Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 177 Winter won’t be cold with a fireplace

Lin Heng drove the carriage to the town, and after waiting for about half an hour, Li Chengguo's truck came up.

The fireplace he had been thinking about was also pulled up, and there were a lot of goods.

Li Chengguo looked at him: "Boss Lin, are they all loaded and unloaded here?"

Lin Heng looked at him and said: "Help me pull the fireplace and wires and light bulbs to the village, and come to my house for a meal."

"That's great, I just happened to visit Boss Lin's home." Li Chengguo thought about it and agreed.

Lin Heng grinned and said: "I'll go buy some gypsum powder later, you help me pull it."

"That's no problem." Li Chengguo nodded.

After unloading the goods and settling the accounts, he walked to the place where the gypsum powder was sold.

Last month, Lin Heng's store had a sales income of 200 yuan, which was about the same as the money Lin Heng spent with his family in the city yesterday.

But this money can't make up for the gap. The fireplace also cost 100 yuan, which is equivalent to if there was only profit from the store, he would still spend 100 yuan.

It's not expensive to buy gypsum powder, 90 yuan per ton. One ton is enough for Lin Heng to plaster the walls of his home.

After all these were done, Lin Heng calculated the accounts.

After paying the 1,000 yuan from the owner of the Tuanjie Brick Factory, there were only 6,500 yuan in the passbook.

After selling musk yesterday and adding the profit of the canteen settled today, and buying lime powder and fireplaces, there were still 7,200 yuan in the passbook.

Here is only the money in the passbook. In general, his cash has shrunk a lot recently, but fortunately he caught a male musk deer.

After the 20-acre pond was dug and the workers were paid, he estimated that his cash was only 4,000 to 5,000.

Shaking his head, he sighed in his heart: "It's a pity that I didn't trade stocks in my previous life, and I don't know the specific direction of the stock market, otherwise it would be much easier to make money."

Of course he knew which companies he could make money by investing in, but this kind of big trend investment takes a long time, and only after experiencing it can you know the subtle changes and make a lot of money in a short time.

"What's wrong?"

Li Guocheng looked at Lin Heng and shook his head and asked curiously.

Lin Heng smiled and shook his head, saying, "No, I just feel that money is too hard to make."

Li Chengguo was speechless and wanted to hit him: "I can't even take out five dollars in my pocket at your age. You are already a millionaire and you still feel this way?"

The more I think about it, the more I feel that Lin Heng is a terrifying person. He has achieved so much at the age of 20.

Lin Heng shook his head: "I'm 21 years old, and my birthday has passed."

Li Chengguo: "... Well, let's not talk about this topic, I can't stand it."

"Do you have anything else?" Li Chengguo asked.

Lin Heng shook his head and said, "No, I've bought everything I should buy, let's go directly."

Li Chengguo immediately started the car and drove towards Hongfeng Village. Lin Heng went to the store and set up his carriage to lead the way.

It took half an hour to reach Hongfeng Village, mainly because Lin Heng's carriage was slow, otherwise he would have arrived long ago.

The villagers were still a little curious to see the truck, and they immediately understood it after seeing Lin Heng. It was again.

Lin Heng called two people to help move things.

Li Chengguo walked into the yard and said in surprise: "Your house is well built."

"Haha, it's okay." Lin Heng smiled.

"Xiu Lan, cook for me. Uncle Li is having dinner at our house." Lin Heng looked at Xiu Lan and said.

"Okay." Xiu Lan nodded and turned to cook.

After moving the things, Lin Heng poured a cup of tea for Li Chengguo. After drinking two sips of tea, he went to the toilet.

"In the backyard." Lin Heng pointed to the backyard and took him there.

"Your backyard is more beautiful than the front yard. You really know how to enjoy it." Li Chengguo sighed as he looked at it.

"Wait, this is... Musk deer?"

When he approached and saw Musk deer, he was stunned. This is a good thing.

Lin Heng nodded: "Yes, I was lucky to catch it."

It's okay to be known by Li Chengguo. He doesn't live in Hongfeng Village. Lin Heng is mainly afraid that some people in the same village will know.

The male musk deer was so scared that he shrank into a corner. Li Chengguo took a closer look and asked curiously, "Are you selling it? I'll buy it for 1,500 yuan?"

Lin Heng couldn't help but smile, "Boss Li, you are joking, right? I won't sell it for 1,500 yuan, let alone 1,500 yuan."

"Haha, I'm kidding."

Li Chengguo smiled and went to the toilet quickly.

After coming out, he kept silent about this topic, went to see Lin Heng's fish pond, and walked around the village.

It didn't take long for Xiulan to prepare the meal. Lin Heng and Li Chengguo had two drinks and didn't let him drink. If the car flipped into the ditch, he couldn't take the responsibility.

"You are so lucky, your wife is beautiful and virtuous, and her cooking skills are really good." Li Chengguo said enviously, his wife is a violent hen.

