Chapter 298 No salary or commission required

After Luo Cheng sent Zhang Yueyue back with the meat, he just drank some water and came back immediately.

Back to Zheng Ke, to be honest, Luo Cheng has a wife and children, and when he is with Zheng Ke, he feels like he is having an affair. In my heart, I blame myself, but at the same time I am excited about breaking my sense of morality.

Even in this weather, it was a bit hot at night after exercising, but Zheng Ke still hugged her tightly, it would have been even hotter. If the two of them are still so tired of being together, they might not be able to bear it anymore.

Luo Cheng felt that the structure of the dormitory here was not good. There were no windows in the inner room, but there were windows and doors in the front room. The lighting is not good and there is no ventilation. The light is poor during the day, and when the weather is hot, you can still say that the inner room is cool. But when it gets really hot, there is no wind at all, and the house is hot at night, so there is no shade. You may not be able to sleep in the inner room, and many people may just move a bamboo bed to sleep in the corridor.

Or get a mat and sleep at the door with the door open.

So Luo Cheng plans to talk to Zheng Ke tomorrow and simply move to the office. Moreover, it is a private courtyard there, which is convenient for eating and having babies.


In the future, Luo Cheng woke up in a hotel. It was also June. The hotel here opened a window and the natural breeze was very comfortable.

I searched for information on my phone, 'My girlfriend wants to be intimate with you whenever she has free time. ’

Maybe it's a word choice problem, but more likely there are some clingy words. Then I searched for clingy girlfriends and found mostly complaints from male compatriots.

Never find a girlfriend who is clingy, even if she is beautiful. Because this kind of people are just in love, thinking about what the other person is doing all the time. If I disturb you, your life and work will never be peaceful.

Luo Cheng felt that it was a bit exaggerated, but it seemed to be right, because in his time, there were no mobile phones and it was impossible to 'monitor' you all the time. If you don’t need to send a text message, you must reply. If you don’t need to send a voice message, you must answer it, and you must answer it immediately.

In addition, Zheng Ke has his own job and will not go to your work to look for you during work. But other than these, the online reviews seem to be right.

However, for ordinary people, this type of woman is a bit difficult to deal with in this era of advanced communications. However, there are strategies. The first relatively simple method is to transfer the other party's ideological sustenance. Let her get pregnant and give birth to a baby, and there is a chance that her thoughts will shift from you to the baby.

In addition, this type of woman is suitable for being deceived and is a self-PUA person. This is the kind of woman who, as long as you conform to her inner image at first and deceive her, then even if you don't behave as well as before. The other person will also deceive himself, either belittling himself, or thinking in his heart that you will become excellent sooner or later.

According to some unscrupulous men, Zheng Ke is actually the type that is best deceived and trained. Because once this kind of woman falls in love with you, she will believe what you say. As long as you make a mistake and make up a "difficulty" reason, you can basically get over it.

Luo Cheng didn't know whether what was said online was true or false, and he couldn't tell whether Zheng Ke was this type of woman. In fact, it is said on the Internet that there are very few women of this type, and there may not be even one in a hundred women.

"As long as she understands that she is the most important in your heart, and then she will be able to accept any more 'unavoidable' things."

If what is reported online is true, Luo Cheng hopes that Zheng Ke really is this type of person, at least one day he will not be able to hide the fact that he has a wife and children. At least Luo Cheng felt that Zheng Ke could be coaxed.

If you don't keep your mind on this, it's time for Luo Cheng to get up.

Knot weaving is a type of trinket, which can be promoted in the trinket market. For quantity, go to wholesalers, and for retail, go to trinket stores.

The bamboo weaving products that Luo Cheng wants to sell are actually planned to be included in the ranks of handicrafts.

After packing his belongings, Luo Cheng came out of the hotel and took a taxi to the largest wholesale market in Yiwu mentioned on the Internet. It should be said that it is a small commodity city with many varieties, and many overseas businessmen will appear there.

What can be found online now is that there are 300,000 foreigners settled here. This is still settled. If the temporary overseas population is included, it will be even more.

I took a taxi to the Commodity City mentioned online, and I really saw foreigners everywhere here. It would take any foreigner to be treated like a monkey in Luo Cheng's time.

After wandering around the outer streets of the Commodity City for a long time, I found that most of the foreigners here were from the Middle East, including those from Syria and Russia. Of course, Luo Cheng also searched for the corresponding one on his mobile phone while reading. He couldn't tell which country the foreigner he saw belonged to.

