Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 139 Double Happiness, Tian Dongfu was stunned

Lin Heng opened the door and saw Caiyun standing outside with a schoolbag on his back. Before he could speak, Caiyun said, "Something big has happened, brother!"

"What's going on? Are you in such a panic? Come into the house and speak slowly!" Lin Heng pulled her into the house and locked the door.

"I just went over after school to show my second brother the account book and reconcile the accounts, and then I heard Wang Zhou tell me some shocking news." Caiyun took a breath and looked at Lin Heng and said.

When Xiulan and Lin's father heard this, they both looked over curiously. Judging from Caiyun's tone, this news might be very exciting.

"Tell me what news you have." Lin Heng was also a little curious.

Caiyun took a breath, and then said slowly: "Just last night, Liu Qicheng was arrested by the police while gambling in the town, and the news has spread.

According to several people who witnessed the incident, a group of people were arrested and sentenced to at least three years. In other words, the buying station business will belong to the second brother and his family from now on. There is no need to worry about competing with others. You said this is Not good news? "



Lin Heng and his father were both stunned and exclaimed, while Xiulan was stunned.

Father Lin exclaimed that it was incredible that Liu Qicheng, who was so rich, actually participated in gambling and was caught.

Lin Heng was shocked how things could develop like this.

In my previous life, I was caught gambling in the town. It only happened at the end of next year. Only the head of the Cheng family at the grain station and a few other people were not caught. Liu Qicheng was not arrested.

He heard that Liu Qicheng's gambling incident was that he stole his son's money to gamble when he was old, and his daughter-in-law exposed it. Only then did he know that this guy had been gambling from a very early age.

He didn't expect to be caught suddenly in this life, which shocked him.

Could it be that he opened a buying station to make him feel uncomfortable, so he took advantage of gambling to relieve his sorrow, and then he was caught?

He didn't think it was possible. This kind of thing was usually very difficult to catch. He wanted to report it before, but he didn't know the specific gambling venue.

"Did you ask how you were caught? Did someone report it?" Lin Heng asked curiously.

Caiyun shook his head: "I don't know about this. I only know that he was arrested. It is said that the contract for his house has been negotiated."

Lin's father glanced at Lin Heng and said happily: "Why do you care so much about him? He will die if he does too much injustice. Let's just be happy."

"Haha, yes, let's have a good meal tonight to celebrate." Lin Heng laughed.

Unexpectedly, the butterfly effect did not deceive me, but actually helped me. This is indeed great news.

"What's in this bag? It smells so good." Only then did Caiyun notice the black truffle in the bag, but she didn't recognize it.

Xiulan looked at her and said, "Black truffles cost ten yuan a pound for wet ones, and at least a hundred for dry ones."

"Oh my God, there are so many. Wouldn't that make me rich! We have a double happiness today!" Caiyun was shocked.

Lin Heng smiled: "It's only a few hundred yuan. I'll treat you all to dinner tonight. It's my first time to taste this stuff, so I don't know what it tastes like yet."

Father Lin glared at him: "You still eat such expensive things, and you sold them all."

"It's okay to eat a little, just give it a try." Lin Heng waved his hand. He planned to keep a pound or two at home, so he could sell it for the same amount of money.

"How do you eat black truffles?" Xiulan looked at Lin Heng. This was her first time digging them and she had never seen them before.

"This can't be used to stew. You can slice it into pieces and eat it with soy sauce and chili, or you can scramble eggs."

Lin Heng thought for a while and said that he didn't eat much of this stuff, but he had seen others eating it.

It can also be regarded as a top delicacy. Unlike Ganoderma lucidum and Dendrobium, it has no medicinal effect and can only supplement some nutrients.

It's also very casual to eat, you can eat whatever you want.

"Then make a slice and dip it in soy sauce or vinegar, and eat a scrambled egg." Xiulan nodded and said, anyway, there were so many, and she wanted to try them too.

Father Lin also looked away, nodded and said, "Just eat it. I'll go back and kill the eel. I'll bring it back later and let's have a good meal."

"Caiyun, help Xiulan, I'll pick up Xiaoxia." Lin Heng took a bunch of wild grapes, a pack of shrimp crackers and a candy and put them in his pocket.

He handed his father the hundred-refined steel dagger, and then the two of them walked out together.

Mother Lin had returned from herding cattle a long time ago, and the red dates were tied up in the yard.