"The most important thing is that your family's ingredients are really good. This meal makes me tremble with fear." Li Chengguo said again.

He thought it was just ordinary farm food, so he didn't bring any gifts. But now the meal makes him a little embarrassed.

Apart from other things, he had never tasted the matsutake mushroom crucian carp soup and sliced ​​black truffles, which cost 40 yuan per pound.

Add the wild boar meat and sausage, and this meal would be worth 40 or 50 yuan in the city.

"Not that bad, not that bad, these are all ingredients I made myself, not worth much." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Lin Heng's sincere attitude made Li Chengguo feel more guilty, and he thought that he must bring some gifts to Lin Heng next time.

After dinner, Lin Heng took Li Chengguo to Hongfeng Mountain to play for a while and made some tea. The quiet environment made Li Chengguo feel relaxed and comfortable, and he confided a lot of his thoughts at once.

During the chat, he felt more and more that Lin Heng understood him and turned him from a business partner into a friend with whom he could talk.

He didn't know that compared with his little middle-aged confusion, Lin Heng's middle-aged experience in his previous life was so miserable that he could naturally empathize with him.

When leaving, Li Chengguo patted Lin Heng on the shoulder and said, "Lin Heng, if you have anything in the future, just send me a message, and I will definitely be pulled up by you."

"Okay, go back slowly." Lin Heng nodded.

After sending him away, Lin Heng couldn't wait to go home to install the fireplace.

Xiulan was waiting for him in the house. She was wearing a navy blue cotton jacket and wrapped herself tightly. She was very afraid of the cold and conservative.

Whether it was winter or summer, she would only show her arms and calves at most.

Xiaoxia was also dressed in thick clothes, and asked her mother about this and that. She was a talker at an early age, and recently she seemed to have suddenly become more sincere, talking endlessly all day long.

Lin looked at her and said with a smile. "Let's carry the fireplace to the bedroom and install it, so that we won't feel cold when we sleep at night in the future."

"Okay." Xiulan got up and carried the fireplace with Lin Heng.

The two carried the fireplace into the house and placed it on the wall near the east. Outside this wall was the corridor between the house and the eldest brother's house.

The smoke exhaust was also prepared here, and the smoke coming out from here would not affect the bees in the backyard.

"Where do you think it should be?" Lin Heng looked at his wife and asked. This matter was entirely up to her will, as long as she was happy.

The window of the master bedroom faced south, that is, facing the backyard. The bed of the two people was against the east wall, facing the window horizontally.

So it was impossible to put the fireplace in the middle, it could only be the southeast corner or the northeast corner.

Xiulan thought about it and decided: "Then let's move to the southeast corner. There's nothing in this corner."

The southeast corner is the corner by the window, and the backyard is to the south.

"Okay, let's move the stove there."

Lin Heng nodded. He also thought this location was the best. It was close to the corner and safe.

The ground was all bluestone, and it was leveled when it was laid. The fireplace was stable and did not shake at all when it was placed.

After the stove was placed, Lin Heng and the others went out to get the chimney.

"This chimney is really heavy, so thick." Xiulan was surprised.

"Of course, it costs so much." Lin Heng said with a smile. The chimney wall of this fireplace is five millimeters thick, and the quality is very good.

After taking it into the house to determine the height, the fireplace was lifted away a little. Lin Heng took a steel chisel to drill a hole in the wall. It took more than ten minutes to drill the earth wall.

After drilling the hole, put the chimney in, and then seal it with some plaster.

Xiulan cleaned the floor, and the two couldn't wait to install the fireplace and got some firewood to light it.

Living alone is good, without parents arguing. If my mother were here, she would definitely ask me to have a good life. The two of them just do whatever they want.

After putting the firewood on the shelf and lighting it, close the furnace door. The fire will inhale air from the air inlet below due to the pressure difference and exhaust it from the chimney. A large amount of oxygen will flow in, which will make the fire burn very vigorously.

Through the transparent crystal, you can see the flames burning, twisting and jumping inside.

Full combustion not only saves firewood, but also heats up quickly. After a while, the house feels warm.

In about half an hour, the master bedroom is very warm, making people want to take off their cotton-padded jackets.

"This money is not wasted. There is really no smoke at all." Xiulan said with a smile.

Lin Heng said with a smile: "Of course, this stove can also heat water and so on. Just use a chair to block it so that Xiaoxia doesn't touch it."

The design of this fireplace is scientifically based and guaranteed in all aspects.

It takes technology to build a fireplace by yourself. If you don't do it well, it will easily backfire.

What Lin Heng hates most is that there is smoke everywhere when he roasts a fire. Not only can he not open his eyes due to dizziness, but he also gets a headache due to inhaling carbon monoxide.

If you roast charcoal fire in a closed room, it is more likely to cause carbon monoxide poisoning. For safety reasons, it is better to get a fireplace.

Of course, another main reason is that Lin Heng wants to watch the fire. It is interesting to watch the flames jump through the crystal.

