Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 286 Everything requires an industrial chain

At around ten o'clock, Luo Cheng finally regained his strength and felt full of energy. It's better to take a train than a truck. Although we don't run overnight trains, we always stop at places with guest houses at the same time at night, but the road is really bumpy.

I hugged my son and teased him for a long time on the bed. My daughter, Xiaofei, really couldn’t treat everyone equally. It wasn’t that I didn’t like him, but I couldn’t be as interested in him as my biological daughter. This adopted one can only rely on the affection accumulated over time, and his own son is related by blood. In the future, as time goes by, we may not be able to distinguish too clearly who is biological and who is not.

But it has only been about a month, and if you tell others such things, you will treat them as your own, and you will not believe it. It's not a matter of gender. Even Luo Yan and Hong Xiu value Luo Cheng's biological son very much. As for Xiao Fei, for them, they can only raise him by the way. Xiaofei has been eating Zhao Qian's milk, and Zhao Qian loves her more than others.

"Haohao looks so good-looking. Second brother, the ropes you brought are almost finished. My sister-in-law also followed your instructions and paid the crafting fees to the neighbors. Now many neighbors are still asking if they have any work."

"It's so fast. I brought so much material, and there aren't many people in the yard except those who work."

"Second brother, you said you can come and pick up new materials for processing after you finish the work. I saw several people outside the yard coming to help, but they should all be relatives. They said they were here to visit, but There is no one who comes to visit me every day. When I have materials, I come to visit. Now that I don’t have any materials, why don’t I see anyone who comes to visit me? ”

"This knotting thing was also entrusted to me by the factory to give it a try. This job will definitely continue to be available in the future, but recently I have to wait for a while. What I am doing now needs to be sold by the supply and marketing cooperative and let's see the market. If there is a market, I will have to go to the rubber band factory. The rubber band used for this hand rope is not of the type available on the market and has to be specially processed there. "

Luo Cheng didn't expect that he originally planned to let the neighbors with good connections in the yard earn pocket money, but the neighbors would actually call some people with good connections to come and work together. But think about it, this is human nature. There are many people in difficulty these days, and there are also many relatives in difficulty. It's just that he didn't make it clear when he left.

In the future, the manufacturers over there will promise to recycle the goods imported here, but the profit will not be high. If you make an ordinary stick and make a profit of 30 cents, you should do it yourself. If you ask for help, you must give away at least 20 cents. Of course, there are different types, and the processing fees are also different.

But processing this thing is definitely not as good as going to work. If it is better to go to work, people will not outsource the processing. It is no better than hiring workers directly.

This also led to the fact that Luo Cheng did not want the processed products to be recycled directly. They were small trinkets and quite beautiful. Especially the hand strap, the little girl wears it really well. Zheng Ke and Zhang Yueyue liked it very much. Luo Cheng felt that if he sold it himself, the profit would not be bad as long as there were channels.

He plans to go to Yiwu in the future if he has a lot of goods, where there are many people who wholesale and even trade exports of small accessories. In his own time, he was looking for people to process, and the cost of workers was very low. If he could even solve the problem of material processing, then Luo Cheng felt that no one could compete with him in terms of price.

It can only be said that as long as Luo Cheng works in places and industries where labor costs are involved, no one can get past him.

Now Luo Cheng needs to solve some problems on the scene. If he can just take materials from the future era and process them in his own era, he doesn't want to bother, but this is not feasible at all. Now it's a small matter, plus processing knots is still a job. It has not spread. If the volume increases later, more people will do it, and local units will pay attention to it.

How to explain that at that time, some people paste matchboxes, and that was collected by the match factory. Luo Cheng is tying up these knots. One is a factory and the other is an individual. How can they be the same? Therefore, Luo Cheng had to perfect a superficially rational industrial chain.

"Hey, look at my son, he will smile when you kiss him. Hongxiu, try it."

"Second brother, he doesn't seem to react when I kiss him."

"Could it be that if he knew it was his biological father kissing him, he would be able to recognize people?"

"Second brother, I have something else to do. I need to cut the fat in the kitchen. Sister-in-law, have you cut the meat and cooked it in oil?"

In the room, Zhao Qian was actually always there, but she was sitting in front of the sewing machine making clothes for the children. Zhang Hongxiu came over to find a chance to chat with Luo Cheng and talk about the knot. Just now~~.

When Luo Cheng kissed Haohao, Hongxiu also saw that Haohao would smile. Then Luo Cheng asked her to try it too. She hugged Haohao and kissed Haohao at almost the same place where Luo Cheng kissed him just now. Realizing that he was not smiling, Luo Cheng took it again and kissed almost the same place, both on the left cheek.

