Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 165 The ordinary life of ordinary people

When he opened the door, he saw that it was indeed the village party secretary Tian Dongfu, accompanied by the village chief Zhao Chengcheng and the village clerk Li Wen.

"Everyone, come in and chat." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Okay." Tian Dongfu and others nodded, and entered the house with Lin Heng.

It was the first time for the village chief and the clerk to enter Lin Heng's house, and they looked around curiously.

"Would you like some of the pickled cabbage noodles we made at home this morning?" Lin Heng asked with a smile.

"No need, let's talk about business." Tian Dongfu shook his head.

"Yes, we have agreed to collect electricity charges starting from your home, and then you will go to other homes with us to collect them." Zhao said with a smile on the spot.

"Okay, then does our family count as three families?" Lin Heng nodded and asked.

"Well, there are three families. Dad has separated all the household registrations, so we can't break the rules." Tian Dongfu nodded.

"Yes, I told your dad not to rush to get the household registration, but he didn't listen." Village leader Zhao Chengcheng said a little embarrassed.

Lin Heng waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "Then I'll call my dad. You guys have tea first and wait a moment."

"No, no, you eat, I'll call someone." Li Wen, the clerk, said quickly, turned around and went out to call someone.

"That would be troublesome." Lin Heng was not polite.

From his words, he could feel the compliments given to him by these people, especially the village chief and the clerk.

There is no other reason, of course he is rich.

As a household with ten thousand yuan, he dug fish ponds and hired so many workers, so his voice in the village was no worse than theirs.

Lin Heng knew that they were afraid that he would compete for the village chief. With his strength, he would most likely succeed, so Zhao Xianxian and Li Wen were both afraid.

This is the role of money. If you have more money, people who didn't look at you in the past will nod and bow.

Now the rumors in the village about his second-rate son have completely disappeared. Even if he said it, he would say it privately, and no one would say it publicly.

Not long after, Lin's father, Lin's mother, Lin Heng's elder brother and sister-in-law all came over.

Tian Dongfu and Zhao Xianxian told a few people about the electricity costs.

"If Lin Heng decides, then we will definitely have no objection. It's good to have the power on, and it won't make your eyes smudged by the lights."

Lin's father nodded and said that he was completely on Lin Heng's side and directly took out 15 yuan.

And he knew that Lin Heng’s fish pond needed electricity, and having electricity would be good for his family.

"We don't have any objection either." Lin Yue also said with a smile, while Liu Juan took out 15 yuan.

"Okay, I'll give you a receipt."

Zhao Chengcheng collected the money, and Li Wen, the clerk, took out a pen and paper to write a receipt and handed it to Father Lin with a smile.

Father Lin had a happy smile on his face, feeling the respect of the village chief and others, which made him feel comfortable.

Xiulan finished her meal and brought 15 yuan over.

Li Wen wrote the receipt and handed it to Xiulan with a smile.

"Should we leave now?" Tian Dongfu looked at Lin Heng and asked.

"Let's go now." Lin Heng nodded, put on his coat, held an umbrella and said to Xiulan, and went out with them.

"Which restaurant are you going to next?" Lin Heng asked after leaving the door.

"Anything from the Li family to the Jin family will work. Let's start with the rich families," Tian Dongfu said.

Their village cadres have already paid the money in advance, and the next step is to start with the less difficult families.

"Then go to Li's house first, and then to Jin's house. They live not far away, they are all the same." Zhao Chengcheng said.

After deciding, they went to Li's house together.

One hundred and twenty of the two hundred households in Hongfeng Village live in this area. From the air, these houses are distributed around the huge ginkgo tree in the center of the village.

The terrain in this area is generally gentle, and it is close to mountains and rivers, making it very suitable for living.

The remaining families are relatively scattered, and most of them live in the mountains.

When Lin Heng and others came over, the Li family was having dinner, and when they saw everyone, they were quickly invited into the house.

The main speakers were Tian Dongfu and Zhao Chengcheng. After explaining the reason, Li Baigen didn't hesitate and nodded: "I'll go get the money right now."

After coming out, several people went to Jin's house without stopping.

The Jin family had just finished breakfast at this time, and they had no objections to the electricity supply. They could afford it for 15 yuan.

But the family was still a little uncomfortable seeing Lin Heng. Jin Yan glanced at Lin Heng and hid in the bedroom. Her parents looked at Lin Heng and were a little at a loss.

It is really hard to accept that someone you look down on suddenly becomes rich.

Lin Heng looked indifferent, not thinking about what to do, and didn't care much about them.

After leaving Jin's house, Lin Heng suddenly remembered something, looked at Tian Dongfu and said, "Uncle Tian, ​​actually it would have been smooth sailing if I didn't come today."

"How did you say this?" Tian Dongfu still pretended not to understand.

Lin Heng looked at Tian Dongfu and said with a smile: "Anyone with a bit of money in the village will definitely be willing to pay if they use a little bit of talking skills.

And those whose families are particularly poor seem to be working on my construction site these days and earning money, so they must not be able to shirk it. "

He just remembered this incident and was a little shocked. Tian Dongfu still had the ability, so he would have settled it long ago.