When Lin Heng came in, it was flicking its tail to swat flies and gadflies.

Xiaoxia was playing with Mother Lin in the main room. Lin Heng came over and smiled at her and said, "Xiaoxia, come here and give her a hug."

Xiaoxia glanced at Lin Heng, snorted, turned around and ran into the bedroom, pushing the door open to shut him out.

Obviously, she was very angry. Lin Heng left her and ran away for a day before coming back.

"What do you think this is? Dad went to pick grapes for you." Lin Heng blocked the door and dangled grapes in front of her.

Xiaoxia looked at the grapes, her big eyes hesitant.

"Dad was wrong. Can I apologize to you as well as the shrimp crackers?" Lin Heng took advantage of the victory and took out the shrimp crackers again.

Xiaoxia swallowed hard and couldn't walk at all.

Lin Heng handed the grapes and shrimp crackers to her and moved the baby into his arms.

"Dad, don't run away!" Xiaoxia said with tears in her eyes.

"Okay, okay, daddy won't leave." Lin Heng touched her little face and said.

Sometimes there is no other way. It is unrealistic to carry her over several mountains.

"Mom, did Xiaoxia cry today?" Lin Heng looked at his mother and asked.

"After crying for a while, she shouted for you and Xiulan to go home after eating the shrimp crackers.

I cried for a while when I didn't see you when I got home. I remember I wasn't so clingy before. "Mother Lin was helpless. It was too difficult to take care of her granddaughter.

"Maybe I'm used to it these days." Lin Heng said helplessly, it would be better to wait until the child is older.

Now she doesn't understand anything and is used to being close to them. Although her grandparents can take care of them, she will cry if she can't see them for a long time.

After holding Xiaoxia and coaxing her for a while, Lin Heng put her down and went over to help Lin's father kill the eels.

"What are you doing? What are you celebrating?" Mother Lin asked curiously.

Father Lin said while catching eels: "Your son was blessed by the sacred mountain today and was very lucky. He dug up a mountain product worth four to five hundred.

This was nothing, Caiyun brought back the news that Liu Qicheng was caught gambling, and the buying station business was his alone. "

Mother Lin stood up when she heard this: "What!!"

No matter what the news was, it sounded untrue to her.

"I'll tell you in detail after dinner tonight." Lin's father shook his head and cooperated with Lin Heng to kill the eels.

I found a wooden board and nailed the eel's head and tail with two nails, with its back facing up.

Lin Heng took a hundred steel dagger and cut it vertically along the spine. After flattening the eel, he pulled the knife horizontally and pulled down. The entire spine was removed. The head and tail were chopped off, and the internal organs were scraped clean. It's taken care of.

After the eel is processed in this way, only the meat is left. Cut it into sections and stir-fry it.

“This eel is delicious, but it’s really difficult to handle!”

Lin Heng shook his head and took out the two-pound eel he had caught.

This thing seemed to sense its own destiny, twisting wildly and starting to struggle before the nail was driven into its head.

But as Lin Heng pushed the stick down, it stopped moving very much.

I killed about four kilograms of eels and ended up with two kilograms of meat. The internal organs were lost, and the spine, head and tail were collected and stewed for Xiong Ba.

Xiongba did a great job today. Although he failed to discover black truffles, he discovered almost all matsutake mushrooms.

Lin Heng planned to get some meat to replenish it later, and also planned to build a trap in the old house to catch some big rats.

Lin Heng washed his hands and was about to go back with Hong Zao, when his eldest brother Lin Yuecai came back with his sister-in-law.

"Lin Heng, I picked up thirty kilograms of Hericium mushrooms today, am I pretty lucky?" Lin Yue said with a smile.

"It's really good. Come to my house for dinner later. I've already agreed with my parents." Lin Heng nodded.

"How embarrassing is it to go to your house to eat every day!" Sister-in-law Liu Juan said politely.

"Don't be polite, just come. Don't ask me to come over to invite you." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Okay, we'll be here soon." Lin Yue nodded with a smile.

Dinner was prepared quickly, and there were nine dishes on the table, which was very sumptuous.

In addition to stir-fried bacon with pine milk mushrooms and stir-fried eels, there are also deep-fried rock groupers and black truffle sashimi.

The eldest brother knew that Lin Heng had not only dug up black truffles today, but also had lost his competitors, so he happily brought some Hericium mushrooms to celebrate.

