Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 89 Asking the price like a matryoshka doll

Sometimes, some things are just magical.

Zhou Ming, the owner of the private kitchen in the cooking class, actually rarely spends time in the restaurant. His younger brother Zhou Tao usually manages the store and is also the chef.

Zhou Ming is considered a foodie and has some connections in Linjiang City. He opened this private kitchen and many friends supported him. But there are prerequisites for people to support it. If his store has just opened, no matter how it tastes or whether it has any special features, Zhou Ming will come here to have a meal or two because of his reputation.

But if the taste is not good, he will basically not take the initiative to come without Zhou Ming's greeting in the future. Fortunately, his brother's cooking skills are good. If there is any dinner party, everyone will come here and even recommend it to friends.

But if you just have good cooking skills, people still won't always think about coming to your restaurant. It's normal for someone who is used to eating delicacies from the mountains and sea to want to have a home-cooked meal. It's a change of taste.

Therefore, to make people want to come and eat at your place, you must have signature dishes and differentiated dishes. There are also signature dishes, but they are just like that after eating too much. And with good ingredients and good cooking skills, customers can take the initiative to ask Lao Zhou if there are any good products recently.

But now, all kinds of wild animals are protected, and pheasants, wild boars, etc. are not allowed to be caught. It’s really hard to come up with something different in terms of ingredients.

At present, I just get some wild miscellaneous fish, crucian carp, etc., plus order some bamboo rats online, and collect some native chickens in the countryside, which is a good thing.

The other thing is the wild boar that is raised. Not many people are interested in the wild boar that is raised, but it depends on how you breed it. At least there is nothing wrong with feeding it. But those who eat semi-grain free-range food have firmer meat, and a pair of wild boar belly can be sold for several hundred yuan.

In fact, the real wild boar belly used to be, because wild boars eat omnivorous food, they may eat snakes and insects on the mountain, and they can eat some things that you may not imagine. Wild boar belly is a very good health product. It strengthens the stomach, nourishes the stomach, replenishes deficiency and replenishes fetal qi. Anyway, the price of wild boar belly used to be as high as one or two thousand yuan.

Wild boars abroad can be killed at will, but domestic wild boars are protected. Moreover, even if there are real wild boar belly, I don’t dare to buy it because I can’t explain the source and it will be very troublesome.

Those online sellers who raise pheasants and wild boars must have some certification before they can sell them.

All in all, except for some aquatic products, the things that can be labeled as wild and edible are extremely limited. Twenty years ago, a game restaurant with mediocre cooking skills would have done a good business, but now there is no game restaurant.

Eels, loaches, miscellaneous fish and some wild fish are currently some of the best-selling items in private kitchens. Soft-shelled turtles are easy to sell. Some people like them. If you don't have wild ones, you have to sell them even if they are farmed. And with wild turtles, Zhou Ming had the confidence to invite some friends over for dinner. If he had a good dish, he would always order other dishes when he came. If you can afford to eat, you basically have to drink.

Therefore, there is no wholesale price for wild soft-shelled turtles. If you find the right one, one hundred more or one hundred less, you still have to buy what you want. Some things sold to individuals may not fetch a high price. How many people are willing to spend 5,000 yuan to buy one for themselves? And selling it to restaurants or some people who need it can actually sell it at a high price.

A wild turtle can help sell a table of food and wine, even if the turtle doesn't make any money, it won't be a loss.

Last time, Zhou Ming bought a few wild turtles from Luo Cheng on the old street. After that, he wandered to the old street several times but never got to Luo Cheng to sell turtles. However, I saw other people dressed as construction workers at the construction site selling turtles, but the turtles were real and fake.

Zhou Ming didn't expect that the person he was looking for would come to his door today, but he took the initiative to sell eels, loaches, and turtles.

"Little brother, I won't cheat you, as long as the soft-shell turtles you send are purely wild. Those under one kilogram will cost one hundred yuan each, and those over one kilogram but within two kilograms will cost one hundred and fifty yuan each. Calculate it by jin. From two to three jins, this is it~~two hundred and sixty-one jins, what do you think?"

