Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 310 The Luo Family Situation

Dai Xixi doesn't live in Luo's house now, but because she works in the machinery factory, not far from Luo's house, she often goes to Luo's house. It's also common to eat at Luo's house.

The Dai family is not bad. This time, helping Luo Weimin find a job, in addition to finding connections, also costs a lot of money. The job quota was bought from someone else, and the price was several hundred.

But this is nothing. Luo Weimin is considered the son-in-law of the Dai family, and Dai Xixi's job was originally obtained by the Luo family's work quota. Although when Dai Xixi started working, she was a high school student, and when Dai Tiande was still there, she was the precious granddaughter of their Dai family.

If it were in the past, the job of a clerk in the propaganda department of a machinery factory would really be looked down upon by the Dai family. But at that time, there was really no choice. There were people rushing to do street sweeping on the road, but they just didn't want to go to the countryside.

Now, although Dai Xixi is still in the propaganda department of the machinery factory, she has been working like this for many years. In addition, she is educated, and there are some people who took care of her like Luo Cheng did in the past. Now she is the head of the propaganda department, but her administrative level is deputy department level.

Being educated and 27 years old, being a section chief is nothing. If he hadn't been unable to take the college entrance examination, he would have become a college student. If he was a college student, he might have been an administrative leader when he was first assigned to a place.

Dai Qianqian brought Luo Weimin back to the Luo family, and the whole family was there. It was cold outside, and except for Luo Weimin, who had nothing to do, he would stroll outside. No one else wanted to go out.

Although it was winter vacation, the third child Luo Yun, Zhao Qian's second daughter, was still reviewing her lessons at home. There was still half a year after the Chinese New Year, and she would take the college entrance examination. Her grades were relatively good in her studies, and she had a chance to be admitted to a university.

So even if Luo Yun was a daughter, the Luo family would still value her. If she could produce a college student, she was also a daughter of heaven. The youngest son Luo Zhong was born the second year after Luo Cheng left. When he left, Zhao Qian was still pregnant, and it was almost the end of the year. He was born in 1966, and he was actually 13 years old this year. He is now in the third year of junior high school. His grades are okay, but not excellent. He plans not to go to high school, but to take the entrance examination for a technical secondary school. He can learn a skill in a technical secondary school, and he will be assigned a job after graduation.

"Mom, my dad has already found a job for Weimin, working in an agricultural machinery factory."

"Agricultural machinery factory, the unit is good."

"Yes, but Weimin doesn't have any skills. After he starts working, I'll ask my dad to find a master to teach him."

"Sister-in-law, if my brother starts working, can he go to the street office to apply for housing?"

"Xiao Fei, don't bother me. I'll find a way to deal with the house."

In the Luo family, Dai Xixi has long called Zhao Qian "Mom". She is a person who remembers kindness, and Luo Cheng has always loved her when she was a child. He would bring her a lot of delicious food every month to tease her.

And in those years, her family has never lacked nutritious food, eggs and meat are often available. And Luo Weimin is now a big man, and he looks good. He listens to her very much, but listening to him does not mean weakness. If anyone bullies Dai Xixi, he will definitely come forward to protect her.

In fact, Dai Xixi has also considered the issue of housing. She replaced the Luo family's job, and the Luo family's job was obtained from Luo Cheng. The house in this yard was allocated by Luo Cheng when he started working, so he is not eligible to apply for additional housing.

But after Luo Weimin started working, he could indeed apply for a house at the street office by finding connections. However, under the current circumstances, he can't get a decent house. Xixi's father has thought about them. After Luo Weimin has worked for half a year or a year, he will find connections. In addition, Dai Xixi is now a small cadre.

Therefore, Xixi's father plans to use his connections to see if he can get a better house.

Zhao Qian's idea is very simple. Not to mention other people, the director of the street office owed Luo Cheng a lot of favors. Now he has been promoted to another unit, but the director's promotion is actually due to Luo Cheng's contribution.

As for those manual work processing, many of them were arranged by the street office in those days, and many poor families were rescued. The people of the West District Street Office have made a lot of credit.

In addition, there were many cadres and leaders of many units in Changcheng in those days, who asked for some materials and nutrients from the upper level. Zhao Qian just didn't go to them, but now her children are older and need help. She thinks that some people will recognize the friendship and solve the housing problem for her children.

