Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 18 The book is old, but the knowledge is new

It was already three o'clock in the morning when I got home, probably because of the mountainous road.

If you take the dirt road, you may have to come back at 11 or 12 o'clock in the morning.

"Woof woof!"

"Woof woof woof!!"

The quiet night made the barking dogs in the village seem particularly noisy.

Not long after the dog barked, voices were heard outside the yard.

"Brother, you are finally back!" Caiyun trotted over to help get things.

"Are you really going to town?" Mother Lin asked as she picked up the things.

"Let's wait until we get home. We are all exhausted!" Lin's father handed the things to his daughter-in-law and said impatiently.

After returning home and putting down his things, Lin Heng slumped down on the bench, feeling like his bones were about to fall apart.

My sister Caiyun poured tea for the four of them and took the cornmeal steamed buns, also known as wowotou, that were made in the evening.

"Dad, you bought a lot of things, and there are two grass carps?"

Sister-in-law Liu Juan also walked out of the room, looked at the dazzling array of items and asked her own questions.

"Yeah, tell me quickly what's going on. Why did you bring a dog back?" Mother Lin also urged.

Lin Heng was too lazy to talk and rested on his wife Xiulan's lap. Xiulan gently squeezed his shoulders.

"This fish was caught by Lin Heng and Xiulan on the road, as were the fish eggs in the bucket, and the dog was also raised by Lin Heng."

Father Lin took a sip of water and began to explain.

"Raising a dog is a waste of food? There isn't enough for people to eat."

Sister-in-law Liu Juan was dissatisfied when she heard that Lin Heng was raising a dog.

Father Lin frowned, looked at her and said, "As for taking care of others, Lin Heng can just feed him. The pheasants and squirrels he hunted didn't eat by themselves, right?"

“Besides, if it weren’t for Lin Heng, we would have suffered a huge loss today.

That bastard Liu Qicheng only paid 400 yuan for harvesting ginseng. Thanks to Lin Heng for taking me to the city.

And he also knew Manager Jin from the state-owned purchasing station in the city. He could have sold ginseng for 700 yuan in the city, because he sold it for 900 yuan.

Without him, we wouldn’t have enough money to build a house. "

Father Lin looked at Liu Juan and said, somewhat dissatisfied with what his eldest daughter-in-law said.

Although Lin Heng has been idle for a while, what do you mean when you only talk about his bad qualities and don't remember the good things about his family at all?

Hearing this, sister-in-law Liu Juan lowered her head and did not dare to speak any more.

When Lin's mother and Caiyun heard this, they felt a little incredible. Is Lin Heng really capable of this?

However, Father Lin never lied, so it must be true, which made both of them look curious.

“This time I sold ginseng, and everyone in the family bought a piece of clothing and a pair of shoes.

The extra piece Lin Heng and Xiulan got was rewarded by me. "

Father Lin said something and started handing out clothes.

Sister-in-law Liu Juan received five pairs of shoes and five pieces of clothing at once. She was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth. She picked them up and looked at them again and again.

"This dress is really good. It's much prettier than the clothes Li Caifeng and the others bought."

Liu Juan couldn't wait to put it on her body and said ecstatically.

Lin Yue couldn't put it down while holding the hiking shoes in his hands. His shoes had been worn out for a long time and he had long wanted to buy a pair.

"Yeah, such good materials should be expensive, right? And these shoes, the style is so novel."

Mother Lin was shocked by the quality of the clothes and at the same time worried about the price.

"You have to thank Lin Heng for this. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have made up my mind to buy it."

Father Lin said again.

"Why, he encouraged you to buy it?" Mother Lin stared at Father Lin and spoke in a bad tone.

She always felt that it was a waste of money, and she looked at Lin Heng with doubts.

“In town, these clothes cost at least two yuan a piece, and a pair of shoes cost four or five yuan.

Even in the city, the price would not be less than one yuan, but Lin Heng took us to a place where goods were sold for a few cents each, so I bought them for everyone.

I also bought some other tools there, saving at least dozens of dollars. "

Father Lin said again, looking at his eldest daughter-in-law Liu Juan while speaking.

Liu Juan looked away sheepishly, as if she hadn't heard.

"Does he have this ability?" Mother Lin looked questioning.

"Mom, are you just questioning my ability? After all, I have read many books and been to the city many times."

Lin Heng was speechless.

"I'm not questioning it, I think you don't have it at all!" Mother Lin glanced at him.

Lin Heng: "..."

"It is indeed Lin Heng's credit. He is still somewhat useful."

Father Lin said something.

After dividing the things, no more words were said. Everyone was exhausted, so they wiped themselves, washed their feet and rested.

Lin Heng took Xiongba out with the bucket.

"You can sleep here for now, and I will make a doghouse for you tomorrow." Lin Heng touched Xiongba's soft head and said with a smile.


Xiongba yelled and licked Lin Heng's hand to express his love.

He put the dog leash on it that he bought today and tied it to the leg of the ladder next to him, and then Lin Heng left.

He changed the pot of grass carp eggs and poured them into a larger wooden basin to raise.

If the water is not changed, the fish eggs are very sensitive to fluctuations in water quality. If you are not careful, they will die in large numbers, so it is best not to change it for the time being.


My sister Caiyun poured a basin of foot-washing water on the ground and looked at Lin Heng: "Brother, are you still not sleeping?"

"Go to bed soon." Lin Heng covered the mouth of the wooden basin with a dustpan to prevent it from being eaten by other things.

These grass carp eggs were hard to come by, and I had to carry them for more than 20 kilometers.

"By the way, I have something for you." Lin Heng looked at his sister and said.

"What is it?" Caiyun blinked and asked curiously.

"Come here."

Lin Heng said, and went into his bedroom to take out the books he bought from the garbage station.

Except for Grimm's Fairy Tales and Romance of the Three Kingdoms, he gave the remaining three books to Caiyun.

"This is it!" Caiyun looked at the three books and widened her eyes.

"I bought them at a low price from the garbage station. Although they are old, the knowledge is definitely new.

Study hard, I will send you to school in the second half of the year. Knowledge can change your destiny."

Lin Heng patted his sister's shoulder and said with a smile.

Caiyun held the three books and looked at her second brother again, with tears in her eyes. She didn't expect that the second brother who was the most unreliable in the family actually understood her the most, and she never felt that the second brother was so kind.

She thought the second brother was just bragging, but after just one day, he brought her three books.

"Don't worry, second brother, I will study hard!" Caiyun nodded fiercely, and she believed what the second brother said.

Caiyun choked up when she spoke, and her big tears rolled down.

Lin Heng wiped her tears and said with a smile: "Go to bed quickly, don't think too much."

After that, he took a shower and returned to his room. At this time, Xiulan was already lying on the bed, massaging her legs. Obviously, she was also very tired.

"Lie down, I'll massage your legs for you." Xiulan looked at him and said.

"No, you are also very tired." Lin Heng smiled and shook his head, took off his shoes and went to bed. This time, he directly rubbed two blisters on his feet, and they had broken, which hurt a little.

"Lie down!" After Lin Heng went to bed, Xiulan still crawled over with safflower oil and looked at him with wide eyes.

Thank you [Piaopiao Yuxian] for the reward, and ask for follow-up reading, recommendation tickets, and monthly tickets. I hope everyone will support you. Thank you.

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