"Wow, the air is so nice this morning."

Lin Heng opened the window early in the morning and said.

"I'm going to sleep a little longer, I'm so sleepy!" Xiulan stretched and lay down again.

"You sleep on your own and leave the rest to me." Lin Heng smiled at her and said that it was normal to feel sleepy early in pregnancy.

"Hmm~" Xiulan just hummed and fell asleep again.

Lin Heng looked at his sleeping daughter, then went out to complete his daily exercises, and practiced bow and arrow in the back mountain.

This kind of thing cannot be interrupted. Only by persevering can you have a healthy and strong body. Only after you have lived a lifetime will you realize how important a healthy and strong body is. The bad habits you had when you were young will turn into boomerangs and hit you hard in the forehead when you are old.

Lin Heng was still very weak when he was reborn last year, and he surrendered after only five or six minutes of having sex with Xiulan.

Now I can do it easily for twenty or thirty minutes, and I don’t feel weak even if I do it two or three times at intervals. This is the reward of exercising.

The muscles in his arms are now strong, and there is no pressure at all when pulling a fifty-pound bow. Although his abdomen has not been deliberately exercised, there are obvious vest lines, and four abdominal muscles that are not very hard can be seen.

If he could give one piece of advice to young people, it would be to exercise. If you stick to it, there will be great changes in both your physical condition and your spirit. Other investments may lose money, but investing in your own body will always make you money.

After the exercise, Lin Heng squeezed some milk and picked two cucumbers. After returning home, I took some charcoal and ignited it in the earthenware stove. I put a small casserole on it and slowly boiled the milk.

While the milk was boiling, Lin Heng went to turn over the eggs. They started hatching on the 17th, and it was already 16 days ago. In fact, it didn't matter whether they were turned over or not. In five or six days, the chicks would hatch.

The reason why the eggs are turned is mainly to prevent the chicken embryos and eggshells from sticking together. Now that they are basically formed, this problem no longer exists.

In the past two days, he had half removed the quilt covering the box to let the temperature inside drop a bit and maintain it at thirty-six or seven degrees.

When the milk was almost boiled, he added some tea leaves and continued to boil for a while. After cooking, filter out the tea leaves and pour the mashed strawberries in, add a little honey, and a real cup of strawberry honey milk tea is ready.

Putting the hot milk aside, Lin Heng put the eggs into a casserole and boiled them. He checked the time and asked Xiulan and her daughter to eat.

"Get up and eat, there is something delicious." Lin Heng shook Xiulan and Xiaoxia respectively.

"Oh, I've been getting more and more sleepy lately." Xiulan yawned and sat up.

The quilt slipped off, exposing Xiulan's snow-white and delicate skin. She had been doing exercises with Lin Heng a lot this year, and her figure had become better than before, especially her flexibility.

"It's normal. It's like this when you're pregnant." Lin Heng watched intently.

Xiulan glanced at him and said while putting on clothes: "You won't like to see your belly in a few days."

"I always like to watch." Lin Heng said firmly.

Xiulan was very happy and said with a smile: "Go and dress Xiaoxia quickly."

Lin Heng came to Xiaoxia's bedside, and she suddenly stood up with teeth and claws: "Wow, I'm a big monster! I'm going to eat you!"

"Okay, okay, you knocked me down. The big monster is so scary." Lin Heng pretended to be dead and then dressed her up.

"Dad, I can put on socks by myself!" Xiaoxia said as she put them on.

"That's awesome. Dad just happened to prepare something delicious for you." Lin Heng touched her head.

He checked the time and asked Xiulan to take Xiaoxia to wash up while he took out the eggs and chilled them.

Boil the eggs in cold water for seven minutes and take them out. Half of the yolk will be runny and become a runny egg.

In addition to these, Lin Heng also set up a wire mesh, put dried venison and bacon on it and grilled it, and soon the oil was sizzling and giving off a rich aroma.

“It smells so good~”

Xiaoxia ran over like a greedy cat, looking drooling.

"We also made barbecue, it's very luxurious." Xiulan was also surprised.

"Try the strawberry honey milk tea I made." Lin Hengjiang pointed at the milk tea in the cup and said, which was just warm at this time.