"How about you try this truffle first?" Lin Heng said with a smile. First, he took a piece and put it in his mouth without dipping anything.

The next moment, he immediately took a mouthful of cold spinach and put it in his mouth.

"Well, this stuff is delicious, but it's too fresh." Lin Heng shook his head. He felt like eating MSG, but the taste was indeed quite fragrant.

"I feel fine." Caiyun said strangely.

Xiulan picked up her chopsticks and took a bite, and said strangely: "I feel like it has a milky flavor, but it's really fresh."

Mother Lin frowned and said, "I think it smells like stinky shoe soles, but it tastes pretty good."

Father Lin and his eldest brother and sister-in-law all thought it had a musky smell and was quite delicious.

Lin Wei and other children thought it smelled like meat and wanted to eat it.

Everyone tastes it differently after eating it.

"No wonder this thing is valuable, it tastes different, but I still think chopped and scrambled eggs are the best." Father Lin took another bite of eggs and concluded.

Xiaoxia also liked the scrambled eggs with truffles, and Lin Heng fed her several mouthfuls.

Lin Heng himself likes to eat stir-fried eel and fried river grouper. The eel is chewy and spicy, and it tastes great when eaten with a piece of black truffle.

Everyone also likes this matsutake soup. Simply stew a sliced ​​matsutake mushroom with small green vegetables, and it tastes very fragrant.

The whole family was eating and drinking, very happy.

"Lin Heng, do you have any tricks? Every time you go up the mountain, you get a lot of rewards?" Liu Juan asked curiously.

This is both a matsutake mushroom and a truffle. There was no air force in the summer before. I was so lucky.

"Haha, what a blessing. Maybe it's the mountain god's blessing." Lin Heng laughed and didn't want to tell Xiong Ba.

“Dong dong dong!!”

Just as the sister-in-law was about to speak, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it? It's so late." Lin Heng was a little curious. It was going to be dark soon. Who was knocking on the door?

He stood up and opened the door. Father Lin and others also put down their chopsticks and looked towards the door.

Opening the door, Tian Dongfu, secretary of the village party committee, stood outside. When he saw Lin Heng, he smiled and said, "Lin Heng, do you still have the quicklime you used to disinfect the fish pond? I'll buy five kilograms and use it back."

"Yes, Uncle Tian, ​​we are having dinner, and it just so happens that you come in and have a bite to eat before leaving." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"No, no, your Aunt Wang wants to cook, I'll go back with the lime." Tian Dongfu waved his hands repeatedly, not interested in the meal that the Lin family had already started.

Until Lin Heng pulled him into the house, he saw the nine-dish dish on the table and couldn't help but be stunned. Nine big bowls of dishes, fish and meat, but the soup was made of matsutake?

And what is that black thing?

"Uncle Tian, ​​sit down and eat a little, don't despise us for starting by ourselves." Lin Heng smiled and pressed him to the chair, brought chopsticks, and poured wine.

Tian Dongfu had no choice but to sit down and drink two sips of wine. After chatting for a few words, he pointed to the soup and asked, "Is this matsutake?"

"Yes, Uncle Tian, ​​you can try it, it tastes good." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"What is this black thing?" Tian Dongfu picked up a matsutake and pointed to the truffle and asked.

"Secretary Tian, ​​this is a black truffle. Lin Heng just dug a little today, so let's try it." Lin's father said with a smile.

"Black... black truffle!" Tian Dongfu couldn't help but be fascinated when he heard this.

This thing that costs 100 yuan per pound is eaten like this, even a millionaire can't do this.

Before coming in, he didn't envy it at all, because his family's food was never bad, but after seeing these foods, he couldn't calm down at all.

What kind of family is this!

He wanted to leave, but his body seemed to be welded to the bench.

"Come, drink!" He couldn't help but pick up the wine glass.

After a meal, Tian Dongfu felt a little dizzy and his stomach was so happy.

When he took the quicklime back, he was smiling.

The Lin family was also strong in fighting power. They finished all the dishes and almost left nothing.

Lin's mother Caiyun helped to clean up before going back. Lin Heng went to feed Xiongba and made a sumptuous dinner for it.

The next morning was the ninth day of the eighth lunar month. Lin Heng rode Caiyun to the town in the morning.

When he rode Caiyun to the door of the study, a group of students couldn't help but look over.

This horse is so majestic, and the colorful clouds are so beautiful. I feel that Bai Yueguang is unattainable.

