Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 40 Welcoming and seeing off the bride (additional update for the hall master)

There is a saying that which girl is not pregnant, and Huai Chun is attracted to a certain man. Wrong, it has nothing to do with bullshit love. Just like a man wants to sleep with a woman when he reaches his age, a woman will also think about that kind of scene.

It's just that men are more vulgar and women are more reserved. After all, human beings are civilized. In ancient times, if a man wanted a woman, he would just drag her into a cave. This is his true nature.

It was very early today. Zhao Qian woke up before dawn. She had already accepted her fate. Marrying a second-rate man in the town is a good thing because of the policies above. The countryside is going to be a collective system. With her father's help, even if Luo Cheng doesn't farm, he won't rely on luck like Orion to survive, and he can still make a good living.

As her father said, when a man marries a wife and has a child, he will take care of himself and work hard. So Zhao Qian also thought better, she didn't ask for wealth, she just wanted to live a down-to-earth life.

But she didn't expect that in just one day, her partner's identity would change. Her father said that because of that incident, Luo Cheng was rewarded and was actually given a job in the city.

If word of this gets out, no one will ever say that Luo Cheng is a second-rate person. A second-rate person with a formal job, then everyone wants to be such a second-rate person.

It just happened that her marriage to Luo Cheng had been settled recently, otherwise even if others in the town said she was good-looking, no matter how good-looking she was, her household registration was still in a rural area. Good looks cannot be eaten as food, but women in the city have a ration even if they don't have a job. Moreover, young women in the city can register at the street office and wait for job assignments.

Normal working men will know how to choose. Find a good-looking woman from the countryside, or find a woman who can get by in the city. There is a job in the city, and Luo Cheng is not short of arms and legs. There is no need to look for ugly people in the city. Therefore, we cannot compare ourselves with the ugly women in the city.

Anyone who knows how to live a good life will choose women in the city.

Yesterday, Zhao Qian's father said that she was destined to be rich and noble. It happened to be that Luo Chengcai got the letter of introduction after the matter was settled. If it were a few days later, where would she go to find someone with a job to marry.

Because Zhao Qian accepted her fate, her father talked about Luo Cheng during dinner last night, even though she had no relationship with Luo Chengzhen. I was also standing there laughing. Accepting fate is a very magical thing. If you accept your fate, you will accept many things calmly.

So today I am going to get married and be slept with, and I actually have expectations in my heart. But also if you are raped by an emotionless person, who is not a marriage partner, then you will basically commit suicide if you don't accept your fate.

When she woke up early this morning, Zhao Qian was arranging her clothes and quilt. In addition to the quilt, there was an old dressing table that was her trousseau. There is nothing else, which is good. Some women in rural areas only take a few clothes with them when they get married. There is no quilt. Not only does she have a quilt, but she also has a dressing table.

Thinking of that shameless man who called me out a few days ago and forced him to hug me, his face turned red. As a married person today, she only needs to stay in the room and wait for the person to pick her up. Luo Cheng will be a worker in the future. Her mother went out yesterday evening to borrow eggs. She gave them boiled eggs with sugar water to welcome the bride, which was considered important.

In the west of town, Luo became a family.

As soon as Luo Cheng finished handling the plastic bags containing the quail eggs, someone came to the door.

Chen Leizi was the one who gave him peanuts yesterday and was away hunting in the mountains.

After congratulating Luo Cheng, he left without saying much. There was an extra leopard skin on Luo Cheng's table. It was something that Luo Cheng had always been thinking about in Chen Laizi's house. Luo Cheng's father had been hunting for half his life, so the only thing he had at home was wolf skins, but wolf skins couldn't be compared with leopard skins.

Hunters like to compare themselves with each other. For example, if you go to someone's home as a guest, you will see a wolf skin hanging on the wall. People are hanging leopard skins, so who cares?

Of course, if you can have tiger skins, bear skins, etc. That would be even more awesome, but if you want to catch this thing, if you see it alone, it is best not to provoke it, or even two or three people have to retreat. Even if you get one, this kind of fur is very valuable. You won't keep it at home, but sell it for food.

Leopard skin is also very valuable. If you exchange it for money and food at a critical moment, it may save your life.

"Why don't we wait until today and find the cheap accountant Zhao, my father-in-law, to get Chen Laizi to be a mountain ranger. Anyway, I can't be a mountain ranger. I will go to Chang City to report on work in a few days."

Luo Cheng sat on the stool and touched the leopard skin, thinking, this gift from Chen Laizi is really heavy. Logically speaking, Luo Cheng and Accountant Zhao would be considered a family in the future. If they wanted their father-in-law to help, they should ask his father or his brother to serve as mountain rangers. But since he doesn't have a close relationship with his family, he really doesn't want to help.

Forget it, don't think about so many troubles, today is my happy day. Just stay at home and wait for someone to come, and then go to welcome the bride.

Not long after, my sister came first with her children and her brother-in-law. The brother-in-law had to do some work today. First, he has to accompany him to the wedding, and then if the woman has any dowry items, he has to pick them out.

In addition, the tables and stools have to be moved to the primary school. How could it be possible to come and have a free meal? Even if his sister comes over, she has to be busy.

After Luo Lan came here, she went directly to the kitchen to boil water without giving any instructions. The two pheasants outside were finally alive. When the time comes, use a knife to wipe your neck. The heated hot water will be used for hair removal.

It didn't take long for the large army to arrive. Luo Cheng's parents, brothers, sister-in-law, sister, and children all came.

The father and Luo Cheng's brother must also know that he is going to work in the city. The attitude of the meeting today made Luo Cheng feel different. In the past, even if Luo Cheng was separated from the family, his father would come here occasionally and act like the head of the family before.

There is a sense of reciprocity when talking now, but when I came here, I didn't talk about Luo Cheng's marriage today, but asked him when he would go to the city to report. Ask if there is any specific work arrangement for him in the letter.

Regarding the matter of Luo Cheng marrying a wife, his father thought it was important to have a job, since the wife here couldn't run away anyway.

Luo Cheng was not interested in talking about work. What interested him was his identity as a worker. There is time and space in the future, and there is no need to worry about livelihood issues at all. Moreover, he still doesn't know the specifics of the job. He read the letter of introduction, but it didn't say what he was asked to do at the machinery factory in Chang City. With only a recommendation, a place and a seal, and a few casual words, Luo Cheng was ready to go to the wedding.

All the men of the same generation went to welcome the bride. Luo Cheng could just go with his brother-in-law and his brother Luo Qiang, and no big formation was needed. The brother-in-law followed, bringing with him a pole and a rope. Luo Qiang followed empty-handed.

The man is here to welcome the bride, and he comes to the woman's side to welcome her back. The woman was here to send off the bride, and there had to be a formality. Luo Cheng didn't just take Zhao Qian away as soon as he arrived at Accountant Zhao's house.

Accountant Zhao's daughter is going to be sent away to get married, and at least his wife and Zhao Qian will have to stage a mother-daughter reluctance drama. You have to cry, you have to feel separated.

Hey, according to Luo Cheng's temper, if you weren't acting here, you would live in the town. Although the west end of his town is a bit off, it's only about ten minutes away. If he was reluctant, after Luo Cheng married Zhao Qian, he could just bring his daughter-in-law to the father-in-law and mother-in-law's house for dinner every day.

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