He had already drank half a cup himself, and it tasted delicious.

Xiulan picked it up curiously and took a sip. Her calm face revealed a look of surprise: "What a wonderful taste."

She licked the milk stains on her lips and took two more sips.

"It tastes good! Dad is so awesome!!" Xiaoxia drank several sips before she had time to talk.

"How to make it? I'll make it another day." Xiulan asked curiously. This tastes much better than milk alone.

"It's very simple, just boil milk with tea leaves, and then add mashed strawberries." Lin Heng said as he handed her a piece of meat.

"I'll try it another day." Xiulan nodded, sat down and continued tasting.

After eating eggs and a few pieces of barbecue, this breakfast is simply perfect, and the whole day will be happy.

The already fragrant bacon and venison become even more fragrant when grilled like this, and you can't stop eating them for a while.

After eating barbecue, you can also eat cucumber to relieve fatigue, which is really perfect.

"Let's go dig for snails." After breakfast, Xiulan looked at her watch and said, it was already nine o'clock.

"Okay." Everyone nodded, they took the plastic buckets and two two-meter-long small nets and set off.

"Woof woof woof~~"

The bully is having fun in the back and likes to come out and walk around with it.

"Is Xiongba in heat this year?" Lin Heng suddenly became curious about this matter.

"He is in heat, but I didn't let him out." Xiulan said.

"Then let's find a mate for him in September or October." Lin Heng thought for a while and said that Lai Fu, the child-raised dog, is not yet grown up and can't be used for the time being.

But we can find a suitable dog in the village to mate first.

"Let's go to the big field of Yang's family, next to the lower ditch. I heard that there are many snails in that field." Xiulan said.

"Then let's go and take a look." Lin Heng nodded, and the three of them walked down the road.

From a distance, I could see my father and eldest brother spreading fertilizer in the field. His family's seedlings were planted earlier and were obviously thicker than those of other families.

"What are you doing?" Lin's father shouted from a distance.

"Picking snails." Lin Heng responded. He didn't go to help spread fertilizer. Two people were enough for this job. He would go to help weed corn and soybeans in a few days.

"Your mother is herding cattle in the lower river. You can come together." Lin's father shouted.

Lin Heng responded and pulled his daughter forward. After a while, they came to the lower river one kilometer away. There was a small ditch with water flowing down here. The river valleys on both sides were quite wide.

They saw their own cattle and sheep from a distance, but they didn't see their mother.

"Grandma, grandma!"

Xiaoxia called a few times but there was no movement.

"Let's go to the field first." Xiulan said.

Lin Heng nodded and picked up Xiaoxia and crossed the river. After a while, they came to the edge of Yang's big field, which was an area of ​​1.2 acres. At this time, the seedlings had just been planted in the field. The water was clear and the seedlings seemed very scarce.

However, what shocked them was the big snails crawling in the water. In the warm sunshine, they carried their shells and moved quickly on the gray soil, revealing two tentacles like horns.

"So many, Liu Lan didn't lie to me!" Xiulan said in surprise. There were too many.

"So many." Xiulan reached out and grabbed one, and checked it curiously.

The snails in the field are really big and numerous, each as big as a mineral water bottle cap, and there are so many of them that you can see them everywhere.

Lin Heng nodded and said, "These are much bigger than what we caught in the river. We'll catch some and raise them in the field this time."

Few people eat snails here. Many people think it's dirty, and some think it's poisonous.

But in fact, only the north has few people eating it, and the south has been eating it since ancient times. Moreover, it takes skill to make this thing. It tastes good if it's done well, and it smells fishy if it's not done well.

"Let's start catching it." Xiulan nodded. There's no need to go into the water. Just pick the big ones with a scoop net.

After a while, the two of them caught half a bucket. It was so easy. It was Xiaoxia's fault for messing with the scoop net while they were sitting.

"Hey, it's really you guys. I said it sounded like it." Lin's mother came down from the side woods, with surprise in her voice.

"We called you several times and you didn't respond." Xiulan replied.

Mother Lin lifted the epimedium and honeysuckle in her hand and said happily: "I went to get this and didn't hear it in the forest. How many snails did you catch?"

