Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 72 The first official day of work (more updates)

When Luo Cheng opened his eyes and woke up, there was only a dim light at the window. His house, doors and windows all face east, and will be illuminated whenever the sun comes out in the morning. In summer, the sun rises early, and the windows are only dimly lit. At most, it's almost dawn outside, but the sun hasn't risen yet, so it's early.

Get up and get dressed while walking to the door. There is a latch inside the door. Once the latch is opened, gently pull the door and it will open. It was indeed quite early. It was bright outside, but no one was there. Someone must have woken up on the opposite side and turned on a light, but no one came out.

I quickly took the flour and rice from the room to the kitchen one by one. I put the rice in the big vat and the flour in the small vat. It should be the middle vat. The person selling the vat at the supply and marketing cooperative said it was the middle vat and the small vat was out of stock.

After filling, look at the empty rice bag and flour bag. It's a pity that if this thing is given to others, they will definitely not be willing to burn it. It is a good thing, but Luo Cheng can only burn it in the kitchen.

The black smoke curled up, but the amount was too small. It disappeared before entering the chimney of the stove.

Today I will officially go to work in the machinery factory. I wonder if this buyer is what I thought. He can apply to leave the company and go back to his town to purchase just by saying hello.

And if everything goes well today, the household registration certificate and food booklet from the subdistrict office will be issued. Luo Cheng didn't care about the things he could buy from books, but having these books was a symbol of city people.

I went back to my room and lay down for a while. The machine factory started work at eight o'clock. Workers usually enter the factory ten minutes early. But the sun hasn't come out yet, and I don't have anything to eat. In fact, there is rice, flour, and a pot. I can make rice, but I didn’t buy any bowls and chopsticks yesterday. I bought bowls and chopsticks when I was in town. If I bought so many, I would definitely bring them here for use.

After lying down for a while, I finally fell asleep. When I woke up again, I heard the voices and footsteps of the residents outside the house.

Not having a watch and not knowing the time was a bit annoying, so I could only follow the flow of people at work and get up, wash up briefly, and then go to the machinery factory. Luo Cheng wondered how others judged the time, and he didn't even notice who was wearing a watch.

This time when he came to the machinery factory, Luo Cheng was stopped again. He had no work clothes and would definitely be questioned. But the person who stopped him was still Wang De from last time. Luo Cheng changed his clothes and didn't recognize him for a while. Knowing that today was Luo Cheng's first formal day at work, he let Luo Cheng in with a few words of greeting.

Officially going to work, according to the instructions given by Director Sun of the Logistics Department, I told Luo Cheng last time to go to his place first when I came to work. So Luo Cheng did not go to the purchasing department, but went to the logistics department to find Director Sun.

But maybe it was because I came to work a little early, and there was no one in Director Sun's office. It took me a while before Director Sun showed up. Director Sun asked Luo Cheng to come to him officially at work, but it was actually okay. The work clothes of the machinery factory were actually issued by the logistics department. The Purchasing Department is also directly under the Logistics Department, so naturally it will directly arrange for someone to take Luo Cheng to collect work clothes.

If they are from other departments, front-line workers, etc., and those who are new to work, they must report to the Human Resources Department first. Then fill out the form in the Human Resources Department, and then arrange for someone to bring the new employee to the warehouse manager in the Logistics Department to receive clothes, gloves, etc.

Director Sun asked the warehouse manager to arrange for someone to take Luo Cheng to collect the clothes. The other items were aluminum lunch boxes and spoons. Clothes were collected for free. Aluminum lunch boxes and spoons had to be purchased for money. Things made of aluminum. It's not afraid of falling or burning, and it's lightweight. It's very expensive these days, only one dollar a piece.

Luo Cheng followed the people called by Director Sun to the warehouse and bought three aluminum lunch boxes and one spoon. We don’t sell chopsticks here, so those who are not used to using a spoon when eating in the canteen should bring their own chopsticks.

I got two sets of clothes, the fabric is neither thick nor thin. The person in charge of distributing work clothes warned Luo Cheng, don't just give him two sets of clothes for you to change. When the weather is cold, new employees will also have two sets of clothes. But you are not given four sets of clothes a year, but those who have received the clothes should not think about receiving work clothes again for at least three years, so you have to cherish them.

Moreover, as an employee in a machinery factory, Luo Cheng is a regular employee as soon as he joins the company. If you are an apprentice working part-time, you only have one set of clothes for each person, and you want to make it easy to change and wash. I washed it at night and hung it up to dry in the shade. In summer, clothes made of cotton are absolutely dry.

In winter, work clothes are worn on the outside and your own clothes on the inside. You have to wear them to work even when you are not dry. And some apprentices, if their master likes them deeply, will be happy to be given a set of worn-out cold-weather work clothes.

Work clothes are all blue, and the work clothes of various factories are all in this color. And leading cadres, like Director Sun, like to wear gray tunic suits to work.

After receiving the clothes, Luo Cheng went back to the office building. There are changing rooms for men and women in the office building. Luo Cheng changed into his work clothes and felt good. He had joined the blue army of workers.

The Purchasing Department is on the first floor of the machine factory's office building, and the Logistics Director's office is on the second floor. After Luo Cheng changed his clothes, he went directly to the purchasing department on the first floor without disturbing Director Sun.

Entering the Purchasing Department, because the clothes I wore last time were old gray cloth clothes, this time I suddenly changed into work clothes. Most of them didn't recognize Luo Cheng when they saw him last time, but after all, Director Sun personally brought him here two days ago and gave everyone peanuts, so when he saw Luo Cheng, he was stunned for a moment before he recognized him. Luo Cheng.

Several people called Xiao Luo enthusiastically to Luo Cheng as a greeting.

"Hello, Team Leader Liu, and hello, these two colleagues."

"Come to work, don't be formal, and don't be so polite. Our purchasing department is different from other departments. There is someone in the team who has gone out to purchase. This is Lao Zhou. If you are short of charcoal, coal, and wood at home, you can contact him. Lao Liu, at home If you’re short of soap, look for him.”

When Lao Zhou and Lao Liu heard what team leader Liu Yong said, they also smiled and introduced them again. That is to say, after asking for names, Lao Zhou called Zhou Lin and directly told Luo Cheng that his uncle worked in the forestry unit and had connections to get the wood and charcoal. This coal is also incidentally related.

If he couldn't get coal, briquettes, etc., and only charcoal, he would have to buy some charcoal for the office here in the winter to make a fire. He couldn't be a buyer. That is to say, I can get briquettes, which many people need for cooking at home, and I barely work in the purchasing department of the machinery factory.

And he usually has to find ways to purchase other things. In this normal season, just getting some briquettes cannot support his position as a buyer.

Lao Liu, Liu Liang. A relative in my family works as a director in a soap factory and can purchase soap free of charge at the same price as on the market. At least this soap can be used as welfare for the entire factory, so his life is actually easier than that of Lao Zhou.

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