Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 314 Meeting Luo Yan

Changcheng Machinery Factory, more than thirteen years, still looks the same.

It should be said that the whole Changcheng has not changed much in thirteen years, unlike Hong Kong. When Luo Cheng first arrived in Hong Kong, Hong Kong was not much better at that time, but now it has changed dramatically.

"Comrade, this is the machinery factory, who are you looking for?"

"Oh, I'm looking for Luo Yan, the warehouse keeper of your factory."

"Looking for Luo Yan? Who are you to her? It's working hours now, what's the matter?"

"It's true that there is something. I'm her brother, Luo Cheng, can I ask her to come out for a while?"

"Okay, then you register, and after the registration is done, I'll ask someone to notify her."

"Thank you, comrade, have a cigarette."

"Hey, thank you."

It's already past ten in the morning, and Luo Cheng is wearing a Zhongshan suit. Many patriotic businessmen in Hong Kong actually like to wear such clothes. In fact, whether at home or abroad, those who can afford Zhongshan suits are not particularly ordinary people.

If Luo Cheng didn't wear this suit, the young comrades in the security department of the machinery factory might not be so polite.

At around eight o'clock, Luo Cheng went to the street office. The office there was still the same as it was back then, but things had changed when he went there. The street office director who knew Luo Cheng back then had been promoted a long time ago, and there was basically no one he knew there.

However, after Luo Cheng made it clear that he was a returnee from Hong Kong, he was warmly received. He didn't need to find anyone familiar with him, and all the files he wanted to check were found.

First, in Xikou Hutong, the house where Luo Cheng lived back then, the name on the household registration had been changed. It used to be Luo Cheng's name, but now it's Zhao Qian's name. There are four children under the household registration, Luo Weimin, Luo Xiaofei, Luo Yun, and Luo Zhong.

When Luo Cheng left that year, Zhao Qian was pregnant. At that time, the incident happened suddenly, and Luo Cheng didn't name the baby in his belly in advance. Luo Cheng guessed that the name Luo Zhong was his fourth child, and it was a boy.

Moreover, the street office also had a general understanding of Zhao Qian's family situation. The eldest, Luo Weimin, is currently unemployed, the second, Luo Xiaofei, has just started working and is at the library, and the other two are studying.

As for his sister Luo Yan, according to reason, it should not be found in the street office. When Luo Cheng left, Luo Yan was just a temporary worker in the factory with a rural household registration. This rural household registration will not be registered in the street office.

But what was unexpected was that in the third year after Luo Cheng disappeared, no one in the factory helped Luo Yan become a formal worker, and her household registration was also transferred to the city.

Now Luo Yan is a warehouse keeper in the logistics department of the machinery factory. The work is relatively easy, but she needs to be careful. And her husband is Wang Ping, who was the kitchen apprentice who pursued her back then. But now he is the chef of the machinery factory.

Everyone can see that Luo Cheng has an extraordinary demeanor, and the security guards are also a bit discerning, so they let him rest in the security guard's communication room. Then arrange someone to go in and pass the message. According to the rules and levels, if you find a leader in the factory, generally the leader agrees to meet, and the person who passes the message will come back and take Luo Cheng to see the leader.

But Luo Yan, who Luo Cheng found, was just an ordinary clerk in the later period. If Luo Yan wanted to meet, she could only say hello to her colleagues first and then come to meet.

"Luo Yan, Sister Luo, someone is looking for you at the factory gate. They say it's your brother. Do you want to go and see him?"

"Okay, wait a minute. I'll record this and then say hello and go over."

Luo Yan was registering some newly-stocked spare parts and materials at this time. Every spare part in the factory is counted. Not one less is allowed. You have to find out why it's gone. This job is not tiring, but you have to be careful.

When Luo Yan was busy, she didn't expect the guards and the communication room to come to her and say that her brother came to see her. She couldn't help wondering in her heart why her brother came to the factory to find her. Could it be about Weimin's wedding banquet? But if it was this matter, it should be sister-in-law Zhao Qian who came to her.

