Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 20 Li Caifeng's shock [Please read on]

"Hold the baby?"

Lin Heng walked into the kitchen and walked up to his wife.

"Yes, you hold me, I'll make breakfast, and we'll fill our bellies first."

Xiulan nodded.


The little guy was wearing red clothes and threw himself into Lin Heng's arms with open arms. His father's scream was quite serious.

"Come, let me hug you!"

Lin Heng quickly hugged his precious daughter and walked to the yard, where he continued to train Xiong Ba while teasing his daughter.

"Come Xiaoxia, let's learn to walk."

Lin Heng put his daughter on the ground, held her hand, and asked her to learn to walk.

Xiaoxia could barely walk, but she was stumbling unsteadily.


My daughter loves to smile, showing two cute dimples, and staggers around without knowing what she is looking for.

"Woof woof!!"

Xiongba called out softly and circled around his little master twice.


Suddenly, Xiaoxia rushed towards Xiong Ba, stretched out her little hand, grabbed Xiong Ba's erect ears and pulled hard.

Lin Heng was so frightened when he saw this scene that he didn't even say a word, so he rushed over to stop her. No matter how smart Xiongba was, he was still a wild dog that had just been brought back. If he bit his daughter, he would be finished.


But the next moment, Xiongba made a sound of grievance, broke away from Xiaoxia, ran to Lin Heng's legs and lay down to complain.

"Good dog, really good dog!"

Lin Heng felt relieved and touched Xiong Ba's head hard. The quality of a dog's character is most vividly reflected at this time.

Even when attacked by a human cub that is weaker than him, he still does not fight back but runs away, which is definitely a sign of excellent character.


Xiongba whined and rubbed Lin Heng's hand, as if he was very sad.

"Don't worry, I'll get you some more food later." Lin Heng smiled and touched its head.

"Ouch! (*╰╯`)"

Immediately, Xiongba's ears perked up and he became excited. This rich psychological activity was not like a dog at all.


Xiaoxia rushed over to grab the dog's ears again, with a smile on her face.

"No scratching, no touching by dogs."

Lin Heng glanced at her seriously, and instantly her smile froze, her mouth gradually dropped, and her eyes squeezed together.

This is the forward rocking motion of crying.

"Okay, okay, you can touch it!!"

Lin Heng quickly changed his mind and took her little hand over to rub the dog's head.


The little girl suddenly beamed, her face changed faster than the weather, she petted the dog and let out a silver bell-like laugh.

After a while, she also learned how to train the dog. She picked up a branch and threw it out. Although it was only thrown one meter away, Xiongba still picked it up for her.

One person and one dog had a great time playing, full of joyful laughter.

"Second brother, be careful, the dog bit Xiaoxia!"

My sister Caiyun was frightened when she saw Xiaoxia playing with the dog, and quickly whispered a reminder.

"Don't worry, I'm watching." Lin Heng smiled and shook his head.

"You didn't sleep last night and read a book all night?" He noticed that his sister had a pair of dark circles under her eyes, and she was still holding the book "How to Make Steel" in her arms.

"Yes, this book is so good. Second brother, have you read it?"

Caiyun nodded vigorously and looked at her second brother again, wanting to find someone to share her feelings with.

"Of course I have seen it. Even though it has been a long time, I still remember it clearly."

Lin Heng smiled. This book gave him a lot of confidence to persevere, but the one that resonated with him the most was Alive, published in 1992.

It was then that he accidentally saw that book, which gave him the motivation to continue living.

"Paul Korchagin is amazing. Compared to him, my living environment is much better and my body is intact.

I must study hard. If I don’t have money, I will work hard to make money. "

Caiyun's eyes became brighter, and she seemed to have found the direction of the future.

"Yes, just figure it out. I'll get you two more books in a few days."

Lin Heng smiled, walked over and picked up his daughter.

"Husband, it's time to eat!"

