Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 9 I don’t think you are incapable

After Chen Xiulan finished eating, she prepared bath water for Lin Heng: "Hurry up and wash up, the clothes are all ready for you."

After saying that, she carried her daughter into the house. There was no bathroom at all, she just used a basin in the firewood room to wash herself.

It's still a bit cold in the morning and evening this season, and Lin Heng is as cold as a hornet's nest.

There were no lights in the room, only the light from the stove. After a quick shower, Lin Heng went outside to use the toilet.

It was only around eight o'clock in the evening, but there was no light in the village. There was no electricity or entertainment facilities, so everyone went to bed very early.

This is the countryside in the 1980s, poor and backward, and people worked hard to keep their stomachs full.

I took a look at the starry sky above my head. It was densely covered with stars and the Milky Way was visible in the distance.

"Tomorrow will be a sunny day again." Lin Heng sighed, shook his head after going to the toilet, and returned to the bedroom.

His wife Chen Xiulan had just finished making the bed, but her daughter Xiaoxia was still moving around on the bed, giggling and not sleeping.

"Leave it to me." Lin Heng nodded, got on the bed and started teasing his daughter.

Chen Xiulan nodded, took her clothes and went to the woodshed to take a shower.

The smell of kerosene lamp in the room was a bit unpleasant, and the light was still very dim. My daughter hugged Lin Heng's neck and giggled.

"Sleep well, daddy will tell you fairy tales..."

Lin Heng put her on the bed and told her the story of Little Red Riding Hood while playing the role of the Big Bad Wolf.

Naturally, the little girl didn't understand what he was talking about, but it didn't stop her from coaxing her to sleep. After pretending to be the big bad wolf and whining for a while, the little guy suddenly fell asleep and fell asleep.

He placed his sleeping daughter against the wall in the bed and covered him with a quilt. Looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar little face, Lin Heng felt a little emotional and melancholy. In this life, he must make sure that the little girl has a good life and is rich in education and literacy. .

This couldn't help but remind him of his useless son in his previous life. He would definitely never see him again in this life. Rebirth would definitely mess up everything, but he felt it was nothing to regret.

That son was less engaged in his job than he was, and he had less emotions to speak of. It would be the same if he had another son in this life.

"Did you put your daughter to sleep?" Chen Xiulan was a little surprised when she walked in after taking a bath.

"Yes, take a rest quickly, wife!" Seeing Chen Xiulan's body emitting water vapor, Lin Heng instantly had the urge to create a human being.

Chen Xiulan's face turned red, she blew out the kerosene lamp and went to bed. As soon as she lay down, she felt a big hand hugging her.

"Please be gentle, don't wake up your daughter." Chen Xiulan suddenly felt a little shy today.

"Don't worry, it won't happen."

Lin Heng chuckled, as anxious as a monkey.

He was so happy to have his young body again after not seeing her for decades.

It took more than half an hour of fun before it was over, and both of us were sweating profusely.

"Why do you feel like you are a different person today!"

Chen Xiulan whispered, even doing that kind of thing was different from before.

In the past, Lin Heng only cared about his own feelings. When he was done, he would lie down and go to sleep. He didn't care about her feelings at all, as if she was no different from a doll.

Today was different. Even after it was over, he still held her tightly in his arms. His techniques and movements made her very happy.

Especially now being held like this made her feel safe and warm like never before.

"I was a bastard and a bastard in the past. From now on, I will treat you wholeheartedly, let you live a good life that everyone will envy, and let your mother-in-law know that you are not with the wrong person."

Lin Heng hugged his wife and whispered in her ear. He could feel his wife's heart pounding close to her.

I owed too much in my previous life, and I just want to make up for it with all my strength in this life.

Chen Xiulan was moved by these words, grabbed Lin Heng's hand and whispered softly: "As long as you live a good life with me, everything else is not important."

Lin Heng was silenced by this sentence. She often said this sentence in her previous life, but he had never heard of her not being treated well after cheating her out of the house.

Suddenly, Lin Heng hugged his wife over and faced him.

"What are you doing……"

Before Chen Xiulan could finish speaking, Lin Heng blocked her mouth...

It lasted for more than ten minutes, until both of them were exhausted.