It's not like he came to ask for money, but if that's the case, there's nothing he can do. My parents are old and always need to take some medicine. It's not easy for my eldest brother Luo Qiang and his family in the town.

In recent years, sister-in-law Zhao Qian has also taken care of my parents. Maybe because she has taken care of them too much, my eldest brother is embarrassed to ask sister-in-law Zhao Qian.

If I really want to borrow money, although it is said that a married daughter is like water spilled, it is impossible to ignore her family. But even if I want to find her, it is more convenient to go to her house. She works in the factory and doesn't have much money on her.

"Sister Luo, I will go there first and tell your brother. You will go there soon. By the way, Sister Luo, your brother is called Luo Cheng. He looks like an ordinary person in a Zhongshan suit. He looks old and stylish."

"Luo~~Luo Cheng, what are you talking about? What do you think my brother's name is?"

"Luo Cheng, the one who came to register is called Luo Cheng. He said it is your brother, Sister Luo, that's not right."

When Luo Yan heard the name Luo Cheng from the security department colleague who came to convey the message again, her whole body couldn't help shaking. The registration form in her hand fell to the ground because she couldn't hold it firmly.

"Brother, it's my second brother. He is still alive."

At this time, Luo Yan couldn't control her excitement at all. Even though she stumbled as if her nerves were broken when she walked at the beginning, she ran out of the warehouse regardless of anything.

It must be the second brother, it must be the second brother. For more than thirteen years, in Luo Yan's heart, she also believed that Luo Cheng was dead. In the first few years when Luo Cheng disappeared, she often cried because of missing him.

I always think of the time when I was still in the town. At that time, my second brother Luo Cheng had just returned from the city to work, and then he started to ask everyone to help catch eels and loaches.

At that time, she helped to catch loaches and eels and sent them to my second brother's house. My second brother would always give her some food and candy in addition to the wages. Later, even if the wages she earned with great difficulty were taken away by her parents, my second brother would still buy her the things he liked in the city and fabrics.

Later, my sister-in-law Zhao Qian became pregnant, so she took her to the city to take care of her. She said she was taking care of her sister-in-law, but she didn't lack anything for food, clothing, and daily necessities. Even after my second brother had a bicycle, he taught her to ride a bicycle when he had time. Even if she accidentally fell to the ground, my second brother would ask her if she was okay.

Now that I heard that my second brother Luo Cheng came to see her, I was excited and worried that it was all in vain. After all, it has been thirteen years. She has dreamed many times that her second brother has come back and she has someone to rely on again. When her second brother is around, she can find her second brother Luo Cheng for any problem, and he will always help her solve it.

In the communication room of the machinery factory, Luo Cheng smoked and talked with the staff here. After asking around, he learned that the talents of the security department in the past ten years have basically been transferred away.

Back then, everyone kept saying that Wang De was unreliable, just relying on his uncle in the police station to get connections everywhere. Although the boy used all the shitty connections, he did have connections after all. Later, he became the captain of the security department in the machinery factory. He worked in the machinery factory a few years ago, but was later transferred away by his uncle. Now he is the deputy director of the police station.

Just when Luo Cheng was still thinking about the virtues of Wang De, the door of the communication room opened. The weather was cold and the cold wind outside blew into the room. Fortunately, there was a stove in this communication room, so no one thought it was a big deal.

A middle-aged woman in a work suit from a machinery factory stood at the door. Her face was a little wrinkled, and her big braids were gone. But Luo Cheng recognized her at a glance.


The cigarette burned silently in Luo Cheng's hand. For wasted cigarettes, others would say, "I smoked half, Feng smoked half, I don't care, maybe Feng also has troubles. But at this time, Feng was secretly smoking most of the remaining half.

(It's really a headache, chapters are blocked everywhere, and I just modify the content every day.)

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