Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 265 New Discovery, Underground Cave

This guy was chubby and had a round face. When he noticed Lin Heng and the two of them, they tilted their heads and looked at each other, seemingly a little confused.

That seems to be saying what are you looking at.

Snap! !

As if he didn't think Lin Heng and the two were a threat, this guy slapped a plum blossom fish over in the water, caught it, and went to the river bank to eat it against a big tree.

"Did you say this guy also eats fish? Didn't you say he only eats bamboo?"

Lin Yue didn't understand. After two days of searching, the result was a giant panda. It was really unacceptable.

"This thing is omnivorous. It's normal to eat fish occasionally."

Lin Heng shook his head and looked helplessly at another river channel. Every bear has its own territory. With giant pandas, there are probably no black bears nearby.

No wonder the Liu family and his son didn't come here. Maybe they already knew that there were no black bears here.

The two quietly stepped back, away from the giant panda's territory. Although it has a cat in its name, it is a real bear and should not be taken lightly just because it eats bamboo.

After leading Xiong Ba back far enough, Lin Yue looked at Lin Heng and asked, "Brother, what should we do now?"

Lin Heng thought for a while and said, "Let's go to the tributary on the other side of the river and have a look, and then make a decision."


Lin Yue nodded, then continued walking back until he came to a place where the river was relatively narrow, then took off his pants and crossed the river from here to the other side.

Walk up a little further to continue looking for black bears.

Soon they came to the intersection of the two rivers. They were now on the left bank, and continuing along the right bank was the location where the giant panda was just discovered.

The water surface where these two rivers intersect is very wide, about ten meters wide from left to right, with a bottomless pit in the middle made by the water flow, which looks bright and green.

There are also a lot of plum fish here, and you can clearly see groups of fish swimming here in the water, sprinting towards higher positions.

"This fish is so powerful, even Shipi can charge at it."

Lin Yue pointed at the stone skin not far away and said.

The river flowing out from the left bank flows down a stone surface with a temperature of more than 30 degrees. The water is very fast, but the fish below can still go up against the current.


Lin Heng was also a little amazed. One by one, the fish rushed upward desperately. This is a scene that can only be seen in documentaries.

Some fish can charge up, while others are knocked down by the water halfway through the charge.

"Woof woof~"

Suddenly Xiong Ba, who was running in front, called out and turned to look at Lin Heng.

"What is it?"

Lin Heng came over to check and found a half-eaten plump plump fish, estimated to weigh two or three pounds.

When he saw the footprints next to him, he was shocked. It was also a huge bear footprint.

"There are bears here too?" Lin Heng opened his mouth wide, a little unbelievable.

Lin Yue was shocked and a little confused at the same time: "Brother, do you think these are also the footprints of that panda? I heard that bears have their own territories and generally live alone."

Lin Heng shook his head, pointed to the bear footprints on the ground and said: "Obviously not, this footprint is smaller. Although bears are solitary animals, they may not be unable to get close to each other when eating a big meal."

In his previous life, he had seen documentaries. Many bears would go to the river to eat fish in April and May, and they had no intention of fighting.

And there's a river across it, so it's unrealistic for that panda to be that fat.

"Does that mean there are black bears here?" Lin Yue asked curiously.

Lin Heng shook his head: "The preliminary judgment should be that we will look for other clues and confirm this time."

I didn't notice the panda poop last time, otherwise I should have been able to distinguish it.


Soon Xiong Ba made a new discovery. Lin Heng walked over and took a look. It was a pile of black bear feces, a long black strip with almost no fiber.

"It's definitely a black bear."

Lin Heng rubbed Xiong Ba's head and grinned.

Pandas eat the most bamboo, so their feces are yellow with a lot of bamboo fibers. The food that black bears eat is more complex, and their feces don't have that much fiber.

"Brother, come and take a look, someone seems to have been here."

At this time, Lin Yue discovered something new not far away.

Lin Heng came over, and Lin Yue pointed to the footprints on the ground and said, "It feels like the footprints appeared recently. Could it be that the black bears here are gone?"

Lin Heng looked at the footprints on the ground, then checked around, and shook his head uncertainly: "I can't say for sure. Let's go up and have a look. If the black bear is gone, there should be other traces."

"But this is indeed bad news. Regardless of whether the black bear has been hit or not, if the shot is fired, it will probably not come back again." Lin Heng sighed again.

"That's okay." Lin Yue said.

The two of them, with their dogs, followed the bear footprints upwards. The more they went up the river, the more footprints there were, indicating that there were indeed black bears active in this place a few days ago.