When the price reached more than two kilograms, Zhou Ming hesitated for a while, mainly because he bought Luo Cheng three turtles for one thousand yuan last time. Two soft-shelled turtles weighing more than two kilograms each would cost six to seven hundred yuan if the market price were used.

As for the price you want to check online, wild turtles weighing more than two kilograms are said to cost five hundred and one kilogram. It’s not that you can’t sell it, but what you need occasionally is different from what you need long-term. In addition, wild turtles are different in different places. In some places, wild turtles are caught, and the small ones are sold for about 100 per catty, while the large ones are sold for only 200 to 300 yuan.

Linjiang is not a first-tier city either. Zhou Ming charges the top price, so even if he runs a restaurant, he may not be able to make much money from this turtle. He relies entirely on wild turtles to drive other food and drinks, and does not do this kind of business. of.

"Boss, what's the price for those weighing more than three kilograms?"

"Over three kilograms~~, this~~. Little brother, do you have the goods?"

When Luo Cheng asked about something over three kilograms, especially his look, it didn't look like he was just asking. In Zhou Ming's opinion, he probably had something. But the one that weighs about three kilograms is not much more expensive than the one that weighs more than two kilograms.

Luo Cheng nodded. In his time, there were many turtles weighing more than three kilograms. With luck, it was not impossible to get a turtle weighing more than ten kilograms. But I learned through my mobile phone that large companies can do it occasionally. If they do it too hard, they can easily get into trouble.

"For more than three kilograms, I'll give you a price of three hundred and twenty."

"How about more than four kilograms~"

Damn it, Grandpa Gourd Doll is asking, pound by pound. However, Zhou Ming could not guarantee that the boy in front of him was just asking, what if this boy did something wrong. The price he quoted was lower than the market price, but not much lower.

It cannot be compared with the market price in some places. One is the market differentiation, and the other is that he wants it for a long time. Add it all up. It is said on the Internet that turtles with more than three kilograms can be sold for five hundred and one kilograms. If he encounters one occasionally, he can also sell it. . And he can also sell it at a higher price in restaurants, but since there is a lot of supply, he won't sell it at too high a price. For example, for a soft-shell turtle weighing more than three kilograms, he would charge one thousand, and he would sell it for five hundred more.

But there was no guarantee of supply, so he got a wild turtle weighing more than three kilograms. Even if it costs two thousand, he may not sell it. He runs a private restaurant, and the prices of many dishes are adjusted according to market prices, so even if there are dishes on the wall of the store, there are no prices.

It doesn't even matter if you look at the dishes. For private dishes, you can only order based on what is prepared in the store. Unless you make a reservation and buy it at the market, you can only watch the dishes on site.

In fact, although wild turtles weighing less than five kilograms are expensive, they can still be obtained in some places, while those weighing more than five kilograms are really rare.

Zhou Ming quoted a price of four hundred and fifty for four kilograms. As for a turtle weighing more than five kilograms, he doesn't have a very suitable price. If he gets a turtle weighing more than five kilograms, he can organize friends he knows to compete for bids.

"Boss, I have a turtle weighing more than six pounds, but I'm not with you. If you want it, I can bring it over in a few days."

"Little brother, are you kidding me? You really have a turtle weighing over six pounds."

You must know that soft-shelled turtles, weighing two to three pounds, are actually quite long. They can be found in just a few years. But more than five kilograms, even six or seven kilograms. Another nickname of soft-shell turtle is "turtle", but now few people call soft-shell turtle by this name. However, if a turtle of more than five kilograms appears, if Zhou Ming shouts in his friend group, he will shout that an old turtle has appeared.

Because they think it would be more impressive to have the word "老" in front of turtle. But the turtle was too small to be worthy of the ‘Old Turtle’ this time. A turtle weighing more than five kilograms must live at least eight to ten years. The word "老" can definitely be used.

Zhou Ming couldn't easily quote a turtle weighing more than six kilograms, so when Luo Cheng nodded, he really had one. There was obviously no need for the other party to fool him about this. Maybe the other party was just lucky enough to get one.

In the end, Zhou Ming decided to make up his mind. The young man in front of him looked quite honest. Let's kill him. There are not many honest people left, so it's rare to find one who can be killed.

"You have more than six kilograms of soft-shelled turtles. I'll take them for five thousand yuan."

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