Mainly because he wanted to find a black person to see. He had only seen black people on his mobile phone, but not in real life. Maybe it’s because it’s relatively early. It’s said that most black people are lazy and may not be out doing activities yet.

The Internet said there were many black people here, but Luo Cheng didn't see them. After wandering around for a long time, Luo Cheng finally saw 'a few' black people. Luo Cheng has no racial discrimination. He only uses "only" to describe black people. It is really because he is ignorant. When he sees such a black person, he feels that this person looks really strange. How can a person look so black.

Especially when Luo Cheng saw a black woman, he felt that he was face-blind. Even now I look at the black woman in front of me and ask her what she looks like. He couldn't describe anything except a black line.

Really out of curiosity, Luo Cheng only started to wander around the commodity city normally after he saw all the black people. There are many foreigners, and they are obviously different from Chinese people. I don't know if it's for aesthetic reasons, but Luo Cheng feels that foreign men are quite attractive. But women, there are not blond and blue-eyed foreign girls like those seen on mobile phones. There were mostly middle-aged women, and there were some exotic ones, but I didn't see anything that made people feel beautiful.

It is easier to find knot products here, after all, they are relatively cost-effective products. It can be worn as a headband or hand strap, or it can be placed in the car as a decorative pendant, or you can make some large ones to hang at home.

The business atmosphere here is really good. At least the people here value all types of people, even if you come to sell products door-to-door. Most shopkeepers will be patient and listen to what you have to say. No wonder the Internet says that many young people start businesses in Yiwu and it is easier to get ahead than in other places.

At least no matter how good or bad it is, people are at least willing to listen to your sales and introductions. Even if you are not interested after listening, you will be told that you are. In this way, even in a simple sales and introduction process, there will be many experienced bosses telling you the advantages and disadvantages of the product.

If the product you are promoting is continuously told by many people that it is unattractive, then there is a high probability that it will not be successful.

The things Luo Cheng sells are simple. The products are almost the same as others. The advantage is that his prices are a little cheaper than others.

Cheap prices are often the biggest bargaining chip. Because even if you don’t sell door-to-door, many people who really sell your products will take the initiative to look for cheaper manufacturers.

And for things like knots, some things are a dime cheaper, but in fact it's a huge price difference. Because the wholesale price of some things is only 30 to 40 cents, and you are 10 cents cheaper. According to the proportion, at least others can earn more than 20% more.

Even some knowledgeable people are a bit unconvinced when they hear that Luo Cheng's knot products can be a dime cheaper on some of the simplest knots. Because some of the manufacturers and friends they know really know that the profit of some things may be only one or two cents, and if it is cheaper, there will be no profit.

But Luo Cheng was really cheap. Not only did he spend almost nothing on labor costs. And even shipping costs are almost zero. In the future, if he really reaches a trade cooperation and sells to foreigners, the most he can do is rent a warehouse near here.

"Hello, who are you? This~~, okay, I'll wait for you at the intersection on the left."

Luo Cheng hung up the phone and felt that it was interesting. He just briefly promoted it in several stores. Basically, everyone is interested in cooperation, but Luo Cheng currently doesn't have many product varieties, and now only has a few simple styles of hand ropes and knots. Samples will be sent over in the next two days.

But unexpectedly, a few moments later, a woman claimed to be a salesperson from a certain store and wanted to discuss cooperation with him.

Luo Cheng doesn't care. Apart from offering price advantages for many of his products, he actually doesn't have any tricks.

After waiting for a while at the agreed place, Luo Cheng met the person he had just contacted, a very young girl. But Luo Cheng is also very young, so he can be considered of the same age.

"Hello, Mr. Luo, my name is Shen Han, a native of Yiwu. You want to drink coffee? There is a coffee shop in front of me. How about I treat you and we can sit there?"

"I'm not very good at drinking coffee~~."

"It doesn't matter. I'll teach you. As a boss, you have to learn a lot of things."

"That's okay, I'll learn it."

Facing the woman in front of him, Luo Cheng felt that he was really average in communication. I thought that after selling eels for a while, I could take the initiative to communicate with others. In my own time, because I was the head of the purchasing department, I had dealt with many leaders of units, so I always thought that I had strong communication skills.

But now Luo Cheng felt that he had met a professional, with his speaking speed, smile, and posture. Luo Cheng felt like he was being taken away. Luo Cheng said he was not very good at drinking coffee, but in fact he had never drank it. But saying he doesn't know how to do it doesn't mean he refuses.

