Chapter 1 Rebirth 1983

Lin Heng leaned against the cabinet in the main hall with a confused mind.

He looked at his familiar yet unfamiliar father, mother, wife, elder brother, younger sister and others in front of him and couldn't believe it.

He pinched himself.


It hurt.

At the same time, those distant memories in his mind began to replay one by one, making him remember them all at once.

He was actually reborn. This was in 1983, the era when the traffic was slow, the thoughts were pure, and there was only enough time to love one person in a lifetime.

Really reborn!!

Lin Heng couldn't help but burst into tears. The scene that he had dreamed of countless times in his dreams actually came true.

He crossed the long 40 years and was reborn from the age of 60 to the age of 20.

"What's wrong with you? Is there slag in your eyes?" A crisp female voice sounded next to him, and a soft hand poked him.

This person was none other than Lin Heng's wife Chen Xiulan, a beautiful and gentle woman.

She looked at Lin Heng, a little confused, thinking that there was dirt in his eyes, and wanted to come over to blow it out for him.

"Nothing, nothing, there is dirt in my eyes!" Lin Heng smiled and wiped away his tears, suppressing the excitement in his heart.

In his previous life, he was notoriously idle, lazy, and wandered around with his friends all day long.

With a junior high school education, he felt that he was great, always thinking about making a lot of money and getting rich.

As a result, he couldn't get big money, and he didn't care about small money. The family was poor, and his wife had to work hard every day to support the family.

What's more damning is that he went to do business with others in 1990 and was deceived into opening a company. As a result, the money was taken away by others, and he himself owed 50,000 yuan in foreign debt.

In order to repay the debt, his father in his forties had to work in the coal mine, but he never paid it back.

His wife died of illness a few years later due to overwork, and his sons and daughters didn't recognize him.

When he lost everything, he woke up and turned back.

He started from the beginning, worked hard, studied hard, and slowly paid off his debts. When he was in his fifties, he had a net worth of two million.

But he was not happy. He was in self-blame and regret all day long. He didn't expect that God was willing to give him another chance to start over.

Looking at these familiar people, Lin Heng made up his mind that he must not be as bad as in the last life in this life. He must lead his family to live a good life and live happily.

"Second brother, the ginseng you dug grew in my forest. I saw it a few years ago, but I thought it was too small and never dug it.

I don't want much. If you sell the ginseng, give me half of the money. It's a loss, and it won't hurt our brotherhood."

Lin Heng's eldest father, Lin Xuping, pulled an old woman to the gate and said with reason.

"Second son, listen to me. Everyone saw you walk out of your eldest brother's forest. Let's split the money from selling this ginseng in half.

It's not easy for your eldest brother. He not only has to support me, but also has to help two sons and three grandchildren. It's not easy."

Then, the old lady supported by Lin Xuping spoke tremblingly.

When they heard this, both Lin Heng's father Lin Xuan'an and his mother were furious.

During the New Year and festivals, he took away a lot of good food and drink. When she spoke, the old lady only thought about her eldest son and didn't treat him as her own son at all.

"Brother, I dug this ginseng on Taibai Mountain. When I came back, I walked through your forest for a while. It's yours?

If that's the case, then if you took the money and walked through my field, does the money also belong to me?"

Lin Heng's father Lin Xuan'an's eyes were wide with anger. His eldest brother was so shameless.

"And mother, what are you saying? It's not easy for my eldest brother, but it's easy for us? We don't have children and grandchildren to help?"

Lin Heng's mother Lu Hongmei also said indignantly. They are obviously her sons, but this old woman only favors her eldest son.

When Lin's mother spoke, Lin Heng's eldest father's wife immediately spoke:

"The ginseng in my forest is gone. Didn't you dig it up and run away? Letting you give half is letting you take advantage, don't be ungrateful."

Listening to the quarrel outside, Lin Heng immediately remembered.

This year, his father dug an old ginseng on Taibai Mountain, a 15-year-old wild ginseng, and I don't know how his eldest father found out.

They wanted to divide it in half, and insisted that his father dug it in his family's forest.

His mother-in-law also came to take sides, and always favored his eldest father, and didn't treat his father as her own son at all.

In the end, his father had no choice but to give some of the money from selling ginseng to his eldest father without wanting to make things bigger and lose the face of the Lin family ancestors.

That was a 15-year-old wild ginseng from Mount Taibai, weighing 15 or 16 grams.

You should know that in 2012, a 30-gram wild ginseng from Mount Taibai was auctioned for a high price of 3 million.

