Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 66: I don’t want to work on the construction site

In fact, Luo Cheng had never heard of toilet water and thought it was not a product of his era. However, upon closer inspection, it was found that this product was not available on the market in his era. But toilet water did exist in his time, even before liberation. However, toilet water was originally used as perfume, and the price was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

You can get some of this toilet water back and smear it on your body. At least you will be less likely to be bitten by mosquitoes when you go out. And mosquito coils can only fix the place.

Luo Cheng checked the information about mosquitoes for half an hour. It was getting late and he had to go to work.

As soon as the door opened, I was almost shocked to see that the roommate next door named Xiaofei was sitting on a chair in the living room playing with his mobile phone. Mainly because he didn't hear any movement outside the house, Luo Cheng thought there was no one there.

Feeling that his face was a little haggard, Luo Cheng could only nod his head to say hello, and then pushed his bicycle out. The other party also nodded politely to Luo Cheng and showed a friendly smile.

"You smile so beautifully, like a spring flower~~."

When leaving the room, Luo Cheng suddenly remembered such a sentence. The video was viewed a lot, and he didn’t know who the word was originally used on, but in the video it was used on a fat guy. But when I saw Xiaofei’s smile, I just thought it was pretty.

But after I went out and thought about it carefully, I realized that when my daughter-in-law Zhao Qian was shy, her smile looked more like a spring flower, ready to bloom. Yeah~~The cultural level has improved again, and I can adjust adjectives.

Inside the house, Liu Xiaofei saw Luo Cheng pushing his bicycle and leaving the living room, and she actually envied him. Although he is a worker at a construction site, at least he works hard with his hands and earns a solid amount of money.

And she doesn't want to earn that kind of dirty money. But she didn't want to earn the hard-earned money. She went to work in the factory and worked overtime, but she still got around 5,000 a month. But she felt that she was different from those girls who went to work in factories. This did not mean that she had the ability to have a high degree of education. It was simply that she felt that she was prettier than her parents.

Being beautiful is capital and confidence. In this era and this society, it is indeed true. It just depends on whether you can cash it in. It's a simple truth. If Liu Xiaofei goes back to her hometown, if it's a blind date, other girls can only ask for tens of thousands of yuan in gifts, but for her, anyone who borrows money is willing to give hundreds of thousands.

If she was going to work in a factory, Liu Xiaofei thought it would be better to marry someone with a good family while she was still young. But she is a bit worshipper of money and a bit obsessed with appearance. I want to marry someone who is rich and handsome. She felt that if she was lucky with her looks, she would have a chance, but she also knew that luck was not a 100% guarantee.

Liu Xiaofei looked a little haggard today. That was because she had been working the night shift and she wanted to get over the jet lag. She slept during the day, even if she didn't go to work in that kind of place at night. She couldn't sleep at night when she was at home. Then she had insomnia. She stayed up until after five o'clock and started to feel sleepy again. Now she is trying hard not to let herself sleep. As long as she persists during the day If I don't sleep, even if I lie down in bed at seven or eight o'clock in the evening, I'm afraid I can fall asleep immediately.

So she was playing with her mobile phone in the living room early in the morning because she didn't want to lie in bed now, for fear that she would fall asleep suddenly and be unable to recover from jet lag. In addition, she felt that she couldn't sit still and wait for death. If she didn't work, she might as well do some business. There is a pedestrian street nearby that sells clothing and stalls can be set up at night. She wants to order some goods online and try it out, but only after reversing the time difference.

On his way to the construction site, Luo Cheng could already ride a bicycle with one hand. If this were his time, he would be wearing a white shirt, blue trousers, a pen in his shirt pocket, and riding a bicycle with one hand. Which girl doesn't look like she's ready to bloom~~? This should be the word to describe her~~.

But in this era of future time and space, no one will look at you twice. The only way to do it is to bend steel bars at the construction site honestly.

In the morning, after assigning work, Luo Cheng still bent steel bars all morning. He found that he seemed to have lost the passion of the past. Making money made him happy, but bending steel bars made him feel bored.

In fact, it didn't matter to Luo Cheng what kind of work he did, but he seemed to have lost the enthusiasm for work he had before. When he was working as a small worker, he was very excited to earn more than two hundred dollars a day. Because more than two hundred can buy a hundred pounds of cheap rice. As long as it is converted according to grain, he will be able to do anything.

But while working this morning, he found that his mind was always thinking about soft-shelled turtles, eels, and even cicadas that were sold in the market for a dollar each. He actually came up with the idea of ​​quitting the construction site for a day. Of course, it is impossible to quit now. In his own time, his people were still in Changshi.

Even if you really want to make things from your own era and sell them in this future era, you must do at least two things. You have to go back to the town. The other is that your wife cannot sleep with you. It will be easier to bring your daughter-in-law to the city. .

Luo Cheng made a calculation and found that the small eels sold at the market over the old street were sold for twenty or thirty, and the large ones were sold for thirty or forty. He lives in the south and grows two crops of rice a year. The rice should have been harvested in the town now. It won't be long before they plow it and plant the second season. During the plowing, they can turn out a lot of eels. You can pick up a lot in just one day.

Even if there is a seasonality, if he catches it for half a month, he can get thousands of kilograms of it at will. If it is really easy to sell, he might be able to sell it for a year of working at the construction site.

Moreover, the construction site is not a stable job. Master Wang of this construction site has said that most people will find other construction sites after working for a month and a half at most. For some finishing work, even if the construction site requires so many people, and some types of work have to be withdrawn early after they are completed.

When Master Wang told him, he still thought about following the large army. But he couldn't take trains, high-speed trains, or even long-distance buses. He couldn't go to the platform to buy tickets, so he had to get on the bus outside the ticket seller to make up for the tickets. So even if the construction site is changed, people can change to other cities, but Luo Cheng's best choice right now is this city.

In the end, Luo Cheng felt that it was not that he lacked passion at the construction site, but that there seemed to be more ways to make money, which made him lose passion at the construction site. And his passion is not in work, but in higher income. If the construction site gives him a thousand yuan a day now, he is guaranteed to have endless strength every day.

After eating lunch at noon, Luo Cheng went for a walk in the old street. There was a small supermarket here selling groceries and mosquito coils. Luo Cheng asked the supermarket owner and found what he wanted. He had used boxes of them at the construction site, but he found many other products here. Mosquito zappers, which spray mosquitoes, range in price from cheap to expensive. There are also electric mosquito coils for plug-in use, so don’t even consider this.

But Luo Cheng found something called Mosquito Killer. There were hundreds of tablets in a box. He lit it with fire and it burned quickly, producing a large amount of smoke to kill mosquitoes. This seems to be better than breaking up the mosquito-repellent incense and taking it back as he thought. Just slice it and clear the place in one go. As for what was said above, it is a trivial matter that the space is closed and people are away when used, and the toxicity is stronger than mosquito coils.

I bought a large box of several hundred tablets for ten yuan. Luo Cheng couldn't help but go back to his own time immediately and clear away the mosquitoes that bit him yesterday.

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