"There are a lot in this field. I caught half a bucket and I'm going to catch a bucket." Lin Heng said.

"Then I'll help you." Mother Lin put down the bag and came over.

"Grandma, I caught a lot of snails too." Xiaoxia held the snails in her hand and smiled with a mouthful of white milk teeth.

"You're amazing. Grandma picked delicious food for you." Mother Lin praised her and took a leaf ball from her pocket. After opening it, there were rosy goat milk fruits inside.

"Wow, thank you grandma!" Xiaoxia happily hugged her grandma's hand and cheered.

"Wash your hands and eat quickly." Mother Lin touched her head and said, she picked two and one for Lin Tao and them, she was not a partial person.

This reminded Lin Heng of his grandfather, who always brought him all kinds of wild fruits in the past.

With Lin's mother and Xiaoxia, Lin Heng went into the water to catch snails in the middle of the field. He soon caught a bucket of snails, which came with a plastic bag of about five pounds.

"Let's go to the river to wash snails." Lin Heng said with a smile while carrying a bucket full of snails.

"This time we can eat it to our heart's content. This bucket must have thirty or forty pounds." Lin's mother said with a smile. She also ate it once last year and thought it was good.

Lin Heng smiled and said, "About thirty pounds, but there's not much meat."

But eating snails is really a happy thing.

When he came to the river, Lin Heng poured some snails into a sack, and then poured some coarse sand into the sack and kept rubbing it. After a few minutes, the snail shells were clean without a trace of mud and moss.

But it's not edible yet. Next, they need to be kept in a bucket with some edible salt and some oil on the surface. It won't take long for them to spit out the mud and sand.

The three of them played and waited on the big bluestone by the river after putting the snails where they were left to spit out the sand. Xiulan took Xiaoxia to play by the water, soaking her feet in the water, while Lin Heng tried to catch fish barefoot in the water.

After waiting for about half an hour to deal with the mud and sand spit out by the snails, and then waiting for another half an hour, it was about 11:30 that the snails could be killed.

Lin's mother went to see the cows, and came over to remove the internal organs with pliers with Xiulan. The snails could be removed by pinching the tip of the snail.

After Lin Heng washed the snails in the bucket, he came over to help deal with it. It took an hour to kill about half a bucket, which was enough to eat.

"I also drove the cattle and sheep back." Lin's mother stood up and said.

"I'll go, you wait for me on the road." Lin Heng stood up and said.

He ran fast and soon drove the cow to the road, then walked back with the snails. When he was almost home, he threw the five catties of snails he caught into a muddy field in his home that was always full of water.

His father and elder brother had also finished their work and returned home. They were killing eels at this moment. Lin Heng took the snails they caught back to his room and prepared to fry them and bring them back to eat.

This thing requires a generous amount of ingredients and soul perilla. He was afraid that the snails he had worked so hard to make would be ruined by his elder sister-in-law.

At a little after one o'clock, Lin Wei ran over and shouted, "Second father, let's eat."

"Okay, my snails are ready too." Lin Heng smiled and nodded, and took a bowl of snails over.

"There are so many, second father, why didn't you call me when you caught the snails? I'm a master." Lin Wei drooled at the big bowl of snails.

"You were in school this morning." Lin Heng gave him one to try.

Lin Wei sucked it up in one gulp and gave a thumbs up: "It's delicious, better than what my mom made last year."

Lin Heng smiled slightly and took the snails over. Xiaoxia and Xiulan were already seated.

"Today's meal is rich, let's have a good meal." Lin's father looked at the dishes on the table and said with a smile.

"Eat as much snails as you want." Lin Heng said with a smile.

After everyone sat down, they took a few sips of wine and could eat. Lin Heng picked up two chopsticks of food for Xiulan and his parents and started eating snails.

Although there was not much meat, it was really delicious. Not only him, but his father and eldest brother were also busy. This thing was perfect with a little wine.

After a meal, the ground was full of snail shells. This thing was too addictive. On the contrary, there were some leftovers from other dishes on the table.

After eating a little rice, the meal ended.