Early the next morning, Chen Xiulan got up at dawn and held her daughter, who had already woken up, to breastfeed.

Lin Heng opened his eyes in confusion and prepared to sit up, but felt weak in his lower back and lay down again.

Chen Xiulan couldn't help but laugh when she saw this scene.

Lin Heng glared at his wife angrily: "It's not all because of you that you still laugh."

"I didn't ask you to come three times in one night." Chen Xiulan opened her eyes wide and smiled innocently.

I thought to myself that it was obviously your own intemperance, and I reminded you, yet you still blame me.

"You're not too tempting!"

Lin Heng lay on the bed angrily, feeling happy in his heart. He missed her very much because of his rebirth, and his wife was in good shape, so he couldn't help but indulge himself too much.

Chen Xiulan's face turned red: "Stop saying this, your parents will be embarrassed to death if they hear you."

After feeding the baby and coaxing her for a while, she fell asleep again.

Chen Xiulan couldn't stand Lin Heng's gaze for a long time. She quickly got dressed and got up. She came in again after a while and brought Lin Heng a cup of tea.

Lin Heng took a look and saw that what was soaked in it was actually kidney essence grass and epimedium, two kidney-tonifying herbs.

Seeing Lin Heng's gaze, Chen Xiulan quickly explained: "I was afraid that you would hurt your body, and I didn't mean to think that you were incapable."

Lin Heng: "..."

What can I say? I silently took the tea and drank it.

He secretly decided to exercise well and make his wife beg for mercy in the future.

When Lin Heng got up, everyone else got up too. Xiulan and her mother Lu Hongmei were making breakfast, and the others were washing their faces.

Lin Heng walked out of the yard and stared at the heavy dew on the plants in the morning.

After a while, he saw his sister Lin Caiyun coming from outside the vegetable garden with a large bundle of grass on her back, holding a book in her hand, reading as she walked.

After walking to the cowshed not far away, she put away the book and took out the grass to feed the cows.

"Caiyun, do you really want to read?" Lin Heng asked as he walked over.

Caiyun glanced at Lin Heng and said sensibly, "I'm just reading to pass the time. I'm 16 years old and it's time to share the burden for the family."

She said she didn't want to, but her eyes couldn't hide it at all. She only studied to the sixth grade and should have been promoted to junior high school this year, but her father Lin Xuan had stopped her from studying.

She felt that it was useless for a girl to study so much, so she should go home to help with the work and find a good husband's family to marry in two years.

This is still good. Many girls in the village are not allowed to study after the second or third grade.

Lin Heng knew that there were actually his own reasons. He was in the second year of junior high school and still had no job, which made his father think that studying was useless.

Lin Heng also thought so in his previous life, but after experiencing many things, he realized the benefits of studying.

"Don't worry, I will pay for you to go to school in September. If you don't learn more knowledge, it will be difficult to turn over in this life."

Lin Heng looked at his sister and said with a smile.

When Lin Caiyun heard this, her bright eyes flickered, and then dimmed again: "Thank you, second brother, it doesn't matter if you don't study. My family also needs my help. If you have money, give more to sister-in-law Xiulan. She works very hard."

She didn't believe that her second brother could have money for him to go to school. After all, the most unreliable person in the family was the second brother.

Even if there was money, she would be embarrassed to ask for it. Sister-in-law Xiulan worked so hard, and the money should be given to her.

The poor family made her dare not have such unreasonable thoughts. Everyone in the family worked very hard, and she didn't want to drag down the family.

Lin Heng was silent for a moment, then smiled and said, "I will have a lot of money by then."

He still remembered how difficult his sister's life was in her previous life. The husband she married not only liked to drink, but also liked to gamble, and he would beat Caiyun when he got drunk or lost in gambling.

She was born earlier than him. Although he was idle, at least he didn't gamble, get drunk, or beat his wife. He could correct his mistakes and repent.

That beast was still gambling until his death. The family's wealth was completely lost. Caiyun was found dead in bed by neighbors.

In this life, Lin Heng would not allow such a tragedy to happen again. He wanted his sister to study more and go to college.

"I believe in my second brother." Caiyun smiled slightly, but in fact, she had already given up any hope in her heart.

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