Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 278 Direct interests will clear the way in the future

It was already half past seven when I left Zheng Ke's dormitory.

Beggars can be seen on the road from time to time. Natural disasters are coupled with man-made disasters. The real escape from famine should have officially begun. Because it is already mid-May, which is the rainy season in the south. According to the past, there will be a small amount of rain before May. By May and June, it will be considered good if there are no floods in some places.

And now, before Luo Cheng set off from Changcheng, there was some light rain in Changcheng today. But at least there are many reservoirs and lakes in Changcheng. This river city is close to the sea and is not as easy to store water as Changcheng. If the precipitation is less.

Spring sowing in the south is around early to mid-March, and it has already been two months since planting. Such rainfall has already affected the growth of rice. In some serious areas, there is no place to carry water, and it is time to start running away.

Coming to the transportation station, many stations in this era are called transportation stations, which are departments responsible for the unified management of passenger and freight transportation. Just as the Postal Service is now the only communications department, telephone services are all managed by the Postal Service.

When he found the office department here, Luo Cheng really didn't have the intention to go to a department and try to get close to him. It was too tiring. The main issue is his identity. He can only represent one factory when purchasing supplies. In other places, no one is willing to take care of this. In the end, we still have to use supplies to clear the way.

So when he came here, Luo Cheng directly revealed his identity and said that he was directly from Changcheng. Through his connections, he purchased a batch of fruit supplies and needed vehicles to transport them back to Changcheng. If you can help, you can give one or two tons of peaches to the transportation station.

In terms of transportation, every city is the same, and the transportation of local goods is tightly arranged. The unit that can apply for a transport vehicle will provide the driver with good food, drink and cigarettes. If you don't smoke even if your cigarette is bad, your reception on the road will be poor, and you will be told directly that your car is broken down, which will waste your time.

Young people talk a lot but don't do things well. If Luo Cheng came to beg them directly, they would say a few polite words and then tell Luo Cheng that there were no extra vehicles. Then if you want to get a car, if you have the supplies, discuss it privately.

But as soon as Luo Cheng came, he clearly pointed out the benefits he could bring to the transportation station. This is done. The transportation station also serves the people. I promise you this. They make this transportation station covet some peaches from you. You should keep this private thing private at least.

Luo Cheng said this directly in front of several clerks at the station, and he was spreading high-end cigarettes. The webmaster here is not willing to be promoted. If he refuses, he will not be willing to do it. Moreover, many people below know that there is a purchasing section chief of Changcheng Machinery Factory who wants their station to help arrange a car. Changcheng, you can sell thousands of gold peaches to their transportation station.

If you don't agree to this, who said you don't agree? On the surface, no one will dare to say it's not true, but secretly, there are guaranteed to be complaints. But if you agree, it's like they want something when they see it.

This young man doesn't play by the rules, he's too direct, but Jun gives them too much. Jun means they have to pay, but now many units have money and can't buy anything, especially food and drink.

The webmaster here asked about the price of peaches and discussed it with two trustworthy people. Finally, call the personnel department directly to find the vehicle dispatcher to see if there is anything that can be postponed.

Damn it, the driver can help people carry something on the road, so they don’t have to worry about food and drink. But the people at the transportation station have a hard life. Even if there are some people who come to take care of them, they just give them small things. Most people couldn't get anything, so after asking the dispatcher about the vehicle situation, they directly asked Luo Cheng to come over at noon the day after tomorrow and arrange a car for him.

"Damn it, let's just pretend to be friends and use supplies to clear the way from now on. The relationship of interests is also a relationship, so it will save a lot of trouble."

After coming out of the transportation station, Luo Cheng felt that he had seen through a lot of things. Of course, in this era, he is the only one who has such an advantage and can have this idea. Others can only do some things that may not be possible by giving small gifts in private to build relationships.

At this time, it is difficult to get even one or two tons of rice bran, let alone one or two tons of peaches. There are one or two tons of peaches, which is enough to manage a lot of things at the transportation station.

As long as there is no problem with the origin and destination of Luo Cheng's peaches, the transportation station has no way of rejecting them. Luo Cheng represented the things purchased by Changcheng Machinery Factory. When he came here, Luo Cheng directly said that he had his own channels, and the cigarettes he distributed to everyone were all from China. If you continue to inquire, you don't have to cooperate. Luo Cheng directly said that it's not just their transportation station that has trucks.

I didn't ask about the source of the peaches, but the place where they were sent was Changcheng Machinery Factory. There are regular factories that receive them, so the transportation station is not afraid. If you have a problem, you can contact the machinery factory in Changcheng.