Xiulan came out of the house, carrying a bowl of potato soup with pickled cabbage.

"You eat too, my daughter and Xiongba are having fun, don't worry."

Lin Heng took the meal and said with a smile.

Xiulan glanced at Xiaoxia. She was worried at first, but when she saw Xiaoxia beating Xiongba and Xiongba didn't resist, she felt relieved and entered the house.

After squatting under the eaves and finishing the meal, Lin Heng poured a bowl of soup for Xiong Ba and poured the anthelmintic medicine he bought into it.


Xiongba looked up at him and refused to eat.

"Damn it, I'm here to deworm you, not to poison you. If you don't eat it, I'll take it away!"

Lin Heng couldn't help but give it a slap. You don't trust your master at all, right?

"Woof woo woo~"

Xiongba then hurriedly squatted down and ate in big mouthfuls.

Lin Heng looked at his daughter Xiaoxia, his wife Xiulan and his sister Caiyun, and they went into the river together with clothes and fish.

There is no running water at home, and these projects that consume a lot of water are connected to the river. The Shiban River is six or seven hundred meters in front of the door, not far away.

Walking to the door of Li Caixia's house next door, Li Caifeng was holding a meal and talking to Liu Lan, the daughter-in-law of the Liu family next door.

Seeing Xiulan, Liu Lan smiled and said hello: "Xiulan, I heard from Caifeng that your husband bought you a very new style of clothes. Can you let me see it?"

Liu Lan's figure can be said to have big breasts and fat buttocks, but her face is pockmarked, which makes people a little afraid to take a closer look.

"Yeah, after Lin Heng said it last time, I really want to see it." Li Caifeng also said with a smile.

"Of course it's true. I just need to take it to wash." Before Xiulan could say anything, Caiyun spoke up and stood up for her sister-in-law.

After saying that, she smiled and took out the clothes from the bamboo basket: "Look, my sister-in-law has three pieces, all bought in the city. I also have one, and I am about to take it to the river to wash."

Caiyun took out the clothes and showed them. The quality of the clothes bought in the city was much better than those in the town.

"Oh, this style is so beautiful, and these jeans, the fabric is so smooth."

Liu Lan picked up the clothes and looked at them, then exclaimed: "You think so, Caifeng?"

She was speechless. Didn't you Li Caifeng say that others didn't have it? It almost hurt me. Fortunately, I didn't ridicule them in person.

Li Caifeng's face was a little tense: "Yes, it's better than the one I had. This one should be more expensive. Lin Heng is actually so rich."

"Yeah, Lin Heng actually has the money to buy such good fabric for Xiulan?"

Liu Lan was also a little shocked. Lin Heng was a notorious second-rate man. How could he have money to buy clothes for his wife?

"Well, you have nothing to do with this." Caiyun smiled and didn't say anything, which made them anxious.

"I'll go back home and add some food, and you guys can talk first."

At this time, Li Caifeng suddenly found an excuse to go back to the house.

Because she saw Lin Heng coming over with two fish in the distance, and was afraid of being embarrassed.

"It seems that your Lin family has really made a fortune. Are you planning to build a house recently?"

Liu Lan asked curiously, "There are new clothes, fish, and I saw them digging the foundation in the morning. The Lin family has made a fortune."

She decided to get close to Xiulan more often in the future to find out what was going on.

"No, I picked the fish by the river." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Don't lie. I must have bought it. How could such a big fish be picked up?"

Liu Lan didn't believe this nonsense.

"We have to go down to the river to wash clothes, so we'll leave first." Xiulan said and left with her husband, without saying a few words from beginning to end.

Even though Li Caifeng had been talking bad things about her these days, now that she really has three new clothes, he didn't make fun of her.

Xiulan's character is like this. She only cares about her family and her own small life, and doesn't care much about others.

I’m asking for follow-up reading, recommendation votes, and monthly votes on Tuesday.

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