"Haha, it's all thanks to you, but it may not go smoothly. You still have to go together." Tian Dongfu laughed and didn't hide it anymore.

Most of the people he arranged at the beginning were from poor families. Firstly, such people worked very steadily. Secondly, after making money, he could collect electricity bills and provide electricity to the village.

"Yes, Lin Heng, your role cannot be ignored. You must go with us." Zhao Chengcheng also said with a smile. If Lin Heng was here, this matter would be pushed forward faster.

"Then let's go." Lin Heng nodded and did not refuse. He also needed to power on quickly.

The journey was as smooth as a few people expected, with no obstacles.

Although 15 yuan is a lot, for a family, most of them can afford it.

After finishing the collection in the village, a few people went up the mountain again and ran for a long time before it was over.

In the end, 201 households were confiscated, and 5 households were confiscated. The reason given by these five households was that they did not need electricity in their homes, and they did not give Lin Heng and others any face.

No matter how I explained it, it was useless. They didn't listen at all and they didn't give me any money.

"Uncle Tian, ​​what should we do in this situation?" Lin Heng asked curiously.

Tian Dongfu smiled bitterly: "There is no way, we can only give up on them for the time being, and wait until they want to connect to the power later.

Our operation this time was quite successful, as so many households needed to be connected to electricity. I'll report it to the power management station. It won't take a month to get the power on. "

"Yes, everyone agrees. We can't destroy everyone's wishes just because of a few people." Zhao Chengcheng also said with a smile.

"That's good, as long as it can be powered on."

Lin Heng smiled when he heard this. As long as he could get electricity, he didn't care about anything else.

He followed for most of the day today and said a lot of mobilization words, but he didn't want to waste his efforts.

"Lin Heng, thank you for your hard work today. You have been running with us all day. Come to my house for dinner before leaving. Let's have a drink." Tian Dongfu looked at Lin Heng and said with a smile.

"That's it. I'd better go back first. They're still waiting for me at home." Lin Heng shook his head and refused with a smile.

After some pulling, Lin Heng said goodbye and left. On the way back, the rain was still falling, making a slight swishing sound on the umbrella.

The sky was foggy, and at five o'clock in the afternoon, it seemed to be getting dark. The rain caused the remaining yellow leaves on the branches in the mountains to wither.

Lin Heng's coat and pants were already wet. The yellow mud floor was slippery and heavy when he stepped on it. The soles of his shoes were stained with a thick layer of yellow mud, which annoyed him very much.

On the way back, he met Yang Zhaotao. He was walking back with straw on his back. When he saw Lin Heng, he smiled and asked, "Lin Heng, do you know when the electricity will be available?"

He was very envious of Lin Hengneng and the village cadres who went to collect fees to show their prestige.

"It will probably take a month or two, I don't know." Lin Heng said with a smile that he was not talking nonsense about this matter.

"That's good." Yang Zhaotao said happily.

Lin Heng didn't talk to him much and went back to say something to his parents and eldest brother.

"When someone asks you to eat, you don't give me face. That's not good." Lin's father felt that Lin Heng should have a good relationship with Murakami, so it was rude to refuse like this.

Lin Heng waved his hand and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, Dad, the quality of a relationship cannot be determined by eating."

After saying this, he went back, feeling that his father still didn't understand the essence of this.

After opening the courtyard gate, Xiulan and Xiaoxia were waiting for him in the main room warming themselves by the fire. Xiongba was also wagging his tail very happily.

"Dad~" Xiaoxia shouted and wanted to run out, but Xiulan held her back.

"Wait until your dad changes clothes and shoes before he hugs you."

Xiulan said something, took out the sandals and put them under the eaves, looked at him and said: "Change your shoes and clothes quickly, so as not to catch a cold."

Lin Heng looked at his wife and daughter, and his heart became calm and peaceful.

No matter how late she comes home, Xiulan will always be waiting for her and thinking about herself. Although there are not too many words, every movement and look is full of love.

In this world, it is not easy to find a woman who will give you her whole heart without reservation. It is worth giving her all your love and tenderness without reservation.

Lin Heng grinned and nodded in agreement: "Okay."

After putting on his shoes and entering the house, he sat on the bench and changed into his pants and jacket.

As soon as she finished changing, Xiaoxia got into his arms and acted coquettishly, babbling a lot, some of which were very true, and some of which were hard to hear clearly.

"You haven't eaten, have you? I'll make it for you." Xiulan looked at the father and daughter and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'll go with you to make a fire." Lin Heng pulled her.

"That's okay." Xiulan nodded and sat down opposite Lin Heng. The weather was a bit cold, so she made a charcoal fire to grill.

"Honey, is your hand okay?" Lin Heng picked up his wife's hand and looked at it.

"It's okay, you can see that the last bit of the scab has fallen off." Xiulan shook her head gently.

"That's good." Lin Heng nodded and told her about what he had been busy with for a long time today, bit by bit.

He didn't mind being verbose, and Xiulan didn't find it annoying either.

