Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 61 Viewing a House

The courtyard room has a general house number and is numbered inside. Don’t think about living in a courtyard like Sijiucheng. This is Chang City. Except for the few remaining palaces that have courtyard-like houses, the rest of the city can be considered a miscellaneous courtyard at best.

Living in a complex means there are many neighbors, and many common areas need to be negotiated. It's okay if you meet good neighbors, but if you meet some who are more careless, maybe you can hang out your quilt or something, but you can't occupy the space randomly.

Luo Cheng didn't expect that there would be so much emphasis on dividing a house. He wanted to have an independent house, but he listened to the introduction of the street director. The house is not big at all now. What if his wife helps him give birth to babies in the future? He still wants to have a few more. If you live in a mixed-use hospital with a large room, wouldn't it be more troublesome to have neighborly relations? He is the best at handling neighborly relations.

If anyone is blind and comes to trouble him, be careful in the city, but Ergouzi has never been to the city. Let Er Gouzi come to the city for a few days and bring his sack. Unless you are particularly old, Ergouzi, regardless of gender, will set you up.

Since Luo Cheng wanted a bigger house, Section Chief Li said hello again. The street director also specially called other clerks to ask if there were any suitable larger houses in the northwest district, or two rooms on one side.

"Director, there are two nice side rooms in the Xikou Hutong in the West District. No one has lived in them for more than half a year. There are also a lot of furniture in them that were made by our street."

"No, the houses over at the west entrance alley are nice. Are there any unoccupied houses?"

"Director, that house used to be the home of Li Changgen, a five-guaranteed household. The old man who lost his right hand disappeared at the end of last year. At the beginning of the year, it was said that it was unlucky for someone to leave, so it was empty for a while."

When the clerk said this, the subdistrict director also remembered who Li Changgen was. He was a five-guaranteed household, and his son was gone in the war, and he didn't leave any heirs. Two side rooms were arranged for him back then. The size of the house was okay, but the lighting was a bit poor. The door opened to the east, so there was some sunlight in the morning.

But since the person has been gone for half a year, it is no longer unlucky and it can be lived in. To say it is unlucky would be to label it as feudal, but generally when such a house appears, everyone tacitly tries not to arrange for new residents to move in within a hundred days.

But if you don't live in a house where someone has died, that's impossible. The average life expectancy in China is still very low, and people may die from any disease. So even in front of Luo Cheng, the house in Xikou Hutong was arranged for viewing.

In addition, two places have been arranged, both of which are side rooms. The courtyard room is just like this. There are more than a dozen households in each courtyard. There are only one or two main rooms with doors facing south, and the house is relatively large. But houses like this have been divided up a long time ago and are hard to come across. Once it appears, it will basically disappear immediately.

As for why the furniture is still owned by the street office, in fact, to be more precise, it belongs to the state and is registered with the street office. During the liberation period, land was distributed and houses were distributed. Later, the houses were distributed to everyone for rent, and the furniture was lent to the renters. If they no longer live in the houses, the furniture will have to be returned.

Luo Cheng didn't mind the house where someone died half a year ago. He wasn't afraid of the house he lived in town, even the graveyard to the west, he still cared about it. What really made Luo Cheng a little concerned was that the town was divided into houses in the west. Now that we were in the city, we had to find a house. Several places were in the west. Especially now when people say they have nice houses, their names have something like "Xikou" in them.

There's something about the damn feeling that I'm implying. Why did I return to the West like this? Everything returns to the West.

The section chief of a machinery factory is not so proud that the street director personally takes Luo Cheng to look at houses. It would be nice if he could put some thought into choosing a few places for him to look at houses. If there are other factories or no one comes to greet the person who allocates the house, the people below will randomly arrange a place to live based on your situation, and you don't have to choose.

Luo Cheng poured the last few peanuts in the bag onto the desk of the subdistrict director. There was also a small pile. He thanked the subdistrict office for taking care of it and asked the director to share it with everyone.

Even though it's just a little peanut, it's really a good thing these days. Even if each person in the subdistrict office receives a small amount, they may not be willing to eat it all themselves. If there are children at home, even taking a handful back will make the children very happy.

So the clerk who took Luo Cheng to see the house was very warm to him because he was a good person. On the way to see the houses, I explained to Luo Cheng the conditions of the houses I wanted to see.

In addition to the condition of the house, the clerk knows a little about the surrounding environment where the house is located, and roughly what the neighbors are. The street office handles all kinds of trivial matters these days, and disputes between neighbors are under their control. Even some unemployed young people go to the street office to register when looking for a job. Some elderly people who want to find some work to supplement their livelihood still go to the street office.

The street clerk told Luo Cheng that the two side rooms on the west side of the alley were better than the other two places. If this house really wanted to be divided, it would have been done a few months ago. Ordinary workers will not take people to see the house when they are given a house. It was a coincidence for Luo Cheng that Section Chief Li from his factory came to say hello yesterday.

Of course, the head of the human resources department of a factory is not big enough, so if it really matters, he will be assigned to the southeastern two areas. It is said that this era is a fair era, but even if a house is divided, there are also three, six or nine grades.

The first house was quickly reached. It was a courtyard housing seven or eight households. The house was also added later. It was an okay-sized room with a small kitchen next to it, which was obviously added by the previous residents. There was also a broken wooden shed next to the kitchen.

It's much better than Luo Cheng's house in the town, at least it's a brick house and the area is larger. However, the street clerk said that it is not as good as the houses in Xikou Hutong, but you can tell from the name that the courtyard is in an alley. The location is somewhat slanted, but there are a lot of furniture there, especially since the previous household lived in a five-guarantee household, and the five-guarantee household is said to be a poor household.

These five guarantees include food, clothing, medical care, and burial. These five guarantees are referred to as the five guarantee households. Those who can be assessed as five-guarantee households are basically alone these days, except for some special conditions.

Therefore, let alone the furniture left in this house before, the things left by the five-guarantee households that lived in the house before are considered to belong to the state and will be kept and distributed by the street. If you have finances, pay them directly.

Luo Cheng followed the clerk to a street and passed an intersection. Hey, there's a sign for Xikou Hutong next to the intersection. This location is easy to identify. The road at the entrance of the alley is much narrower, and there are houses on both sides. Even on this hot day, there is not much sunlight shining on the entrance of the alley. Unless it is ten minutes at noon, there will be no sunshine at the entrance of this alley.

Entering the alley entrance, it feels a lot cooler. There are many children playing at the entrance of this alley, and they are much better dressed than the children in the countryside. Although many children also wear patched clothes, the children in the countryside are better off if there are fewer children in the family. A few more can wear underpants. It's considered good if you go out.

In rural areas, there are many children running around bare-chested every day in the hot weather. The children are given clothes that cannot be worn by the older children. It is difficult to buy one piece of clothing every year. Three years of new life, three years of old life, and another three years of mending are no joke. No one is willing to throw away a piece of rag these days.

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