Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 280 Acting and selling peaches

In the afternoon, around two o'clock, Luo Cheng went to the seafood wholesale market alone. As for Liu Xiaofei, she was busy with business in the office. She was indeed busy with formal matters. She asked Chen Yan from the human resources department to recruit anchor assistants online. She wanted to be an anchor to bring goods to her store. She wants to become bigger and stronger and reach the top. Of course, she also thought so when she first set up a street stall to sell clothes.

Luo Cheng walked around the seafood wholesale market all afternoon. He didn't want any frozen hairtail. There was pickled and dried hairtail, which could be stored for many days. In addition, I bought several boxes of dried kelp, and some fresh seafood. On the way home, I bought some vegetables and a pound of meat.

Luo Cheng wanted to take the seafood home, and Liu Xiaofei made dinner and cooked it in the evening, but Luo Cheng also bought two extra fish, which Luo Cheng planned to bring back to his own time. That's the way men are, they don't care whether they spend time or not, but they will take care of their women. Of course, those who can't be taken care of by Neptune don't count.

"Luo Cheng, I've thought about it, isn't your office going to be expanded and moved? Then I'll find someone to decorate it, and I'll make it into an anchor studio. I want to become an anchor with millions of fans."

"Okay, having something to do is better than playing mahjong all day long."

"Then tonight, I'll let you taste the power of an anchor with tens of millions of fans in the future."

Luo Cheng was speechless. Liu Xiaofei could suddenly get on the highway at any time, but thinking about it, she hadn't been punished for several days. Luo Cheng felt that he would have to restrict Liu Xiaofei from now on. He felt that this was an addiction. From now on, he would also pay attention to it. When in bed, he should not be rude and touch the area below the waist less.

It is impossible not to agree to Liu Xiaofei tonight, but I have to have a good talk with her tonight.

At nearly twelve o'clock at night, Luo Cheng sat in the car and smoked this cigarette, and failed to tell Liu Xiaofei about the dangers of a certain addiction. This addiction is common to both men and women, usually teenagers. Because such addiction does not last until middle age, men have basically become bald and useless long ago. Women are not called addicted, but like wolves and tigers.

Luo Cheng lay with Liu Xiaofei at night and showed her the dangers of addiction. Then there is the danger that if Luo Cheng is addicted, he will not live long and suffer all kinds of harm. Then there are women who are addicted, men who are with women will not live long, and there are all kinds of dangers. This is a silly thing to say, but feelings are something that only affects men.

I won't mention this matter from now on. Just restrain yourself and don't cooperate with Liu Xiaofei.

After finishing his cigarette, Luo Cheng got out of the car and moved all the things in the car. He parked the car at the warehouse and moved all the things to Taozi, waiting for the time to come.


Kelp, meat, fish, some vegetables. Luo Cheng tidied everything up and put the remaining hairtail and kelp in the room. The remaining kelp and hairtail were what he wanted to take to Changcheng. The amount is not much, but as long as others know that he took these things from Jiangcheng and returned to Changcheng, it will be enough.

In Luo Cheng's era, you have to be careful when walking at night, especially if you bring a lot of food. Not only do we have to pay attention to people who are plotting evil after discovering him, but we also have to avoid the inspectors. In fact, the inspectors don't check those who are begging and wandering around the city, but only normal people who go out so late at night.

Carrying his things, Luo Cheng carefully returned to Zheng Ke's dormitory. Open the door gently, enter the room, and close the door gently. Luo Cheng put the things on the ground in the dark, and then prepared to climb into Zheng Ke's bed.

"Luo Cheng, come back and pull me."

"Zheng Ke, why aren't you asleep yet?"

Just when Luo Cheng wanted to go to the inner room, he turned around and was startled. Zheng Ke's figure appeared in front of him. In the dark night, under the luminous light, Zheng Ke's figure looked very graceful. The most important thing was that he was only wearing shorts.

As for why Zheng Ke didn't sleep, how could she sleep? Luo Chengdu said that he came over after twelve o'clock in the evening. He had been thinking wildly all night and couldn't sleep at all.

"I’m waiting for you."

"You have to go to work tomorrow. Why wait? You are afraid that I will eat you. Go to bed early."