There will be a train the day after tomorrow, and Luo Cheng doesn't need to go to the train station to ask when the train to Changcheng will be. When buying a train ticket these days, you have to ask first about when to depart. Some places are close and they are big cities, so there may be trains every day, but in some places it is normal to have only one train every three to five days, or even a week. .

Luo Cheng planned to just take the truck back to Changcheng, and the truck master also liked the cargo owner to follow the truck. You can ask the owner to take care of you if you want to eat or drink on the way.

Jiangcheng, a certain daily newspaper office.

"Zhang Yueyue, what you said is true or false."

"Team leader, why am I lying to you? That's the target of my classmate. He is the chief of the purchasing department. Lend me some money and I will buy some peaches for everyone to eat. He will leave Jiangcheng in two days. It’s only five cents a pound, which is the price of whole grains. Although I’m not hungry for peaches, I just came to work in Jiangcheng and don’t have much money or food stamps to buy food. I can buy more peaches to satisfy my hunger.”

"Buy peaches to satisfy your hunger?"

Hearing Zhang Yueyue's words, as the leader of the proofreading team, I felt like it was a fantasy. Peaches are fruits and the price is not expensive, but if you don't have fruit tickets, you can't buy them. Coarse-grain stick noodles cost five cents per pound, and you also need coarse-grain stamps. Maybe for those who are very hungry, a pound of stick noodles is definitely more hungry than a pound of peaches.

But fruits are not meant for eating. They can be used to entertain people and give gifts. They are all things that can be taken away, but when the boss comes to have guests, you can't serve them with stick noodles, saying that they will satisfy the hunger.

The newspaper members who proofread and typeset are all in the same office, because Zhang Yueyue has just come to work here, and the team leader is responsible for guiding her work. That's why Zhang Yueyue asked him who borrowed the money, and promised to share the benefits with him. But this matter of borrowing money is true for Zhang Yueyue. When she first entered society, some things should be discussed in private.

At least if you have difficulties, you can talk about borrowing money in front of everyone, but don't say borrowing money to buy peaches. You also said that you can buy a lot. You girl is really careless. Everyone knows that you have the connections to buy peaches, let alone peaches. Even if you can buy any extra food, you will be in big trouble.

Therefore, the leader of the proofreading team hurriedly pulled Zhang Yueyue out of the office and asked Zhang Yueyue how much he wanted to borrow.

"Can you lend me three yuan? In addition to eating it myself, I can also give some to my colleagues to taste. It costs five cents a pound. Three yuan can buy sixty pounds. You can't buy more. If you buy too much, you can't finish it." Rotten.”

"Zhang Yueyue, can you buy some for me? I really like peaches."

"No problem. My classmate is very capable of marrying. He should have gotten a lot of peaches. Team leader, we will go there together tomorrow, but remember to bring a bag. The peaches I bought can be placed with my classmate first. Team leader, you can buy them. There’s nothing to pack.”

"No problem, let's make an agreement and we'll go there together after get off work at noon tomorrow. If you have any difficulties in the future, tell me privately. Since the newspaper has arranged for me to take you, whether it's work or life, if you have any difficulties I'll help you, you just did that~~, hey, be careful in the future."

Zhang Yueyue was stunned for a while when the team leader said this, and seemed to understand something. But now that the matter had come to this, she could only pretend to hope that everything would be fine.

But a place like a newspaper office is actually a Qingshui Yamen. The salary is okay, but the benefits are few. That is, newspaper reporters can get some benefits when they go out for interviews and so on. There are not many people in the newspaper office who are successful.

We all have money, but we can’t buy anything. The food that can be bought in Pigeon Market has doubled in price and is rising. So when Zhang Yueyue returned to the office at first, everyone's attitude towards her was different. It felt like everyone was more enthusiastic than before. Some senior colleagues who had worked here for a long time began to call her over to teach Zhang Yueyue.

As long as Zhang Yueyue goes there honestly, the other party will basically ask about Tao Zi in a low voice. In addition to the typesetting and proofreading work, once it is done, you have to ask the leader or director of the newspaper for instructions.

I don’t know who told the story about Zhang Yueyue being able to buy peaches. At about eleven o’clock, Zhang Yueyue was called away by the director.

In the director's office, the director's ideological consciousness is very high, even though Zhang Yueyue has just come here to work. But you are also a member of the newspaper company, and you should treat the newspaper company as your own. We are a big family. If you have any difficulties, you can go to the newspaper to solve them, but there are some things that you should also think of.