They also saw human footprints, which made the two of them feel cold. The hope that someone had come and found the bear was slim.

After walking up one kilometer, the footprints gradually became sparse and the direction led to the mountain forest. The black bear should have entered the mountain from here.

"It seems there is still hope. No blood stains were found." Lin Yue said with a smile.

Lin Heng nodded: "There is indeed hope. Let's go up the mountain and look for it."

After going up the mountain, the two separated slightly and searched along the hillside.

Unconsciously, the sun was shining on the top of the head, and it was noon. Since entering the forest, it was difficult to determine the traces of bears, and Xiongba could only find the approximate direction.

"Hey, is there a goral or a takin in this place?"

As he walked, Lin Heng suddenly found that the bushes nearby had signs of being eaten. Judging from the signs, it was definitely done by herbivores, but he didn't know what kind of animal it was.

After searching for a long time, he didn't find any traces. Xiongba didn't find it either. Obviously, they didn't come out in broad daylight. Lin Heng also knew that these animals usually ran out to eat grass in the early morning and evening.

Unconsciously, it was noon, and the traces of brown bears were not easy to track. Other prey were not found either. It was extremely difficult.

Lin Heng didn't rush to take out the rope from his backpack to set up the noose trap. He set up some along the animal trail and checked the situation every day. It was easier than tracking by himself, and it could also increase the probability of capture.

After walking another two kilometers, Lin Heng gave up. The black bear's range of activities was too large, and it was estimated that there was little hope of tracking it in this way.

He set some traps on the way and found a direction to go down to the river.

The river valley here is narrower, and there are many tall trees growing. You can't see the water flow clearly on the mountain, you can only hear the sound.

"Woof woof~"

On the way down the river, Xiongba made another new discovery. Lin Heng came over and saw a pile of black bean-like feces. This is an animal path for going down the mountain to drink water.

This kind of feces can exclude forest musk deer. As for what kind of animal it is, Lin Heng can only make a rough judgment and cannot make a detailed distinction.

Arrange a rope trap on the animal path. Lin Heng went down the river. The river here became turbulent. The pebbles in the river piled up and the water flow washed on the stones, creating waves of white waves.

In the turbulent river water, you can see a lot of plum blossom fish. They like this kind of turbulent oxygen-rich river water. It is estimated that this place should be the destination.

Lin Heng saw a lot of big plum blossom fish. He took off his shoes and took a wooden stick to the waterside to knock the fish. He looked at the back and hit it with a stick. After a while, the fish flipped over.

Xiongba could have caught it himself, but he just wanted to eat the ready-made ones. Lin Heng knocked it unconscious and picked it up downstream and put it on the shore.

He caught six or seven plum fish, each weighing about two or three pounds. Small plum fish didn't have the strength to come to such a place.

"It's a pity that I can't bring my family here."

Lin Heng started a fire under a huge hickory tree and started grilling fish. The scenery in the deep mountains was so beautiful, like a paradise on earth, but it was a pity that he couldn't bring his family to enjoy it.

The sun was very hot today, but the river was very cool. The clean and beautiful blue and black stones, the rushing river, the green grass, flowers and soft sand, all of this was so beautiful.

Lin Heng sat under the tree grilling fish and enjoying the wonderful scenery.

He had grilled the fish, but his eldest brother hadn't come down yet. The agreed time should be almost up. Lin Heng didn't know what was going on.

After he filled his stomach, it was almost two o'clock before he finally saw a young man coming down from upstream, holding a white rice in his hand.

"Damn, why did my brother go upstream and catch a white rice?"

Lin Heng was a little surprised. White rice is not easy to catch. My brother is full of the aura of a novice.

Lin Yue smiled and said, "I went down to the river first and then walked up along the river. Suddenly, I met a white rice drinking water by the pool. This thing was scared of me and climbed up the tree. I raised my gun and shot it to death."


Lin Heng picked it up and looked at it. The white rice was about ten pounds, not very big. But it was indeed a considerable harvest for his elder brother.

"I found another thing upstream. There is a big cave over there. Do you want to explore it?"

Lin Yue smiled and asked again.

"Okay, we'll go after you finish your meal." Lin Heng nodded, lit the fire that was about to go out, and grilled two fish for his elder brother.

While feeding his elder brother, Lin Heng went to get some pine resin. He saw a lot when he came down just now.

Split the tip of a wooden stick into four pieces, add some freshly cut pine wood, and add some pine resin to make a torch.

Lin Heng made four torches, two for him and his elder brother.

After Lin Yue finished his meal, the two of them and the dog set out together. They walked two kilometers up the river and then walked to the mountain on the right bank.