The night was very dark and Zheng Ke's shy expression could not be seen clearly. Zheng Ke just nodded and asked Luo Cheng to go to bed first.

Luo Cheng walked into the inner room, still not turning on the light, and took off the outer clothes he was wearing. Like Zheng Ke, he only had shorts on his lower body. It's already mid-May, and I basically wear this, a pair of pants and a pair of underwear.

Even if a love brain likes to be clingy, it doesn't mean that it won't be shy. Zheng could see that Luo Cheng went to bed and slept inside. She slowly lay down on the edge of the bed. The bed in the dormitory was not big and could sleep two people, but after sleeping two people, there was not much room.

Before Zheng Ke could recover, a big hand suddenly appeared on her waist, and she felt her body being pulled in. Well, it's not about initiating intimate contact. As their bodies touch each other, they are no longer shy.

"Go to sleep, it's late."

"Luo Cheng, your hand."

Zheng Ke felt that his breathing was a little short. How could he sleep like this? He placed his hand on such a shy place like her. Especially since Luo Cheng was facing her sideways, she had never touched a man before, but that didn't mean that she really didn't understand that something was leaning against her.

However, the two people's posture together was intimate, but Luo Cheng did not make any more extreme moves, and Luo Cheng fell asleep not long after.

Knowing that Luo Cheng was asleep, Zheng Ke wanted to take his hand away because he was too shy. But after he actually reached out and grabbed Luo Cheng's hand, he hesitated again. What girl doesn't have a child, and the feeling of accelerating heartbeat is also addictive.

At night, Zheng Ke boldly reached into Luo Cheng's clothes. If it weren't for the darkness, he could have seen Zheng Ke's face flushed.

It will be daybreak soon. The occasional lack of sleep will not have much impact on Zheng Ke. He has to make breakfast and wash his pants. Even though Zheng Ke slept later than Luo Cheng, he still got up energetically.

Zheng Ke found the rest of his pants. It was impossible to change them in the front room because the front room had a window and someone was passing by outside. But when she changed in the inner room, she was afraid that Luo Cheng would wake up suddenly, but she couldn't do it without changing. Finally, I had the courage to change my underwear in the inner room, and then went to get food.

When he arrived in the front room, Zheng Ke was shocked when he saw the vegetables on the ground. There are so many dishes, and many of them are good stuff, which is enough for her to eat for many days.

Zheng Ke immediately sorted out a lot of dishes. He had food at home, so he didn't panic when something happened. With the food stamps given by Luo Cheng and now having meat and vegetables, everyone would think that the future would be wonderful.

A piece of meat weighing more than a kilogram is usually boiled in oil and eaten. There are also a variety of vegetables, but there are no cabinets here. The magazine office is like this. Even if it provides you with bookcases, it will not be equipped with cabinets.

We all slept together last night, and it made no difference whether we did that thing or not. Zheng Ke planned to ask Luo Cheng to buy a cabinet directly where all these dishes could be put.

Zheng Ke made vegetable porridge in the morning, but he didn't eat it with Luo Cheng, so Li Chen came to greet Zheng Ke again early in the morning. Zheng Ke seemed to be hiding a wild man. He ran to the inner room and asked Luo Cheng to wait for her and others to go to work before Luo Cheng got up again.

Luo Cheng actually didn't want to get up. He didn't sleep for a few hours yesterday and slept until past ten o'clock before getting up. Today I have to deal with Taozi. Luo Cheng told Zhang Yueyue and Zheng Ke the location of the office. It was impossible for him to wait here for someone to come, but if there was something in the future, it would not be him who would sell it, but Zheng Ke who would sell it or find someone to help deal with it.

There was no floor scale, and the supply and marketing cooperative sold ordinary scales. Luo Cheng went to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy a steel scale and then waited at the office. Because the magazine is close to here, the first person to come here at noon was Zheng Ke, who brought some people from the magazine.

On the way here, the president of the magazine was worried that Zheng Ke's words were unreliable. After all, she had only been in Jiangcheng for a few days. It might be possible to get some peaches, but the magazine also had dozens of employees. When Zheng Ke asked him, it was the magazine that wanted to buy peaches, not her personally.

