Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 28 This bamboo rat is depressed

When we got home, it was already seven o'clock and dusk.

Xiulan and others had finished their farm work and came back to help carry the wood. A large pile of acorn trees as thick as forearms had already been stored.

My eldest brother and father and others also brought back a lot of the cut trees, because when my eldest brother got married a few years ago, my parents were preparing to build houses for their two sons.

So many of the big trees had been cut down for a year or two, and now they were dry, so they were not very heavy to carry back.

"Xiulan." Lin Heng called out.

Xiulan turned her head and smiled when she saw Lin Heng coming back.

Before she could speak, her sister-in-law Liu Juan spoke up: "Lin Heng, come and help move the wood, and try to finish it today.

Everyone is working, but you are idle. You are not worse than us women, are you?"

Lin Heng wanted to help, but when he heard this, he took out the grouse and rabbit he had shot: "Sister-in-law, does hunting on two mountains count as being idle? If so, I will roast a rabbit by myself tonight."

Seeing the rabbit and grouse, the sister-in-law's eyes lit up and a smile appeared on her face: "So you went hunting, I didn't know, go back and drink some water, we can do this job."

She was wondering in her heart, how could Lin Heng really become a different person after he changed his ways this time, and he never went hunting empty-handed, which made her doubt her life.

"You caught another rabbit?" Lin's mother widened her eyes, a little unbelievable.

"I only caught a grouse, and the rabbit was caught by Xiongba." Lin Heng pointed at Xiongba and said with a smile.


Xiongba held his head high, his ears erect, and looked like he was asking for credit.

"Is this dog really that powerful?" Lin's mother was a little unconvinced.

"Look at the rabbit yourself, there are still teeth marks on its neck." Lin Heng spread his hands.

"Then give it more food tonight, so that it can grow well." Lin's mother's attitude towards Xiongba changed.

As long as it doesn't eat white rice, she welcomes it.

"Xiu Lan, come back and help me deal with the grouse and rabbits."

Lin Heng shouted again, not wanting his wife to be so tired. She walked such a long way yesterday, and she must be very tired today.

"Go, there are not many left, and we can move them all." Lin's mother said.

"Okay, I'll go back and help cook."

Hearing her mother's words, Xiu Lan put down the wood and went home with Lin Heng.

"Brother, did you get anything today?"

In the yard, Caiyun was holding Xiaoxia and her eldest sister-in-law's two little sons. When she saw Lin Heng coming back, she asked with a smile.

Compared with before, she became much more cheerful, which may be the effect of books.

"Of course, since we didn't catch the squirrel, the grouse will be our bet for the morning." Lin Heng handed the grouse to Caiyun.

"Kill it and let everyone eat it. My second brother and I were just joking." Caiyun said.

Lin Heng handed the grouse to his wife Xiulan and asked her to deal with it. He took out a knife, sharpened it, and began to peel the rabbit skin.

There are skills to peeling the skin. Start from the neck and peel a few centimeters with a knife. Then you can pull it with your hands. Pull hard and the skin and flesh will separate automatically.

Lin Heng stretched the skin with bamboo sticks and began to remove the internal organs.


Xiongba had been waiting for a long time, looking at him eagerly.

"Don't worry, I will give it to you and cook it for you." Lin Heng touched its head, processed the rabbit intestines, took it into the house, cooked it and fed it to Xiongba.

Xiulan was reluctant to see this scene, but did not say anything, because she felt that her husband did nothing wrong.

How can you want the horse to run and not give it grass to eat?

But when she processed the grouse, she kept the chicken heart, liver, and gizzard, and put the rest into the pot to cook for Xiongba.

Lin Heng naturally noticed his wife's little move, took her hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will let you live a life of endless delicacies from the mountains and the sea, and you won't worry about food anymore."

"Your hands are all greasy." Xiulan glanced at him, but didn't break free, and said: "It's good now, don't think about making a lot of money."

"Don't worry, I won't leave you." Lin Heng knew what his wife was worried about.

"Eat half a rabbit tonight, and smoke the remaining half with the grouse. How about building a house in two days?"

Xiulan looked at him and asked.

"Sure, you can fry the yellow head with rabbit meat and hot and sour onions. I want to eat it."

Lin Heng looked at his wife's face and said with a smile.

"Sure, eat more. You didn't eat much of the fish in the morning, and you put the fish I picked for you in my bowl." Xiulan looked at him with some complaints.

It was so delicious, but the husband seemed to be uninterested. Eating more meat can help you grow and have the strength to work.

"Okay, okay, I'll eat more." Lin Heng felt sweet in his heart. His wife really loved him.

"Lin Heng, come out quickly, look what I got!!"

At this time, the voice of the uncle-in-law came from outside, and his words were full of excitement.

Lin Heng and Xiulan walked out involuntarily.

In the yard, the uncle-in-law Li Baiquan was holding a big bamboo rat with gray hair and said happily: "A big bamboo rat weighing more than one pound, how about it? Not bad, right?"

"You don't know, I hit it on the head with a slingshot at that time, but this thing didn't die and ran around.

I took a bamboo pole and chased it, and finally pierced it through the bamboo pole."

When the uncle-in-law said this, his saliva flew everywhere, and you can imagine how excited he was.

It is not exciting to kill a fish with one shot, but it is exciting to catch it after it runs away.

It is like fishing a ten-pound fish and the rod bursts, but you pull the remaining half of the fish up, how exciting it is, no words are needed.

"Awesome!" Lin Heng gave a thumbs up, and you can tell how excited his uncle was from the bamboo rat being stabbed through.

"Hehe, eat it, peel it now, and fry it tonight." The uncle laughed and said loudly.

"There will be rabbits tonight, take this back for my third sister Hongcui and others to taste."

Lin's mother came over and refused, her third brother-in-law likes to show off, often squandering all the good things outside and not leaving them at home.

He must not be allowed to do this in her family, otherwise the third sister will blame him as her sister.

"Yes, there is enough rabbit meat to eat, take the bamboo rat home for my aunt and my brother to eat."

Lin Heng also persuaded.

"No, I caught it here, and I have to eat it here no matter what. If you don't kill it, I will do it myself."

The uncle shook his head and took the knife to deal with it himself, like a stubborn bull.

"Then give it to me, I will deal with it." Lin's mother had no choice but to take it.

After dealing with it, she only cut off one-third and fried it, and kept the remaining two-thirds for Li Baiquan to take back when he left.

Faced with such a stubborn temper, you can only deal with it this way.

The meal was quickly prepared in the evening, and Lin's father and eldest brother Lin Yue had almost finished the wood.

When he entered the house and smelled the meat, he smiled immediately.

"Second brother, you said you have this skill, why didn't you show it before." Lin Yue admired Lin Heng, and his younger brother was really good at it.

"It's my fault. If I had made up my mind to break his leg earlier, maybe he would have been at ease to take care of the family."

Lin's father smiled and shook his head, looking very sorry.

Lin Heng: "..."

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