Luo Chengdu couldn't refuse Luo Chengdu's "I'll teach you" conversation like a friend.

Luo Cheng followed Shen Han to a coffee shop soon, and Shen Han ordered two cups of coffee with sugar. I also told Luo Cheng some simple coffee knowledge. The more practical point is to add sugar if you are not used to drinking it. Don’t follow some people who say that drinking without sugar is the authentic way.

While waiting for coffee, Shen Han directly confessed to Luo Cheng that the store Luo Cheng went to promote just now was actually owned by her family. She was there to help, and she was also learning business. She also wanted to open a store and be the boss in the future, but when she heard that Luo Cheng had low-priced knot products, she left her contact information in the store.

Shen Han feels that this is an opportunity for her. She does not have to limit the products she sells when starting a business in the future. For her, products with advantages are all projects she plans to start a business. In terms of knots, there are already many products, and there is little room for innovation. But in fact, the market is indeed not small. There is no advantage in terms of variety. In fact, other people sell the same products. The price is advantageous, which is a big advantage. There is a price advantage, it is easy to establish channels, and it is also easy to compete in the market.

Shen Han wants to cooperate with Luo Cheng. She will help Luo Cheng sell products without commission or salary.

Hearing Shen Han's words, Luo Cheng felt that his IQ was not enough. He wanted no commission or salary, and was selling for nothing. What does the other person want, but no matter how you look at the other person, he doesn't look like a fool.

"Shen~~Han, I will just call you Shen Han. Can you tell me what benefits you will get from doing this?"

The elegant Luo Cheng couldn't come, calling her Ms. Shen or Miss Shen would be too elegant. Luo Cheng still called the other party's name, feeling that communication would be more natural.

Hearing Luo Cheng's question, Shen Han had nothing to hide. She didn't want the salary because she didn't like it. After all, if someone like her suddenly appeared, it was impossible for the other party to offer a high salary if she really wanted to pay her salary.

First of all, she still needs to be a free person, and secondly, she needs the identity of a product agent. Don't talk about cooperation, Luo Cheng won't approve it when the time comes.

In Shen Han's opinion, she will definitely become a boss and start her own business in the future. The accumulation of contacts is also a resource in her opinion. A product with advantages, even if the advantage is simply price, can make a lot of connections.

Now I am helping Luo Cheng for free. Later, I will also find a project. If I know a lot of customers who sell trinkets, I can at least get twice the result with half the effort.

Shen Han studied economics and management. Not to mention not making money, there are even many talented people who can make a fortune by losing money. If you think about it, in fact, among many things, free is the most expensive. And those who are willing to lose money to do business must have great intentions.

The simplest example is to give away phone bills and a mobile phone. Free broadband installation for a certain package is actually an evolved routine. Shen Han, on the other hand, was simply accumulating contacts, and she could even open a wholesale store in China just for the price of the product.

Shen Han approached Luo Cheng to cooperate because he felt that Luo Cheng was a rookie who was selling things without any professionalism. If it weren't for the price advantage, he would never be able to sell the same product to others. Knowing that the product was produced by Luo Cheng himself, she felt that an opportunity had come.

It’s economics again, channels and so on. Luo Cheng really didn't understand, it was like this without any culture, but he didn't feel that it was serious. Just like when I first met Zhou Meng, I felt that she knew so much, and she was a college student. But now, there are many fresh graduates in his company, and his impression of Zhou Meng has declined.

But as a college student, we cannot deny that a good college student is actually really good. Especially when it comes to professional knowledge.

"Shen Han, what university are you studying in?"

"Foreign Economic and Trade University."


Luo Cheng nodded. He had never heard of it. Of course, he was a second-rate kid in the late 1950s. In his time, he had never heard of Tsinghua University or Peking University. It should be said that he did not know the name of any university. . In rural towns, there is not a single outgoing college student in the whole town, so who would discuss the name of the university.

In this future era, Luo Cheng has heard of some university names. Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University, and a foreign university built a bridge.

If you teach people how to build a bridge, you can become a college student. I don’t know how many bridges the bridge-building university has built.

Oh, oh you big-headed devil. Shen Han didn't know Luo Cheng when he saw it, but since he didn't major in economics, few people knew about this university. This is actually a very good university, second only to Renmin University in terms of economics, and if you want to get into it, your score will not be lower than Peking University.

And she, Shen Han, did it because she wanted to study this major, otherwise she would have been able to enter Peking University with the required scores.

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