Move a small table to the bedroom. He will definitely spend a lot of time in the bedroom in the winter.

After getting the small table, Lin Heng took the Boshan stove and lit a rosin, took out the purple clay pot, brewed tea and poured a cup for Xiulan to drink.

But she was not interested in this. She took the dried red dates and peanuts and chewed them with her cheeks puffed up like a little squirrel.

Xiaoxia asked questions here and there, and her mouth couldn't stop, so they could only give her some shrimp strips.

But the two didn't expect that she would ask questions while eating, which was much more annoying than before.

"It seems that she has really reached the talking stage." Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said helplessly.

Children always talk non-stop at a certain stage when they learn to speak.

"Dad, what is the talking stage?" Xiaoxia tilted her head and asked in a baby voice.

"It's what you are like now." Lin Heng pinched her little face helplessly.

"Dad, you eat~" Xiaoxia didn't understand and handed Lin Heng a shrimp strip.

She finally stopped feeding her dad grass now.

"Good baby." Lin Heng was very happy immediately.

Xiulan smiled and looked at him and said, "The fern root powder you dug has to be made today. If you don't make the vermicelli, it will be too late."

"Then we will do it later."

Lin Heng nodded and said that he originally wanted to apply plaster to the courtyard wall and the outer wall later.

"Okay." Xiulan nodded.

Before the two of them could say a few words, the bedroom door was pushed open by Xiongba, and a dog and a cat walked in one after another, taking a place in front of the fireplace and lying down.

After taking a look at these two guys, Lin Heng ignored them. Both of them were quite self-aware and did not urinate in the room.

After drinking two cups of tea, the two went out. Xiaoxia also ran out, leaving Xiongba and Jinbao lying inside.

The fern roots had been washed and dried long ago, and the two of them carried them to their parents' yard, where there was a large stone mortar with a diameter of sixty or seventy centimeters.

Mother Lin looked at Lin Heng and said, "You are finally willing to get your fern root powder."

"Haha, I'm quite busy." Lin Heng laughed.

The powdering method is the same, that is, mash the melted water and let it settle to get the powder.

Xiulan threw the fern root into the stone mortar, and Lin Heng picked up the stone pestle and started pounding it, smashing it into pieces, taking it out and throwing it into the water.

"It's really tiring. I'll buy a grinder when the electricity comes on." Lin Heng shook his head.

If you have a machine, you can not only crush it to get more powder, but also easily.

"You can wait until next year to buy it. It will be used for feeding anyway." Xiulan said.

"I will definitely buy it."

Lin Heng worked hard by himself. It was a good exercise. One afternoon, he felt that his arms were more tired than after doing 500 push-ups.

At half past five, Lin's father and others went home. Lin Heng's fern roots had also been pounded and were settling in the bucket. The fern root powder would be available tomorrow morning.

Father Lin looked at Lin Heng and reminded: "The construction of the first batch of fish ponds is expected to be completed tomorrow. Please plan what to do next."

Lin Heng thought for a while and said: "Tomorrow will be completed on the 6th, so let's just take two days off. We will go to the village to turn on the electricity on the 8th, and start work again on the 9th. Dad, you can take advantage of these two days to get drunk. "

Mother Lin added: "Your father and your eldest brother will also be at home tomorrow. It's impossible to make vermicelli without them."

Lin Heng waved his hand and said, "That's no problem. With my uncle and third dad watching, there won't be any problems on the construction site."

Father Lin nodded in agreement: "Then just do as you say, let's make vermicelli tomorrow morning."


Lin Heng agreed. He hadn't made vermicelli for a long time.

Early the next morning, Lin Heng had breakfast and went to Hongfeng Mountain to preside over the construction. He asked the workers to sign and took a look at the current situation.

Two of the ten fish ponds dug at the back also contained large rocks that could not be removed. The other ponds are still very good, with clay bottoms, so there is no need to worry about water leakage.

After watching for a while, he left the work to his uncle and third father to take care of, and then went back.

Li Shiwei and Lin Hai are working here these days. Lin Heng occasionally chats and plays with them, but he usually doesn't have time.

He actually doesn't want his good brothers to work for him, but they don't have other abilities. If they want to rise, they will definitely have to endure hardships and accumulate capital.

He couldn't give them money directly, it was impossible and inappropriate.

Moreover, in the process of working for him, they can also learn something, and it will be logical for him to support them in the future when he has money.

The two of them had no complaints about this. It was not easy to find profitable jobs in rural areas. Lin Heng also arranged management positions for them and answered all their questions. It was interesting enough.

When Lin Heng returned home, Lin's father and eldest brother had set up a big pot in the yard and the water was boiling.

"Brother, you came back just in time, we are going to start making vermicelli." Lin Yue said with a smile.

Sorry, there are only four thousand words today.

I changed the previous article, added a thousand words to Chapter 171, and revised the plot.

But it doesn’t matter if you haven’t seen it, it just adds a scene where the protagonist celebrates his birthday.

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