Now the president has brought many bags and employees to follow Zheng Ke. It would be embarrassing if he found that he could only buy a little bit when he arrived. After Zheng Ke led people to find Luo Cheng's office, the sign of the machinery factory office here was still not done well.

Fortunately, after Zheng Ke led people into the yard, the piles of peaches made everyone's worries disappear.

When Luo Cheng saw Zheng Ke coming, he immediately stepped forward to greet him. When he heard that the people coming were Zheng Ke's leaders and colleagues, he immediately sent cigarettes to them. But there was no mention of selling peaches.

"Luo Cheng, this is the president of my magazine. I want to buy some peaches."

"Okay, our relationship, this is the leader of your unit. Let's do this, I will sell it to you for a hundred catties."

"Luo Cheng, it's only a hundred pounds. You and I were bragging before."

"No, you want to eat it yourself, or I can give it to you, but it's not easy to get these peaches. How about selling it to your president for two hundred catties."

One hundred pounds of peaches is actually very rare, but Zheng Ke told the president at first that she could get a lot. But I only came here for a hundred pounds, mainly because I saw that there were mountains of peaches in this yard.

The subsequent conversation between Luo Cheng and Zheng Ke was made by Luo Cheng who pulled Zheng Ke aside, but his voice was not low and everyone could still hear it. So the young man in front of me was willing to sell peaches because of Zheng Ke's willingness. But think about it, peaches costing five cents a pound are not something the magazine president is bragging about. He has no problem buying the pile of peaches in front of him that looks like dozens of tons.

By buying these peaches, the people at the magazine can eat them all, and they can also do favors and exchange benefits with other units. The key is that there is no such good thing for him to pick up.

"Luo Cheng, that's not what you said that day at all. Didn't you say that I could just bring people to buy it?"

"This~~, I~. Okay, you can always ask your president how many kilograms of peaches he wants."

"Well, then you wait."

After Zheng Ke lost his temper with Luo Cheng, he returned to the president and asked how much our magazine would buy.

"Xiao Zheng, what is your relationship with that Luo Cheng? We won't cause each other to violate discipline."

"President, I won't hide it from you. He was introduced to me by my family. He is from the purchasing department of another unit. He said he had some connections in Jiangcheng. He told me that he got a batch of peaches two days ago and said he would give me some as a gift. If you have friends you know, you can sell some to my friends. Then I thought of our magazine.”

The president was a little confused when he heard Zheng Ke's words. This was obviously what the young man said to please her. Zheng Ke, a very smart girl who has come to work here for a few days, how can she be so into the fawning thing between men and women?

But no matter what, if the magazine can get benefits this time, it can be regarded as a favor to Zheng Ke. Then the president took Zheng Ke aside. He didn't dare to say that he wanted too much, but Zheng Ke was right about one thing. This young man is really capable. In this environment, he can get so many peaches. Come.

But there are dozens of people in a magazine. In fact, Zheng Ke has just helped them get 200 kilograms, and each person can share a few kilograms. At this time, one person can take home several kilograms of peaches, which is a very good thing for many families.

But now it is obvious that two hundred kilograms is just the starting point. Anyway, I owe Zheng Ke a favor. I want to ask for more and less for each difference. I might as well ask for more and just ask for five hundred kilograms.

"President, you didn't bring enough money. We can owe Luo Cheng first. These peaches are quite big and good. Look for yourself. There are no insect bites. Everyone should like to eat them. Five hundred kilograms is not enough." Well, if you don’t want to ask everyone’s opinions, I think it’s at least a thousand pounds.”

Five cents per catty, one thousand catties is only fifty yuan. This is not a small amount of money for an individual. You must know that there is a saying these days, that is, thirty-six yuan, which means that if you can earn thirty-six yuan, it is considered a decent salary in this era.

The president of the magazine had no money. If he really didn't bring enough, he could just ask someone to go to the finance department to get it. But he was too embarrassed to buy more.

As for Zheng Ke, Li Chen had taken a liking to him since he first came here. The president actually talked to her, but he didn't say some things clearly. But they directly told Zheng Ke about Li Chen's family situation and introduced his situation. The meaning was already obvious. He couldn't just say that he introduced Li Chen to her as a partner, and then it passed.

