Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 8 Rebar Workers

"Luo Cheng, get up and go to work. There are other tasks for you to do today. There is no need to get cement."

"Finally, I have something to do. I'll get up right away. I don't have to push cement. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to do anything."

"Don't worry, the foreman will arrange for someone to take you when you get to the construction site later. It will be much easier for you than pushing cement."

"Okay, I'll do whatever you guys say."

Luo Cheng put away his cell phone, stood up immediately and said, "The people at the construction site are all serious." No matter how we do the work, we have to discuss it. According to Master Wang, migrant workers are a vulnerable group and they need to unite themselves. Workers cannot cheat workers, so there is no intrigue. As long as you can get the wages, you don't have to worry about hardship when working.

Luo Cheng currently can't understand what a vulnerable group is. How can they be disadvantaged if they earn hundreds of dollars a day. Even though prices are high in this era, what you earn in a day can buy about 150 kilograms of rice. If he works for a few days, he can grow as much food as the people of his time. Anyway, he is uneducated and doesn't know that much. He just wants to listen, watch and learn as much as possible here.

Soon Luo Cheng knew what he was asked to do today. Now the wage settlement method has changed, and it is implemented in a quantitative way. I'm just afraid of the end of the day, and some gangsters are lazy. Change the number of people into a group and determine how many people are alive. If you work more, you will get more than before; if you work less, you will get less than before.

According to this, we should work hard and vigorously. But the real situation is, don’t mess around and deliberately create a positive illusion. Just work more than approved. You have to work really hard. You used to earn three hundred a day, but now you can earn four to five hundred a day. It's guaranteed that this job won't last long, so a new group of people will be brought in immediately, and the labor price will be calculated again.

Migrant workers like them don't have contracts. They work day by day, so it's easy for people to reject you. It's also easy if you don't want to do it anymore.

Because Luo Cheng was young and strong, he was assigned to work as a steel bar worker. There is a rotating machine, Luo Cheng doesn't know what it is called. Anyway, the steel bars are put in in order, and with a little force, the steel bars can be bent into the shape required on the construction site.

This job is easy for those who are strong, but for those who are weak, their hands will get sore if they can't hold on for long. And someone secretly told him how many bends he should make in an hour, don't be too sharp, you can go slow, but you can't stop, everyone knows.

Luo Cheng learned quickly, so fast that he could bend steel bars with one hand while playing with his mobile phone. But if you are playing on your mobile phone, you have to pay attention. When you see people wearing hats of certain colors, you have to work 'seriously'.

At noon, Luo Cheng, Master Wang and several other workers went to eat outside the construction site. In fact, there was also a canteen inside the construction site, which was contracted. The price is the same, but there is no water delivery, and the taste and portion of the dishes are not as affordable as outside. Some people who don't want to go outside will eat in the canteen. The construction site is surrounded by guardrails and just opens a door. Many workers have to walk a long way to go out. After a lot of back and forth, ten or twenty minutes are gone. .

And with these twenty minutes, some people are unwilling to go out. They are tired from working on the construction site, so it would be good to sleep for an extra twenty minutes at noon.

A little way past the entrance of the construction site, there are several stalls, and the food is better than the canteen inside the construction site. Even if they are setting up stalls outside the construction site, the competition is also very high. The workers are willing to run outside and are very calculating in their hearts. I felt that the stall was not cost-effective. It was basically the first time I went there and not the second time.

For Luo Cheng, the lunch box stalls outside offer a variety of dishes every day. For ten yuan, Luo Cheng ordered a piece of roasted chicken, a piece of shredded pork with chili pepper, a piece of dried tofu and celery and a piece of fried cabbage. In the rice box, Luo Cheng asked the boss to pour some chicken nugget soup on it.

Based on this standard, Luo Cheng felt that no one in his own era had such good food during the holidays.

A few more bowls of rice were eaten at noon, which felt very comfortable. After dinner, everyone went directly back to the dormitory at the construction site to rest. Luo Cheng did not rest. He was now a little obsessed with surfing the Internet on his mobile phone. It was so interesting. He studied for a while every day and then watched videos. I can see a lot of slutty little girls, all kinds of immoral, but Luo Cheng really likes them.

Some of the women in this video, if they had been in his own era, would have definitely been destined for re-education through labor. If a married man dares to act like this, he will be beaten three times a day.

In the afternoon, Luo Cheng was still working on steel bars. For him, this job was much more comfortable than pushing a cement truck. Until after get off work, after Luo Cheng had eaten outside, he went to the supermarket alone this time. There was a canteen at the construction site, but the items sold were not as complete as the small supermarket.

Eggs cost six yuan per pound, and liquor costs eight or nine yuan, as well as more than ten or twenty yuan. Of course, there are also small bottles that cost five yuan, and these are all bottled. It is also available in bulk, in white plastic buckets, and in five-pound and ten-pound packages. Luo Cheng's goal is to buy ten kilograms of bulk wine for thirty-five yuan a barrel.

I bought ten kilograms of liquor and two kilograms of eggs, but found that the supermarket had not prepared peanuts. There are peanuts in some bags, but the canteens at the construction site sell loose fried peanuts. So he bought wine and eggs. After Luo Cheng returned to the dormitory at the construction site, he bought a pound of peanuts for ten yuan a pound.

Just add the money for today's meal to any casual consumption, and Xiaoba Shi will be gone. Fortunately, it was not the money of Luo Cheng's time. He only rewarded one hundred yuan for killing criminals. Even if someone had a job with eighty yuan, he would have to work for two or three months.

As for wine, Luo Cheng didn't plan to bring it back to his own era today, mainly because he didn't have a wine vat at home. This plastic barrel was too conspicuous. I plan to buy a wine vat and then take it there, and I plan to take the eggs and peanuts back tonight.

After a brief wash, Luo Cheng lay on the bed and played with his phone for a while. The only thing that makes Luo Cheng feel bad about this phone now is that if he watches videos, the phone's power will be consumed very quickly, and the charging speed cannot keep up with the consumption. But Luo Cheng looked at other people's mobile phones and it didn't seem like this. Next time he would ask Master Wang to see what was going on.

By the way, before I go back, I use my mobile phone to check what happened after the commune was established in my time. Working together and eating together is really as good as Accountant Zhao said. Like my sister's brother-in-law, it doesn't mean that the village helps to raise him. I have to let him eat, because he can't work like that.

There is also him, who can just patrol the mountains and eat with him. When the food is distributed, he also has a share. Life is indeed much easier for some people, especially women. You must know that women have to eat less than men at home. From now on, everyone will eat in the same cafeteria, so there won’t be that much emphasis.

First, he searched for the word "People's Commune" on his mobile phone, and an introduction immediately appeared. Luo Cheng found that the information showed that it was indeed established in his era. It was established in response to the call in the second half of 1958.

Thank you for the support of Future 1990. Even if I have to go to school, I will still come. The same goes for Strong Heart 1, Uemoto is also there.

The cat in the farmland gave me 2 monthly tickets and was the boss. There is also a brother whose book friend’s tail number is 4516.

In fact, I write every book carefully, but some settings may be niche. The other thing is that I am slow to lay the groundwork. Many people in business writing want to be quick and easy, and they have to make a lot of money. My writing may be slow, so it is better to write something with a sense of time.

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