zhang Yueyue."

"I will have a batch of peaches coming in two days. Zheng Ke, you are my partner, you have to help me. I charge them three cents. You need a ticket to buy fruits in the market. I don't need a ticket. They sell for five cents." It’s a pound of money. Can you tell the boss of your magazine, and ask your good friend Zhang Yueyue to tell her newspaper too."

"Ah, you asked me to help you sell things, this~~."

"What is this? The origin of my peach is legal. Others can't get it if they want to. Zheng Ke, you listen to me. You only need to find your leader to reveal the news. You don't need to deliberately sell it. I guarantee that Bian will take the initiative to ask you. Zhang Yueyue is in the front room. Go and help me. If you sell it for five cents, give her some benefits. If you sell two kilograms, give her one penny. In fact, I don’t have much if I want to sell more. Just Ten baskets of peaches, about a thousand catties. In this way, if you sell them, I will give you a share of the benefits."

"Luo Cheng, there's no need between us~~, okay, I'll go talk to Yueyue and give it a try. If you don't agree, don't embarrass her."

"Well, Coco, it's okay. You're not selling, you're just introducing. And my selling is different from your selling. You get private goods to sell, which is buying low and selling high. But I am a buyer and a section chief. No People will report a buyer. If you do, you will be an enemy of all buyers."

In the inner room, seeing that Zhang Yueyue did not come to disturb his conversation with Zheng Ke, Luo Cheng took Zheng Ke and called her nickname in her ear and whispered softly. As soon as Zheng Ke was talked to by Luo Cheng in such an intimate way, his whole body They are all a little soft. The person who was still caring at first suddenly had a thought in her heart. Even if Luo Cheng committed a crime, she still had to help Luo Cheng. Luo Cheng is her partner, no one will help her if she doesn't.

Then she reluctantly asked Luo Cheng to wait in the inner room while she went to talk to Zhang Yueyue alone. I just asked Zhang Yueyue to introduce me, and I didn't ask her to sell peaches, so it should be fine.

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