After returning home, I took the cold tea made with honeysuckle and went to the pavilion in the backyard. I sat on a bench while digesting the food and watching the fish playing and chasing in the water.

"The lotus is about to bloom, and the buds have grown." Xiulan pointed at the two graceful lotuses and smiled.

"It will be the Dragon Boat Festival in two days, so it will definitely bloom." Lin Heng nodded. The weather is already very hot.

The fish pond is now heavily occupied by lotus leaves. Only a small part in the center can you see the fish. Lin Heng plans to cut some lotus leaves in the afternoon. Too many will affect the view.

Xiaoxia went to swing under the grape trellis after finishing here for a while. Xiulan leaned on Lin Heng and watched the fish for a while and fell asleep unconsciously.

Lin Heng looked at her sleeping face with a faint smile on his lips. As the pregnancy time got longer and longer, she gradually had the reaction of pregnancy. Now she was just sleepy, and it was estimated that she would start to vomit soon.

Pregnancy is really a hard thing.

Seeing the sun coming, Lin Heng picked her up and brought her into the house. He put her on the boat and wanted to leave, but she grabbed him like an octopus.

Lin Heng thought she was pretending to sleep, but after a closer look, it was not. It was probably just an instinctive habit. He lay beside her and waited for a while before he was able to get away.

"Dad, I want to go play with Yang Qing. I gave her strawberries yesterday." Xiaoxia tilted her head and said after Lin Heng came out.

"Then I'll take you there." Lin Heng pulled her.

They went to the ginkgo tree in the center of the village but didn't see Yang Qing. After asking someone, they found out that she was sent by her mother to pick grass for pigs.

It's not uncommon for children in rural areas to start working at the age of four or five. Xiaoxia could only play hopscotch with others. After playing for a while, she went home in boredom.

Lin Heng took her to the study to play paper cutting. At around three o'clock, there was a knock on the door outside: "Is Xiaoxia there?"

After a while, a little girl pushed the door open and came in.

"I'm here, I'm here!" Xiaoxia ran out happily.

"Look, I found the crotch fruit today." Yang Qing took out some goat milk fruit and shared it with Xiaoxia.

"Wow, it's really red." Xiaoxia exclaimed, and the two soon played together.

Lin Heng rested for a while. At almost four o'clock, he was ready to take a hoe to help his parents weed. Before he got up, he found that Xiulan had woken up.

"I'll go too if you weed." Xiulan smiled. She knew that this was discussed at noon.

"Then let's go." Lin Heng smiled and nodded. It's good to walk around now since she's not pregnant yet. Just do less work.

Xiulan took the lead, and Lin Heng carried a bag of urea and walked to the cornfield. Yang Qing went back and said that she took a basket and went up the mountain with Xiaoxia. She used the excuse of picking pig grass to let her mother agree to let her run around.

"This urea has to be applied farther away. A large spoonful of corn is enough. It has to be five or six centimeters away." Lin Heng looked at Lin's mother and Xiulan and demonstrated.

They applied fertilizer, and he, his eldest brother, father, and eldest sister-in-law used hoes to weed.

"I understand." The two nodded and began to apply fertilizer according to Lin Heng's request.

People like this are very curious about this thing. They are all looking forward to the effect of fertilizer and purchased seeds this year. At present, the seedlings of these purchased seeds seem to be only slightly larger than their own seeds.

Father Lin asked curiously, "Then we just dig up the grass and cover it with fertilizer?"

"Yes, that's it." Lin Heng nodded, demonstrated and everyone started to work in a hurry.

Although the family has been separated, everyone still works together, which is lively and fast.

"Many people in the village are talking about our family now. It depends on the effect of the seeds we bought." Father Lin said with a smile. He no longer doubts the effect of fertilizer because it has been tested.

The same land is used to grow peppers. One is urea, one is manure, and the other is nothing. The last comparison is too obvious. The one with urea is ten centimeters taller than the other two. The effect is simply too good.

"I guarantee they will want to buy it next year after seeing it." Lin Heng said that the seeds he bought were an overwhelming victory in terms of yield.

"Then you can sell it directly in the village and make a fortune." Lin Yue said.