Zhang Yueyue stayed in the director's office for half an hour before coming out. She felt that her soul had been sublimated. She could not be a selfish person. So she returned to the office and told everyone directly that she could no longer make the decision about buying peaches. Tomorrow, the director would buy peaches on behalf of the entire newspaper office, and then the director would decide on the distribution of the peaches.

Then from the team leader's side, she didn't need to borrow money. The director's side promised that if she could really buy a lot of peaches. This will give her more peaches and give her an appropriate reward.

As for the youth magazine, the magazine is naturally not as large as the newspaper. The magazine is monthly and the workload is not that much. To be honest, a director of a newspaper is no worse than the president of a magazine.

At most, magazines feel sacred in the eyes of some young literati, but in real life, newspapers are the mainstream, and some important newspapers must be read by many local leaders.

Zhang Yueyue is very good if she can alert the director, but Zheng Ke can go to the president directly. Zheng Ke didn't use roundabout ways to act or anything, but went directly to the president to ask if she could get a batch of peaches for our magazine. If so, it would cost five cents a pound. When the goods were available, she would come over and call the director. Take someone to pull it.

The president also asked Zheng Ke how she could get peaches when she first came to Jiangcheng. Zheng Ke could have told Luo Cheng, just like she told Li Chen about the person introduced by her parents, but she didn't want to do that. She was Luo Cheng's partner, and she knew that Luo Cheng was making money in private.

So Zheng Ke thought that if she was helping Luo Cheng, it would be best to end it on her side and not get involved if possible. If the president insisted on asking to the end, she would tell him that Luo Cheng was his partner. Fortunately, the president saw that she didn't want to tell so he didn't ask so much.

Luo Cheng came out of the transportation station and went directly back to Zheng Ke's dormitory. The main reason was traffic problems. It took an hour and a half to go back and forth. Even if Luo Cheng had a direct conversation with him, it would have been gone all morning. There is no time to go anywhere else.

Of course, Luo Cheng didn't plan to mess around in Jiangcheng for the past two days. The office hadn't been completed yet, and it was his first time here, so many things couldn't be done. Moreover, the main reason why he came to Jiangcheng was to let many people in Changcheng know that he had gone to Jiangcheng, so that if he got some things out, people wouldn't think too much about it.

In fact, even if Luo Cheng came to Jiangcheng and did nothing, his goal would be achieved. In the remaining one or two days, Luo Cheng wanted Zheng Ke and even Zhang Yueyue to take a leave of absence to accompany him to take some photos and spend a real day shopping in Jiangcheng.

Luo Cheng stayed in Zheng Ke's dormitory and read magazines. The magazine she had here, Luo Cheng asked last time, was given to her by the magazine company. They are all magazines published by magazines here in the past. Let her read them and see the articles published in these magazines from an editor's perspective.

Luo Cheng also wanted to borrow some of these magazines to read. The main thing is to bring them to the future era, then print them out and put them in the big cafeteria for people to watch. This is another era characteristic. Moreover, Zhang Yueyue works in a newspaper office. You can also ask her if she can get some newspapers from the previous newspaper office.

The newspapers now posted on the walls of the canteen were all obtained by Luo Cheng from some offices in the machinery factory, and they did not report many things. Just like that, many older people watched it with gusto.

Luo Cheng didn't stay long in the dormitory. Zheng Ke came back from get off work, and Li Chen came with her. Li Chen saw that Luo Cheng was actually in Zheng Ke's room again. Even though he knew that Luo Cheng was the person introduced by Zheng Ke's parents, the problem was that Zheng Ke hadn't come home from get off work yet, so how could he be in Zheng Ke's dormitory.

Since Li Chen was surprised, Zheng Ke had nothing to hide and said that he had given him a key to his dormitory. In this case, Luo Cheng doesn't have to wait outside when he comes to find her.

But these days people don't dare to be jealous openly, and Li Chen doesn't dare to question anything. If I really want to question him, Luo Cheng is the person introduced by Zheng Ke's parents, and who does Li Chen mean to me?

If this is the future era, powerful people will dare to provoke you in front of you, let alone snatch your girlfriend, even your wife. But in this era, Li Chen didn't dare. If you questioned someone in front of their target, Luo Cheng might just give him a slap, and there might be no problem.

Who Zheng Ke sleeps with is her business. Without a legitimate reason, anyone who interferes deserves to be beaten. There is no such thing as dating two people at the same time these days, otherwise a woman who spends too much money will end up in a worse situation.

Li Chen was unwilling to say anything, but he knew that Luo Cheng would return to his hometown in two days, so his chance to persuade Zheng Ke came. But now, as soon as Zheng Ke gets off work, Luo Cheng is waiting in the dormitory, and he doesn't even have a chance to persuade him.

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