Then Luo Cheng may have been careless and didn't pay attention to anything, but Zhang Hongxiu was a little shy and embarrassed to stay any longer. Fortunately, my sister-in-law was making clothes and didn't see the situation.

After Hongxiu received Zhao Qian's instructions, she left the room. Luo Cheng asked Zhao Qian to come over and give it a try. It was really interesting. As soon as he kissed his son, his son would laugh. Others couldn't, and then Zhao Qian also tried it and found that it was indeed the case.

Finally, after researching for a while, I felt that it was because Luo Cheng had a beard. The beard was so pricked that he thought he was playing with him. Luo Cheng used a razor to shave his beard cleanly before trying again.

"Qian, it's still early. I'll take some sausages and go to my daughter-in-law's house."

"That Luo Cheng, you brought back so many sausages, how many of them are going to be given away to others?"

"What do you mean by giving it away? At most, you can sell some to the director and factory director. Leave the rest at home and eat it slowly. You can eat it with confidence. There is no more. I will just bring some more when I go to Jiangcheng next time."

"No, with such a meaty sausage, can you send one to my parents? Although my father is an accountant in the town, I have a big family, so I definitely don't have much to eat."

"Okay, but there is no need to send it there. In two days I will ask my father and the others to come to the city and do some work like last time. Then I will bring some things back to the town to deal with. Then I will ask your mother-in-law to come too. One trip, let your mother-in-law’s family take it back.”

"Well, then you go out quickly and come back early for lunch."

"You, you are marrying me, marrying someone else, but in this age, you still dare to use meat to help your mother's family, your legs will be broken."

When Zhao Qian heard Luo Cheng's joke, she also smiled. But Luo Cheng is indeed right. If a married woman always thinks about her mother's family, then it will definitely not work. If she was beaten by a man because of this matter, Zhao Qian would also think that she deserved the beating. But she is different. Who asked her to marry a capable man. And she was taking proper care of her mother's family. If Luo Cheng came back with only a little sausage, she would definitely not mention it.

When Luo Cheng said he was going to his daughter-in-law's house, he was going to Qian Qian's house. This baby girl was a joke Luo Cheng made when his son was not born yet. But no one in the two families was sure it was a joke. As long as they interact with each other and have a close relationship, if the two of them are really destined to be together in the future, maybe it won't be a joke.

Of course, there is a high probability that it is just a joke. If the children are similar in age, it is really possible to match them up. But with such a big age difference, it's hard to tell. In this era, women in the city started looking for partners when they were eighteen to twenty years old. If Sissi really wanted to marry her son, she would be twenty-seven.

Especially Sissi's brother, if the joke is taken seriously, he will have to be almost thirty before he can marry his daughter Xiaofei. Xiaofei is not Luo Cheng's biological daughter. Except for Luo Yan and Hongxiu, no one else told her. Even Luo Cheng's parents didn't tell her. If they did, they would be afraid of trouble. Don't say that your brother's biological sons and daughters, that is, nephews and nieces will not be taken care of in the future, so he went to pick up a baby girl to take care of.

Luo Cheng put the child away and came to the kitchen. When the monkey Congcong saw him coming, he was very excited and jumped up and down. Luo Cheng was a little reluctant to do this, but compared to his own children, animals were just animals. Just like some people in the future raising dogs, no matter how good the relationship is, as long as the dog bites someone, the dog cannot be kept.

Because a dog has bitten a person once, even if you beat it, as long as you continue to keep it. It may feel that biting is nothing next time, and it may still bite.

"Hongxiu, cook the oil residue later and give Congcong some to eat. I will send it away at noon tomorrow."

"Oh, I got it, second brother."

"Wrap two sausages in paper for me to give away."

"Well, I'll do it right away."

In the kitchen, Luo Cheng ordered Hong Xiu to do things. In fact, he could only do it himself in a few clicks. But in his own time, Luo Cheng was used to being an uncle. At home, he was the head of the family, with his wife, sister and Hongxiu. Whenever something happened at home, Luo Cheng would call them.

Of course, the main reason is that they are used to it. At home, whenever Luo Cheng wants to do something, if they see it, they will rush to do it. Even when Luo Cheng goes to the public toilet, for example, if he tells Zhao Qian that he has to go to the toilet, Zhao Qian will say, "I'll get you some paper." He almost ran to the toilet to wipe Luo Cheng's butt.

Nowadays, Luo Cheng takes it as a matter of course when he calls people to do work. The key is that no one who is called feels wrong.