"I think so too." Lin Heng nodded, and then said: "Brother, you can actually open a store in the village, which is also very profitable."

He was too lazy to open a store in the village again. Compared with his current business, the small store in the village was really a drizzle. And Xiulan said that she preferred to make things and run in the mountains with him, and didn't like to sit at home selling things all day long.

But for his eldest brother, making a few hundred yuan a year is a lot of income.

"We have thought about it, and the cost may not be low." Sister-in-law Liu Juan was very interested and asked quickly.

"It can be done with an investment of four or five hundred yuan if you import less goods. You can make four or five hundred yuan a year by selling daily necessities in the village. The goods can be taken from my store in the town, and you don't have to go to the city." Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

Lin Yue took the lead and said, "Let's save money for a year first. I'll see if I can hunt. We'll start hunting when we have money."

He didn't want his wife to ask his brother for money again. Lin Heng had helped them enough, and they couldn't take advantage of him in everything.

Liu Juan looked at her husband and could only agree, "Yes, let's save money first."

"Tell me when you decide." Lin Heng nodded and said, and he didn't say to lend money to his eldest brother. Helping such things is also too much.

He gave them a way to make money, and whether they can succeed depends on their own efforts.

Just like this fertilizer and seeds, this year they let them feel the effect, and when the eldest brother's family needs it next year, they will have to buy it themselves.

This year, the corn and soybeans planted are much less than last year. In two days, they have removed all the grass from both families.

Then they spent another day fertilizing the sweet potatoes and turning over the sweet potato bowls.

Doing farm work is not an easy thing, but when you get rid of the need for survival and do it slowly with a playful nature, it's okay.

While doing farm work, Lin Heng did not forget his shrimp seedlings. He checked them at least twice a day to make sure they were fine and growing up day by day.

The Dragon Boat Festival passed quietly during these two days. They inserted mugwort and calamus on the door, and picked various fire-reducing medicines such as honeysuckle and houttuynia cordata on the Dragon Boat Festival.

But the meal was not eaten at home, but at his uncle's house. Lin Heng looked at his dying grandmother again and gave her milk powder made by Xiulan and freshly picked strawberries.

The old man's legs and feet were getting worse and worse, and it was difficult for him to walk, but he still smiled happily when he saw Lin Heng, holding his hand and habitually stuffing him with rock sugar.

Lin Heng and Xiulan fed her strawberries and told her that Xiulan was pregnant with her second child. The old man was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth. He held the hands of the two and kept talking. The words were not continuous, and he couldn't speak clearly.

But it didn't matter. Lin Heng knew that she just wanted to talk to someone. They just needed to keep smiling and nodding, and the old man would be very happy.

His grandmother likes mint and planted a large area in the corner. Whenever Lin Heng comes in the summer, he can drink mint water. But his uncle always thinks that it is blocking the way and removes a lot of it, so the old man often quarrels with him.

However, this year, his uncle did not remove it because the old woman is too old and he can't bear to make her angry.

Lin Heng wants to accompany his grandmother often, but unfortunately the distance is too far and he can only come once every few months. Before rebirth, his grandmother didn't survive the winter of last year, so he now cherishes the days of accompanying her and asks his mother to come more often.

He can't stop feeling sad when he thinks of these things. Aging is something that money can't change.

He persuaded his family to live a healthy life more frequently and took Xiulan Xiaoxia to exercise because he had experienced the feeling of losing a loved one.

Even though he knew that rebirth could not change the passage of time, he also wanted his parents to live a little longer.

On the morning of June 5th, the weather was gloomy today and it seemed that it was about to rain. After entering summer, the rain became more and more frequent.

Xiulan's pregnancy symptoms became more and more obvious. She always didn't get enough sleep. Lin Heng got up early to make breakfast. Strawberries began to mature in large batches these days. He cooked strawberry honey milk tea that Xiulan and Xiaoxia loved to drink in the morning, boiled eggs and called them to eat.

"It's really rich." Xiulan came over after washing up and said with a smile.

She took a sip of the milk tea and suddenly put it down quickly, covered her mouth and ran out of the door.


She held the door and vomited violently.

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