Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 30 Renting a House (Added update for the first helmsman)

The rain almost stopped yesterday afternoon, so it’s time to start work today. Engineer Li came again to inform everyone that work would start today, and that the wages that had not been calculated last time would be calculated and paid in the morning.

Luo Cheng still bent steel bars. This was a job where his arms would be sore if he used too much force at first, but he got used to it in a few days. Luo Chengwan can also mix steel bars now, instead of bending them with his mobile phone to see if there is any supervision. Instead, I quickly finish a batch and then run to the toilet. I can squat in the toilet for ten minutes and half an hour without any problem. But the premise is that the required amount can be bent.

Luo Cheng, who can now run to the toilet, feels that not only does the afternoon go by faster, but the morning also goes by just as quickly. At around ten o'clock, the salaryman came and Luo Cheng received three hundred and fifty. The smell of the notes was particularly good.

The morning's work was not finished until after eleven o'clock. Outside the entrance of the construction site, there is a boss selling fast food lunch boxes again. The taste is not bad and the portion is sufficient. Luo Cheng still misses it after not eating for two days.

It was a hot day, so Luo Cheng took off his shirt to reveal his muscles and healthy complexion. He ordered a lunch box, packed rice and ate in a cool place in the corner. Luo Cheng himself was satisfied with the sight of these strong muscles. In his time, there were many strong people. Many people could carry hundreds of kilograms of food on their shoulders. But he lacked oil, water and food, and his body was not strong.

Luo Cheng felt that he might be able to fight with the black bull who was engaged in the black market. The guy was also strong. If he really wanted to do it, he didn't know who would be ruthless.

It takes ten minutes to prepare a box of vegetables and three portions of rice, and the rice is all compacted. The water provided was simmered after finishing the meal.

After dinner, Luo Cheng walked to the old street and put on his clothes. There is information about rental houses on the old street, and he also wants to go to the braised vegetable restaurant to say hello. He will pick up the pig head in the evening. The old street here is open until very late, and it will not close even if he comes in the evening.

At an intersection of the old street, Luo Cheng found a wall covered with advertisements for rental houses. Two bedrooms and one living room, three bedrooms and one living room. There are also single rooms of any size, or even garages.

Luo Cheng's mobile phone can make calls because Master Wang helped him apply for the card, but he cannot use the payment function and cannot bind it. I first ran to say hello to the chef at the braised vegetable restaurant, and came to pick it up in the evening, and then started looking for a house to rent.

Several rooms and a living room are too expensive. After asking about single rooms, I found out that they are rented separately from each room in a house. Some good single rooms with private bathrooms are also very good, and the kitchen may be shared.

As for the garage, the name seems to be for parking, but many residents in some communities have transformed it into a place for living.

For renting a few rooms and one living room, the cheapest one around here costs more than a thousand. Although it was just a matter of a few turtles, Luo Cheng's heart was not so big that he didn't care about money. As for single rooms, there may be several roommates in a house. This garage seems to be the most suitable for me.

But after making a few calls, I found out that the information on it was untrue. Many garages listed as rentals were just rented out when I called them. Then recommend a single room or other rooms to Luo Cheng.

Nearby~~, second-hand landlord intermediary group. Most of the advertisements posted on the walls are second-hand landlords, and the real agents are the ones who open the houses.

"Does anyone in the group have a garage for rent? I have someone here who is looking for a garage."

"There are many migrant workers here, and they all want garages. Aren't single rooms the same? I also have single rooms in the elevator room."

"Nowadays, garages are only available in old communities, and even simple renovations can cost six to seven hundred yuan. For some reason, he insists on living in the garage."

"She said she likes to live alone and doesn't want to be disturbed."

"Lao Zhang, please send me your phone number. I have a suitable room you can go and ask about. I'll rent it out and give you an introduction fee."

"Do you have a room? Do you have a garage on your property?"

"There's no garage, you just send the phone."

"Okay, I'll send it to you privately. I don't want the whole set because it's too expensive."

"Got it, it's not a complete set. I'll make a dime if I get a complete set."


Luo Cheng didn't know that he randomly asked a few rental phone numbers, and the news spread in a second-hand landlord agency group. In fact, such second-hand landlords are better than intermediaries, at least they don’t charge intermediary fees. Moreover, they rented the house from the real landlord. If they did not rent it out, they would have to pay for it, so they were very active in showing people the house and renting it.

Just when Luo Cheng was thinking about whether to spend more money to rent a whole house, or whether to have roommates, it doesn't matter, and he should be careful. His mobile phone rang, an unknown number, and the only calls on his phone were those of Master Wang and Lao Zhang from the construction site. Even if I just called the number advertised on the wall, it didn’t seem to have that number. But he answered it anyway to see who was calling him.

As soon as the call was answered, the other party asked Luo Cheng if he was looking for a house, and after a while of conversation, he found out that although the other party had an independent garage for rent. But Luo Cheng was moved by what the other party said about the room. It wasn't a complete set, it was just a single room.

But people have said that there are only two women living in that room now, and they work the night shift every day. If they are not at home at night, they come back to sleep during the day. Unless they are resting, Luo Cheng usually doesn’t see anyone even if he shares a room with others. .

And another thing is that the house is on the ground floor, there is no need to go up the stairs, it is very convenient to get in and out, and it is right near the old street.

Oh, it feels good. Luo Cheng asked the landlord to take him to see the house, and he waited for him here where the advertisement was posted.

Not long after, a man riding an electric bicycle came over. After confirming each other, they asked Luo Cheng to get on the electric bicycle, and he took Luo Cheng to see the house. The Sangda Park community right here is an old community.

In the Sangdayuan community, Luo Cheng sat on the second-hand landlord's electric car. The fog in the space began to dissipate quickly as the landlord drove. Not bad, even if the house is not valued, at least the road leading to the community has been opened and expanded.

Is it possible to find someone to show him the house in the future, but deliberately not rent it? That would open up a lot of space.

The place arrived quickly. In a two-bedroom house, the master bedroom was found in the unoccupied area.

"Brother, there are two little girls living in the bedroom this time, but even if they are at home during the day, they sleep. They go out to work at night, so you won't be able to meet each other when you share a house. It is equivalent to enjoying the services of a house for the price of a single room. Look at the master bedroom. It has a TV, air conditioning, sofa and everything. There is also a large balcony. There is also a separate bathroom in the room, so you don’t have to come out to take a shower. There is also a refrigerator in the kitchen outside. I have already agreed with them. Yes, they use the bottom half. If you want to stay, you can use the top half. The washing machine is also shared."

"What about the price and how to calculate the water and electricity bills?"

"Your room costs RMB 700 a month, and the water and electricity bills are shared equally between the two families. The air conditioner has a separate meter."

Luo Cheng didn't understand what an independent electric meter meant, because he only learned how to use electricity at the construction site. In his own time, apart from seeing electric lights in the town, he had never touched anything else related to electricity, not even a flashlight. But even though I didn't understand it, it seemed like the other person was speaking fairly.

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