"Wang Zhou, what's going on?" Lin Heng found Wang Zhou again to find out the situation.

Wang Zhou spread his hands helplessly: "Brother Lin, I really don't know this. There are all kinds of versions.

Some say that the police have been planning for a long time, some say that someone has a grudge against someone who participated in gambling and reported it, and some say that they lost money and reported it. There are many versions."

"Well, it seems that the truth cannot be known." Lin Heng shook his head and said.

"Who cares? This is a good thing, Brother Lin. We are the only one in the market. Do you want to adjust the price?" Wang Zhou said with a smile.

"Don't move for now, wait until next month." Lin Heng waved his hand.

He went to see the closed door of Liu Qicheng's house again, turned back to give Wang Zhou some instructions, and told him that he had found a candidate, and then rode home.

He was alone, riding the red dates and galloping, feeling like a brave knight, this feeling is really good.

It would take an hour for a person to walk at a fast pace, but it took less than 20 minutes to ride Hongzao. Except for a little pain in the hips, everything was fine.

On the way, he also dug some seedlings from cherry trees, apricot trees, and plum trees.

When he got home, he first fed Hongzao some corn stalks, and waited until it finished sweating and calmed down before feeding it a bowl of corn paste.

Behind the house, Lin's father and eldest brother had already cut down a large area of ​​trees with a diesel saw. Except for some trees that played a shady role, all the others were cut down.

The cut trees were made into fences to prevent others from trespassing.

"Lin Heng, where do you think it's better to build the horse pen?" Seeing Lin Heng coming, Lin's father asked.

"To the east, this place is close to the path, and it's also good to lead the horse out."

Lin Heng chose a place. Horses are different from cows. Horses need to be ridden frequently, so they need to be bathed and taken care of.

The horse pen also needs to be cleaned every day, otherwise there will be too much feces and it will not be cleaned even if you bathe, so he has to choose a good location.

"Okay, I'll cut some wood and build a stable." Father Lin nodded.

Lin Heng first planted the fruit trees he dug. Although the variety is not very good, it can be grafted later.

After the fruit trees were planted and watered, Lin Heng came to help build the stable.

With two living acorn trees as the main trunks, dig a hole and erect two main trunks, put the horizontal bars and tie them with wire, and a frame will come out.

The stable is surrounded by wood on three sides, leaving a ravine with a wooden board as a door.

First lay wood on the top, and then lay a layer of straw after fixing it. On the straw, lay a thin film of water, and finally add another layer of straw, and press it with wood, which can be said to be foolproof.

The stable was built in the morning, and the wooden railings were used to surround it in the afternoon.

There is about 300 square meters inside the wooden railings, and there are pyracantha trees and thorns outside the wooden railings.

In addition to two pig pens, two chicken and duck pens, there is nothing else in the stable. Then we can release the chickens.

The eldest brother tied his five black dogs to the side of the pigsty. Even if someone came over the thorns to steal things at night, there were still five black dogs to guard the door.

With Xiongba in front and five black dogs in the back, it was truly safe.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon when all this was done. The eldest brother called Lin Heng and his parents to dinner in the evening. The eldest sister-in-law was already cooking.

Lin Heng took Hongzao and Xiongba and went to the river with soap.

After rubbing Hongzao and washing his body, it stood comfortably in the water without moving.


After Lin Heng finished bathing it, it actually snorted humanely.

"Okay, go eat grass on the side." Lin Heng smiled and patted the horse's butt.

Hongzao seemed to understand, and walked to the riverside and lowered his head to eat grass.

"Woof woof~"

Xiongba stuck out his tongue at Lin Heng, as if to say it was my turn.

It had swum in the water for several circles, waiting for Lin Heng to give it a bath.

"Don't shake the water." Lin Heng glanced at it, picked up the soap and rubbed it.

Xiongba climbed comfortably on the stone, letting Lin Heng turn over and over.

"After rubbing, get in the water." Lin Heng said, grabbed it into the water, rinsed its hair a few times, and the water suddenly became dim.

"You are so dirty, roll on the ground less every day." Lin Heng patted its dog head.


Xiongba cried out, as if he thought it was not his problem.

"Ah! Help!"

Lin Heng was bathing Xiong Ba when he heard a terrified scream from above. He was startled. Who was this? What could have happened in broad daylight?

Please give me a monthly ticket!

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