Zhao Qian's words made her daughter Luo Xiaofei shut up, because from her tone, Luo Xiaofei could tell that Zhao Qian was a little angry. She didn't dare to say anything more. Although Zhao Qian usually looked weak, she was the head of the Luo family. If her children didn't listen, she would use a feather duster.

The most important thing is that everyone may not have strong wings yet and can't go out independently, so they dare not contradict them. In addition, the Luo family has a big secret. The children of the Luo family are curious about how much wealth their father left behind when he left.

Thirteen years ago, because of Luo Cheng's disappearance, the machinery factory did give a compensation. A few hundred yuan is not a small fortune. But in the eyes of the four children, their mother has never gone out to work. For thirteen years, the children's food, clothing, housing, and transportation, and appropriate pocket money for studying.

They even saw their grandparents and uncles in the countryside come to the city to ask their mother for money, but it has been more than ten years. No one could find out where their mother hid the money. Of course, as children, not everyone wanted the money. They were just very curious.

Let’s talk about Luo Xiaofei. She actually has a partner now. She doesn’t know how much money her mother has, so she can’t think too much about it. But if her mother really has a lot of money, she wants her mother Zhao Qian to give her more dowry when she gets married.

If the dowry is thicker, her in-laws will look up to her. As for Luo Xiaofei, she thinks it’s best to get a sewing machine for her dowry. She doesn’t want the one at home. The one at home is too old. It’s almost 20 years old. Although it has been maintained, it can still be used normally.

In addition, there are three old bicycles at home. Although they are very worn out, they can also be used for transportation. Luo Xiaofei now rides one to go to the library every day. Luo Xiaofei also wants one of these bicycles.

“Weimin, come over with mom.”

“Hey, I’ll be right here.”

Zhao Qian and Luo Cheng used to live in a large room, but now a simple partition has been made. The two daughters occupied part of the living room before. Now there is still some space in the living room. It is closer to the wall and has a table and stool. The window position is still placed with a sewing machine as before.

When Luo Weimin heard what his mother said, he immediately got up and followed her into the room where she was sleeping.

"Weimin, go back to town tomorrow and ask your grandparents, uncle and aunt to come on your wedding day. I'll ask your brother-in-law to bring people to take care of the banquet. Here's a hundred yuan. When you get to town, go find your uncle Gouzi and ask him to find a way to get some food."

"Go to town, mom. Can I take the gun at home? It's cold now. If I follow Uncle Laizi into the mountains, maybe I can shoot some wild animals."

"You, you're about to get married, but you're still so playful. That gun is something your dad left behind. Don't lose it."

"Hey, mom, I promise I won't lose the gun even if I lose it."

"You kid , after you join the work and marry Xixi, you must live a good life and let mom become a grandmother as soon as possible, and then you can take care of your children. ”

“Don’t worry. By the way, mom. My aunt said that you were a famous flower in the town back then. How did you marry my dad back then?”

“Oh, your dad was a second-rate guy in the town back then, very shameless. After he fell in love with me, he harassed me all day long. He said everywhere that your dad and I were dating. After a long time, your reputation was ruined by your dad. People thought that your dad and I had something going on. In the end, there was no choice but to give it to your dad.”

Luo Weimin was also shocked when he heard what his mother said, but it seemed possible when he thought about it. His grandfather’s uncle’s family used to be hunters, and there were basically few hunters with good family conditions.

Luo Weimin didn’t think his mother was so beautiful before, but now that he has grown up, looking back at the photos of his parents together, he thinks that his mother was really beautiful when she was young. Of course, his mother is also beautiful now, but the younger Luo Weimin can’t appreciate the charm of a woman of his mother’s age.

But none of the slightly older men in the yard did not praise Luo Weimin's mother for her good looks.

After chatting with his mother for a few words, Luo Weimin came out with a hundred yuan. He was getting married, and as the eldest son, his family was going to have a big party. Relatives from his hometown, some good neighbors in the yard, and relatives from Dai Xixi's side. At least eight tables, a hundred yuan, an average of less than twelve yuan per table.

But now the country has not officially opened up, and everyone's salary is still the same as it was 20 years ago. It should be said that it is still an eight-level salary system, and everyone's salary is not increased according to length of service and occupation.