Not to mention 2023 before his rebirth.

Even now, when workers earn 15 yuan a month and salt costs 1.5 yuan a pound. This wild ginseng can be sold for 400 to 500 yuan.

Lin Heng immediately decided to sell it, and he must not let his father take the money.

Their family is very mean and sarcastic, and giving it will only make them worse, and they will not be grateful.

"Dad, do you have any shame?

And mother-in-law, you always stick to my dad, and has he bought you a piece of clothing in all these years?"

Lin Heng came out and started scolding him right in the face, and there was no need to save face at all, because he knew that his dad's family was bullying the weak and afraid of the strong.

The more talkative you are, the more he will think that you are afraid of him, which will only make you more shameless and arrogant. He will only be afraid if you are also arrogant and unreasonable.

The eldest father, Lin Xuping, was stunned for a moment, then roared: "When I talk to your dad, do you have the right to speak to me?"

His grandmother was also angry and pointed at Lin Heng tremblingly: "You are an unfilial descendant. You can just idle around all day. How can you talk to your elders?"

Lin Heng sneered and picked up the hatchet next to him: "I'm leaving my words here. If anyone dares to be shameless, don't blame me for risking your life!"

"Brother, go and call the village chief, party secretary, three uncles, and everyone in the village to come and judge. I want to see how awesome you are!"

Lin Heng shouted again to his eldest brother Lin Yue, who had been standing next to him silently.

When his eldest brother heard this, he did not move, but looked at his wife and father.

Father Lin glanced at Lin Heng in surprise, thought for three seconds, and said to his eldest son Lin Yue: "Hurry up, I want to see who is right. I am still digging ginseng pits. Some people are shameless, so we will Let everyone judge.”

"Okay, I'll go right away!" Brother Lin Heng nodded and walked out.

"I'll come with you!" Mother Lin said and walked out together.

"Wait a minute!" Upon hearing the call, Uncle Lin Heng panicked a little.

Why is it different today? In the past, he was always successful when he brought his mother over, but why can't he do it today?

"Let's see. It's hard for you to dig ginseng. Just give me one-third and forget about it for today."

The eldest father looked at Lin Heng who was holding a machete and changed his mind. Lin Heng was a famous second-rate man who was not afraid of anything. He was a little scared.

"No, I won't give you a dime!" Lin Heng shouted, "Let's wait for someone to call us, but today we want to see who is shameless."

After saying that, Lin Heng smiled disdainfully and continued: "Dad, I'm afraid you ran over here before you had time to dig a hole in the forest, right?

When the time comes, go take a look in the forest. There won't even be any holes. Let me see where you put your face. "

As soon as he said these words, his eldest father and aunt's face were all panicked. They came in such a hurry that they didn't even have time to dig the hole.

I didn't even think about digging a hole, because in the past, I could get a lot of benefits from making a fuss like this.

"I also heard what your mother-in-law said. Then I'll go back and take a look. Maybe I made a mistake."

At this time, his eldest father said with a hint of embarrassment on his face.

"Yeah, let's go back and take a look. Maybe mom made a mistake." His aunt also said with a smile of apology.

At this time, they put all the blame on the old woman.

"No, we have to find someone to judge this, otherwise some people will lose their face!"

Lin Heng directly closed the courtyard door, holding a hatchet and pretending to be excited.

This made both his eldest father and his aunt nervous. The so-called fear of being stunned would lead to death.

Lin Heng's desperate posture made them really scared.

In fact, it's mainly because I don't have any reason in my heart, otherwise I wouldn't feel guilty.

"Lin Heng, we are all our own. We may have made a mistake. There is no need to spread the news to the village. If everyone knows, won't it still bring shame to our Lin family?"

His eldest father smiled and said nice things, and was no longer as arrogant as before.

"No, what if you go out and dig a hole and come back to cause trouble?" Lin Heng looked arrogant.

"Forget it, second brother, please open the door and let your eldest father and the others go!"

At this time, Lin Heng's father waved his hand and said.

Lin Heng's daughter-in-law Chen Xiulan also came up to Lin Heng and said, "Dad already told me, just open the door."

She was afraid that if Lin Heng really killed someone, she would be in trouble.

Lin Heng was just pretending, but after being pulled twice by his wife, he took two steps away.

"Let's go back and take a look!"

His eldest father and aunt immediately pulled the old woman out, fearing that Lin Heng would go crazy.

"If you put your words here today, if you dare to make trouble again, don't blame me for not wanting this life!" Lin Heng shouted angrily at the three of them.

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