After walking five or six hundred meters, a huge cave entrance with a downward slope appeared on a mountain about a hundred meters above the river.

The entrance was more than three meters high and looked pitch black. It was impossible to see what was inside, which gave people an inexplicable fear.

Lin Yue pointed to the cave and said, "This is it. I didn't dare to go in alone at the time."

"Then let's light the torch and take a look."

Lin Heng opened his backpack and took out a rope to tie Xiongba up and pull him to prevent him from running around and causing danger. Then he poured a little gasoline on the torch and lit it easily.

After the two torches were lit, the two put the things on the edge of the cave and his elder brother took a shotgun, and he led Xiongba and walked in front with a flashlight.

It is not safe to have only a flashlight. A torch can detect the oxygen situation inside, thus avoiding danger.

This cave is downward. As soon as I walked in, I felt a chill. The temperature was obviously much colder than outside.

There were no creatures like bats in the cave. As I walked in about ten meters, water began to drip from above. When the flashlight was shone, all of them were gray-white conical stalactites, which were obviously formed by dripping water.

"This stone is really weird."

Lin Yue was shocked when he looked at the clusters of stone flowers, stone hair, and stone waterfalls on the cave wall.

"Go inside and have a look." Lin Heng smiled. This kind of cave made him a little disappointed. There was nothing valuable and he didn't see any good ornaments.

Although I didn't see anything good, the size of the cave was a bit beyond people's expectations. After walking for 20 meters, the torch was still burning.

After walking five meters forward, the cave turned a corner, and piles of yellow round stones appeared on the ground, which were much prettier than the gray-white ones.

"Oh my god, this isn't over yet, how deep this is."

After walking for another two minutes, Lin Yue was surprised and said, this cave must be too big.

"Look here, this is citrine."

Lin Heng suddenly saw a brown-yellow crystal lump growing on the stone wall. There were many little finger-sized crystal pillars on it, glowing with an alluring brilliance.

"There's one here too. The color of this cave has started to turn red. It's so strange."

Lin Yue was a little surprised and a little scared. This environment looked somewhat scary.

"Don't be afraid, this is normal." Lin Heng shook his head, knowing the principle of formation and not panicking at all.

"Brother, hold the torch for me and I'll try to break it off."

Lin Heng handed over the torch and the flashlight, and after breaking it with both hands, he found that it was motionless. He then looked around and found a stone, which he smashed twice.

With just a click, the cluster of citrine stones fell down. Lin Heng grinned and said: "This thing is very good whether you play with it or sell it for money. Brother, I will kill whichever one you like."


Lin Yue looked around and found a thick citrine pillar that was also very beautiful.

Lin Heng took off his coat and put it on top, and it was broken by a stone.

Putting the crystal on the ground temporarily, the two continued to move forward.

There is already a lot of sand and gravel in the ground here, and the water dripping is getting more and more serious. There is not much water on the ground because the cave is diagonally downward.

Lin Heng found a few small yellow nephrite-like stones in the gravel. He was looking for Lin Yue when he suddenly said, "Brother, is this the chicken blood stone you mentioned?"

Lin Yue came over with an oval-shaped light red stone and showed it to Lin Heng.

"Yes, it is indeed bloodstone, but its quality is average."

Lin Heng was shocked. There were a lot of good things in this cave.

"Then let's look carefully." Lin Yue said happily.

Lin Heng searched everywhere and found two small light red soapstones, only about the size of a thumb.

Unable to find the two of them, we continued walking forward. After going down the slope, the slope became very gentle. There was some water on the ground and it was freezing cold.

Lin Heng rummaged for a while and suddenly saw a long blood-colored stone. He was immediately ecstatic. Bloodstones of this level are rare.

His bloodstone is thirty centimeters long and only about five centimeters thick. It looks a bit like a rounded rectangle.

"Brother, I also found a good stone."

Lin Yue also said happily. He was holding a large duck egg-shaped chicken blood stone in his hand, half blood red and half red yellow.

The length of this large goose egg is about fifteen centimeters, and the widest part in the middle is six or seven centimeters. It looks like a large goose egg.

"Yours is in better shape. You can take it home and keep it as a townhouse, and you can sell it later."

Lin Heng said with a smile, it was worth coming down from the cave. After overcoming the instinctive fear, there is indeed a big gain.

"Let's go ahead and take a look. Maybe there are others."

Lin Yue also became happy and full of interest in exploring.

Lin Heng nodded, and the two relit a torch and continued walking forward.

After a while, a brand new scene appeared in front of them, and they were shocked by the scenery in front of them.

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