Luo Cheng took the sausages wrapped by Hongxiu and left. As for what happened accidentally last night, I planned to explain it to Hong Xiu at the beginning yesterday. But looking at Hongxiu's state, she didn't seem to have any intention of pursuing the matter. Luo Cheng felt that it would be embarrassing to bring it up again.

Riding a bicycle, I set off to Sissi's house with the wrapped sausages. The sausages had to be wrapped. After two years, the world has become more stable. I don’t need a bag, and it’s no problem to hang it on a bicycle and walk around.

Changcheng, Machinery Factory.

The whole factory was bustling with activity today. The news that Luo Cheng, the head of the purchasing department in the factory, had returned last night had spread. There was nothing wrong with him coming back. The key was that he brought a whole cart full of things.

The announcement rang in the morning. There was braised hairtail in the canteen today at noon. In addition, the heads of each department were notified to go to the logistics department in the afternoon. They also asked employees not to go home so quickly after get off work in the afternoon, as the factory would provide benefits and distribute things.

As for what to share, some people who are more knowledgeable already know what Luo Cheng got. As for hairtail, the cafeteria braises it, along with peaches and kelp.

In the future, if kelp is not stewed, many people will not know how to cook it. Either shred it or cook it and mix it with sauce and eat it as a cold dish.

In Luo Cheng's era, kelp was a nutritious thing, and you could just make kelp soup. Because dried kelp is pickled with salt, just rinse it with water and then make soup directly. I want to get something to stew together, but I don’t have the conditions.

In the factory director's office, in addition to the factory director, Director Sun and the director of the finance department were also present. To be honest, Luo Cheng said he wanted to purchase from other places. I support him, but he mainly doesn’t want to refute Luo Cheng’s face. It’s a good thing for young people to have ideas, but they can’t be too ambitious. This is a very difficult situation for many people when purchasing locally. , let alone other places.

When Luo Cheng was in Changcheng, he would bring some food and other supplies for the factory almost every month. To be honest, his status in the factory was not high. But the reputation is very high. No one in the machinery factory knows that the head of the purchasing department is a very capable person. So Luo Cheng proposed to go to other places and said that there were people he knew from other places. At that time, the director and the factory director agreed. But I'm not very optimistic about it in my heart.

If you want to know people from other places, even if you are in the position of director or factory director, they will know you too. If you go out to find people you know, it's okay to entertain them, but when it comes to asking for supplies, you often can't help yourself.

This is like Luo Chengneng asking for defective cloth from a textile factory, but if people from other places come to ask for it, it can be solved with more than just favors. First of all, this era is the era of planned economy, and output and rationing are planned. It doesn't matter if you have a little bit of trouble internally and are taking care of each other with some other local factories.

But if outsiders come to ask for it, it's not a matter of favor, but a matter of breaking the rules. Just like purchasing, factories within a certain range can only purchase from designated purchasing units. You can't just switch to another unit for procurement just because you don't like someone.

To put it more bluntly, if you want to purchase machinery and equipment within the several cities around Changcheng, unless it is equipment that cannot be produced by Changcheng Machinery Factory, you can only place an order here. Changcheng Machinery Factory exists because there is a need for such a factory in this area.

The higher-ups cannot decide to set up such a factory, and just because someone doesn’t like someone, they can use the excuse of order efficiency to blackmail someone.

Luo Cheng got peaches, kelp and hairtail, but the meanings are similar. Skipping cities or even provinces to buy and sell things is completely different from the local area.

Luo Cheng was able to get defective cloth from the textile factory in Changcheng, but if he could get it in other places, such as he could get it in Jiangcheng, then if other units in Jiangcheng knew about it, Jiangcheng's textile factory might face a lot of questions. .

Fortunately, what the director and director of the machinery factory didn't know was that Luo Cheng didn't get the supplies through favors at all. Even the cans he got from Jiangcheng Cannery were exchanged for tea, which was also scarce in this era.

This is why the factory director and directors are now discussing Luo Cheng's ability. Another point is that they don't believe that with Luo Cheng's character, they will not leave something behind. But people from the security department said that after Luo Cheng and the driver came over last night, Luo Cheng went back with a suitcase.

And judging from the weight of Luo Cheng's suitcase, there shouldn't be much in it.

But Director Sun guessed that if Luo Cheng could hand over both kelp and hairtail, there would definitely be something good that he didn't get out. Moreover, Luo Cheng is not a solitary person. When Luo Cheng comes to work in the afternoon, we will know if he comes to visit.

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