Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 93 What happened to me, a gangster?

In order to organize some people to deal with these things, we called the recordkeepers, and everyone who came was counted as half a worker. The cafeteria is powered by electricity and has electric lights, so you can see clearly even if you stay late.

The hunter is basically done, and everyone who needs to disperse has dispersed. Luo Cheng resisted the gun and walked home in a low mood. His hunting skills were poor, and he had the best gun in the team. Because no one was calm, the bullets flew to unknown places.

In the morning, he heard someone calling him to go hunting in the mountains with him. He didn't bother with his wife too much. When he went there, he almost jumped up and down like a child.

When he was approaching the door of his house, Luo Cheng saw Zhao Qian carrying a stool and sitting at the door, waiting for him. Hey, I will never hunt again. Maybe I like shooting guns, not hunting.

"Luo Cheng, how are you? There is something harvested in the mountains. What did you hit?"

"Yes, we shot a big wild boar and a deer. Let me tell you, it was thrilling at the time, that is, me~~~ @...% # %"

After a few words, Zhao Qian showed admiration in her eyes, and Luo Cheng was bragging again.

Night came quickly and the two of them finished taking a shower. Luo Cheng continued to brag about the dangers in the mountains on the bed, saying that he saw some large animals scurrying past. Fortunately, there were many people. If one person went in, he might not be able to come back. Finally, we talked about wild boars, saying that two wild boars were actually discovered doing that thing while hiding in the bushes.

Luo Cheng gestured the length of the wild boar in front of Zhao Qian. The wild boar was killed, and he could see it clearly while he was guarding it.

"It's not that long, right?"

"What's the point of being long? It's as thin as chopsticks."

"Luo Cheng, let's not talk about wild boars. You've hit my hair."

"Why did it hit your hair again? Does it hurt you?"

"No, if I get to the top, I won't be able to press you down."

This~~, Luo Cheng looked at Zhao Qian in disbelief. Although there was no light, under the moonlight, in the house, Luo Cheng could still see her face clearly when he was close. I don’t know if she blushed, but she said her voice was very small when she got up there.

Women have to stand up and take the lead. There is a women's federation committee in the city, and their slogan seems to be this.


The next day, Luo Cheng opened his eyes and woke up. This time, Zhao Qian was not lying on her side, but fell asleep on her body early in the morning.

Naturally, he spent another day in the future time and space. He and Zhao Qian fell asleep like this. Not to mention that he didn't prepare anything to bring with him. Even if there was something, it was inconvenient for him to put it next to the bed.

Luo Cheng had been working at the construction site for another day, and it was Liu Xiaofei. She planned to buy a tricycle when the goods were almost there. But it seems that electric ones are not allowed on the road now, and she doesn't want to ride pedal ones. And she was thinking that she would set up her stall at night, at least in the evening, and there would be no uncle checking the cars at that time.

I asked Luo Cheng for his opinion and what advice Luo Cheng could give. However, Luo Cheng had never been to the Oriental Pedestrian Street she mentioned, so he casually said that it was not too far away. If she bought an ordinary tricycle, he could help her ride there.

With just such a sentence, Liu Xiaofei asked Luo Cheng in a joking way if he had any evil intentions towards her. She didn't set up a street stall just for a day. Luo Cheng could give it to her every day.

Luo Cheng didn't respond to her words. He was more practical. It seemed that just to go to a place, it would definitely not be cost-effective to send her there every day.

Zhao Qian lay on top of Luo Cheng with her breasts exposed. He could feel her heartbeat and gently caressed her body. He found that she was already familiar with such early morning caress and was still sleeping well.

But not long after, she woke up naturally. Thinking of her crazy behavior yesterday, she said coquettishly to Luo Cheng, and got up to get dressed. Even if she didn't eat breakfast, she still had to go to the canteen to get a bottle of hot water. return.

"Why am I a gangster?"

Hearing his wife say this about him early in the morning, he felt that he was very honest this morning. In order not to wake her up by touching her and let her sleep a little longer, I didn't touch some of her sensitive parts.

Zhao Qian didn't respond to his words, but she responded in her heart, 'What's wrong with me?' Everyone was living behind closed doors. She and Luo Cheng had only been married for a few days, and they were still growing up. It was rare for her to want some action, couldn't she?

Tomorrow I will go back to the city with Luo Cheng, and I have to sort out a lot of things to take to the city today. Her trousseau, dresser, quilt, clothes, dishes, dishes, etc. I'll take the shuttle bus tomorrow. I don't know how much I can take with me. If I can't take it with me, I'll have to wait until Luo Cheng comes to town next time to get it alone.

Luo Cheng lay down for a while before getting up. He didn't go to the canteen. The breakfast was too thin, so he might as well sit at home and eat a cantaloupe. He is different from the people in the future time and space. When eating a cantaloupe, he has to peel and remove the seeds. He just gnaws it directly.

With yesterday's harvest, even if he can't harvest anything this month, it won't be a problem. After taking his wife to the urban area, he will apply to go to the countryside, and he will immediately have someone take care of him.

In addition, Luo Cheng thought of his uncle Dai Tiande in the urban area who verbally recognized him as his nephew, and wondered if he should bring something with him to the urban area. There is also the quirky Sissi. Last time I promised to give her another animal to play with when I come here next time.

Go catch a few rabbits, call Da Mao and the others, and try using Mosquito Killer directly. Let Da Mao take his younger brothers and sisters to bundle rice straws to plug the holes. He is responsible for fumigating and catching one by one.

After getting ready, Luo Cheng stayed at home and waited for Zhao Qian to come back. Damao and the others also went to the cafeteria to have breakfast and didn't come back. When the time comes, he will also bring the bamboo cage he made to house the pheasants for the rabbits. He feels that there will be no problem in fumigating the rabbits with Mosquito Killer.

Not long after, Zhao Qian came back and told Luo Cheng with a smile that there would be meat dishes at noon today. Even the fish that Luo Cheng and the others went hunting in the mountains yesterday would also have some meat, not completely fish. It's edible, and it's considered meaty. People in the town will be happy to know about it.

Luo Cheng told Zhao Qian that he would go to the mountain to catch rabbits later, at the top of the hill. This time I go to the city and get some rabbits to give away. If Zhao Qian wants to go to the mountains to play, she can come with her.

Zhao Qian is actually a woman who is more than 17 years old. Even though people of this age are sensible early, they still have the playfulness of their age. But she was going to the city tomorrow and she had to pack her things, so she still refused to go.

"Qian, when you get to the city, I will take you to the city and buy you a beautiful comb."

Seeing that Zhao Qian actually wanted to go to the mountain with her, she just had to pack her things. Luo Cheng immediately gave her a sweet promise, and Zhao Qian smiled and nodded as if she had eaten honey.

After waiting for a while, Da Mao, Er Mao and San Mei strolled out. Luo Cheng called them to come quickly and go to the mountains with him to catch rabbits. When I caught it, I roasted one for them to eat at night, and took a cantaloupe to share among the three of them. Of course, Luo Cheng also washed a cantaloupe for Qian.

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