And in the current situation, it is impossible for the president to interfere. These days, as long as it involves the relationship between men and women, he is very cautious. I just asked Zheng Ke how he felt about the person introduced by his parents, but never said that he brought everyone here to buy peaches to test whether the other person was serious about him.

Leaving aside the matter about Li Chen, the president didn’t want to cheat Zheng Ke by buying peaches. Five hundred kilograms or one thousand kilograms. This time the president asked Zheng Ke directly whether she wanted to date the person introduced by her parents or Li Chen from our magazine. She didn't even like either one. relation. If you really don't like it, everyone will come, so you can just buy one for a hundred pounds and leave immediately.

"President, I want to date the person introduced by my parents."

"Xiao Zheng, I don't interfere with who you associate with, but you should think clearly. Although the work of the purchasing department is okay, the status of our magazine editor is really not bad. You may not be clear when you first come here. After you have passed the internship period , when you have the opportunity to go out for interviews, you will understand that the identity of our magazine editor is very popular outside. Therefore, the conditions of Li Chen in our editorial department are really good."

"President, he is almost thirty, and he is still widowed."

Hearing this, the president said nothing more. If Li Chen was really young, he would never have had a woman. With his conditions and image, maybe a boss in a certain unit who has a daughter will take a fancy to him.

In this era, it was slightly better for men to be widowed, because Li Chen's wife died due to dystocia, and many died from dystocia these days. If a woman is widowed and has no husband, someone is sure to talk about her behind her back.

But men also have a saying that they can't control their wives. Generally, it's okay if one of them dies, but if two or three die, people will say that they are destined to be evil stars.

The president wanted to advise Zheng Ke not to take such fancy, but if he thought about it carefully, he actually had a daughter. If someone introduced him to an older one, his wife was dead. He can talk loudly and introduce people, even if the conditions are good, but we don't covet other people's family conditions. He knew a little about Zheng Ke's family situation, because he had asked about it when he came to report here, and his parents were both working.

Now Zheng Ke's meaning is obvious, and the president doesn't say anything. Since it is something that Zheng Ke is targeting, the president just said that he can help our magazine get more. Just think that the magazine owes Zheng Ke a favor. If there are any problems at work in the future, Zheng Ke can come to him directly.

Zheng Ke nodded, and just when she was about to ask Luo Cheng for the quantity, by coincidence, Zhang Yueyue came with someone from the newspaper. Although all this was agreed upon by the three of them, it would not only help Luo Cheng deal with supplies, but also make people in the unit owe them a favor due to the shortage of supplies.

But when the two sides will come, there is no specific time. Many magazine presidents and newspaper leaders know each other. In fact, the nature of the two units is similar, and many magazine staff may have worked in newspapers before.

Zhang Yueyue brought the director of the newspaper and some people to Zheng Ke and said that the peach in the yard was the target of her classmate and friend Zheng Ke. If you want to buy, just go to her directly.

With the president of the magazine here, Luo Cheng and Zheng Ke no longer have to perform the "I'm sorry to give you this for your own sake" drama. Because the magazine president knew the newspaper director, he took him aside and explained the situation.

The director of the newspaper office did not expect this to be the case, because Zhang Yueyue said at work that one of her good friends could get peaches. At first, she wanted to borrow money to buy peaches, and then she agreed to bring some peaches to many people. I didn't think too deeply about it at the time. It's not so easy to get supplies these days, but I can't blame Zhang Yueyue for this. She had just started working for a few days, and she might not be very good at rejecting people.

There are a lot of peaches in this yard, but if they are sold to Zhang Yueyue alone, she may be able to buy a lot, but it may be difficult to sell them to a newspaper. But since everyone is here, we still have to talk and get some peaches for everyone. That is really good.

Then, after Zhang Yueyue begged as a good classmate and good friend, Zheng Ke went to embarrass Luo Cheng again. Luo Chengcheng took the beauty home and directly asked the two work units to buy two thousand catties each. Then, everyone happily pretended to be a peach and weighed the peach.

Luo Cheng asked Zheng Ke and Zhang Yueyue to do this so that the company would owe them a favor. On the other hand, they want everyone to know that they know Luo Cheng, a person who can get supplies. If they have something in the future, they can just tell them that Luo Cheng got it, and they won't think too much about it.

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