"Electricity will be available in one month, and we can finally have electric lights." Xiulan couldn't help but said happily when she heard that electricity was available so soon.

If possible, who wouldn’t want their home to be brightly lit at night like the town?

Because there was no electric light, dinner had to be cooked very early. I had to endure being hungry late at night. It was too difficult to cook in the dark.

The kerosene lamp made people's eyes hurt even more.

"When we get electricity and make money, we can buy a TV and a refrigerator, but it won't be so boring anymore." Lin Heng said with a smile.

His desire to make money is getting stronger and stronger. He wants to buy various electrical appliances for his family, buy a car, build a villa, etc. He also wants to improve his family's living standard.

"It's good if we have electricity. Don't worry about those things." Xiulan shook her head. She didn't want her husband to run around for those things. Life is very good now.

"Yeah." Lin Heng nodded in agreement, wanting more and more to make money to buy these things as soon as possible.

In this era, a freezer costs more than 2,000, and the price of a refrigerator can reach 4,000 to 5,000, which is not cheap.

And the domestic supply is still in short supply, many rich people are rushing to buy it.

If he wants to buy it, he has to work harder, and a millionaire is only the starting point.

Xiaoxia stayed in Lin Heng's arms for a while, and then she got off the ground to run and play.

Lin Heng looked at Xiulan in a daze, sitting on the bench, very satisfied.

"Why do you keep looking at me?" Xiulan blinked her eyes. Since Lin Heng came back, his eyes have hardly left her.

"Nothing, it's beautiful." Lin Heng smiled, looking at his wife like this is also a kind of enjoyment.

"Silly!" Xiulan poked his hand with her finger and asked, "What do you want to eat? I'll make it for you."

"Whatever is simple, but I don't want to eat anything related to corn." Lin Heng said.

"Then make some sour soup noodles. You watch Xiaoxia and I'll do it." Xiulan said, and then got up and went to the kitchen.

After a while, three bowls of sour soup noodles were ready. Xiulan also added a little sesame oil and shrimp sauce, and made a fried egg for Lin Heng and Xiaoxia.

"Here, let's have half each." Lin Heng tore off half of the fried egg and fed it to his wife, saying without letting anyone refuse.

"Okay, thank you, husband." Xiulan blinked, opened her mouth and took a bite, then took the chopsticks and ate slowly.

She knew that Lin Heng would definitely tear off half to feed her, so she deliberately made only two, which not only saved an egg, but also allowed him to feed her two bites.

Her little trick worked, and she happily ate the noodles.

Sour soup noodles are made directly with chopped green onions, minced garlic, soy sauce, vinegar, salt and boiling water. It looks light, but it has the fragrance of chopped green onions, plus the taste of sesame oil, and it tastes delicious.

Lin Heng ate noodles very quickly, and a bowl of noodles was done in two or three minutes. After drinking half of the soup, he took over the task of feeding Xiaoxia.

After eating and washing his face, Lin Heng went to bring a foot basin and soaked his feet with Xiulan for a while.

It was just seven o'clock, and the three of them put out the charcoal fire and went to bed. It was dark and there was no electricity, so they could only go to bed and rest.

This is also related to the fact that there are many births in rural areas. They have to rest when it gets dark. If they can't sleep, they can only have sex. In addition, there are no contraceptive measures, so there are naturally more children.

Lin Heng is quite educated. He lit two candles at the head of the bed and read stories to his wife and children. It is a boring pastime.

Many farmers can't read, let alone read. The only thing left for their night life is making people.

After drinking two glasses of water and reading for more than an hour, Xiaoxia first crawled and rolled on the bed, and finally fell asleep listening to the story.

She fell asleep, and Lin Heng read this chapter to Xiulan before stopping. He drank a sip of water, took off his upper body clothes, got into the bed, and hugged his sweet and soft wife.

Xiulan also took the initiative to stick to him, turning her tenderness into water and giving it to Lin Heng.

The two also did what they loved to do. Lin Heng bought that thing. If it was too intense, he would wear it, and if he could control it slowly, he would not wear it.

Today's love was particularly deep. After being exhausted, the two hugged each other and fell asleep.

The next morning, Lin Heng woke up first. He looked at the little face sleeping on his arm and kissed her awake.

"Well... Goodbye, brother~"

Xiulan woke up and hugged his neck to beg for mercy. She was too tired.

"Look how scared you are." Lin Heng grinned and hugged her to his arms and watched the rain.

"I'm afraid I'm too tired to get up." Xiulan begged tenderly. Lin Heng has been getting stronger and stronger in the past six months, and she is a little tired.

But happiness is really happiness.

This autumn rain either doesn't fall, or it lasts for several days.

It was still drizzling this morning. It didn't fall heavily, but there was no sign of stopping.

In this kind of weather, getting up is no different from lying down, and the quilt is even warmer.

They didn't get up until Xiaoxia woke up naturally at nine o'clock.

When they opened the back door, the family of three were stunned.

Sorry, there are only 4,300 words. There are a lot of things today, but I will make up for the 2,000 words I owe.

I will send an Easter egg chapter to show you my hometown later.

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