The first to break the salary system must be in the pilot development zone, Changcheng and other cities, and it will take at least until 1980 to see any changes.

Of course, the initial change was due to individual business. When opening a private restaurant, the chefs outside the system jumped out of the level division and set their salaries directly according to the taste and level of the chef.

And some unpopular skills are better in state-owned enterprises, even if the salary increases very slowly at the beginning.

Now 12 yuan per table is already very good, and it is considered high standard. Tobacco, alcohol, meat, and even candy can be included in the price.

Luo Weimin's brother-in-law, that is, the husband of his sister-in-law Luo Yan, was still an apprentice in the kitchen when he pursued Luo Yan. Now more than ten years have passed, and he has already become a master, and can cook Sichuan and Jiangxi cuisine.

This time, Luo Weimin's wedding banquet was hosted by his brother-in-law and his two apprentices. But now you still need receipts to buy anything. If you want to do it well, you have to go to the pigeon market to buy ingredients.

Er Gouzi is familiar with the pigeon market in the countryside. In fact, it is easier to buy good things in the pigeon market in the countryside these days. Of course, he will also go to the pigeon market in the city to buy things. Anyway, the ingredients and some things can be left to Er Gouzi.

This Chen Laizi will also invite him. Even if Luo Weimin does not bring a gun, Chen Laizi may find a way to get some wild animals as a gift.

As for Luo Weimin's uncle, grandma, and aunt, when Luo Cheng fled, he also gave Er Gouzi 2,000 yuan and asked him to take it back and share it with everyone. Each family would get a few hundred yuan, and then return to farmland life to earn some food. If you save some money to live, you won't live as hard as other rural areas.

But more than ten years have passed, and the money has basically been spent.

And everyone is curious about how much money Luo Cheng left for Zhao Qian when he left. Not only does she live in the city to raise four children, but she also honors her parents every year on behalf of Luo Cheng, and gives some gifts during the Chinese New Year.


Two days later, in Guangzhou.

"Daddy, our country is really backward. Many places are like some of our small fishing villages in Xiangjiang."

"Xiao Qin, sit down on your daddy. You are such a girl, and you are still sitting on your daddy. When we eat later, you can go back to your brother's car."

"Daddy, look at Mommy, she's talking about me again."

"Okay, okay, Xiaoqin, you are not young anymore, you should pay attention to this aspect."

In the car heading to Changcheng, Luo Cheng smiled and said to his daughter Luo Qin. Fathers will love their daughters more, but now that Luo Qin is eleven years old, I am afraid that one of them may come in another year or two. The relationship between father and daughter really cannot be too close.

After Luo Cheng and his party arrived in Shencheng, they also found two temporary drivers in order to register the vehicle. After two days of delay, he was just starting to leave now. It was originally arranged that he and Hong Xiu would take a car. Three children in one car.

But Luo Qin, the precious daughter, found it boring to sit in a car with her brother and sister, so she came to Luo Cheng to sit here. And he insisted on telling Luo Cheng about hunting in the mountains of his hometown in China. Luo Cheng was naturally extremely boastful, erecting an image of an omnipotent hero in front of his daughter.

He has killed all tigers and leopards. He once chased and killed a monkey king. In order to survive, the monkey king even gave him a small monkey. Luo Qin and her mother can testify to this. The monkey they raised back then was very smart.

After getting Luo Qin from her body to the car seat, Luo Cheng kissed her forehead again. A loving kiss is normal between father and daughter. If you have to say this, then you really are a dirty person with dirty thoughts.

Of course, this kind of behavior is normal between father and daughter in Xiangjiang, and it is not a kiss. But in China, eleven-year-old girls are not allowed to kiss, even if they are father and daughter. China is still very conservative now, and even watching a kissing scene can make your blood boil.

Another thing that is a little incompatible with China is that the children who are with me now, named Luo Cheng and Hongxiu, are both daddy and mommy. In fact, Luo Cheng was not used to it at first, but the kindergartens they attended since childhood were all private. The children's families there are all either rich or noble.

Children from other families shouted like this, so Luo Cheng and Hongxiu could only follow the local customs, which made them feel out of place. Until now, I am used to listening to it, and the children are used to shouting. It was just a shout, and Luo Cheng and the others didn't care.

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