Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 22: You can catch anything except fish

Just when Lin Heng was confused, a small fish suddenly took a bite of the bait on the hook.

At this moment, a thicker figure bit the small fish and swallowed it with the hook.

Then he began to twist his body wildly and struggle continuously.

This is a fat and thick water snake with white and green patterns over one meter long.

The reason why the fish in the pool is always panicking is because it is hiding under the rocks to catch fish.

Lin Heng didn't realize it at all and caught the snake by mistake, so he was shocked.

He was not afraid of snakes, he was mainly frightened by the sudden appearance of the snake.

After two struggles, the fishhook made of pins was straightened directly, and the water snake fell into the water and turned around and ran away.

Lin Heng picked up a wooden stick from the side, pressed it accurately on its neck, and with one claw, the fat water snake was caught.

"It's so fat. It seems that it definitely eats a lot of fish." Lin Heng squeezed the snake's body. It was limp and covered with meat.

"Brother, let go quickly, it's so scary."

Caiyun stiffened when she saw this scene.

"It's so fat. Do you want to eat it?" Lin Heng was a little greedy. This snake was too fat and he wanted to eat it.

"Let it go, your parents will scold you, so it's better not to eat the snake." Xiulan advised, she was also a little scared.

"Okay then." Lin Heng felt a little pity, but there was nothing he could do. His parents would never agree to eating snakes.

They are superstitious that snakes are spiritual creatures and eating them will result in retribution.

When he was a child, he heard many stories, such as the black snake asking for a seal, the mythical story about asking people if he could become a dragon, and so on.

There is also a superstitious saying that hitting a snake is not guilty, but looking at a snake is guilty.

It's okay if someone hits a snake, but you can't look at it. If you don't save it if you see it, you will offend the snake and you will have to take revenge even if you die.

Lin Heng naturally didn't believe it. He and his friends had eaten it together, and there was nothing wrong with it except the delicious taste.

But in order not to be kicked out of the house, he might as well let this spicy stick go.

"What a pity, such a fat snake." Lin Heng shook his head and threw it into the grass in the distance.

This water snake is not poisonous, and he is not afraid of it coming back to him.

"Brother, we have finished washing our clothes, but you didn't catch any fish."

At this time Xiulan spoke.

"How could you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air? The fish just wasn't caught, and snakes are much harder to catch than fish."

Lin Heng's eyes widened. How could the fisherman not catch fish?

"What's the point of innocence, second brother? If you didn't catch it, you didn't catch it. We all saw it early in the morning." Caiyun said with a smile.

Lin Heng blushed and argued: "Fishing for snakes is not considered the Air Force. How can fishing for snakes and people be considered the Air Force?"

Immediately afterwards, some difficult words came out of his mouth, such as a snake is also a fish, and catching grass is not considered an air force.

Caiyun and Xiulan both laughed. Suddenly, the whole river was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

“This is not my problem, the main problem is that the hook is not good, otherwise I would have caught it long ago.

But I'm not a deadbeat either. I go hunting squirrels in the afternoon and wash Xiulan's feet in the evening. "

Lin Heng spread his hands and said, it must not be his fault.

Xiulan picked up her daughter, looked at Lin Heng and said, "Let's go back. My parents should be back."

"Wait a minute, I'll give Xiongba a bath."

Lin Heng said something, smashed the soap locust and applied it on Xiong Ba's body.


Xiong Ba restlessly licked Lin Heng's other hand, wanting to rub it against him.

"Stand quietly!"

Lin Heng gave it a headache.


Xiongba immediately lowered his head in aggrievedness, applied soap soap to it, and after rubbing it, Lin Heng rubbed its hair with plant ash.

"Okay, now lie down in the water."

Lin Heng pulled it to the center of the pool. The cleaning started, and the gray-black plant ash flowed out along with the bubbles.

Soon, Xiongba's hair returned to its original color and became soft and shiny.

"Go and shake some water."

Lin Heng pointed to the distance.


Xiongba yelled and ran over to shake the water frantically. After shaking the water, he caught up with Lin Heng without saying a word, clinging to the people walking around him, blocking his path from time to time.

"Second brother, Xiongba is so smart." Caiyun admired when he saw this scene.

"Of course." Lin Heng couldn't deny it. If there was a live broadcast in future generations, netizens would tell Xiong Ba to go to school.

As soon as the four people and one dog walked onto the road, they heard yelling and cursing coming from the village.

At first, the voice was very low, and the scolding was considered civilized, but soon it turned into a roar, slapping the thigh, and the scolding was even more unpleasant. From time to time, he would even swear.

On both sides of the river, the whole village stood at the entrance of the courtyard with their rice bowls in hand, watching the play, talking and laughing in twos and threes.

"Li Caifeng is quarreling with Wang Cuilian from the Wang family again. It's interesting." Lin Heng couldn't help but laugh. This kind of quarrel seemed interesting to outsiders.

It is one of the rare interesting things in the countryside.

After listening for a while, it turned out that the cause was just that Cuilian's garlic sprouts were missing, and she suspected that Li Caifeng had stolen them.

Then the two sides started to quarrel, and in the end they became completely angry and revealed all their old stories. They said what they had to say and made up nothing.

"Hurry up and stop looking." Xiulan glared at Lin Heng.

"I won't watch anymore."

Lin Heng said with a smile that quarreling with women slapping their thighs and slapping their butts was so interesting, and maybe they could start fighting later.

When I got home, Lin's mother and eldest sister-in-law had already returned and were cooking. They had gone up the hill to plant soybeans in the morning.

Lin's father also returned from the village, and sat in the main room with Lin Heng's third father, Lin Xutao, drinking water and chatting.

"The fish has been killed." Lin Heng handed the fish to Lin's mother.

"We will eat half today, and give half to your third father. You can rub salt on this one and dry it. You can build a house and eat it in a few days."

Lin's mother looked at Lin Heng and said.

"Got it."

Lin Heng gave the smaller one to his mother, cut the big grass carp in half with a knife, rubbed a layer of salt on it, and hung it in the south of the yard to dry.

"Xiongba, come here."

"Woof woof!"

Hearing Lin Heng's call, Xiongba ran over with his head shaking, looking at him eagerly.

"This is not for food. It's not time for dinner yet."

Lin Heng glanced at it. In his hand was Miebailing, a powder-type anthelmintic that kills fleas.

Lin Heng fell on his hand and smeared Xiongba all over his body. Only by doing a good job of deworming can the dog grow fast.

After deworming, Lin Heng went to hug his daughter and let Xiongba bask in the sun in the yard.

"Lin Heng, do you want to catch eels tonight?" Walking into the main room, the eldest brother Lin Yue made an invitation.

Every year, half a month after the seedlings are planted, it is a good time to catch eels.

At this time, the water in the paddy field gradually becomes clear, the seedlings are low, and when it gets dark, you can see the eels lying in the field ready to mate or hunt.

Eels love to dig holes, which will cause the paddy field to leak water. They are caught several times every year.

"Okay, I haven't caught eels for a long time." Lin Heng readily agreed. Catching eels is very fun.

"Dad, hold Xiaoxia for me, I'm going to do something."

Lin Heng handed his daughter to his father and said.

"Wait until I finish my business, then you go." Lin's father looked at Lin Heng and said.

Obviously, he has something to say.

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